Fijians are to be blitzed with a big media advertising campaign to encourage voters to register for the promised elections in 2014. The campaign includes three television commercials with a heavy multiracial component and – naturally for Fiji – an accent on sport and a need for teamwork on and off the field.
The most startling is a clip that has a range of people of all races and ages saying simply “I’m Fijian”. It’s in line with the Government’s agenda to give all Fiji citizens a common name but will be the first time most people will have heard the phrase emanating from Indo-Fijian, European and Chinese faces. According to the producers, those who were asked to say it embraced the notion with alacrity and even a degree of emotion. But it seems bound to strike a discordant note with some indigenous Fijians or i’taukei. A recent survey by the Citizens Constitutional Forum – an independent NGO committed to constitutional compliance and education – found that only 20 per cent of indigenous people thought the term Fijian should also apply to non-indigenous people.
Yet if anything else, the ads show that the Government is serious about electoral reform and the countdown to 2014. And they’ll be welcomed by anyone who values not just talk about the multiracial ideal in Fiji but concrete action to achieve it.
Thakur Ranjit Singh says
Well done , Fiji, very inspirational and all inclusive ads. There is no place in them for policies of three Amiegos – Chaudhary, Qarase and Beddoes. Go Fiji go, leave the racist and divisive politicians behind. Forge a new future for the Fijians.
Komai says
Great. Inspirartional. Lets go for it
Gay Maxwell says
Wonderful, this is what we are.
wilson says
I think out of the three,Chaudhary is the most cunning evil of the lot.He was anti business,anti everything !
sailosi raloa says
to me it doesnt matter but i believe Fijian for all Fiji people.
Petelo says
I dropped the ball on the way to the try line on the weekend. I AM FIJIAN! 🙂
Komai says
@ petelo
The Fijians you refer too are currently mourning the passing of a very high chief in Fiji who is to be buried tommorrow. Please no cheap shots at this time
Petelo says
What do you mean the ‘Fijians I refer to’??? I refer to the entire country! Whoever died has nothing to do with the rugby.
Pious says
@ petelo
Rugby is important?
There is saying that politicians in the west use ; “its the economy stupid”
Samoa is classified by the UN as a ‘least developed country’ in economic terms. Fiji is not.
With your priority being rugby, no wonder Samoa is so backward economically.
Wilsom Tamanikaira says
Being a Fijian is more than just a few feel good cheap ads or commercials and insignificant attempted social engineering policies of amateurs.
This illegal regime has no mandate to change whoever we are into someone we are not.It’s best that whoever is thinking up this shit should stop wasting taxpayers monies because at the end of the day if people are not consulted properly and asked for their consent then forcing shit down their throats will certainly cause a negative reaction…that is unless you are..Graham Davis (the Australian), Thakur Singh(the Kiwi),Khaiyum(the Muslim) and all those other foreigners who are nothing but clowns that cannot speak a paragraph of Fijian.
And BTW, surely stupid journalists cannot be so dumb as to quote CCF’s “survey” as credible findings…that is so tacky and crap…come on guys..enough of the journalistic trash!!
What responsible journalism should be is..condemning Bainimarama and the military for destroying the peoples constitution, democracy and just about every other decent thing Fiji had. Please point out that these are crimes that should not and will not be tolerated anywhere in the world and these perpetrators whoi are abusing the uniform should be tried and made ready for the firing squad.
Petelo says
Don’t you worry squire. Samoa is getting upgraded to Developing country status in 2014. Perfection takes time.
Pious says
@ Petelo
Talofa Sole,
Its good to hear that Samoa will be elevated out of its LDC staus in 2014.
Yes, indeed, perfection takes time. We in Fiji are still struggling to craft the prfect Constitution for our future and, like Samoa with regard to its LDC status, we look forward to 2014.
If you need any help in that area we in Fiji are always ready to help.
Petelo says
Your constitution was perfect in 1997. After the 2000 speight coup, guess who was the guy who didn’t reinstate the democratically elected Chaudhary govt?
Your uncle Bainimarama.
Graham Davis says
Wilson, your bigotry is abominable but thank you for highlighting better than any argument from me why racial and religious equality in Fiji has had to be enforced at the point of a gun.
