An extract from the next instalment of A Tangled Web of Secrecy and Control:
The Fijian Attorney General’s action in cutting off Fiji’s contribution to the University of the South Pacific is extraordinary. It is a slap in the face for regional solidarity and the principle that has underlined USP right from the time it was founded half a century ago on the Laucala campus – the former Royal New Zealand Air Force flying boat base that was a gift from the departing Kiwis. This was the ideal of a genuinely Pacific centre of higher learning in which Fiji may have been the host but was first among equals only in size and population – the notion that for this ideal to work, everyone must have a voice in the “Pacific Way”. It was a concept first enunciated by Fiji’s founding statesman, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, that no one country should dominate its Pacific neighbours and use its relative strength to muscle them into silence or into line.
Unfortunately, this is not the way of Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, who with his withdrawal of USP funding, has gravely offended Fiji’s other Pacific partners and for what? To try to get his way in terms of the administration of USP? By any standard, It is a feeble and small-minded objective with an eye on the short term at the expense of something much greater, which is Fiji’s stature in the eyes of the region and certainly the academic world. Whether the AG gets what he wants remains to be seen. But his “Fiji first” attitude and the FijiFirst’s government’s lack of sensitivity for the USP’s other stakeholders damages Pacific solidarity when the climate threat and threat to our oceans makes the strengthening of those ties a regional imperative.
It is the same attitude to Fiji’s neighbours that produced the AG’s budget announcement that Fiji is closing its high commission in Port Moresby while keeping open its mission in Abu Dhabi. Papua New Guinea remains the largest economy among the island nations, there are hundreds of Fijians working in PNG and trade between the two countries has never been greater. Yet a diplomatic presence in the Arab world is regarded as more important than one in the Pacific. So is it any wonder that the AG seems so little troubled by offending Fiji’s partners at USP?
And there is another element – the recklessness of potentially offending Fijian young people of voting age and their parents at a time when the FijiFirst government’s fortunes are in decline and the polls show most people now expect Sitiveni Rabuka to supplant Frank Bainimarama as Prime Minister in the 2022 election. How many Fijian votes are in the AG’s foot stomping at USP when ordinary Fijians see the education of their young people being used as a political football? None. So it is not only reckless in terms of the damage to Fiji’s regional ties but reckless in the threat it poses to FijiFirst’s electoral position…
Part of a much wider story on Friday October 2. Don’t miss it.
Tevita says
One wonders why the RFMF is being complacent, under the 2013 Constitution it is entrusted with the protection of Fiji; whether it be economics, welfare or its Human Resources development. ASK has consistently beguiled RFMF; clearly admonished it as a toothless institution, by his actions whereby the RFMF cannot uphold the Rule of Law. Therefore, we can clearly deduce that Fiji doesn’t need the RFMF as they aren’t upholding their duty to the Nation and should be scrapped much like PWD; after all the RFMF has been allocated tens or hundreds of millions for 3000-4000 members; whilst the populace suffers indignation. RFMF has to go, it’s not doing its duty as entrusted by the 2013 Constitution. What is hard in arresting ASK and all his cronies?
Broofstoyefski says
Because for some reason they’re waiting for Frankie to make a move instead of taking action themselves.
But anyways, the preview is worthwhile for what’s coming up in the next write-up of the “Tangled Web” part 2.
Ajax says
Why must the RFMF intervene in this instance ?
This is a political problem that must be sorted put politically.
Should not the Ministers in Frank’s Cabinet, in solidarity, be first to tap him on the shoulder and get him to rein in the AG on this issue?
Why must it be the Army?
Are our political institutions so weak that we have to rely on the Army every time we dont agree with a government decision?
We pay our politicians big money to sort out the political problems of the day. Get them to earn their pay. Just saying, aye
Broofstoyefski says
That’s another thing too, the army being a tool for almost any other “revolutionary wannabe” which is often a sad reputation that’s its known for.
