Please click on the photos to see larger versions. As several readers have already said in the previous posting, it was a wonderful day in Nadi and the entire country. A real sense of patriotism and renewal and what a stunning image for Fiji at airports around the region.
Good Morning Sir, thank you for taking so many pictures. Any internal pictures or weren’t you allowed inside the aircraft? Like to see what it looks like inside.
Thanks for these pictures. I only saw the flyover in Suva. In a a true Suva manner, we greeted our new arrival with a cloudy morning and a light rain drizzle salute. I am a proud Fijian, this is a picture of determination and our independence. We are now projecting to the world our identity… yes we are Fiji. We are a small nation but with a warm smile and welcoming nature. Our identity and pride must not be subservient to the desire of others. A bright future awaits..Looking forwards to a brighter future. Congrats to everyone who made this possible.
I have got to have a ride on this aircraft one day soon. Just love the Fiji design. Certainly will be seen in the skies when landing and taking off overseas. Great advertising! Hope there is Fijian inspired food on offer too! Looks fantastic!
It all looks good, but a bad move by Air Pacific and Fiji Government.We are paying above premium price for fleet of aircrafts whose production is about to end and safety record not so good. Air Pacific is in debt, close to F$1.8 billion dollars. I dont think Air Pacific will be able to service this debt in good times and I dont want to think what it will be like if there is recession.
Leasing would have been a much better option. I have never said anything bad about the present Government but this time I think someone has more motivation to fill his pocket than the good of Air Pacific and the country.
I hold masters degree from Australia in Air Transport Management. I also hold FAA and CASA Air Transport Pilots License with 12000 hours of flying experience mostly in USA. I also have about 10 years experience in Flt Ops Management. I am also fully licensed FAA aircraft dispatcher.
Well done Tomasi. Seems like you have the qualifications in answering or asking all the questions in regards to aviation in Fiji. Do you know much about gumboots?
Thank you Tomasi. Now that puts your comments in proper perspective. I will now read your comments with greater attention and acoord it the respect that it deserves.
I was going to steer clear of this thread, and let Graham’s excellent pictures tell their own story, but really …
Kathy, is nobody in New Fiji allowed to question the appropriateness of a billion and a half dollar loan, cloaked in maximum secrecy, signed by a CEO as part of his hitherto unexplained but ‘amazing business plan’ (Fiji but which he himself won’t deliver because … err, he’s already got another job to go to … the seed financing for which comes from the FNPF (which this government roundly criticised when it provided the seed financing for a much more stable ‘domestic’ investment, ie. Natadola)?
There are a great many questions being asked about this deal, about, as Tomasi mentioned, the need for new A330s as opposed to working with QF to access theirs. And not just about the specifics of the financing either, but also about the operational suitability of this type of aircraft to the mix of routes that FJ is flying and whether A330s will allow them to achieve the highest yields possible for both passengers and cargo. And this is completely separate from the discussion that relates to the management of Air Pacific/FJ which has been turned on its head since the arrival of the now departing CEO, and is likely to be turned on its head one more time by whoever takes over again. By at least one obvious criteria Air Pacific/FJ is obviously failing the country: As a defacto monopoly Pacific Sun can only offer two flights a week from Suva to Taveuni, which I would like to visit in July. When I last visited Taveuni in 2005 there were three daily weekday flights.
Whether you are for this government or against this government the enduring strength or otherwise of our national airline and its inter-connectivity with the region and wider Pacific basin is what differentiates our economy from those of our island neighbours. It is the central pillar of our economy. Fiji’s pre-2006 and post-2006 leaders will be long retired and puttering around the Fiji Golf Club while these planes are still being paid off.
It may be that the A330 proves an excellent choice, and that the financing is a model of probity. Or maybe … like the choice of casino partner … if there was more debate, transparency and accountability at the front end, we would have less recrimination, finger-pointing and negative equity at the back end.
So thank you to Vijay Narayan and FM96 for at least asking the questions.
And everyone has been telling me that we are in a recession and have been for a long time.
Tomasi, I have to agree with you that not all seems kosha with the loan. When asked at the press conference yesterday on this, they declined to answer. Why? What is there to hide. Be open like the government is with everything.
It’s a bit unfair to base the loan arrangements as not seeming kosha based on the fact that the CEO declined to answer some questions at the press conference on this subject.
There’s such a thing as ‘comercial confidentialiy’ and not all financial can or should be made public. Besides that, to cover the full financial arrangements, where allowed would have taken considerable time and there would have been a need to have journalists present that both understood and would be able to report this accurately.
Qantas operates about 40 Airbus aircrafts including A330 and was a active participant in the management of Air Pacific. Here was an opportunity to buy these aircrafts using the Qantas bargain power.This would have kept the deal transparent and honest. However Qantas was sidelined about the time Air Pacific went into serious negotiation with Airbus.
Mr Pflinger’s age, qualification and experience does not match. I wonder if a proper background check of his resume was done. Now he is leaving with Air Pacific owing 1.8 billion dollars. The total carried forward gross debt for Fiji Government at end of last year was about 3.6 billion dollars.
Tomasi, it seems then with 3.6Billion debt one would like to see somewhere between 5 to 10% return on investments. Is the Fiji Government getting this kind of return? I don’t think so. So then why are they putting more money into this? Open the market to other airlines and let them bring tourist into the country on cheap airfare. I am sure the government can reap the profits from hotel tax or other indirect methods from all the operators.
Anyway I still like the new branding. Money well spend. Maybe on next plane they can write on belly Bula or Moce or Broke
I am sure all the ‘due diligence’ checks were carried out by the Air Pacific board.
By raising doubts about Dave Pfilgers background and experience you seem to imply that such checks were not as thorough as it should be.
Are you able to share with us the reason for your doubts?
The other that concerns me is that issue of air safety. You say that the Airbus is not as reliable as other aircraft when it comes to safety. can you elaborate please.
I am sure many like us who would like to book on this aircraft would also like to do our own ‘due diligence’ checks before we commit to flying with the new Fiji Airways
it is an amazing business plan said Mr Pfliege. Now what’s so amazing? You have spent half of nations GDP and put us into further debt. Maybe that’s what he finds amazing that he got away with it.
I don’t know much but I think it is not proper to comment on something where facts are not with us and the person alleging did not provide appropriate standards, acceptable facts, etc to compare things to.
