The Deputy Prime Minister and NFP leader, Biman Prasad, is being charged by FICAC, according to a letter sent by the corruption watchdog to the Minister for Justice, Siromi Turaga, that has been leaked to Grubsheet.
It follows a FICAC investigation into allegations that have been comprehensively covered by Victor Lal at Fijileaks over Biman Prasad‘s alleged failure to declare assets and income to the Elections Office in advance of the 2022 election.
Here is the relevant document:
Welcome to Fiji says
“You reap what you sow”.
This government is setting the highest standards led by a fearless PM from the past.
There is no circus in Fiji only clowns. Fiji should be a recruiting ground for circuses from around the world. Clowns are born here every day and it is part of nature in Fiji. No special training required. Everything come naturally. It is God’s gift to the world of circuses. And what is more, they are very good clowns because there is no where else in the rest of the world can make better clowns. Another proud achievement for Fiji.
John Racuve says
Biman is charged for violating Section 24 (1)(b)(iv) which states that:
Any person who is an office holder in, and the registered officer of, a political party registered under this Act, shall, within 30 days of the date of the registration of the political party and thereafter, on or before 31 December of each year, provide to the Registrar a statement containing the following information in respect of that person and his or her spouse and any children:
Any directorships or other office in a corporation or other organisation whether in Fiji or abroad held by each of them.
So he is charged for not declaring a position in an organisation? Not really a charge that will send him to jail. What position did he fail to declare? This charge is either a fine at most or the case will be thrown out in court. Not really the charge of abuse of office that everyone was clamouring for in regards to money given to Global Girmit Institute and Pacific Polytech.
Graham Davis says
You are quite wrong.If you look at the evidence laid out by Victor Lal at Fijileaks, it is about undeclared assets and income. And if you look at the letter the FICAC Deputy Commissioner sent to the AG and others, it is specifically about undeclared assets, income and liabilities.
So nice try at deflection ( what else was your motive?) but no banana.
Idiots everywhere says
Isn’t it amazing that when it comes to one’s own self interest “it is not a Charge” and no jail term is required. “It will be thrown of of court”. That may well be the case in this corrupt government and judiciary.
But what I ask is John Racuve should make full disclosure if he is an apologist for a corrupt government and whether he has relatives in this government of clowns. Make full disclosure please. Be transparent and independent……like us…..hahahaha.