Lynda Tabuya has finally bowed to pressure to remove the video she posted and shared on Facebook of a child being brutally beaten after several days of defiance that has badly damaged her public standing.
It would have gradually dawned on the Great Temptress that she was on a hiding to nothing by continuing to ignore the directive to Fijians from the Online Safety Commission not to share the video. Her antics in Room 233 that have brought her global attention largely haven’t been covered in the Fijian mainstream media. But the spectre of the Minister for Children defying the Commission and wilfully invading a child’s privacy has been a bridge too far and even Tabuya’s cheer squad at the Fiji Times has allowed comment that has been highly unflattering of someone who is obsessed with her public image.
When you read the letters to the editor in both papers today, you’ll notice that the decision by the mainstream media not to cover the sex and drug scandal that will see the Minister up before a People’s Alliance disciplinary inquiry on Monday doesn’t mean that people don’t know the details.
Maca Bola of Suva uses the word “brutal” – from one of Tabuya’s leaked text messages – that has entered the lexicon in Fiji and is now being widely used in all sorts of contexts, including around the grog bowl. “Bro, that’s a brutal mix!” is just one story that has reached the ears of Grubsheet. And the ubiquitous Rajend Naidu of Sydney asks what the Minister could possibly be smoking to defy the Online Commission’s order – a reference to another leaked text from Room 233 of Lynda Tabuya telling Aseri Radrodro that she has “plenty of weed”. So just because they haven’t seen or heard any of these references in the local media doesn’t mean the Fijian people don’t know every detail of the sex and drug scandal.
The Minister has obviously been advised that in the countdown to a very awkward appearance before the PAP disciplinary committee on Monday, she doesn’t need the added burden of a public relations inferno that isn’t being ignored in the local media and that was always going to burn her. Social media is full of accusations that Lynda Tabuya seized on the child’s plight to create a distraction from the sex and drug scandal. So the Fijian people aren’t stupid, even if their media often treats them that way. With the increasing exception, it must be said, of the Fiji Sun, which is leaving Fred Wesley and his team at the Fiji Times wallowing in mediocrity and irrelevance. Who’d have thunk.
Rajiv Sharma says
I always found Lynda Tabuya to be overrated and now a mess as a Minster, clearly incapable of holding office, can’t believe no common sense at all and she wants to be a leader.
The right thing for her to do is resign from cabinet and from Parliament so the Coalition is not distracted from her poor judgement and all the other hard working Ministers are put to shame because of her antics.
From another woman says
Tabuya should be removed from Meta (Facebook) instantly. It is a brutal and gross violation of a right of a child. The child’s privacy has been compromised. She has harmed the child. And that warrants a serious charge by Fiji Police and prompt action by PM To stand her down from her portfolio. This is what the PM in his lala self should have done a few weeks ago. He is failing the country while she is running around high and defiant. Sack this woman now.
Our children are not safe under her leadership.
Concerned mother says
A year ago and at about this same time Tabuya wanted IndoFijian woman to give her the police reports of the abuse that they endured during 1987 coup. Tabuya told the Fiji Indian women that Rabuka is the right Prime Minister for us. This is the same man who harmed many women. That made international news first before Fiji news because women leaders overseas raised concerns promptly. They didn’t hold back. Tabuya’s face was on all major news in Australia and New Zealand for all the wrong reasons and we will be seeing this again very soon.
I wonder what would she have done with those stories from the women if she received them. Blasted it on a high on social media to breach their privacy while she gained fame. She would have as expected without a surprise 100 percent.
Do not trust this woman and her whole team with any sensitive information of any abuse, Fiji. She is dangerous and your family’s safety online will be compromised. Anyone will be a fool to give her anything for anti-porn committee. She will put it all online with that kind of mentality for sure.
The system is broken because Fiji has a Minister spinning on an axis nonstop that is dangerous and the Prime Minister has no control of her. Makes one wonder why. What has he got to lose! He doesn’t care about our children. He only cares about her.
Say it says
Lynda is such a role model. She’s sexy, beautiful and what about those designer glasses… usually fits and with all it’s shapes and sizes. She is destined for great things and may well be Fiji’s first woman Prime Minister.
Forget about modesty, intelligence and wisdom…appearances matter and she has it in droves. If Barbie was Fijian, she’ll be Lynda Tabuya.