So Tomasi’s comments although may hold water I do note that he lacked to quote from reliable sources where we can check the facts ourselves, etc. as people like me need to verify as we don’t know much and need to properly ascertain things prior to agreeing to his views.
To cast doubt or shadows on things without properly arguing our views I think is not proper.
Well that’s just me……………
Anyway…………………… I love the new design and seeing the airbus for the first time as it flew past by really made my day.
Thank you Fiji Airways………………… may you grow to be a prosperous business bring hope to our beloved country.
Any may you continue to shine ‘Fiji’ to the rest of the world.
Bula Vinaka Riverside. I fully agree with you in regards to the concern raised by Tomasi. Whilst he is suitably qualified in the aviation industry; and like all of us should be accorded the freedom to air his concern on any issue in Fiji, his lack of accessibilty to financial details of the deal (like all of us) means that its still an assumption.
Hey Tomasi bro, I have a Masters in chicken farming? That does not give me the right to comment on the chickens living overseas! A degree is a piece of paper to say you passed the exams. The practical world is different. If you think otherwise the why didn’t the American Phd’s catch the global financial crisis?? Because they do theory.. reality is different. In the real world we take risks and it costs money. They are still struggling to solve the European crisis. Fiji is competing in the global stage. You want to compete then put the money where your mouth is! Fiji is small, yes it is a significant debt but it is in the national interest. You never know if the Masters qualified air traffic management people may send the plane in the wrong direction. we need people to get the tourism industry on a different service level. The new generation of Master’s qualified tourists are NOT going to be travelling on a Fijian ‘Drua’. They want Air Cond., A flat Lcd, comfy seats then you better buy new planes else I will take my Masters qualified travel-person to Bali?
Perhaps it would be to our advantage if we word our comments mindfully as this this a public domain and it may be rude and perhaps a legal concern if we are not careful with accusations.
As it is – I think Tomasi may to a significant degree gone over the line – and perhaps he either needs to apologize and withdraw his comments or apologize and rephrase his words/queries.
Whichever he chooses – apologizing for harmful comments seems to be a must.
And I hope he does this quickly unless his real name is not Tomasi.
Just a thought ………….. hope Tomasi may like to consider.
Lets give Tomasi the benefit of the doubt. Let him explain.
Personally, I want him to explain his doubts about Dave Pfilger’s competence for the job as well the point he makes about the safety of the Airbus. These are the inuendo’s he makes that makes me worry about Fiji Airways.
I mean….already on the basis of what Tomasi has claimed about his qualifications and experience in international aviation and that he has made these as yet unsupported claims about Dave’s competence and the safety of the Airbus viz a viz other aircraft, my wife has decided to fly on Boeing aircraft operated into Fiji by Virgin, instead of the Airbus operated by Fiji Airways.
I wonder whether that was the real purpose behind Tomasi’s postings?
Hmmmm…..yes, I may have been duped by Tomasi’s claim to have a Masters degree “…in Air Transport Management…holder of an FAA and CASA Air Transport Pilots License with 12000 hours of flying experience mostly in USA…with about 10 years experience in Flt Ops Management…also a fully licensed FAA aircraft dispatcher”.
Makes me wonder what a person with all these highly sought after qualifications is doing blogging on this site….does he have the time to?…..why no indications as to which University in Australia he got his Masters from etc?
Yet he is quick to undermine Dave Pfilger and the Air Pacific Board of Directors implying lack of ‘due diligence’ etc…as you point out Komai.
Makes me wonder whether he is another infiltrator from C4.5 who is trying to rain in on our joy at the Fiji Airways fly past etc?
Why do we have take any negative comment as C4.5. Move on folks and accept that not everyone likes the current government. Not everyone live and feed on C4.5 comments.
Kathy, I am sorry you have been duped by my qualification and experience. I have no reason to lie about my qualification and experience which I provided at your request and feel bit stupid that you turned around and call me a con artist. 10 years ago only one Australian University offered Masters in Air Transport Management. I also do not consider my qualification and experience that important to exclude myself from this blog and I have nothing to do with Coup 4.5.
I will try to explain why buying three A330 outright with a loan, and deposit for that loan has also been borrowed from FNPF, is not a such good idea.
There are number of tools available which can help one decide weather to buy an aircraft, lease it or dont buy at all. Risk and Financial Analysis are the two most common ones. I will focus on risk analysis where following factors or considerations relevent to Air Pacific type of operation is applied.
1) After 9/11 the insurance for Air Pacific went up so high that directors considered shutting the airline down( Source: Fiji Times). It will only take another event, half as bad as 9/11 and small airlines will struggle to remain operating because of insurance cost.
2) 2003 SARS virus heavly reduced domestic and international travel and tourism in Asia wih tourist arrivals, airline travel and hotel occupancy rate plummeting ( Source WHO). It will only take some virus or disease in the region to bury tourism industry.
3)Like IT industry, the aircrafts, engines and navigational equipment are getting more reliable and efficient all the time. Apart from preventing accidents there is substantial savings in fuel,maintainence and navigational costs. Airlines should be in position at all times to make changes to fleet to benefit from advancing technology.
4) Civil Aviation of Fiji, the regulator who is in charge of issuing Air Pacific with Air Operators Certificate should be concerned that a huge loan and its repayment may compromise safety. It is a well documented fact that most of the aviation accidents takes place when airlines are facing financial crisis.
5) Fuel is the largest single cost to an airline. The global fuel bill will be $225 Billion in 2013. Oil prices can dictate airline profitability. Any turmoil in the Middle East will hit all airlines in terms of higher fuel costs, even if they adapt smart pricing like a fuel tax. While big airlines like Delta in USA utilise fuel hedging to recover the rising fuel cost, this option is not available to smaller airlines like Air Pacific.
6) Globalisation will ensure that Air Pacific will get much higher levels of competition with airlines from PNG, Western Samoa and Tahiti.
Other factors like war, political upheaval, strike and recession when applied will indicate that the benefit of leasing, which gives you alot of flexibility with a “get out clause”, far outweighs owning an aircraft outright.Financial analysis will indicate the same.
Even though Air Pacific isn’t disclosing the full details of the deal, it is not uncommon for airlines such as Air Pacific to purchase their aircrafts through a third party. This third party takes a percentage of the sale as commission and can share this with whoever they want. The loan application is also conducted in a similar fashion.