Frankie’s failure to act immediately in order to see through the “Adolescent General” himself is bound to come back and bite him if FFP fails at the elections.
Tevita says
2013 Constitution s.131 “ (2) It shall be the overall responsibility of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces to ensure at all times the security, defence and well-being of Fiji and all Fijians.”
The Supreme Law of Fiji delegates RFMF such authority.
Ajax says
But it does not say the Army should intervene whenever anyone disagrees with government.
The politicians should sort this out. Not the Army
Tevita says
Security define it; it relates to economic security of the State, job security of the population, political security, social security, food security of many who are finding it hard to put food on the table, children selling mangoes in school to food on the table; the term security in the Constitution is in its broadest terms, whereby encompassing all its meaning pertaining to the welfare of the State.
Tevita says
Define overall responsibility; it is a duty that holds the RFMF accountable and as such they can admonish punishment.
Semi says
Yes, we dont like any government, we vote them out. Very simple. You involve the military it will be back to square 1 all over again and the cycle continues
Naivi Vatunibalawa says
The RFMF regrettably have now totally lost their mojo when it comes to the AG. It cannot just be avarice. The PM has put them in a position of total impotence; much to the chagrin of most Fijians. So we should stop deluding ourselves. The RFMF is not there for us. It is there to maintain these two individuals in power.
Ofa Swann says
Bula vinaka
If we don’t do something urgently about this mess, we are to be held responsible for the loss of “the Pacific Way”. Each one of us must act and vote out this FF government.
Our identity has slowly being dismissed and diminished when we can’t speak in our mother tongue in parliament. As an aunt of mine use to say “well I never…”
I urge each and every one of us together with our families and friends to take action. The pen is mightier than the sword in the long term.
Tevita says
Thus, my comment that RFMF should be scrapped as it is failing in its duty to uphold the rule of law; money allocated to the RFMF over the years doesn’t justify its existence when the Supreme law of the land holds it accountable to Fiji and all Fijians and the RFMF is being complacent
Ajax says
There is a simple way of resolving this conundrum Ratu Tevita.
Instead of scrapping the RFMF and thus throwing more i’taukei onto the unemployed scrapheap, just change the Constitution!
Its already proven to be a defective and divisive document.
Tevita says
Its performance appraisal of the RFMF, just like any individual in the work force, you don’t perform, you’re out of a job; RFMF has a duty under the 2013 Constitution, if it’s incapable of performing that duty, then scrapping it is the best case scenario. It saves the government $100m in budget allocations every year, military Coups are no longer a problem; 1987 Military Coup, 2000 military arms were used, 2006 Military Coup; scrapping the military is the best solution of all if it cannot perform its duty as enshrined under the 2013 Constitution. On average ASK and cronies are burdening Fiji at a rate of $1.7 billion a year, thus a $10.2 billion debt liability, short term solution is to get rid of ASK and cronies, charge them and recoup all monies or assets, for fleecing the economy. Am not a Ratu but thanks for the salutations anyway, now I know that the Ratu title can be bestowed on anyone, why not add it to RATU AIYAZ S KHAIYUM.
Ajax says
I would accept your defence of the 2013 Constitution if it had been legitimized vide a national referendum etc.
As you know it was virtually shoved down our throats without our consent. That it is beeing backed and held together by various coercive arms of the State renders it all the more illegitimate
Tevita says
2013 Constitution states
S.52. “The members of Parliament shall be chosen by secret ballot in free and fair elections administered by the Electoral Commission, in accordance with this Constitution and any written law governing elections.
53.—(1) The election of members of Parliament is by a multi-member open list system of proportional representation, under which each voter has one vote, with each vote being of equal value, in a single national electoral roll comprising all the registered voters.”
The mere fact that our knowledgeable Party leaders contested 2014 and 2018 elections under the 2013 Constitution, clearly shows acceptance of the 2013 Constitution.