Thakur Ranjit Singh, Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum and I were all born in Fiji and are Fiji citizens so to describe us as foreigners identifies you immediately as a racial supremacist. Given the racial arrogance you display here, perhaps you might explain how much proto-Oceanic do you speak? Because that was the language of the original inhabitants of Fiji – the Lapita people. You may be classified as indigenous but unlike the indigenous people of Australia, you can’t be described as the first Fijians because you weren’t.
But by far the worst of your insults is to classify Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum as a Muslim – the religion of his birth – in a debate about national identity. How you can say these things publicly without any degree of shame is quite beyond me. But fortunately, you and your ilk no longer have the guns and are reduced to hurling empty insults while Fiji moves forward under a more enlightened leadership.
Petelo says
You listen to Wilson. He talks sense. Fiji is going to turn into Hawaii in 20 years time with foreigners completely taking over everything. You go to Hawaii now and it is full of Asians and Europeans (Americans) calling themselves ‘Hawaiians’, yet they speak not a jot of Hawaiian language, nor do they do they know anything about hawaiian culture. Hawaiian ‘culture’ is portrayed as the hula dancing and leis, and if you’re really ‘going native’ you might go to a luau. oooh wow. Yet look at the land and there nothing left. These europeans and asians have their own countries where their culture is thriving yet the hawaiians have nothing left.
Tis a travesty.
Pious says
@ Wilsom
Vakamacalataki iko mada mai. Tukuna mai na nomu tokatoka, mataqali, yavusa, me keimami kila ni ko ”taukei” dina baleta nai tautau ni nomu vosa e cake e laurai kina ni ko tamata sega ni kila na Kalou me vaka na vo ni taukei keimami tiko e loma ni ba ni veitalanoa oqo
(explain yourself t us all. Tell us your which tokatoka, mataqali, yavusa etc you belong to so that we know that you are a bona fide and true “taukei” because the words you use are so ungodly, that you do not believe in God like many of us taukei’s on this site)
Lets see if Wilsom will respond in the taukei vernacular. He could be a fake hiding pretending to be “taukei”. If he is not, then I have to agree with Graham that racism i Fiji is still alive and well and thats why we need a strong military to stay in power for another 10-15 years unlike the racism in society is expunged once and for all
TOMU says
Sa yacana tu mada ga o Wilson sa laurai tu e kea na dra veimama
Pious says
@ Tomu
Sa qai kune tu o Van Damne!
Ni vakacegu
Wilson Tamanikaira says
Pious….o vakamacala taka mada mai na yacamu….na yaca mai vei qori?…Rairai beka na yacumu e vakatakilakila ni “Kaiviti vou” era via vakabulia e so na tamata vuli vakavo vaka taki iko kei Tomu.
Kevaka drau via kila na noqu yavu, lako sobo ki na NLC ka vakatataro ki na VKB. Rairai na qai matata beka vei kemudrou na noqu kawa. Ia, drau vosota kevaka e sakasaka noqu vakayagataka na yacaqu mai na koro, o “Wilson”….na kena vakadewa vavalagi o ” Ilisoni”.
Na noqu vakasala vei iko Pious – tovolea nomu gu taucoko mo tamusuka laivi na dali ni koloni e dau vesuka tu na noda vakasama. Sa gauna rarama eda sa bulataka tiko nikua, toso cake na vuli kei na kila baleta na vuravura raraba. Garauna vinaka na mataqali kasama e dau kau mai tuba, na kena vosa e dau magosa na kena saluwaki.. ia, nai naki dina mai muri, e dau rerevaki. Lutu mai gusui Davis – “sega ni kilai mada ga na vanua e cavu tu mai kina o keda na kaiviti, e bau vinaka cake o ira na taukei ni qele mai Ositerelia!!! Oqo na mataqali vulagi viavialevu drau vakarokoroko tu kina?
Davis, this is a Fijian reply to your blind fuzzy wuzzy lackeys in Pious and Tomu.
Good night
Graham Davis says
Wilson, sa dodonu mo ni vakacegu e na gauna oqo. Yalo vinaka, let’s speak in a language we all understand.