By the fact the CEO of Air Pacific announced the purchase of the three aircrafts indicates that the Air Pacific Board were not involved. I understand that the Board were in favor of leasing the aircrafts and it seems the decision was made by Mr. Kaiyum and CEO.
With your Apocalypse scenario, we should not have an airline !!
Oh…I see….Samoa/PNG and Tahiti can and will overwhelm us and we did very well in partner-ship with Qantas… like being screwed….. right!!!
Well not us.
Oh pardon me for being on this blogsite with no degree/no phd/ no masters and no sona levu.
Tomasi only said perhaps Air Pacific should have leased the aircrafts due to risks and volatile nature of airline industry. Mate if you, Kathy and few insecure idiots continue to insult people, this blog will be no different from coup 4.5
Ok, I apologise for the sona levu comment….Please note I did not insult Tomasi with those words…and yes I don’t have those degrees….and why are you guys so worked up with that…..come on dickheads, it has nothing to do with me being and Indian or anti-itaukei (I know where this is comig from). Come on Soli and Meli….it does not mean we take Soli and Meli for granted and yes I am not annoymous but my name is Chand. You may not agree with me but that is my point.
I do not take anyone for granted, even Tomasi and how do we know he is for real…..the arguement maybe for if you guys care…that’s ok….I am not so gullible as to accept anything or anybody who appears as Tom, Dick and Harry.
I believe in the sincerity of an arguement but not by annonymous Tom, Dick and Harry’s and until such time they remain such…Tom (Tomasi) and the Solis.
You are big mouth coolie you uneducated dick you don’t know what you talking about. We know you have been fucked for years by Fijians and now you want to act important.
You fucking idiot go and read all your comments it makes no sense.
You are bitter twisted idiot because your kind all moved on and you remain in Fiji you anti I-Taukei kulina.
You use your real name so what we have no way of knowing. But wait your brain in your arse knows everything.
Tomasi been on this site longer then you and he has never before said one bad thing about this government. Weather Tomasi uses his real name or not he makes sense what he says unlike you who has no common sense.
Chand settle down mate. There is no need for that last phrase in your last sentence. Table facts and argue constructively against Tomasi not name-calling buddy.
To get an inside view of the aircraft, drive over to the Votualevu roundabout near Nadi Airport and see the massive billboards sporting the beautiful photos of the interior of the A330.Just saying…..
Tomasi, every single country in the world has substantial debt to pay, so farkin’ what!!!!! Weve got our own aircraft now and we are so damn proud of where we are. Fark your degree and Masters and all the bullshit you’re comming up with, i dont know whether you’re Fijian or not but we Fijians here at home are glad that we finally have what we can call our own. Get your head out of your A-hole and smell the fresh air. By the sounds of it your masters have got your head so deep in that you find it hard to at least bask in the glory of our achievement. GO FIJI, when PM wins the next election, buy three more, we here in Fiji will support the Fijian Government all the way. Shame on you Tomasi and your kind for all your negativity, NI VEICAI GA.
You right when we don’t need these aircrafts we can park it and feel proud. Imagine 6 airbus parked in Nadi and get FNPF to pay for it. 3.6 billion for 6 aircraft is only substantial debt after all.
Meli, the reality is that we have a new aircraft, whose the retarded one now……..wahahahaha. It must be your head im standing on down this toilet pit mate.
Meli, no-one goes out there and borrows an aircraft. You sound like a five year old asking a friend for his toy plane ……… wahahaha. Kua na vaka agent vinod tiko, Im not Kathy kiddy. Im proud of what Fiji Airways has done and where Fiji is heading. Im also proud that we now have an aircraft that we can call our own. Meli, life is such that we have to borrow for us to own. Our debt is nothing compared to what other big countries have so grow up kiddy. hahahahahaha
“Wishing the Fiji team all the best this weekend at the Japan Sevens, bring the cup home boys.”
It is a borrowed aircraft from bank. Please argue with facts and not with insults.
You sound like a part lady from Fiji rooted by Fijian man and left in pit toilet to rot. So bitter and ulukau.
Many people objected to your use of insulting language including Raman.
Why are you only picking on I-Taukei including Tomasi, Solo and myself. So we I- Taukei are dishonest dickheads. I use my real name, why don’t you object to all those who use pseudo names.
You are racists and you want to be like GD WHO IS A DECENT PERSON who does not insult or use swear words. You are idiot no brain but you are also insecure. Grow up you coolie.
Meli…oh Meli,
Kulina….oh yes…my friends used to call me that…..and was used to it…its the way we talked to each other…..till now they call me kulina.
Guess what, thanks to Bubu, Kelera, Simi, Banuve. Yea Bubu did convince my mum that’s its a good thing to have a Teve…….and yes we did, all my brothers….though being hindu…. And my friends know it…….and they know the boundary.
But we still have fun…..and yes after years of growing up…they still call me kulina….you too can…..I don’t get offended.
One thing for sure Meli, I don’t suck up to anybody.
I have more i-taukei friends than you probably have… your language and intellect, I tell you the i-taukeis that I know of have moved miles ahead.
I have my friends in this new Fiji, bright, independent and fun loving……they keep me going and together we move forward.
My relationship with the i-taukei…..I don’t think you’re worth discussing.
Finally once again I do apologise if my not being a sona levu has offended anyone. I do though remain without a formal qualification….you know the degree thingi…..but am willing to take you guys on.
Meli, congratulations on your new found friends in Raman and the lot.
Me, I am who I am and you can use all the profinities you can…….I don’t need to respond to your kind anymore.
I just Meli’s racist and derogatory comments in his post to you. As a taukei and a Christian I am ashamed and appalled that some of my own people would stoop so low. These guys are still trapped in the past – the term “coolie” was a white man’s term used way back in the 19th century, yet Meli feels he should bring it up again. He belongs to the past, not to the new Fiji we are building.
Meli has contributed nothing to Fiji’s economy. I suggest he go visit Bob’s Electrical in Ono Street, and ask whether he and his father can do the same!
Meli – taura vakamalua tagane. Kakua na gusu sika tiko. Laki vakasavasavataki iko mada ni o se bera ni dusimaka e dua (go clean yourself first before pointing at others).
Bula and thanks Kathy for re-enforcing that slandering a whole community of people is not ok. I just skimmed through Meli’s contribution above and well…well!!!
The purpose of a blog is to take peoples comment and reflect… see if there are ideas that can be turned into positiveness… network with like minded people for the good of the nation.
