There are times in politics when your past statements come back to haunt you and never more so than in the case of the sanctimonious wannabe prime minister, Manoa Kamikamica.
In our previous article, we savaged him for his defence of the obscene salary and benefits package passed by the parliament last week. But that was before someone with a national reputation sent us the link to Manoa Kamikamica’s appearance on Sashi Singh‘s late, lamented Facebook program before the 2022 election.
A “gotcha” moments go, it doesn’t get any better. I’ve added it to the last article but it deserves its standalone posting here. How a man who aspires to lead the country said one thing to get everyone to vote for him and does precisely the opposite now that he is in power.
There are rumours that Sitiveni Rabuka‘s “action” against the NFP for refusing to vote for the salary and benefits package includes replacing Biman Prasad as Finance Minister after the budget with Manoa Kamikamica. But perhaps what you are about to see will put paid to that. Because this is a clip that will haunt Kamikamica for the rest of his political life.
Click on this link to be truly amazed at the sheer cynicism of some of our political leaders:
Qori, Fiji. What a difference 17 months at the trough makes for a little piggy who tells porkies to get into office and then betrays the people who put him there.
As Pharisees at the temple go, Manoa Kamikamica is not alone. The wannabe attorney general, Filimoni Vosarogo is also a first class hypocrite.
He voted FOR the increased salaries and benefits despite having said the following in 2022.
Now I hope you all got that, Fiji. See, here’s the thing. We think you are all so dumb that we can say whatever we like to get your vote and then do whatever we like when we get into power.
And then you will do what we bloody well tell you.
Got it? Vinaka!
Rajiv Sharma says
The beginning of the end for Manoa. Once seen as an honest credible person is now true to what a politician is. He cannot be trusted and will say anything to get on and then do a back flip.
He has lost all my respect.
Ordinary Joe says
I’m ashamed you had “respect” for any member of the demolition coalition, let alone the slime that is sweet sh1t ass in question.
Rajiv Sharma says
So I guess you respect Aiyaz ha !
Yes I respected Manoa for all he said during the campaign and saw him as a level headed person especially with the track record his father had. He lost my respect last week when he voted for the salary increase.
You always believe in someone till they lose that belief and respect.
Ordinary Joe says
You guessed wrong. It doesn’t have to be one or the other side. Try looking down the middle, straight and narrow for once
One day when we are all gone (in a hundred years), history will recall that out SLR, Voreqe, Speight, LQ, MPC, the military, all the many tiny chiefs and big chiefs and the rajivs of this world plus too many other numpty humpty dumptys -who it was that saved Fiji from civil war in 2000/2001. We came this close to itaukeis going at itaukies throats. Our memory so short that we vote for the same idiots over again. Our hate blinds us from accepting who did good when bad was boss. Looting, rioting, targeted burning of Suva city, killing, raping, random violence, mutiny, deaths, destruction were not caused or instigated people you freely vilify and hate now. The previous government’s record of infrastructure development, free education, free bus fares, $200 school grants per child, common and equal citizenry are but a few things that remain unsurpassed. No one cared or liked their dictatorial style, vindictiveness, and often small minded ideas.
In this ASK led from the front. In the reckoning of too many now, the current numb nuts can do no wrong as a government. Until they do- and repeatedly, as we sit back and say at least we have freedumb. And the Fiji media rejoice the removal of the media degree allowing the free-dumb to report honestly without fear or favor.
Worst of all, we have no alternative to this circus of clowns we call a ‘government.’ The clown car being driven towards the abyss by baimaan and the snake , Who will lead us out of this quagmire? Btw, if I tilt my head just right, the other guys head will look “level” too.
Quite in the cheap seats says
R Sharma why do you and you are not in solitary company in Fiji, guess that if someone does not endorse person A (eg Kamikamica) then you must endorse person B (Aiyaz) who is a politician of another party , or of a different political persuasion eg left liberal , socialist or right wing or centre right or conservative.
This block headed stupidity and polarity is a disease, as is religious or racial prejudice or envy.
That you could not see through Kamikamica or others whose true colours are yet again self revealed before last Friday’s parliamentary voting shows your immaturity in rightly evaluating character.
Credibility annihilated. says
Agree 100% !! We’ve just witnessed the annihilation of Manoa’s credibility. Isa, sad for Fiji.
Skurge says
Sonny says
To all those people voted for current running government ministers… price of frozen chicken feet has gone up….but Ministers are taking lamb chops home for dinner.
Oink oink says
Not sure about anyone else, but these so called leaders certainly are starting to actually look like pigs to me. Oink Oink.
Anonymous says
I once read Nirmal Cheema defend him as honorable.
Ordinary Joe says
Some fellas think they have the answer to every problem—like they have their finger on the pulse of political goings on. They need to pull their fingers from where the sun don’t shine for that is not the where the pulse of the nation is. Honorable. Jaysus wept.
Alick says
I saw through him soon after he came into office, and your revelations GD only confirms my own assessment of him.
A man with a huge ego of sociopathic dimensions.