Further postings on this site in anything other than the English language will be erased.
Graham Davis says
PS, Wilson. Having spoken Fijian before I spoke English – on account of being raised in parts of Fiji where there were no other Europeans – you shouldn’t assume that you can post this kind of nonsense without me understanding what you are saying. Qori.
Graham Davis says
PPS, Wilson. In fact the “vulagi viavialevu” is the guy who comes to Australia and uses it as a base to write a pile of arrant nonsense about the homeland he has abandoned. And it ain’t me, bro. Here, look in the mirror!
Wilson Tamanikaira says
Davis, you are sound like a ragged old car, always rattling on about bigotry and using that as justification for putting down Fijians like me who call a white settler like you, a “not Fijian” and an Indian settler a “not Fijian” also.
You also make outlandish claims that the so called archaeological Lapita pottery was used by the original inhabitants of Fiji. Come on Davis, you can do better than just picking up an article on the Lipita pottery, giving it the familiar journalistic spicing trick and then attempting to claim sovereignty over Fiji for a people who cannot be culturally identifiable as a society within our national boundaries ever. However, Fijians (that is me, the I taukei) understand that they are the original people of the land, way before the dates of that pottery and until solid scientific evidence and not gossip, proves otherwise then it is best left at that.
But where did this idea that Fijians were also a “settler race” come from and why is this being constantly promoted?
Familiar settler tales that have circulated includes, Lutunasobosobo’s epic voyage to Vuda. This event was becoming accepted authentic history until the public was reminded that it was only a story that won a national story competition during the colonial days. Then along came wild claims of a real ancestral link between Fijians and a tribe in Tanzania based on a few locations with similar names. Then it was discovered that by coincidence there were many other of names of similarity in other countries. From a religious perspective came a “spiritual link” between Fiji and a place on the Nile in Egypt and even India. Even our Vu’s (the Ciri’s) had assumed European complexions and traversed the globe, reappearing in Fiji wearing heavy snow clothing after traveling through winter. Apparently, carbon dating on known historic Fijian sites dates back over 30,000 years, longer than any of the above was known to Fijians and these sites exhibited no evidence of migration from other far flung countries.
The so called, “Fijian settler” theory is not scientifically based because it is political. A sad indictment of the politics of the unproven Fijian settler issue is that this assumption is portrayed as fact within the pre amble of the 1997 Constitution. How on earth did it get there and why?
The answer lies in sovereign rights. If you deny the recognition of the I Taukei’s sovereign rights in the Constitution as; being the original people of the land then we end up with a situation similar to the Aborigines of Australia, the Maori of NZ, and the Hawaiians…settler dominance!! BTW, Aboriginals like Fijians have always known that they are the original people of the land but they had to prove their case in the Mabo court ruling against the wishes of racist white bigots like you who still maintain a similar stance of Fijians not being the original people in Fiji. That is the most insulting statement you have made to every Fijian in the world and I encourage them to give you a damn good hiding if they meet you on the streets.
Like it or not, Fijians believe that they are endowed with certain unalienable rights in their own country which were handed down through generations and these include sovereign rights over their identity, culture, language, lands, resources, titles, self determination and others. Even the UN Declaration of Indigenous Rights Article 126, lends credence to this fact. Despite that, we are witnessing a rush of greedy gold digging foreigners in Fiji like Davis who are colluding strongly with a misguided and illegal regime to alienate Fijians from their sovereign birthrights as the original people of the land.
Get real Davis, I have a lot of respect for the majority of decent white Australians but white trailer trash like you should be re- shackled in a convict ship and shipped back to mother England.
Graham Davis says
Wilson, the only original thing about you is your breathtaking racial arrogance. You call me a bigot? You really are a 24 carat nutter.
Do you realise how mad you sound when you mount an argument like this from your cosy perch in Australia – a country that affords you the equality you deny others? I might be “white trailer trash” but you are a bitter, deluded, racist fool.
Pious says
@ Wilson
You took the bait hook, line and sinker!
You have now revealed yourself to be a delusional rabid ethno-nationalist, presenting an educated and enligtened facade but scratch a little under the surface and there you have it – the racist supremacist ideology that explains Fiji’s coup behaviour and also explains the taukei dominated prison population.