Of course we don’t fully agree with the current government ….. and who does, even with the democratic gov’ts. But for now, I am prepared to dance with “this devil”.
Agree totally with Kathy. The abusive low life ethno-nationalists like Meli cannot engage in a constructive debate without resorting the racist abuse where everyone who is not i’taukei is fair game!
Shameful and shame on you Meli – vakamadua o iko!
Lets be grateful that we are forging a new Fiji that will leave behind all this supremacist ethno-nationalist shit that Meli and his mob still want to proclaim. People like Meli will be voting for Rabuka and Tupeni Baba etc in the next elections for sure. They will come nowhere!
Stay strong bro
Kathy or whatever other name you have branched out from,
I suggest you and Komai go and sit in Ono Street and push each others shit into each others arse.
You are not an I-Taukei and do not represent main stream I-Taukei.
I know Bainimarama long before coup and have always supported him.
Are you a MOB and is this this the same Tomasi that used to live in Florida and in early 70″s and used to fly in West Indies. If same person then he went to school with my father ahead of PM. Must be old now.
I am Cawaci boy. Same guy I think. After Marist he joined BOAC did his training in Africa and UK but could not get job in Fiji in mid sixties. Late sixties went US, good man.
Good man. No doubt he worked hard and we respect him for that. He now lives the good life in the US where he pays his taxes. Yet he feels he needs to patronize those of us paying taxes here in Fiji and whose savings (not his) are being used to buy the new aircraft. I am happy with the decision and that’s all that matters.
Just for the benefit of some of our intellectual bloggers/readers I would have to agree with Tomasi on the aspect of safety & operation of Airbus aircrafts.
One must note that whenever Boeing is in its R&D phase for new commercial aircrafts, Airbus evidently puts together an aircraft out of a box. The Airbus A330 was the answer to Boeing’s 777 aircraft which had flaws in it’s design when it was first rolled out.
Now its the Airbus A350 – the answer to Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner aircraft.
What sets these aircrafts apart is the technology used in the aircrafts. Notably – the sidestick (joystick) in the Airbus and the control column used in Boeing aircrafts. The control column is widely known, which if you will can be compared to having a steering wheel of a car infront of the pilot. Airbus’s sidestick or joystick however is located on the left side below the Captain’s window and on the right side of the First Officer’s window.
Boeings control colum however does not. This is a huge difference. Incase of an emergency in an Airbus aircraft one can say that the Captain nor the FO will know if either of them is working the sidestick to bring the aircraft under control, even though there are procedures in place to counter this from happening. Hence confusion in the flightdeck may lead to a crash.
This can be said for the Air Fance Airbus A330-200 aircraft, Flight 447 Brazil to Paris, which crashed in the Atlantic Ocean killing 216 passengers and 12 crew.
Click on the link or paste it on your browser address bar for a detailed report/analysis from BBC.
Please note that this is my own opinion and is not to desripute anyone or company for that matter.
I too saw that documentary and am glad that our national decision is not made on BBC or ABC docos and someones joystick.
And the people I hang around and have grog with won’t say “Oilei, we shouldn’t have bought the airbus”.
And same with the countless people I meet in the new Fiji who also watch TV but have the ability to analyse/absorb/dissect/discriminate/ and make informed conclusions.
And I am glad that out of the shackles of the past, our people are free to think, and to think freely, able to see beyond the dangling carrots and are able to shove the carrots where it belongs….and that reminds me of opinions.
And the people I hang around and have grog with will say ” aare bhaiya Chand, taki mada”.
Oh as Komai brother will say ..” aare bhaiya dhire dhire….chalo, maalua yaar”
And as my bro NZFijianatheart might say..”…now Chand I’m just worried about the carrot bit……if its true it goes where it goes, then there is a lot of carrots wasted”.
Damn this weasely Indian has too much time on his hand.
Graham Davis says
Please click on the photos to see larger versions. As several readers have already said in the previous posting, it was a wonderful day in Nadi and the entire country. A real sense of patriotism and renewal and what a stunning image for Fiji at airports around the region.
Harm Avid Gas says
Good Morning Sir, thank you for taking so many pictures. Any internal pictures or weren’t you allowed inside the aircraft? Like to see what it looks like inside.
Patriot says
Thanks for these pictures. I only saw the flyover in Suva. In a a true Suva manner, we greeted our new arrival with a cloudy morning and a light rain drizzle salute. I am a proud Fijian, this is a picture of determination and our independence. We are now projecting to the world our identity… yes we are Fiji. We are a small nation but with a warm smile and welcoming nature. Our identity and pride must not be subservient to the desire of others. A bright future awaits..Looking forwards to a brighter future. Congrats to everyone who made this possible.
Harmavid Gas says
Seeing the word FIJI on the belly as it flew over Suva was the best. Can’t wait to fly out of Fiji in one soon.
Lesley says
I have got to have a ride on this aircraft one day soon. Just love the Fiji design. Certainly will be seen in the skies when landing and taking off overseas. Great advertising! Hope there is Fijian inspired food on offer too! Looks fantastic!
Peter says
What a great event. Imagine if everyone celebrated the purchase of new aircraft in the same way we do! The world would be a better place!
Tomasi says
It all looks good, but a bad move by Air Pacific and Fiji Government.We are paying above premium price for fleet of aircrafts whose production is about to end and safety record not so good. Air Pacific is in debt, close to F$1.8 billion dollars. I dont think Air Pacific will be able to service this debt in good times and I dont want to think what it will be like if there is recession.
Leasing would have been a much better option. I have never said anything bad about the present Government but this time I think someone has more motivation to fill his pocket than the good of Air Pacific and the country.
Kathy says
@ Tomasi,
Please tell us your qualifications in aviation matters and international financing etc. It will give your comments some credibility.
We are not as gullible as you may think.
There are highly educated commentators on this site who will not swallow what you say.
Tomasi says
I hold masters degree from Australia in Air Transport Management. I also hold FAA and CASA Air Transport Pilots License with 12000 hours of flying experience mostly in USA. I also have about 10 years experience in Flt Ops Management. I am also fully licensed FAA aircraft dispatcher.
Harmavid Gas says
Well done Tomasi. Seems like you have the qualifications in answering or asking all the questions in regards to aviation in Fiji. Do you know much about gumboots?
