The much anticipated Iranian attack on Israel has begun, threatening all out war in the Middle East, with vast implications for the whole world. Israel is bound to retaliate. And what happens after that is anyone’s guess. A new and very dangerous era is upon us.
From BBC News:
From Nine Media in Australia:
Golf Tango says
This is not Israels first rodeo, remember 1948, 1956, 1967,1973,1982,2006,Intifada and now Gaza. Iran should be prepared for Israel’s response.
Fijians shining their boots says
We have Fiji Army ready to protect the people of the Lord in Isreal. Send them to Isreal with the others who went on a trip of a lifetime to now go and safeguard Isreal.
I really want to see our Fijians on the frontline in Isreal.
Game over? says
Would that be the same people that fled in the first Fiji airways flight out of Israel when the conflict began?
Vinny says
Hope fully they fight and not surrender and sing hymns.
Guadalcanal Action says
The RFMF have stomped on, spat on, consigned our chiefs to drink home brew under the mango tree and even murdered our citizens so many times since 1987 that if Fiji were under threat no body will want to sign up.
There’ll be happiness that these overweight over inebriated peace keepers will finally have to put their bodies and lives on the line for a change rather than torment local citizens that they became so fond of doing over the years.
My father and his father before him served the RFMF faithfully in their time.
This is not the same RFMF that we all used to love, admire and respect and we know those individuals who wrecked that image for their selfish ends.
They’re still strutting around living off taxpayers’ expense.
Vinny says
August 31, 2014 at 11:08 am |
5 Votes
All the hype about Fiji soldiers being fearless and world reknown is crap, just crap. I have often heard from senior military officers here in Fiji about how Fiji soldiers are the best in the world…WHAT A LOAD OF RUBBISH!!!
Too much self praise and not enough combat time gets one in these situations…..Greatest rugby players, greatest warriors, greatest soldiers…..crap !!!Reminds me of the time Seru Cakobau asked for friendly Tongan warriors to assist him in the great Rewa war.As soon as the battle started, the Tongans charged towards the enemy (Rewans) and the Bauan Batis went and hid behind trees leaving the Tongans to fight for themselves.After the battle ,it was asked why the Bauans hid behind trees in the middle of the battle since the Tongans were only helping and not supposed to be frontline troops. The answer that came from the Bauans was that thats how they do battle ,they hide at the site of enemy approaching and then ambush them if they come nearer….Crap !!! thats called lamusona . Brings to memory the word KIDACALA (as in Rabuka’s operation KIDACALA).
The Lord thy GOD,JESUS has finally humbled you lot of self worshipping and human hating race. Remember Lebanon ,when the RFMF soldiers were attacked in the late 70’s…Corporal VIDYA SAGAR and another itaukei soldier fought back, lost their lives and are still heros.These modern day RFMF is a bunch of wife beating ,homosexual former students of QVS,RKS,MARIST wannabe’s. watching too many video games and pretending to be soldiers.GAURI RFMF
GuyFawkes says
Does Iran have the right to defend itself ?
Do you condemn Israel ?