The obvious sense of entitlement and the idea of a special people entitled to special privileges including privileged access to the economy, and that all non taukei are foreigners (vulagi) and they are ‘greedy gold digging foreigners’ (Wilson’s words) etc, are all part of the ethno-nationalist ideology. It is the thinking that we taukei can take anythung we want because we are the original peole of the land, that we dont have to work for anything in our lives etc etc. What a lot of hogwash!
I was expecting Wilson to then say in his next breath that all foreigners “dont eat like us and they dont smell like us” (George Speights’s words as he led the ethno-nationalist rabble in the takeover of Fiji’s elected government).
Or that Wilson would go on to describe Indo-Fijians as ‘noxious weeds’ ala Asenanca Caucau, Minister in Qarase’s government.
Wilson, the scientific analysis of our mitochondrial DNA show that we Pacific peoles all originated in Taiwan! We therefore may have Chinese blood in our veins. How does that idea sit with you and your idea of racial purity?
You obviously are an angry man. I suggest you take Anger Management classes. I also suggest you take two panadols and go have a lie down. You will feel better in the morning.
BTW, I confirm I am taukei (my real name is Pio…us = me and you = Pious), I am catholic (hence my objections to your bigotry towards other huma beings) and am also a secondary school teacher. I teach my thinking to my students to take them away from your such thinking coz it has been the cause of all our problems, coups and prison population etc.
Chand says
I’m still trying to figure out if Wilson is an i-taukei name. Oh and didn’t Sam Speight and the likes change their names too…when it suited them after the coups.
Happy Maccas day to you Wilson….the very people you so despise have given you shelter and bread….wha a grub you are.
Komai says
@ Wilson
Carbon dating is an unreliable tool.
Pious is correct – analysis of mitochondrial DNA is much more reliable.
So where the did the original i’ taukei come from?
E da lutu mai lagi? (did we fall from heaven?)
Please tell us.
And please no threats of beating up people up in the streets. Thats thuggish behaviour of uncivilised people. Are you one of them?
Graham Davis says
It is beyond offensive for anyone in today’s world to ascribe the term “foreigner” to people born in any country. Wilson calls anyone born in Fiji who isn’t itaukei a “settler”. As a settler himself in Australia, would he regard anyone from his own family born in Australia as a foreigner? Of course not. All of which makes him a hypocrite as well as a racist.
Wilson Tamanikaira (Jnr?), you’d better be a citizen of Australia. Because if you are merely a permanent resident, this kind of outburst renders you liable for deportation. It is racial vilification and illegal under Australian law. And I wonder whether you would have quite the same strut were you to arrive back in Fiji and have to account for this incitement to hatred there.
Graham Davis says
Ilisoni Tamanikaira, all this reminds me of an old Chinese saying: “Men in the game are blind to what men looking on see clearly”…beware the sword!!
Remember using that to threaten me? Another offence under Australian law.
Graham Davis says
Ilisoni, your incitement to Fijians anywhere in the world to “give me a damn good hiding if they meet me on the streets” cannot be allowed to rest. It is unlawful and I intend to pursue you over it. You better get yourself a damn good lawyer.
LULU says
Queen Liliokalani, refused the offer of the US President to forgive the coup and regain her status and kingdom!!! one day late and a dollor shot!
Secondly, It was King Kalakau who began negotiating the selling of his Hawaiian peoples lands….and focused on building the best and biggest palaces in the world….etc etc…
So do not just write ignorant references! Hawaiian have lands and they billions of dollars in trust (OHA) Office of Hawaiian Affairs, and Kamehameha Schools, and Hawaiian Lands if they choose to sign up for.
Just like Fiji Hawaiian cant take back land that is sold or freehold!But OHA receives mega dollars from these lands,,,,
Briefly just to say do not take cheap shots at Natives of places you know little about, and stop calling out racial slurrs!
You gotta be a real disgraceful human soul!
Taura e rua na asprin, moce lutu mada yani! Yadra mai ena yalo dau vei rokovi!