Kathy says
Thank you Tomasi. Now that puts your comments in proper perspective. I will now read your comments with greater attention and acoord it the respect that it deserves.
Vinaka once again.
Charlie Charters says
I was going to steer clear of this thread, and let Graham’s excellent pictures tell their own story, but really …
Kathy, is nobody in New Fiji allowed to question the appropriateness of a billion and a half dollar loan, cloaked in maximum secrecy, signed by a CEO as part of his hitherto unexplained but ‘amazing business plan’ (Fiji but which he himself won’t deliver because … err, he’s already got another job to go to … the seed financing for which comes from the FNPF (which this government roundly criticised when it provided the seed financing for a much more stable ‘domestic’ investment, ie. Natadola)?
There are a great many questions being asked about this deal, about, as Tomasi mentioned, the need for new A330s as opposed to working with QF to access theirs. And not just about the specifics of the financing either, but also about the operational suitability of this type of aircraft to the mix of routes that FJ is flying and whether A330s will allow them to achieve the highest yields possible for both passengers and cargo. And this is completely separate from the discussion that relates to the management of Air Pacific/FJ which has been turned on its head since the arrival of the now departing CEO, and is likely to be turned on its head one more time by whoever takes over again. By at least one obvious criteria Air Pacific/FJ is obviously failing the country: As a defacto monopoly Pacific Sun can only offer two flights a week from Suva to Taveuni, which I would like to visit in July. When I last visited Taveuni in 2005 there were three daily weekday flights.
Whether you are for this government or against this government the enduring strength or otherwise of our national airline and its inter-connectivity with the region and wider Pacific basin is what differentiates our economy from those of our island neighbours. It is the central pillar of our economy. Fiji’s pre-2006 and post-2006 leaders will be long retired and puttering around the Fiji Golf Club while these planes are still being paid off.
It may be that the A330 proves an excellent choice, and that the financing is a model of probity. Or maybe … like the choice of casino partner … if there was more debate, transparency and accountability at the front end, we would have less recrimination, finger-pointing and negative equity at the back end.
So thank you to Vijay Narayan and FM96 for at least asking the questions.
Alby says
And everyone has been telling me that we are in a recession and have been for a long time.
Tomasi says
You right, ironic isnt it. You dont commit to a debt half the size of total state debt when economy is not doing so good.
Harmavid Gas says
Tomasi, I have to agree with you that not all seems kosha with the loan. When asked at the press conference yesterday on this, they declined to answer. Why? What is there to hide. Be open like the government is with everything.
Alby says
It’s a bit unfair to base the loan arrangements as not seeming kosha based on the fact that the CEO declined to answer some questions at the press conference on this subject.
There’s such a thing as ‘comercial confidentialiy’ and not all financial can or should be made public. Besides that, to cover the full financial arrangements, where allowed would have taken considerable time and there would have been a need to have journalists present that both understood and would be able to report this accurately.
Harmavid Gas says
Alby point taken.
Tomasi says
Qantas operates about 40 Airbus aircrafts including A330 and was a active participant in the management of Air Pacific. Here was an opportunity to buy these aircrafts using the Qantas bargain power.This would have kept the deal transparent and honest. However Qantas was sidelined about the time Air Pacific went into serious negotiation with Airbus.
Mr Pflinger’s age, qualification and experience does not match. I wonder if a proper background check of his resume was done. Now he is leaving with Air Pacific owing 1.8 billion dollars. The total carried forward gross debt for Fiji Government at end of last year was about 3.6 billion dollars.
Harmavid Gas says
Tomasi, it seems then with 3.6Billion debt one would like to see somewhere between 5 to 10% return on investments. Is the Fiji Government getting this kind of return? I don’t think so. So then why are they putting more money into this? Open the market to other airlines and let them bring tourist into the country on cheap airfare. I am sure the government can reap the profits from hotel tax or other indirect methods from all the operators.
Anyway I still like the new branding. Money well spend. Maybe on next plane they can write on belly Bula or Moce or Broke
Komai says
I am sure all the ‘due diligence’ checks were carried out by the Air Pacific board.
By raising doubts about Dave Pfilgers background and experience you seem to imply that such checks were not as thorough as it should be.
Are you able to share with us the reason for your doubts?
The other that concerns me is that issue of air safety. You say that the Airbus is not as reliable as other aircraft when it comes to safety. can you elaborate please.
I am sure many like us who would like to book on this aircraft would also like to do our own ‘due diligence’ checks before we commit to flying with the new Fiji Airways
Harmavid Gas says
it is an amazing business plan said Mr Pfliege. Now what’s so amazing? You have spent half of nations GDP and put us into further debt. Maybe that’s what he finds amazing that he got away with it.
Pratap says
Dont waste your qualifications on blog sites, join air pacific and have a say in their operation.
Peter says
Great to see the new plane. What else can we be proud of and celebrate?
Riverside says
I don’t know much but I think it is not proper to comment on something where facts are not with us and the person alleging did not provide appropriate standards, acceptable facts, etc to compare things to.
So Tomasi’s comments although may hold water I do note that he lacked to quote from reliable sources where we can check the facts ourselves, etc. as people like me need to verify as we don’t know much and need to properly ascertain things prior to agreeing to his views.
To cast doubt or shadows on things without properly arguing our views I think is not proper.
Well that’s just me……………
Anyway…………………… I love the new design and seeing the airbus for the first time as it flew past by really made my day.
Thank you Fiji Airways………………… may you grow to be a prosperous business bring hope to our beloved country.
Any may you continue to shine ‘Fiji’ to the rest of the world.
NZFijianatheart says
Bula Vinaka Riverside. I fully agree with you in regards to the concern raised by Tomasi. Whilst he is suitably qualified in the aviation industry; and like all of us should be accorded the freedom to air his concern on any issue in Fiji, his lack of accessibilty to financial details of the deal (like all of us) means that its still an assumption.
Phd Here says
Hey Tomasi bro, I have a Masters in chicken farming? That does not give me the right to comment on the chickens living overseas! A degree is a piece of paper to say you passed the exams. The practical world is different. If you think otherwise the why didn’t the American Phd’s catch the global financial crisis?? Because they do theory.. reality is different. In the real world we take risks and it costs money. They are still struggling to solve the European crisis. Fiji is competing in the global stage. You want to compete then put the money where your mouth is! Fiji is small, yes it is a significant debt but it is in the national interest. You never know if the Masters qualified air traffic management people may send the plane in the wrong direction. we need people to get the tourism industry on a different service level. The new generation of Master’s qualified tourists are NOT going to be travelling on a Fijian ‘Drua’. They want Air Cond., A flat Lcd, comfy seats then you better buy new planes else I will take my Masters qualified travel-person to Bali?
