Grubsheet marks its 100th posting in a most unfortunate way – the announcement that we are banning one of our readers for overt racism and inciting violence. Wilson Tamanikaira, whose real name is Ilisoni Tamanikaira, is an avowed indigenous supremacist from Fiji who happens to live in the Australian city of Toowoomba. He is educated and articulate but we have endured his racist taunts and outrageous prejudice for long enough. Twice now, he has urged indigenous Fijians to beat Grubsheet on sight or “give him a hiding”. It is the last time he does so in these columns.
He was given a warning to desist but has repeated the outrage. So any further postings from him will be deleted. His racist rantings are tolerated elsewhere so he will continue to have ample outlets for his message of hate. But he’s a one-man symbol of why racial equality in Fiji has to be enforced at the point of a gun. He’s also a one-man symbol of why free speech has its limits. When we started this blog, we chose not to follow the practice elsewhere of reviewing comments before they are published. We did this because we passionately believe in free speech. But that does not include inciting violence. We intend to lodge a formal complaint with both the Australian and Fijian authorities about this individual. He is a menace and a clear threat to public order, having broken the laws on racial vilification and inciting violence. He is a throwback to an era of savagery and his views have no place in civilised discourse. Similar comments by other readers will also be removed. On that unhappy note, we look forward to our next century.
Chand says
I got this from google…this could be him and I hope the authorities find him
1. 30 Jan 2011 – My story teller at Burelevu that day was Ilisoni Tamanikaira, younger brother of the Tui Lagi, the chief of Burelevu, Ratu Peni Vulaibua. “All the …
8 Feb 2011 – Ilisoni Tamanikaira, villager of Burelevu, remembers the time they were approached for the project. There were meetings held in the village
11 Jun 2011 – At the outset I must say that Ilisoni Tamanikaira is my real name and you can confirm that with the NLC records in Suva. I have been posting my …
Pious says
Vinaka Graham. A great decision.
In 1987 the voice of moderation calling for calm, were shouted down by the shrill calls for indigenous Fijian supremacy by radical Fijian ethno-nationalists who threatened violence against anyone who even questioned their views.
There is no need for me to recount horrific tales of rape and pillage by these ethno-nationalists against ethnic minorities.
People like Terry Tavita in Samoa with their stable mono-culture system have never experienced what ethnic minorities in Fiji have had to put up with – violence in both its physical and psychological form (the latter being perpetrated by Wilson and his ilk).
Sad, because Samoa with all its cultural wisdom and all the influence it has in the Pacific, chose to adopt the stance taken by its paymasters in Canberra and Wellington i.e to punsih Fiji for all its colonially inherited political problems As a taukei I am rather dissappointed by Tuilaepa. He could have done more..if he had really wanted to….to help Fiji…if he was a true Pacific Islander….but he chose not to. So sad.
Buts that is all history now…a history that we Fijians will never forget.
Back to Wilson. His banishment is justified. He could not meet the most basic standards of respect and decency that we taukei expect of others and of ourselves.
I agree that we do ned a strong Army in Fiji to keep all these rabid and dangerous ethno-nationalists in their cages. Let them loose, and Fiji will be another Rwanda.
Peter Brown says
Don’t ban him Graham. These guys in time out themselves. Free speech make cretins of them. At least we know who he is and from whence he comes. He hurts no-one but himself. “Publish him and He be Damned” don’t give him sanctuary in annonimity!
Pious says
@ Ratu Tevita
With respect, there comes a time in ones life when one has to say enough is enough. You were overseas when the events of 1987 and 2000 unfolded. Your old man was still around then. I actually went up to visit him at his place in Lami (Vatuvia?) circa 1996 where we had a chat. The bloody dogs he kept yapping at my feet as we chatted on the verandah…waiting to tear a piece off me.
Anyhow, he said Fiji has changed. That there were very bad people out there with chips on their shoulder who were prepared to blame everyone for their own problems etc. That Rabuka had unleashed something primordial in all us taukei – he went onto list them all that I do not need to tell you.
Point is, if you give people like Wilson and the likes of Mara and Baledrokadroka etc – rabid ethno-nationalists like them are educated and articulate and are motivated only by the idea of having their privileges restored – snouts back at the trough etc- and they will misuse their ‘other knowledge’ in the mobilisation of bias against ethnic minorities who they will represent as being ‘vulagi’ and ‘greedy gold diggers’ (Wilson’s words) etc.
