It is precisely four weeks today (Friday) since Sitiveni Rabuka told the media that the suspended DPP, Christopher Pryde, was entitled to continue to be paid his salary, as the law prescribes, while he awaits the judicial tribunal hearing into the allegation of misbehaviour against him. In other words, it was wrong for the Judicial Services Commission – headed by the Acting Chief Justice, Salesi Temo – to summarily sever Christopher Pryde’s income and damage his chances of adequately defending himself. Yet a month on, there is still no restoration of the DPP’s salary and benefits.
In any other democracy, it would be inconceivable for the Constitution to be violated by those at the apex of the judicial system to punish a senior officer of state who, like everyone, is entitled to the presumption of innocence. The outlaw Temo and the JSC have now kept the DPP waiting 16 months to clear his name and there is still no date set for a tribunal hearing, despite the Acting CJ’s claim to the contrary.
In a statement last month, Justice Temo announced that the hearing would be held from August 19 to August 30 (see below). That is now just ten days away. And is there any sign that the State is in a position to proceed with its case? Not that Grubsheet can discern. So as well as violating the supreme law, Salesi Temo may soon be open to the charge of having misled the nation about the timing of the process.
In the meantime, the Prime Minister has said publicly that Justice Temo and the JSC should not have suspended Christopher Pryde’s salary. Yet it is a sign of how little weight Sitiveni Rabuka’s word carries that even the head of government can’t persuade the Acting Chief Justice to do the right thing – the lawful thing – and restore the DPP’s income.
If the Prime Minister wasn’t in a position to use his influence to uphold the law, why did he say anything at all publicly four weeks ago? Why say the DPP was entitled to continue to receive his salary, as the Constitution stipulates, and then be made a fool of by a rogue Acting Chief Justice who is patently unfit to hold the position? As we reported on July 25, Justice Temo has already prejudiced Christopher Pryde’s case with injudicious comments of the kind that have become the hallmark of his tenure. It is for the three judges of the Tribunal to decide the outcome, not the Acting CJ and the JSC.
The longer this goes on, the more damage it is doing not only to Christopher Pryde through the grave injustice done to him but to confidence in the rule of law in Fiji. And the more it is demonstrating Sitiveni Rabuka’s impotence and the impotence of his Attorney General, Graham Leung. Indeed, the government’s entire credibility is at stake, not least because the Prime Minister inserted himself into the process.
Yes, the judiciary and the executive are separate in Fiji and the judiciary is meant to be independent. But when a rogue judge makes a fool of the law and a fool of the democratically-elected Prime Minister, Fijians are entitled to ask why he is in the position at all.
Let’s see what happens in nine day’s time when Salesi Temo says the Tribunal hearing will take place. For what it’s worth, Fiji, I don’t believe it will take place on the 19th and will be surprised if it takes place at all. Why? Because FijiFirst violated the Constitution when it threw the former solicitor general, Sharvada Sharma, onto the street without a Tribunal hearing and there is every chance the “new order” will do the same.
They came to power promising to be different yet in every other respect are proving to be the same, if not worse. So why would we expect a seemingly cornered establishment not to conduct itself in the same manner? In the normal course of things, a string of top officials involved in Christopher Pryde’s suspension can be expected to be cross examined at a hearing. But can anyone really imagine the likes of Siromi Turaga being subjected to the blow-torch in open court? No, I can’t either.
In the meantime, the collateral damage to the judiciary and the Prime Minister’s personal standing mounts with every week of this sorry farce. And then there is the human cost to the man himself, who was determined to keep “calm and carry on” but has had his confidence in the justice system in Fiji tested to breaking point.
However much the likes of Victor Lal and Wadan Narsey say they have no sympathy for the DPP because of his links to the “old order” – which I think is grossly unfair – it isn’t just about him but about the integrity of the criminal justice system as a whole. That is the real test and one that this government is failing badly. Because we could all be Christopher Prydes one day – in some form or another – when the state demonstrates so little respect for the rule of law.