NZFijianatheart says
Gret sense of humour Phd Here lol
Meli says
tell you what get a rooster to root your arse
Riverside says
Perhaps it would be to our advantage if we word our comments mindfully as this this a public domain and it may be rude and perhaps a legal concern if we are not careful with accusations.
As it is – I think Tomasi may to a significant degree gone over the line – and perhaps he either needs to apologize and withdraw his comments or apologize and rephrase his words/queries.
Whichever he chooses – apologizing for harmful comments seems to be a must.
And I hope he does this quickly unless his real name is not Tomasi.
Just a thought ………….. hope Tomasi may like to consider.
Komai says
Lets give Tomasi the benefit of the doubt. Let him explain.
Personally, I want him to explain his doubts about Dave Pfilger’s competence for the job as well the point he makes about the safety of the Airbus. These are the inuendo’s he makes that makes me worry about Fiji Airways.
I mean….already on the basis of what Tomasi has claimed about his qualifications and experience in international aviation and that he has made these as yet unsupported claims about Dave’s competence and the safety of the Airbus viz a viz other aircraft, my wife has decided to fly on Boeing aircraft operated into Fiji by Virgin, instead of the Airbus operated by Fiji Airways.
I wonder whether that was the real purpose behind Tomasi’s postings?
Kathy says
Hmmmm…..yes, I may have been duped by Tomasi’s claim to have a Masters degree “…in Air Transport Management…holder of an FAA and CASA Air Transport Pilots License with 12000 hours of flying experience mostly in USA…with about 10 years experience in Flt Ops Management…also a fully licensed FAA aircraft dispatcher”.
Makes me wonder what a person with all these highly sought after qualifications is doing blogging on this site….does he have the time to?…..why no indications as to which University in Australia he got his Masters from etc?
Yet he is quick to undermine Dave Pfilger and the Air Pacific Board of Directors implying lack of ‘due diligence’ etc…as you point out Komai.
Makes me wonder whether he is another infiltrator from C4.5 who is trying to rain in on our joy at the Fiji Airways fly past etc?
Some people will go to such lengths….sobo sobo!!!
Harmavid Gas says
Why do we have take any negative comment as C4.5. Move on folks and accept that not everyone likes the current government. Not everyone live and feed on C4.5 comments.
Kathy says
Talk is cheap Gas.
Thats my point with regard to Tomasi and C4.5 as well your comment about ‘liking’ or ‘disliking’ the current government.
Pratap says
Air Pacific Chief pilot cavalevu said that the aircraft has many safety features so what can chief pilot for air blog tomasi has tosay
Riverside says
Where is Tomasi?
Ramesh says
Tomasi for Air Pacific CEO.
Anasa says
Vinaka Charlie Charters
Kathy says
Na cava o vakavinavinakataka? (why r u thanking Jiale?)
Kakua na lamusona tiko tamana va’taki nomu qase….vosa mai vakadodonu.
(dont be a lamusona like your father and tell us why u think u should thank Jiale…for what?)
Kusa, vakamacalataki iko mai (please explain)
Rugby Sevens says
Fiji Wins Hong Kong 7s… Brilliant Game! Congrats to everyone.. Serevi also gets into the IRb Hall of Fame..
Tomasi says
I am back folks
Kathy, I am sorry you have been duped by my qualification and experience. I have no reason to lie about my qualification and experience which I provided at your request and feel bit stupid that you turned around and call me a con artist. 10 years ago only one Australian University offered Masters in Air Transport Management. I also do not consider my qualification and experience that important to exclude myself from this blog and I have nothing to do with Coup 4.5.
I will try to explain why buying three A330 outright with a loan, and deposit for that loan has also been borrowed from FNPF, is not a such good idea.
There are number of tools available which can help one decide weather to buy an aircraft, lease it or dont buy at all. Risk and Financial Analysis are the two most common ones. I will focus on risk analysis where following factors or considerations relevent to Air Pacific type of operation is applied.
1) After 9/11 the insurance for Air Pacific went up so high that directors considered shutting the airline down( Source: Fiji Times). It will only take another event, half as bad as 9/11 and small airlines will struggle to remain operating because of insurance cost.
2) 2003 SARS virus heavly reduced domestic and international travel and tourism in Asia wih tourist arrivals, airline travel and hotel occupancy rate plummeting ( Source WHO). It will only take some virus or disease in the region to bury tourism industry.
3)Like IT industry, the aircrafts, engines and navigational equipment are getting more reliable and efficient all the time. Apart from preventing accidents there is substantial savings in fuel,maintainence and navigational costs. Airlines should be in position at all times to make changes to fleet to benefit from advancing technology.
4) Civil Aviation of Fiji, the regulator who is in charge of issuing Air Pacific with Air Operators Certificate should be concerned that a huge loan and its repayment may compromise safety. It is a well documented fact that most of the aviation accidents takes place when airlines are facing financial crisis.
5) Fuel is the largest single cost to an airline. The global fuel bill will be $225 Billion in 2013. Oil prices can dictate airline profitability. Any turmoil in the Middle East will hit all airlines in terms of higher fuel costs, even if they adapt smart pricing like a fuel tax. While big airlines like Delta in USA utilise fuel hedging to recover the rising fuel cost, this option is not available to smaller airlines like Air Pacific.
6) Globalisation will ensure that Air Pacific will get much higher levels of competition with airlines from PNG, Western Samoa and Tahiti.
Other factors like war, political upheaval, strike and recession when applied will indicate that the benefit of leasing, which gives you alot of flexibility with a “get out clause”, far outweighs owning an aircraft outright.Financial analysis will indicate the same.
Even though Air Pacific isn’t disclosing the full details of the deal, it is not uncommon for airlines such as Air Pacific to purchase their aircrafts through a third party. This third party takes a percentage of the sale as commission and can share this with whoever they want. The loan application is also conducted in a similar fashion.
By the fact the CEO of Air Pacific announced the purchase of the three aircrafts indicates that the Air Pacific Board were not involved. I understand that the Board were in favor of leasing the aircrafts and it seems the decision was made by Mr. Kaiyum and CEO.
