Proof conclusive that Manoa Kamikamica is unfit to ever be prime minister – his endorsement of Lynda Tabuya‘s latest “look at me, look at me” suggestion that Fiji reintroduce the death penalty for drug traffickers.
Not content with having endorsed her unconscionable salary increases for MPs (“We’ll work harder if we get more money”) the Deputy Prime Minister blots his copybook again by saying he is “happy” that the Minister for Bonking and Weed has raised the death penalty proposal and it is being considered by cabinet.
Listen up, Manoa. Lynda Tabuya’s grandstanding and now your own grandstanding isn’t doing a jot to address the drug trade. You people can’t even organise a substantive police commissioner to deal with the crime threat across the board. And this kind of knee-jerk “hang ’em” response to the national drugs crisis again demonstrates the intellectual bankruptcy at the heart of this government.
You and your colleagues are also guilty of moral bankruptcy in having allowed Lynda Tabuya to continue as Minister for Women and Children when she is a a proven drug-taker herself – found guilty by your own party of her “weed”-fuelled sex encounter with Aseri Radrodro in Room 233 a year ago and removed as the PAP’s deputy leader.
All this, of course, is a sideshow – a distraction to try to draw public attention away from the Coalition’s failure across a broad front as it approaches the midway point before having to account for its intellectual and moral bankruptcy at the 2026 election.
It has always been assumed that Manoa Kamikamica is the natural successor to Sitiveni Rabuka as PAP leader. But supporting Lynda Tabuya over the emoluments increases for MPs and now supporting her over the death penalty tells us that he is a dud. A hollow man in lurid checks with an empty space behind that perennial grin.
Manoa, read what your own Attorney General, Graham Leung, says: It is simplistic and it isn’t going to work. And it is also unconstitutional, not that any of you give a jot about that.
Lynda Tabuya and Manoa Kamikamica are also not on the side of the angels, according to this front page story in the Fiji Sun…
Friday’s coverage, including Graham Leung’s statement opposing the death penalty…
Yes, as well as getting rid of the common and equal citizenry, the common identity and the secular state, let’s also abolish Section 8 of the Constitution.
Thank God some people are keeping their heads in this “debate” , while Manoa Kamikamica is “happy” to join Lynda Tabuya in spraying the country with verbal diarrhoea.
Only in Fiji, eh? A drug user advocates the death penalty for drug traffickers with a straight face. And gets the support of a Deputy Prime Minister.
Unbeliever says
Manoa, an over-entitled wanna get rich-quick kid, supports Lynda because he is mesmerised by her ill gotten gains that he covets for himself,
The death penalty issue, is a diversion away from the real fear: Fiji Leaks’ exposures on Biman Prasad and his wife, Ragni that if FICAC was doing their job right would see Biman facing serious charges.
The Rabuka Coalition promised us after the discovery of the container of ice in Nadi that they would nab the big fish but so far only the small fries have been arrested.
We were told a landing craft was used to transport the container from the 300/mile EEZ to the Fantasy Island boat ramp, and there are only 8 people who own landing barges in Fiji yet nothing has happened and no body else has been arrested.
Everything points to sn order being issued from the top not to progress the investigation further.
Graham Davis says
I don’t think Manoa Kamikamica would regard the death penalty sideshow as a diversion to assist Biman Prasad in whatever allegations are being made against him.
Kamikamica covets Biman’s job as Finance Minister. And it is much more likely that he would welcome a FICAC investigation into Biman’s financial affairs because there would be a reason to dispense with him and make the switch.
The NFP are totally exposed since the collapse of FijiFIrst, having lost the power of their five seats to hold their Coalition partners to account for anything. And it is the stuff of nightmares for Biman Prasad.
2 cents worth says
This mob is simply bereft of common sense, so why expect anything else?
Collision Govt says
Both on a high.
Shameful humans.
Getting ready to hang their own indigenous man already. So Christian eh.
Did they have any solution to pornography and drugs or this is it?
Sweet Madness says
He is “with” Lin Dah too. Oh dear. What else is cooking already in places of interest.
Just Saying says
The best period in Fiji was when Ratu Mara was PM. Ever since then it has been downhill.Fiji needs the best brains available to tackle the immense problems it has,not a succession of ex military leaders who know zilch about governance. I can see some of the parties currently in government joining the opposition to topple the coalition at the next elections.
Well deserved says
If Manoa ever becomes PM, the people of Fiji thoroughly deserve him. Idiots deserve idiots and then they are happy. I mean it will be like it is now.
Kumar says
don’t think she is already proven guilty of similar crime and should lead by example for this hang thing
Strong Correlation says
Strong correlation between GS’ observations of our leaders’ deteriorating conduct since the Coalition took office, and the Methodist President’s concerns as noted in today’s FBC news.
“Reverend Dr. Turagavou highlighted a significant decline in moral behavior and the emergence of various malpractices within the church’s leadership, which have led to a loss of trust and a weakening of the church’s image.”
These developments say a lot about the country’s standing over the coming years and decades.
Failing leaders says
And the Methodist church leader forgets to blames his own leaders and in other words the coup leaders and racists elite Fijians.
Give it a rest and go pray.
vuvale vulagi says
“Reverend Dr. Turagavou highlighted a significant decline in moral behavior and the emergence of various malpractices within the church’s leadership, which have led to a loss of trust and a weakening of the church’s image.” end
The ills and the plight that blight the itaukei are the fruits of Turagavou’s church’s generational labour’s of hate, racism, and bigotry.