NOTE: Comments that prejudge the outcome of any Tribunal hearing are being withheld or amended for legal reasons.
When what the Prime Minister thinks counts for nothing…
What Salesi Temo said on July 25…
The full statement…
16 months and still no Tribunal hearing but plenty of time to celebrate the birthday of the People’s Liberation Army. An Acting Chief Justice (second from right) who is chronically injudicious.
Fred says
The collision government and its toady cheerleaders seem to be of the view that their mission was to replace FFP and that’s it, Vinaka.
So far zero sign that they thought it was in their remit to, well, govern. Certainly not for all the people anyway.
Jonathan Santiago Roa says
The PM had no right to have intervened and ought to kept his big mouth shut. In the meantime, the Judicial Establishment seems to be on a mission of vengeance to get rid of people like C. Pryde and others… (section removed for legal reasons)
…Yup, that is the law of the jungle in Fiji.
Solesolevaki says
Another gaffe from the sleep walking Joe Biden of Fiji
Get Up Fiji says
What law? The only law in Fiji atm is what the top government officials come out with to suit the narrative. This government has to go. Why? They have lied their way into power.
Eve says
The snake:
Listen to me, believe me, I am your friend, I care for your welfare. Vote for me.
You are charmed.
You vote.
Abcdxyz says
Slimy skunk is an evil serial liar and a devout christian.
Bereft of virtues says
Extend your title GD, Bereft of judgment, honour and influence, to also include Bereft of truth, honesty and integrity. Thus, his iterative apologies; yet another one in today’s news below. It is habitual! He just spews out his endless apologies but nothing is rectified, like DPP’s suspended pay. Is his PS Wise wise enough, or is the PM rejecting the wisdom of his PS?
Graham Davis says
Yes, the old Fijian knee-jerk response. Sorry, eh?
And, yes. Also bereft of truth, honesty and integrity. But there’s only so many failings I can get into a single headline. 🙂
Crackpot unlimited says
This is truly and openly a racist government ably assisted by the biggest Baimaan in the land. How often does the President of the biggest democracy in the world visit Fiji? This was the first time ever and the PM is sorry he did not invite the Indian members of parliament. Isa!!!! He is so sorry. Isa, we all must believe him again….. Isa.
One thing is unquestionable – the PM is doing a great job, he is a legend in his own mind. He brought back the GCC. What have they done in 2 years, well they did a lot …….of nothing.
Obviously they deserve another term, guaranteed. The people of Fiji are truly idiots.
Lest me qualify that – the people of Fiji are truly racists, and passionate Christians at the same time. God is looking after them.
Only me says
And like Pinocchio his nose is getting wider and those lying lips are nothing to write home about
Crackpot and dinosaur says
A recycled crackpot and dinosaur has been brought back by the people of Fiji with great exuberance after 37 years. What has the f*ckwit done in the last 37 years that they brought him back? Idiots, all of them. And then they all wonder why Fiji is where it is and then they all complain. F*cking imbeciles.
Vili Wadali says
They brought him back to throw out that imbecile fourth form drop- out who was bought out by Khaiyum and his vulagi co-religionists who then set about marginalising the i’taukei and then proceeded to sink thdir porcine snouts in the trough. Anyone with hslf a brain can see that.
Iodota everywhere says
I am looking forward to a bunch of God-fearing liars fronting the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. They will be swearing on their Bible to tell the whole truth! And then they will apologise, tears will be shed, ……..they will lie throught their teeth after swearing on the Bible and then? And then, things will just go back to normal. And what will be achieved? A lot of money will have been spent and a lot of peoples time would have been wasted and a lot of people will have wasted a lot of time on social media and in the daily press.
And then, this Commission is gonna fix all of Fiji’s problems. Just ask Sashi Kiran……….
It is gonna be such a healing process.