Wilson Tamanikaira says
Aloha and thanks for your little piece of Hawaiin history and I sense your affinity with the Hawaiin Islands. I have lived and studied in Hawaii so underestimating my knowledge of their history is a bit like that Davis’s dog Pious, questioning my i taukei authenticity when I entered shabby Grub Street.
Your explanation of the events surrounding the era of the Bayonet Constitution is simplistic and explains your shallow understanding of the aggressive moves by foreign and Hawaiin nationals to illegally usurp native political rights over the Hawaiin Islands. Yes, they have lost that for good. The Australians have thrown all sorts of economic benefits to the Aborigines but what use is that when they cry out for self determination of their destiny and resources.
We have lost the same sovereign rights in Fiji and must protect what we have left before fighting the cause to reinstate them. It is my duty as a Fijian to protect my birthright and if other I taukei do not really care then that is their choice. I will do what I know is the right thing for me and my generations. But do not label my actions as a racist because the same will be thrown back at you.
Deceitful foreigners like Davis will attempt to paint all pro indigenous campaigns as being racist and so forth. This is the height of ignorance and disrespect. I do not condone coups and believe in constitutional rights for non Indigenous nationals of Fiji. However, I will always resist an illegal and aggressive coup for which the conman Davis and that silly immature Kai Kiuva, Bainimarama hopes to bring to fruition their illegal and unethical motives.
We all know that Bainimarama conducted this coup to avoid Davis can then relate his misguided coup to restoring religious and racial equality through illegal means is a fallacy and and fraud.
TOMU says
Wilson is one of Suli Daunitutus cronies.
Vinny says
these are the kind of etho nationalist agenders FB is trying to get rid of. Looks like canberra is the base for all these kind of people.
Wilson Tamanikaira says
My, what venom there is, emanating from the shabby circus on Grub Street, led by none other than the head clown, Graham Davis with his three blind mice (Pious, Chand and Komai) in tow.
Davis, your constant delusional rabble using the terms; racism, bigotry, arrogance and so forth in reply to valid arguments and critique by me suggests that you are suffering from the proverbial journalism punch drunk. Famous Suva boxing identity, Tom Baba suffered the same illness from too many punches in the head. He loved catching a bus ride from Suva to Raiwaqa during the day however when someone pulled the bell to indicate a stop his reflex reaction was to immediately jump to his feet and throw punches as if he was actually in a boxing match. I am afraid, you are displaying all the symptoms of the same sickness whenever your mentally retarded bell is set off by anything associated with the word, I taukei . The mention of I taukei, Fijian rights, Fijian sovereignty, illegal regime and so forth, are enough to spark an uncontrollable spatter of repetitive anti Fijian gibberish from you.
Furthermore, the instability of your brain is evident when you believe that this misguided criminal coup is in fact an honorable exercise of protecting racial and religious equality. You are the ultimate journalist loser and scatter brained idiot we should all avoid.
Why question my stay in Australia? At least when I am there, will acknowledge the original people of the land upon whose lands I work. I do not go around disrespecting them, telling the Aboriginals how best to live their lives and suggesting what name they should be called. I also do not go around encouraging Australian military chiefs to conduct a coup against Gillard for the idiotic notion of enforcing racial and religious equality. Why do you come to Fiji and support a misguided power hungry I taukei in the fool Bainimarama and disrespect the rest of the people who are held hostage by his misguided endeavors?
Davis, be warned that fermenting treason and sedition in Fiji are criminal acts and you will be charged and thrown in jail in the near future. Why don’t you follow the honorable footsteps of your father who served the church in Fiji in a humble way, respected Fijians and did not endorse criminal activities similar to that of the traitor, Bainimarama?
Pious, have you got any originality in thinking because you sound like one of Graham’s favorite pet parrots. Your claims of being a school teacher is also a matter of grave concern because idiots like you believe that you are Chinese and like the fool Davis, believe that Bainimarama’s crime spree is in fact an acceptable way of getting what you want in Fiji. You obviously have lost track of what the rule of law means and misguided teachers like you are the reason why our own youth are filling the prisons. You should be shot.
Following Davis is a case of blind leading the blind because he is a morally bankrupt coup opportunist who should reveal his real role in this coup and how much taxpayer money he has been given by that other rogue terrorist and wannabe MFI, Aussie Sharon Smith.