Ian Simpson, Taveuni says
Everything about this deal stinks to high heaven . Every astute businessman is aware of the extreme risk associated with this industry.
Your insight is invaluable and your 2nd. last paragraph explains all.
What is you take on Air Pac turn around. Was it due to operational cost cutting, fuel savings, better loadings or compensation payment by Boeing?
Chand says
Ok dude Tomasi,
With your Apocalypse scenario, we should not have an airline !!
Oh…I see….Samoa/PNG and Tahiti can and will overwhelm us and we did very well in partner-ship with Qantas… like being screwed….. right!!!
Well not us.
Oh pardon me for being on this blogsite with no degree/no phd/ no masters and no sona levu.
Raman says
Chand, your head needs to be examined
Tomasi only said perhaps Air Pacific should have leased the aircrafts due to risks and volatile nature of airline industry. Mate if you, Kathy and few insecure idiots continue to insult people, this blog will be no different from coup 4.5
Chand says
Ok, I apologise for the sona levu comment….Please note I did not insult Tomasi with those words…and yes I don’t have those degrees….and why are you guys so worked up with that…..come on dickheads, it has nothing to do with me being and Indian or anti-itaukei (I know where this is comig from). Come on Soli and Meli….it does not mean we take Soli and Meli for granted and yes I am not annoymous but my name is Chand. You may not agree with me but that is my point.
I do not take anyone for granted, even Tomasi and how do we know he is for real…..the arguement maybe for if you guys care…that’s ok….I am not so gullible as to accept anything or anybody who appears as Tom, Dick and Harry.
I believe in the sincerity of an arguement but not by annonymous Tom, Dick and Harry’s and until such time they remain such…Tom (Tomasi) and the Solis.
Meli says
You are big mouth coolie you uneducated dick you don’t know what you talking about. We know you have been fucked for years by Fijians and now you want to act important.
You fucking idiot go and read all your comments it makes no sense.
You are bitter twisted idiot because your kind all moved on and you remain in Fiji you anti I-Taukei kulina.
You use your real name so what we have no way of knowing. But wait your brain in your arse knows everything.
Tomasi been on this site longer then you and he has never before said one bad thing about this government. Weather Tomasi uses his real name or not he makes sense what he says unlike you who has no common sense.
NZFijianatheart says
Chand settle down mate. There is no need for that last phrase in your last sentence. Table facts and argue constructively against Tomasi not name-calling buddy.
Solo says
Looks like you don’t like an educated I-Taukei. Seems to me Tomasi fucked your head without even touching you.
Ronald (Fiji Islands) says
haha. Chand, bro, I had to laugh out loud at those kast 3 words on your response to Tomasi.
Meli says
Tomasi must be making some you Indians know all, feel little. Thus the insults hiding behind this blog.
Ronald (Fiji Islands) says
To get an inside view of the aircraft, drive over to the Votualevu roundabout near Nadi Airport and see the massive billboards sporting the beautiful photos of the interior of the A330.Just saying…..
Solo says
Sound like you Kathy and Chand are same person. Looks like Tomasi has touched few truth from your reaction.
Harmavid Gas says
What is the latest with Benedito’s case?
Is this still getting investigated?
Noda says
Tomasi, every single country in the world has substantial debt to pay, so farkin’ what!!!!! Weve got our own aircraft now and we are so damn proud of where we are. Fark your degree and Masters and all the bullshit you’re comming up with, i dont know whether you’re Fijian or not but we Fijians here at home are glad that we finally have what we can call our own. Get your head out of your A-hole and smell the fresh air. By the sounds of it your masters have got your head so deep in that you find it hard to at least bask in the glory of our achievement. GO FIJI, when PM wins the next election, buy three more, we here in Fiji will support the Fijian Government all the way. Shame on you Tomasi and your kind for all your negativity, NI VEICAI GA.
Meli says
easy to abuse people hiding behind a blog, maybe you get yourself out from pit toilet and see the reality you retard.
Raman says
You right when we don’t need these aircrafts we can park it and feel proud. Imagine 6 airbus parked in Nadi and get FNPF to pay for it. 3.6 billion for 6 aircraft is only substantial debt after all.
Meli is right shit gone in your brain.
Noda says
Meli, the reality is that we have a new aircraft, whose the retarded one now……..wahahahaha. It must be your head im standing on down this toilet pit mate.
MELI says
Noda or Kathy
You don’t have a new aircraft, you just borrowed one you full of shit retard.
Feel proud when if ever you own one.
Noda says
Meli, no-one goes out there and borrows an aircraft. You sound like a five year old asking a friend for his toy plane ……… wahahaha. Kua na vaka agent vinod tiko, Im not Kathy kiddy. Im proud of what Fiji Airways has done and where Fiji is heading. Im also proud that we now have an aircraft that we can call our own. Meli, life is such that we have to borrow for us to own. Our debt is nothing compared to what other big countries have so grow up kiddy. hahahahahaha
“Wishing the Fiji team all the best this weekend at the Japan Sevens, bring the cup home boys.”
Roderick says
It is a borrowed aircraft from bank. Please argue with facts and not with insults.
You sound like a part lady from Fiji rooted by Fijian man and left in pit toilet to rot. So bitter and ulukau.
MELI says
bank owns that aircraft, so if you show it around, it is either stolen or borrowed.
Noda says
Roderick, Im not your mom ……. hahaha
Roderick says
Noda, thanks for confirming you not my mum because you are disgusting
Meli says
Many people objected to your use of insulting language including Raman.
Why are you only picking on I-Taukei including Tomasi, Solo and myself. So we I- Taukei are dishonest dickheads. I use my real name, why don’t you object to all those who use pseudo names.
You are racists and you want to be like GD WHO IS A DECENT PERSON who does not insult or use swear words. You are idiot no brain but you are also insecure. Grow up you coolie.
Chand says
Meli…oh Meli,
Kulina….oh yes…my friends used to call me that…..and was used to it…its the way we talked to each other…..till now they call me kulina.
Guess what, thanks to Bubu, Kelera, Simi, Banuve. Yea Bubu did convince my mum that’s its a good thing to have a Teve…….and yes we did, all my brothers….though being hindu…. And my friends know it…….and they know the boundary.
But we still have fun…..and yes after years of growing up…they still call me kulina….you too can…..I don’t get offended.
One thing for sure Meli, I don’t suck up to anybody.
