Biman Prasad makes much every Girmit Day of the humiliation the British and Australian colonials visited on the first indentured labourers. But the “kuli”, “yes, sahib” mentality evidently lingers on as the NFP leader happily munches the shit sandwiches continually dished out to him by Sitiveni Rabuka, Lynda Tabuya and his other Coalition colleagues.
While the rest of the community has been prepared to give Biman Prasad and his colleagues a degree of credit for being the only party to oppose the obscene increases in parliamentary emoluments, what has been the reaction of his Coalition partners? Insult piled on insult. Humiliation piled on humiliation.
1/ The Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka, said he was considering “taking action” against Biman Prasad and the NFP for not voting with the People’s Alliance and SODELPA to support the bigger bucket of slops for the swill. The PM seems to have had second thoughts about elaborating on his threat but it reportedly included booting the NFP out of the Coalition. Oh really? What was Biman Prasad’s response? Nothing. Zip, zero, zilch. Just an “I’m too busy with the budget to respond”.
2/ Then we had the Queen of Tarts, Minister for Bonking and Weed and Chair of the Emoluments Committee, Lynda Tabuya, calling Biman Prasad a “liar”. Takes one to know one, of course. But for a cabinet minister in the Coalition government to have attacked a Deputy Prime Minister who holds the balance of power in this manner should have produced a call for the Prime Minister to “sack the bitch”. Instead, Biman Prasad played the bitch himself. Rabuka’s bitch. The resident punching bag who absorbs every insult, every humiliation. The domestic violence victim in the Coalition vuvale who remains silent no matter how many blows rain down.
3/ Now, today (June 4), the Prime Minister makes the outrageous assertion that MPs are “facing hardship”, the emoluments increases will remain now that they are law and if Biman Prasad can’t find the money from available sources, he will just have to find it from somewhere else. (see below). So with less than a month to the budget, the Coalition fat cats are holding the Minister of Finance over a barrel and shaking the saqamoli out of him. And still he doesn’t flinch!
By initially opposing the emoluments package, Grubsheet and many other Fijians may have been tempted to give Biman Prasad another chance. To excuse the silence over the vulagi jibes and the illegal appointments to the offices of state, the blind eye to the ethnic cleansing in the civil service and the Coalition’s policies that have helped trigger a stampede for the exit that has cost us close to 100,000 of our best and brightest since the election. But no.
The first rule of dealing with bullies, as it is when dealing with terrorists, is to stand up to them. If you don’t, the bullying and intimidation continues. If Biman Prasad wants to be Sitiveni Rabuka’s bitch and endure the insults from the Jezebel of the Coalition, that is a matter for him. But it isn’t just about him. It is about those who voted for the NFP to be the voice of moderation in government. To keep the bastards honest.
We didn’t vote for him to remain silent on the big issues. We didn’t vote for him to take the beatings. We didn’t vote for the moral cowardice that sees Biman Prasad green-lighting every single excess of this government including, it seems, the increases in MP’s salaries and benefits that have now passed into law.
What was his temporary “excuse me, but this isn’t right” to his Coalition partners all about? To salve his own conscience? Because he is now doing a pretty good imitation of Pontius Pilate in washing his hands of the responsibility to have stopped these obscene measures from becoming law.
“What is truth?” Be my guest, team , and proceed with the crucifixion of everything that is decent and morally correct. Go on. It’s OK by me if you fill the trough. I’ll even take less money personally if you say so, memsahib.
So it is now business as usual. Anyone else want to kick some sand in my face? The man is an absolute pushover – his grovelling submissiveness reminiscent of what the former Australian Prime Minister, Paul Keating, once said about an opponent, not so much spineless but “a shiver looking for a spine to run up”.
Baimaan the Betrayer, Captain Gaga, the Queen of Tarts and her brutal toy-boy at SODELPA all deserve each other. And will eventually burn together on the electoral bonfire of public disgust. Not a strong government at all but a Coalition of the weak. Moral pygmies. The lot of them.
The latest outrage from the “Snake”:
Yeah, we’re strong. Sure. Raica…
The Fijian people are just waiting for the moral pygmies to emerge come election day.
Why? Because the Coalition government has achieved the impossible. Built a Coalition of the Thoroughly Fed Up. (CTFU)
It is so comprehensive that it has produced a historic first – Rajendra Chaudhry and Grubsheet united in absolute 100 per cent agreement. Who’d have thunk?
Tinai says
This is not funny as we all know. However GD, your colourful content is and does give me a chuckle. Your cartoons are priceless!
Paula Raqeukai says
Credit to Professor Biman for standing up and sees the value of the people is more than the Coalition Government’s unity for self-interest
I will VOTE for this man in the next GE because he cares for the people more than they hunger for more pay as an MP to serve the country.
His mission is to bring the debt ratio level down to at least 40% of the GDP in the next 8 years as Minister of Finance.
Graham Davis says
He will not get eight years and you will not get eight seconds if you keep getting my name wrong. It is Davis, not Davies.
Paula Raqeukai says
My apologies Davis – but mark my words Professor Biman will be the next PM within 8 years of the NFP’s Coalition Partners with either FLP, FFP, or PAP
Graham Davis says
And pigs fly.