No bro, we just cant afford that here in Fiji.
Free speech and all that are laudable principles. But the reality is that it is used to penalise and punish others under the guise of ‘democracy’. We are not in Australia remember. We are in Fiji still.
i agrre with Graham
If you give these thugs oxygen, what do you expect? They will thrive and spread like ‘noxious weeds’ – with apologises to Government Minister Asenaca Caucau who used the term to describe Indo-Fijians – what a shiking statement to make.
Fiji is not yet ready for the scale of free speech that you are used to in Australia. People here are easily influenced. Sometime we have to draw a line for the greater good of all of us. No likes violence however inspired.
Free speech is OK, but it is often misused to inspire violence against ethnic minorities. Or it is used to provoke political instability. We shuld not forget the events of 1987 and 2000, or we will be forced to repeat it.
I say, lets keep Wilson and his rabid ethno-nationalism out because his rhetoric is counter-productive
Anonoymous says
Agree with you Pious that we should NOT give these ‘shit stirrers’ like Wilson the oxygen they need to propagate their racist agenda.
We need to maintain a strong military to keep these thugs on a very short leash.
The military needs armoured troop carriers to smash these dickheads. If they had them in 2000 they could have ended the hostage crisis at Parilament house within days – just smash in and grab the hostages and capsicum spray the whole lot of ethno-nationalists who were organising orgies at the place. They even buried one of their dead in the compound!!!
We must swear: Never Again!
wilson says
Graham, can you please give me your e mail address so I can send you the e mail that came to me regarding this.Just to make sure I am not the Wilson you are purporting me to be.I thought it was an unsolicited e mail but now looks like it was not the case.
TOMU says
Very good, who wants to hear this fanatics ranting, sounds like those islamic extremist who were dancing in the streets from Cairo to karachi on that fateful day on sept 11.
Any way, did you see ceremony they did at parliament house in 2000, the offering of a cow as sacrifice only seen during the time of Abraham and the flag made of Masi with Cakobaus design on it flyin proudly from the parliament flagpole.
The sad thing is that the people who were doing this were the ordinary villagers who were duped by the faceless educated Fijians who are rearing their ugly heads now. As a Fijian I support what the commander is doing now is to create a new mindset for a new generation.
Look at the countries who have done away with racism and religious bigotry and the ones who still embrace it. A big difference. Thank you for banning this fanatic from this site. He can go to coup 4.5 or matavuvale where he will have a field day.
vinny says
Spot on Tommu, look at turkey compared to all the Middle East countries, they embraced reform, secularism and there progress is so good that they are vying for European Union membership. Compare it to the sheikdoms like Arabia and neighbours. The elite live a super rich life and the other people on the street are struggling.
The chiefs and their kids in Fiji have been spoilt with handouts and preference in everything. Everyone in Fiji should have an equal opportunity if they are willing to sweat for it regardless of who they are. That’s why they are fighting tooth and nail because the preference system will disappear.
Chiefs can maintain there position in cultural activities and that’s where it should end.
Joseph says
Tough luck to some. The ship is sailing at full speed and almost reaching it desired destiny, building a foundation of a new Fiji. It will begin with a new constitution. A new Fiji, new leaders and new generations’ and their time to flourish and take the ship to a much better destiny. The ship cannot be turned back no matter the harps, barks and niggling. It is not simple, shallow nor temporary, it is deeper then our own human eyes can seen and mind can understand. Those who want to come on board, you either renew your mind, your heart, your thoughts or will leave behind. The old, corrupted, racists, selfish, greedy, power hungry, proud, immoral, lazy, sleepy and poor Fiji will be a thing of the past. Fiji will not be a place for them any longer. The new Fiji is destine for the sake of our children and future generations. It is destine for better Fiji for all for now and for generations to come until the LORD returns. For many of my own who still think otherwise, it is time to do self reflection, ask questions, see and vision the bigger and better picture. It is time to see beyond own self wall, security and prejudice, it is time to see beyond hundreds miles and years to come. It is time to see and envision the Fiji to benefit our children and future generations now and years to come. It is time to be wise, thoughtful and considerate of others whom we call Fiji our home. The LORD will bless us, uplift us and guide us to a better, safer,secure and prosperous Fiji when a spirit of a new Fiji is birthed in all our hearts.