I have more i-taukei friends than you probably have… your language and intellect, I tell you the i-taukeis that I know of have moved miles ahead.
I have my friends in this new Fiji, bright, independent and fun loving……they keep me going and together we move forward.
My relationship with the i-taukei…..I don’t think you’re worth discussing.
Finally once again I do apologise if my not being a sona levu has offended anyone. I do though remain without a formal qualification….you know the degree thingi…..but am willing to take you guys on.
Meli, congratulations on your new found friends in Raman and the lot.
Me, I am who I am and you can use all the profinities you can…….I don’t need to respond to your kind anymore.
Moce and GOD bless.
Kathy says
@ Chand
I just Meli’s racist and derogatory comments in his post to you. As a taukei and a Christian I am ashamed and appalled that some of my own people would stoop so low. These guys are still trapped in the past – the term “coolie” was a white man’s term used way back in the 19th century, yet Meli feels he should bring it up again. He belongs to the past, not to the new Fiji we are building.
Meli has contributed nothing to Fiji’s economy. I suggest he go visit Bob’s Electrical in Ono Street, and ask whether he and his father can do the same!
Meli – taura vakamalua tagane. Kakua na gusu sika tiko. Laki vakasavasavataki iko mada ni o se bera ni dusimaka e dua (go clean yourself first before pointing at others).
Chand says
Bula and thanks Kathy for re-enforcing that slandering a whole community of people is not ok. I just skimmed through Meli’s contribution above and well…well!!!
The purpose of a blog is to take peoples comment and reflect… see if there are ideas that can be turned into positiveness… network with like minded people for the good of the nation.
Of course we don’t fully agree with the current government ….. and who does, even with the democratic gov’ts. But for now, I am prepared to dance with “this devil”.
Komai says
Bula Bro,
Agree totally with Kathy. The abusive low life ethno-nationalists like Meli cannot engage in a constructive debate without resorting the racist abuse where everyone who is not i’taukei is fair game!
Shameful and shame on you Meli – vakamadua o iko!
Lets be grateful that we are forging a new Fiji that will leave behind all this supremacist ethno-nationalist shit that Meli and his mob still want to proclaim. People like Meli will be voting for Rabuka and Tupeni Baba etc in the next elections for sure. They will come nowhere!
Stay strong bro
Meli says
Kathy or whatever other name you have branched out from,
I suggest you and Komai go and sit in Ono Street and push each others shit into each others arse.
You are not an I-Taukei and do not represent main stream I-Taukei.
I know Bainimarama long before coup and have always supported him.
Roderick says
hi Meli,
Are you a MOB and is this this the same Tomasi that used to live in Florida and in early 70″s and used to fly in West Indies. If same person then he went to school with my father ahead of PM. Must be old now.
Riverside says
I don’t think those in MOB are racially insensitive.
They’re gentlemen and believe in equality and respect for all mankind.
Meli says
You maybe right however if a person tries to insult and swear at someone you know, its not on either.
It does make sense what Tomasi said if one don’t agree with him, just disregard his comments but don’t use language that is offensive.
Meli says
I am Cawaci boy. Same guy I think. After Marist he joined BOAC did his training in Africa and UK but could not get job in Fiji in mid sixties. Late sixties went US, good man.
Kathy says
Good man. No doubt he worked hard and we respect him for that. He now lives the good life in the US where he pays his taxes. Yet he feels he needs to patronize those of us paying taxes here in Fiji and whose savings (not his) are being used to buy the new aircraft. I am happy with the decision and that’s all that matters.
Noda says
Ohhhhhhh crap, our beloved aircraft broken down already, dayummmmmm
Good debates please says
Very boring comment by Noda.
Ronald (Fiji Islands) says
Ummmm…fellas…thought to let you that it’s being delayed on her return flight to Fiji because of a cracked windshied … how sad is that !!
parayame says
this is a good flight for FIJI and our pride
parayame says
i really like the new flight in fiji which is a FIJI AIRWAYS
martina7 says
I am proud of this flight to Nadi Fiji airlines
Radhika says
Logan says
Just for the benefit of some of our intellectual bloggers/readers I would have to agree with Tomasi on the aspect of safety & operation of Airbus aircrafts.
One must note that whenever Boeing is in its R&D phase for new commercial aircrafts, Airbus evidently puts together an aircraft out of a box. The Airbus A330 was the answer to Boeing’s 777 aircraft which had flaws in it’s design when it was first rolled out.
Now its the Airbus A350 – the answer to Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner aircraft.
What sets these aircrafts apart is the technology used in the aircrafts. Notably – the sidestick (joystick) in the Airbus and the control column used in Boeing aircrafts. The control column is widely known, which if you will can be compared to having a steering wheel of a car infront of the pilot. Airbus’s sidestick or joystick however is located on the left side below the Captain’s window and on the right side of the First Officer’s window.
Boeings control colum however does not. This is a huge difference. Incase of an emergency in an Airbus aircraft one can say that the Captain nor the FO will know if either of them is working the sidestick to bring the aircraft under control, even though there are procedures in place to counter this from happening. Hence confusion in the flightdeck may lead to a crash.
This can be said for the Air Fance Airbus A330-200 aircraft, Flight 447 Brazil to Paris, which crashed in the Atlantic Ocean killing 216 passengers and 12 crew.
Click on the link or paste it on your browser address bar for a detailed report/analysis from BBC.
Please note that this is my own opinion and is not to desripute anyone or company for that matter.
Chand says
I too saw that documentary and am glad that our national decision is not made on BBC or ABC docos and someones joystick.
And the people I hang around and have grog with won’t say “Oilei, we shouldn’t have bought the airbus”.
And same with the countless people I meet in the new Fiji who also watch TV but have the ability to analyse/absorb/dissect/discriminate/ and make informed conclusions.
And I am glad that out of the shackles of the past, our people are free to think, and to think freely, able to see beyond the dangling carrots and are able to shove the carrots where it belongs….and that reminds me of opinions.
And the people I hang around and have grog with will say ” aare bhaiya Chand, taki mada”.
Oh as Komai brother will say ..” aare bhaiya dhire dhire….chalo, maalua yaar”
And as my bro NZFijianatheart might say..”…now Chand I’m just worried about the carrot bit……if its true it goes where it goes, then there is a lot of carrots wasted”.
Damn this weasely Indian has too much time on his hand.