He is already selling the country now to the highest bidder, imagine what will happen if he becomes Finance Minister.
Biman is probably the worst Finamce Minister Fiji has ever had.
Wait until Manoa takes over. The only person in govt qualified to be Finance Minister is the current Assistant Minister assisting Biman.
Rajiv Sharma says
Smart Alick
I disagree , Aiyaz was the worst Finance Minister, he raided the coffers to spend and spend with no offset or cuts to expenditure to balance the budget.
He sold shares in EFL so that he could pay for the budget deficit. he had no plan to pay off debt and built the economy through consumption based spending.
That is no way to sustain an economy , an economy needs private investment to grow and Government supports that through infrastructure investment that should grow the economy by a minimum of 7% for a country like Fiji as 3% growth won’t het you anywhere.
Biman is only trying to stabilize the economy and he is on the right track to bring down the debt and at the same time grow the economy.
You need some lessons in economics my friend
Making Fiji Great Again says
“right track to bring down the debt and at the same time grow the economy.”.
Care to provide specifically what he is doing?
Phil says
R Sharma: One disagrees with you, just like you have the right to disagree, whether your logic is sound or not you can disagree.
And one thinks it seems like your personal grudges against ASK the former AG clouds your judgement, so much so that anyone in opposition is made to be a saint.
One also thinks ASK, or anyone with that type of rational thinking, will run rings around you in any debate, and I won’t be patronising and call you my friend.
Anonymous says
Lol go to bed Baimann, you have a long day ahead of you convincing your masters that you haven’t been courting a crumbling Fiji First
Sad Observer Scared for Fiji says
The Emperor’s new clothes…
Press-the-right-button says
Agreed with SadObserver. It’s deeply concerning that self-serving political leaders are a persistent issue in democratic systems. Detecting and mitigating self-serving behavior in politics requires a multi-faceted approach to ensure accountability and transparency. Unfortunately, the current political landscape in Fiji lacks viable alternatives – no one among the present options seems capable of leading Fiji forward, which is profoundly disheartening.
If there is a true leader out there, please rise above the current nonsense and inspire a transparent, selfless path forward. Our universities are failing to develop the capability to serve effectively, often losing their way when given the chance. This catch-22 predicament demands urgent attention.
The challenge for our leaders is to become role models, building a democracy that attracts and nurtures talent dedicated to public service. Recent developments do not inspire much hope, but there is a way forward: we need to rebuild from the ground up with new talent, emphasizing transparency, trust, and the right actions for the right reasons.
Leaders, you owe much to our beloved nation, and your actions will eventually catch up with you. Honest achievements, though modest, will be remembered far more fondly in the annals of history than those tainted by unethical means and fraud. Our people are crying out for honest leadership that we can trust. Even small steps towards public good and strengthening democracy can make a significant difference. Give all our leaders (incl PM) KPIs and hold them accountable. The internal government machinery seems to be in a confused state and our country seems very much adrift without a rudder.
Paula Raqeukai says
It will be interesting to see how the MPs will vote for this BILL when it comes back to the Parliament for approval as a LAW…their real character to the service of the people will be portrayed…
Anonymous says
He came into Parliament as a newbie last year and learnt how to be a greedy politician very fast.
Fiji Watcher says
To those who say that Biman is stabilising the economy. In his last Budget he had the estimated operating cost of Government for 2023-24 was $436.122 Million higher than for 2022-23. At the same time the increase in Infrastructure spending was $31.559 Million, which is less than the inflation rate. That goes nowhere near stabilising anything,
As some point out you need a growth rate of 7%, but the only figure with that number is the inflation rate for April of 7.1%. If the next budget sees another similar growth in operating costs and no real lift in the investment in infrastructure Biman and the Government will have failed.
The Reserve Bank of Fiji in its April Summary highlights the continued loss of labour (mostly semi and highly skilled) due to Migration, Hotel capacity constraints, an Aging infrastructure. The slow uptake of private sector investment and rising cost of doing business. All factors which should influence the coming Budget.
Of those on the Government side there are few who have the capacity to be Minister for Finance and Manoa Kamikamica is NOT one of them!
Wake-Up! says
Well guys here you were hating on each other – iTaukei’s on Indians/ Muslims coz of all the hate and divide created by the Coalition Government and Rabuka in their ploy to “divide and rule”.
What did you achieve in the end? You went against the word of God to “love thy neighbour” and were so blinded by the hatred brought about by dementia-struck Rabuka who is like a ping-pong ball – saying one thing doing another!
These politicians showed their true colors!
They don’t give a shit about you – it’s all about enriching themselves!
At least open your bloody eyes now and stop being taken for a ride.
As voters/ public exercise the strength of your voice and stand up for yourselves before these politicians sell you out!
Silence is Deafening says
Where is the military? While by no means to instigate, what I mean is the current situation is totally out of control and requires some order. It’s a full blown circus and full assault on the constitution. As custodians of the rule of law military should hold these politicians to account.
Fijian Government putting Fiji to shame on the world front. Absolutely disgusting.