Sashi Kiran – the NFP’s Assistant Minister for Women and Children – happily sat next to Lynda Tabuya, her principal, yesterday as the Minister for Bonking and Weed publicly advocated the death penalty for drug dealers in one of the most astonishing interventions yet by any Coalition minister on the national drugs crisis.
Does Sashi Kiran agree with her senior colleague from the People’s Alliance, who was sacked as deputy party leader in March after being found guilty of using illicit drugs in her weed-fuelled “brutal” sex encounter with her fellow minister, Aseri Radrodro, in Room 233 of the Windsor Hotel in Melbourne precisely a year ago next week?
It is high time for the NFP to declare its hand on this issue – the latest instance in which it appears to endorse an extreme position of its Coalition partner on a matter of vital public importance. Did Lynda Tabuya warn Sashi Kiran that she would call for the death penalty for drug dealers in advance of their news conference yesterday? Or is the NFP in agreement with Tabuya that this a proper response to the national drugs crisis?
It is highly alarming to what extent the NFP is prepared to go to placate its Coalition partners when it was specifically elected on a platform of keeping the bastards honest. Sashi Kiran has become one of the worst enablers and appeasers of all. And she needs to explain herself on this issue in particular, which is not only in violation of the 2013 Constitution but all civilised norms.
There is absolutely no sense of shame on the part of Lynda Tabuya in calling for the death penalty for drug dealers when she is a proven drug user herself. Just as there is no sense of shame as she identifies the twin evil of pornography in the same breath when she sent pornographic images of herself to Aseri Radrodro from Room 233 in August 2023. All this happened with Sashi Kiran sitting next to her. So does the NFP minister concur with the sentiments expressed?
This enabling and appeasement has gone on for far too long. And those Fijians who voted for the NFP have every right to demand an explanation from Sashi Kiran as to precisely where she stands, just as they have every right to demand an explanation from the party leader, Biman Prasad, as to whether he also agrees with the death penalty for drug dealers. So please explain. Both of you.
POSTSCRIPT: To his credit, the NFP Home Affairs Minister, Pio Tikoduadua, opposes the death penalty in comments to the Fiji Sun this morning, as do Shaista Shameem and the Fiji Law Society. So once again, the Queen of Tarts has shot her mouth off in a reckless publicity stunt that has brought the Coalition into disrepute.
Knocked on the head in an editorial in today’s Fiji Sun:
From the Queen of Porn, more blatant hypocrisy. Does Sashi Kiran endorse this too? From a pornographer?
Got it in one. Verbal diarrhoea.
From Friday’s Fiji Times…
Fed up says
Either one would do just fine. Capital punishment or a life sentence without the possibility of parole. But, then again, that would be a drain on taxpayers . Screw it, off em!
Idiots everywhere says
Bunch of incompetents feeding off each other and very proudly.
Simple question to ask is what the f*u k have any of them done in the last 20 months.
Peter says
The threat of death penalty will only affect Kadavuans, Matuku islanders and Fulaga people who have been identified as the indigenous criminal network who facilitate the distribution of Methamphetamine, Cocaine and farm fresh organic Marijuana from Kadavu..
Is she advocating for the extinction of Kaivitis ????? The Marijuana dealers from Kadavu will soon descend into Suva point looking for the minister’s house.
All logical says
The logic, (if none of you have not already got it) is, you put to death those who peddle drugs. For those who use drugs, you give them a promotion and a hefty pay rise. Lynda has not spelt it out.
This all makes perfect sense to me because I am fully aware that I am in Fiji and things here are done the special way – God’s way.
As for the Commandment “Thou Shalt not Kill” – well, that all depends on the circumstances at the time, who is involved, how much has been paid, whether he is an entitled chief, an iTaukei or a vulagi etc etc. There are a lot of variables.
In Fiji, laws are made up as you go and commandments are flexible depending on the circumstances. This is iTaukei land afterall. We know best.
That is why Fiji is on the cusp of being a Singapore or Hawaii.
Just ask the government members.
Clueless as says
The two most useless women leaders in Fiji’s history.
The bar is set so low that even my cat can jump it.
Get Up Fiji says
On a side note, this may or may not reflect directly on these two clueless women; the PM has called for a better understanding of China after being obviously brain washed on his last visit to China with Lin Da happy ending. Have these two women taken money, or advice from China about the death penalty? China has the death penalty so one could be suspicious about their influences on the Fiji Government’s decisions, especially after the call by block head Rambo to understand China better.