This is the fact Graham. Bainimarama and his band of traitors must never ever be granted Immunity from Criminal Prosecution in exchange for an election and cheap promises of so called racial equality. He must face justice first and made to pay for all his crimes against the people of Fiji.
Graham Davis says
I am offering a reward to the first person who provides me with a precise and confirmed address for the aforementioned individual, who has incited violence against me in these columns for my political views.
It is not acceptable for anyone in Australia to conduct themselves in this manner and I intend to report his threatening behaviour to the police and immigration authorities.
I have traced a Wilson Tamanikaira Jnr to Toowoomba, Queensland. According to a Matavuvale website entry, he lists one of his interests thus:
“My pet passion has been the campaign for the establishment of indigenous rights and traditions in the UN and for its paramount position within Fiji”.
Is this our correspondent or a family member? Any information appreciated:
Thank you
Graham Davis
Chand says
Is your email: ……grubstreet or ……grubsheet…
Pious says
@ Wilson
What a turd you are for threatening everyone who disagrees with you. It earns you no respect…what waste of your education…I guess many here will read your venom and shake their head in sad acceptance at the truth of the saying “you cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear”.
Why dont you come to Fiji, register as a voter and stand for elections where all that rubbish you have posted above will be tested?
Otherwise all your very strong invective and distatseful behaviour as a cyberthug, will mean nothing.
Kakua ni lamu (dont be afraid).
By the way, I have printed off your postings and have given it out to the students in my class as part of our communication studies. They will examine the actual and sub-textual elements of your postings.
Altready some of the words I have received from some students (their assignment is not due until next week) is that the writer (you) are:
deranged, extremely disgruntled, a rotten racist to the core, extremely bad mannered and a coward for threatening people from afar especially the host of Grubsheet (Graham), self centred, selfish, a very bad example of a taukei with no taukei values, un Christian….etc….etc
Wilson, they are the words of students not mine…so please dont threaten to shoot me again coz that would a crime in your country Australia.
Wilson Tamanikaira says
and can someone post Graham Davis’s address to me.He is wanted for supporting terrorist activities in Fiji, for illegally receiving taxpayers monies to promote a dictatorship and for condoning the illegal use of force by the dictator Bainimarama against my fellow indigenous brothers in Fiji.
I urge the Police authorities in Australia to arrest this idiot and throw him in jail because he is a danger to society.BTW, please use excessive taser wattage on his testicles because he is complicit in the military torture of innocent citizens in Fiji.
Graham Davis says
Wilson, the difference is that I have broken no laws and you have. You have compounded the offence but issuing further threats since I sent you an email demanding that you desist.
For the record, I have taken no money whatsoever from anyone in Fiji, either the Fiji Government or the Fiji Sun newspaper.
Your accusation of terrorist activity, condoning the “illegal use of force” and being “complicit in military torture” is similarly outrageous and defamatory.
Komai says
@ Wilson
Why the threats of violence against posters on this blog?
No one has offered any violence towards you.
We have simply challenged your ideas and the rationale behind them. To which you have let fly with threats of abuse and threats of violence. You want to bash us up on the streets because we disagree with your views. Why?
Is this the behaviour of a civilised person?
Or is it the hallmark of a thug and a bully?
You call yourself a taukei, but by your responses you bring us taukei into disrepute
Cant you handle a debate in a constructive and positive way?
Go on Graham, please smoke out this turd and have him publicly exposed and arraigned for cyber bullying and for offering violence against innocent people etc.
It will be the first time someone in Australia has been jailed for such an offence.
Lets go for it
Vakamadua o iko Ilisoni
Anonymous says
2 Grakahm
You have found him.
Yup, he is the guy in Toowomba, who posts on that racist blogsite that you mention where he posts under a number of different handles spewing venom and invective against anything that is against his ethno-nationalist agenda.
I suggest you lodge a report with Toowoomba Police ASAP.