With voters compliance of s.55(4) in getting their voter registration card, clearly shows acceptance of the 2013 Constitution. One cannot argue that the Constitution was shoved down ones throat because we had the opportunity to nip it in the bud and boycott the 2014 elections; but our knowledgeable party leaders chose not; which brings my question to the fore, was it greed for higher salaries?
Ari B says
Very well put. As a Fijian working in the islands I have observed with great sadness how Fiji has slowly lost its standing as a ‘big brother’ to a lot of the smaller island nations. The idea of everyone being equal and all belonging to a special grouping of Pacific Islands nations bound by our smallness, geographical isolation, vulnerability to climate change, similar economic challenges and so on, and more importantly by blood, amongst the many families related across the islands has lost its meaning and Fiji’s special place in the hearts of many of the smaller island nations is quickly being eroded. It is sad but an observable truth. Unfortunately the FFP has to accept the blame for this. The leaders of the FFP have adopted a ‘clean earth’ policy where the winner takes all and this case it is Fiji and no one else. Everything is looked at from a win for Fiji perspective and forget about everybody else. I think they forget that Fiji has a special role – that was certainly the founding fathers concept – Rt Mara Somare, Mamaloni, etc.,. For me as a Pacific Islander and as a Fiji Citizen it is very uncomfortable and does not sit very well. We maybe the biggest contributor to the USP but I would suggest that we, Fiji, are the real winners in the long run, in the economy, foreign exchange, house rentals, retail and wholesale industries, economic development, funding made for research, ease of getting Fiji citizens educated….the list goes on. Finally I dare suggest that it is not Khayum who is doing this, ultimately the buck stops with the PM and he is to blame for all of Fijis current ills and if the FFP loses the next election.
Ajax says
Of course its the PM. He recently said so himself that he is responsible for the actions of his Ministers and that any criticism if his Ministers is a criticism of himself.
The problem with this ‘winner take all’ philosophy underpinning this USP decision is that it is uncharitable and unChristian.
It is based on this foreign idea that the FFP government must show strength when challenged.
A tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye is a essentially a muslim idea coming from a member of the Umma who now controls Fiji.
Frank supports this stance as it helps erase the humiliation of his cassava patch dash that makes him a national joke.
Rajiv Sharma says
They preach the Pacific way and promote talanoa yet they practice the opposite and rule with an iron fist
AG is like a kid in the playground complaining that he got tripped by his friend while playing soccer so he decides to pick up the soccer ball and run hone with it
Graham Davis says
Brilliant comments, everyone. Thoughtful and articulate. Privileged to have you here. Vinaka!
Sunil Kumar says
The Prime Minister has been consistently misinformed by those around him, including the AG, who has his own interest in the matter. They must understand USP has given a lot to Fiji for pittance that it pays to USP. AG has no understand of this matter, nor does his boss, the PM of Fiji.
pat says
Ignorance of the law is not a defence for the common man is it a defence for a Prime Minister?
If you’re gonna hold the office of Prime Minister you shoulder the responsibility of the office.
Any blind fella can see that its a witch hunt, the PM isnt blind.
Ajax says
No he is not blind. But we just making the point that as a fourth former from Marist he went on to join the Navy and cannot compete with the Indian brain of ASK with his degree in law (LLM) to which Frank has been enthralled hitherto.
We have a master (Indian) vz servant Fijian (i’taukei) relationship going on here that is unacceptable to Fijian nationalism.
That is the mood of the i’taukei community. Frank is ignoring this ay his peril.
Isa Viti
Marc Edge says
Friday can’t come soon enough. The truth should be told on this important issue. This is not the first time the regime has meddled at USP. Luckily when it is Friday in Oz it will still only be Thursday in most of the rest of the world.
Sunburnt says
The outrage of closing the Fiji mission in Papua New Guinea while maintaining not only Abu Dhabi but Jakarta and Ethiopia!
Broofstoyefski says
It just sends wrong signals in doing so, at the very least a giant middle finger to the rest of the Pacific region.