Overtly so since 1987. You sleep in the bed you made. Lasaro. Rabuka. Tuikilakila. Naivalu. Tagaue. Many others. Ring any bells?
The methodist church strongly supported the 1987 (x2) and 2000 coups. The church aided and abetted the coups mounting road blocks, enforcing Sunday bans, advancing anti-Hindu sentiments, preaching, promoting and encouraging violence and fear in the communities: burning temples, desecration of places of worship, robberies, rape, and pillaging, and targeted home invasions, arson, and mayhem. Called for theocracy- “christian state” whatever that meant or means now.
The methodist church strongly opposed the 2006 coup when the shoe was on the other foot. Must have been painful when the boots were on their own throats. The Indo-Fijians have a saying that loosely translates to mean: it is painful when it goes in your ass. In other words, the pain is real when it’s your turn. Karma.
This did not stop methodist church calling for the removal of president Iloilo, ‘to retire with dignity.’ They failed to realize dignity was chased out of town by themselves long ago.
The joke was on the church as they called for retoration of “democratic” rule. Wait, what?
The church must decide whether they are a faith organization or a political party.
Until and unless the fiji methodist church truly, sincerely, genuinely, repents for the violence, hatred, and for demonizing and dehumanizing fellow citizens who happen to be different from you, your people will remain cursed.
Kalou sa raica tiko. God is watching you.
Rabuka must Terminate Tabuya!!! says
To Tabuya, Rodrodro, Kamikamica and the others that took the salary increase.. your legacy will be taking that money instead of giving it to the children, you knew about this horror going on but made sure to pass your F**king Emoluments Committee first to get your money before saving the lives of children and families . You are nothing., the scum of the earth.
What the hell are you and were you doing to help these children in the past 20 months and prior to that? How about stop taking the money for yourself when there are little children that have to resort to horrific things because you did nothing to protect them. How do you sleep at night??Give that money to a rehab right now and give that money to save these lives. This cannot wait. More children will die, drop out of school if you keep your self -serving actions up.
You knew long before 20 months ago what was going on, why didn’t you have a plan coming into this position? Did you think the drugs would go away on their own? You didn’t do anything to make those young people’s lives better.
Why do you think they are doing drugs, they have terrible lives, no food, parents arguing over money, poverty wages if any work at all, nothing to look forward to.
And here you are taking a salary increase. Last night you were posting about music bands playing while little children are out selling themselves!!! Do you not know how stupid you look? You should work late on these issues as a Minister. All you fi is pose and post. . That’s not work!!! Get police vehicles out at every station., what a concept!!! Can you arrange that?
How can you have time do be everywhere when there has been a crisis. Stop posting photos of yourself and do something. You are supposed to be working hard every day yet you have time for bikini shots, rugby auctions, going to black tie events. all the while this was happening. I have never seen you work an entire day on what really matters. You don’t deserve to be taking more money. Why don’t you start a fund so children can go to school rather than you taking more money for a job you don’t do and are terrible at. Why don’t you send one child to University.
People are doing drugs because they see no way out and are stuck with no future, they can’t make a living wage, they don’t eat right which causes depression, they can’t even count on the Minister of Women and Children or the Minister for Education to be good examples of to be held accountable by their own Prime Minister! Why they would be doing drugs when their own leaders are as dysfunctional as anybody!! You are supposed to be a role model, and you’re too stoned to even know you are anything but a role model. That’s right. We all see your swollen eyes Tabuya and you sit there talking about drugs. Tou are the one that lied to escape being sacked over drugs. Now you want to tell us what to do about drugs.
What hope does anyone have that wants to be a decent honest citizen when liars and cheats like you are rewarded. The young people see and hear everything going on their whole lives, how you cheat the system, oh what a frustrating place. These kids just hoping some adult will do the right thing for them but you are all unreliable and dysfunctional . It won’t be you to save them. Your legacy will be sex in room 233 with a married man, drugs and alcohol, lying and taking all the money for yourself at the worst time when you really should have thought about. the people. The only honorable thing is to self reflect and step down. Tabuya do you really have a law degree? You would know that you cannot easily have the death penalty. You could have done some intervention untreated villages, you could have had billboards about drugs, you could have told children where to go if they are given drugs… you Did Shit and now you want to look like a hero with a solution.
You are nothing.
This is all about you getting attention. You are known all over Fiji as a pothead. Now you’re going to come up with a plan to stop drugs.Too late.
I’m challenging Rabuka to kick you to the curb once and for all.
Leaches says
All of a sudden they realised after 16 years that they have to work and work hard.
First things first, we need a pay rise.
The grubs of the earth.
Cat in hat says
Dog fleas
As the Arabs say: May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their crotch and may their arms be too short to scratch…
Too stoned to help anyone says
Tabuya do you think you’d still have your job with laws they have in Singapore?
You’d be in jail.
Where was it you went to Uni and got your law degree?
Just another Lindah day says
The woman is a total waste of space.
That’s all.
Busy running around taking photos of her self and parading in fancy clothes.
That’s what her stupid sheep idolise her on.
Can we hang her first?
I mean we all know that drugs was present in Melbourne saga.
We can certainly start with her then.
Or her life is too precious over others.
Fuck$n thick as and high as.
Temalesi Dinati says
It’s plain simple,the job of those Institutions responsible is to destroy the works of crime,not destroying lives,we are talking about lives here, if she cannot do her job well, just bite the humble pie and step aside or if she got nothing good to say than give her assistant a chance to prove herself otherwise I suggest she should put a muzzle on her mouth.