All the best in smoking out this maggot
Chand says
Gents, I could be wrong but this could be him…from google
1. 30 Jan 2011 – My story teller at Burelevu that day was Ilisoni Tamanikaira, younger brother of the Tui Lagi, the chief of Burelevu, Ratu Peni Vulaibua. “All the …
8 Feb 2011 – Ilisoni Tamanikaira, villager of Burelevu, remembers the time they were approached for the project. There were meetings held in the village
11 Jun 2011 – At the outset I must say that Ilisoni Tamanikaira is my real name and you can confirm that with the NLC records in Suva. I have been posting my …
Komai says
@ Chand
That makes sense because the people of Burelevu and other villages in the Vanua of Namena in Tailevu North are originally from the Ra province. Thats where they originated from.
Ilisoni and his ilk are really “settlers” from the province of Ra. I know he has issues with the idea of “settlers” but he and his tribe are originally from Ra, and if he knows his true origins he will acknowledge it.
He challenges us to go check the NLC records.
Well my friend, Ilisoni, I indeed will because your origins is currently the issue of dispute between the people of Nananu village just past RKS in Lodoni and the true owners of that land, the people who were kicked off the RKS site and relocated to Lodoni Village – people here in Tailevu refer to it as “Lodoni VakaViti”
For the interest of readers on this blog, the “settlers” from Ra ie Ilisoni and his tribe, were put there by Ratu Sukuna because the people of Ra helped pay for his education at Oxford!
The original owners (the Kai Lodoni) were kicked off their village site where RKS sits today, to the current village site at Lodoni VakaViti. When the Lodoni tried to recaim their land they were told that vast tracts of their land were taken off them and given to the favoured “settlers” from ra, who to this day occupy several villages from Nanau, Burelevu etc etc.
So its kinda ironic that here we have Ilisoni (or Wilson) raving on about the white “settlers’ in Fiji, when he himself is an illegal “settler” in his own koro!
Look at his surname ‘Tamanikaira’ (meaning father is from Ra). Like all other pacific islanders (Tonga, Samoa etc) we have our own way of recording our origins and migration routes etc. Much of that information is preserved by way of names and events in our traditional history. It is all part of the oral tradition of Pacific island cultures.
So there you have it Graham.
If I may revert to the Fijian vernacular to make a point to Wilson:
Vakamacalataki iko mada mai me vaka e kerea o Pious, ko qai sauma na nona kerekere e na vosa ca kei na yalo kaukaua (explain yourself as requested by Pious in an earlier posting in the Fijian vernacular to which you responded with bad words and aggression).
Ya, sa qai kune tu o Van Damne (there, we have found the true Claude van Damne….a Fijian saying when someone is caught out)
Chand says
Mate, I just want ot be sure that we are nailing the right guy. He says he hails from Uluda……perhaps Komai you can throw some light….
…this is what I got from the…. website
“Wilson Tamanikaira Jnr Male Towoomba, Queensland Australia
Wilson Tamanikaira Jnr is now a member of Matavuvale Network
Mar 14, 2010
Profile Information
Relationship Status:
What do you like about
Has a family feel about it where friends can have open discussions.
About me:
Humble, Australian university educated, my roots are from Uluda, have a great family and church circle and am always thankful to the Almighty up above for everything we have.
My pet passion has been the campaign for the establishment of indigenous rights and traditions in the UN and for its paramount position within Fiji.”
This guy need to be nailed
Anonoymous says
“Uluda” = above, our head in both the literal and figurative sense (as in the leadership or chief etc), or another term for hailing from up in the hills or mountains etc.
It fits the bill in two respects (1) he calims to be a the younger bro or closely connected to the chief from Burelevu (2) he is from Ra, which includes the highlands and part of the Nakauvadra mountain range. People refer to these people as the ‘kai colo” (the highlanders)
If you are to be deported back to Fiji. You will be the first to re-settle Makogai not for leprosy but for the Legionellosis disease if you want to know what type of disease it is try and watch the movie “I AM LEGEND” you are one of those who live in darkness who hates the light but the light will reveal who you are.
Wilson cannot handle the “nail” he has “glued” himself on the notice board by making a fool of himself with his own words. The sons of confusion.
vinay says
muchu dola vina eahule,
vina gha mo nolo
tui kai ra, atta mata via via sivea na tata , vinasia mo carilaki kai ra.
hakua nadro