Graham Davis says
Yes, if running the country was like running Fiji Fashion Week, she’d be perfect. Well said. 🙂
Woman with better eye for Barbie details says
Some Barbies look better inside a box. That’s what they are. They think and remain in a box all their life. Sitting pretty doing nothing. Arms and legs together sitting idle and looking pretty. Well that’s a good thing in this case.
And the sheep that follow that Barbie are just clueless.
Get a grip Barbie followers. Ewww.
Apart from modeling, what has your Barbie achieved so far? List 1.
4 Children says
Demand Tabuya be fired immediately.
Everyone please speak up NOW. We can make a difference if we use our voice.
Do not accept mediocrity from YOUR government and PM. Demand integrity.
Mere says
Whats up with Fiji Government Facebook page. Just posting photos of random dudes without captions.
Is Lynda running the page?
Fiji Government page says
The opposition page posts has more likes and traction than the Fiji Government page.
Fiji Government page and all Ministry pages has some muti-talented admins running the page like a corner shop. Poor English, grammar and even spelling. How did we get here is beyond many.
We are a joke on international platform. Saw the post today on Biman in India. They got the name of the person he is meeting and the place wrong. Wth
Meanwhile Lynda’s lot busy blocking people on her page. Stupid. You don’t even have to follow her to read her ratings and likes. Take a dive.
Anonymous says
Meanwhile, Jason Zhong has been charged with bribery with another 2 including a senior officer at TLTB. You need to bring your Vasu and Zhong posts back.
What Lynda! says
I recently saw that Lynda’s mass followers are slowly disappearing on Facebook. That includes me and my friends. Less than 10 likes for a post 2 hours ago.
Posting about her family doesn’t help this time. Nor any bhai’s kids.
I would keep my kids off her Facebook page and any posting if I had kids. I would be a worried as hell as a mother if she had any information and photos of my children.
Wake up people.
Live by your values.
She has taken all of us for a ride.
We voted for a nobody.
Total waste of our votes women!
Should have just voted for a man instead.
Worst woman leader ever in Fiji’s history.
Grubsheet has shown us all that she wanted to be the Prime Minister. She will sell our children on social media for her fame.
Listen mada. Pay attention mada.
Enough is enough.
Kaiviti says
Report her page to Meta
Report the abuse on Meta Facebook says
People need to go on her Facebook page and report the page for harassment and child abuse.
The more people report her the better. Do it.
Perpetually Disgusted says
I appreciate women leaders and it’s so important they have a seat at the table, more importantly, at country leadership level.
Unfortunately for Fiji, we have a woman leading the Women’s Ministry, Lynda Tabuya, who is anything but honorable.
A disgrace no amount of fashion can save.
This person who has visions of becoming Fiji’s PM is without integrity because she has breached the code of conduct for holding a public office. I make reference to her alleged involvement in a sex scandal with Aseri Radrodro, who is without any shame himself.
Secondly, as the Minister for Women & Children, she has been seen to encourage alcohol consumption by awarding alcohol as prizes in a raffle for a sporting event. I mean who cares about the after effects of alcohol consumption or to be mindful of optics. But no!
And then, a child being beaten badly by someone in a video is shared by Lynda on her official Facebook page for political mileage. This is not activism! This is someone who has just abused a child’s vulnerability publicly. Where are the organizations that protect children from such abuse? Do you need the Online Safety Commission to tell you to take the video down or do you not have any sense of ‘the right thing to do’?!
Who allowed such a video to be posted? Who decided that this was the only and best way to bring this issue to light?
As the Minister for Women, I assume Lynda had faster access to Police and ability to arrange protection and care for the poor child without the need to publicly expose the victim.
Also, why encourage a mpaisa charity set up? Who is benefiting from this? Does Lynda get a cut of the pie? Where is my tax money going if not to support such causes?
I question Lynda’s ethics, motives and I’m judging her based on her actions.
And because she holds a public office, she is a PUBLIC SERVANT, answerable to the People of Fiji.
I’m disgusted by this Government and the people who are running this country right into the dark ages!
We deserve better.
Worried women says
Listen up Lynda!
You must go. Stand down now.
I hope PAP is reading and noting all said here. Because no where else people have had the chance to voice themselves on this issue.
Lynda is our national shame.
As a woman I am ashamed to call her Honourable.
Keep her and Aseri away from our children and girls.
These are dangerous and unsettled self serving idiots.
She should have been stood down from her role when she was under investigation. That would have saved the child’s online abuse that she has equally perpertuated.
She is such a failure at all levels.