Paula Raqeukai says
Pigs also land, Davis, and when they land they eat anything natural…
Calculator says
Paula Raqeukai must be dreaming if he thinks Biman will bring the debt to GDP ratio down to 40% in eight years, under Biman’s hand the ratio has crept up to $F10.5bn and if you add on the deficit in next year’s budget that Biman has already said would be 3.5% of GDP (abt 700m)) by this time next year the national debt would be $11.3bn and that’s from local debt alone, excluding any foreign loans taken.
On my estimation by the end of this govt’s term, the rate we are going our national debt would be no less that $15bn, one and half times above todays level.
So I hope Paula is not driven by blind faith alone, he should use his brains before expressing his wishful thinking.
Raja says
I wonder what Paula Raqeukai and the rest of a Fiji will say about Baiman when they come to realise that when Fiji is already running a budget deficit, meaning that the govt is spending more money than it earns in taxes and fees, that means it is “borrowing” to pay the deficit.
When u factor in the extra $8.1n salaries and allowances MPs voted themselves, this adds to the deficit so effectively our MPs are borrowing to pay themselves.
So the PM has been misadvised yet again. The cost is not just $8.1n it will be much more if you add on annual interest.
What kind of govt would allow this, and what kind of Finance Minister would allow it in his budget?
If he does he is just as guilty as the rest of them.
Paula Raqeukai says
Noted Calculator – Vinaka
Whiskey_Tango_Foxtrot says
Cross the floor, Biman. NFP is not coming back in 2026. He could at least try and soften that blow by doing right in the time that’s left.
Not sure how he intends to survive the shit storm of consequences that awaits him.
Yes that is right says
Baimaan is a real “coolie” and an embarrassment to his family. He is subservient to his masters even though he is being publicly abused and ridiculed by them. He can pretend that is too busy with the budget all he wants. Let us see how long the pretence lasts. The whole government is surviving on pretence with their heads buried in the sand and their arses wide open and exposed. Baimaan did not say anything about the Queen of Tarts’ sexapades at tax payers expense. Maybe he was worried that he has some skeletons in the closet himself. Now the same bonking temptress is going to screw him.
But, this is Fiji and the vulagi should know their rightful place. Baimaan rightly knows his rightful place. The f*cking cockroach.
Expose Tabuya and Co says
Biman you should have done something about Tabuya and her rat Rodrodro. You allowed that shit to go down and now she has turned on you and caused this circus and put the country in greater debt and chaos. Well now you can do something about it, expose all on them.
Or will you sit there and go up in smoke?!!
Krusty The Clown says
Baimaan the next PM in 8 years!!??? WTF. Whatever ya smokin is very strong and potent. This imbecile will be lucky to make it to the full 4 years.
And there is no way in hell these swines will be able to reduce the debt considering how they are pocketing tax payers money.
Rabuka’s bitch and Tabuya’s pussy (Baimaan) will be well and truly f#$ked by PAP soon.
This circus keeps getting better and better.
Trump card says
I am looking forward to what the minimum wage will be in his budget after all the “consultations”. Given the massive pay rises his colleagues have given themselves, the minimum wage better be good. But then, what will the small and large businesses say and what will happen to prices of everything to fund this wage rise and what will happen to inflation and employment. He is stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Imagine the abuse he will suffer not only from his masters but the whole of Fiji.
In my opinion he holds all the trump cards and he should use it wisely.
SODELPA are no longer kingmakers, they are now a Mickey Mouse party.
Baimaan has the power to do a lot, but let us see if he will just go with the “coolie” that is running through his blood.
Shambles says
If Baimaan is Rabuka’s bitch and Tabuya’s pussy, that would make him a eunuch.
Ball-less and spineless. Self-serving and self-preserving. And he is happy to be the bitch.
His budget will be a shambles. I can see it from here. And even if and when he delivers it, he will be gone so all the ‘hard work’ will be a waste of time.
What happened to Agni “Pressed the Wrong Button” Deo’s vote? Will he be disciplined?
Storm in a teacup? says
Seems like all the hullabaloo for nothing:
Prime Minister Hon. Sitiveni Rabuka has today reaffirmed that the Coalition Government remains intact, solid and committed to serving the nation.
He made this statement after meeting with the two Deputy Prime Ministers Hon. Biman Prasad and Hon. Viliame Gavoka.
“I acknowledge that the past week has been a test of our collective resolve as a Coalition, stemming from the determination of Parliamentary Emoluments on 24th May 2024.”
“I humbly admit that this matter could have been better handled, with more wisdom as is expected of elected representatives. On behalf of the Coalition Government, I apologize deeply to the people of Fiji, that we fell short here.”
“We would like to assure the nation that we are listening to you and working together to address concerns raised. I will be addressing the nation sometime in the near future on the best way forward in addressing issues raised.”
“After having a discussion this morning with our Coalition Partner Leaders, we agree that we take full responsibility and reinforce our pledge to upholding the Coalition Agreement of December 2022.”
The Prime Minister said that this has been a necessary moment of deep reflection all around, and a time for reinvigorated leadership and vigour to achieve what the voters have sent them to Parliament to do.
“As a grandfather and father, I know that in every family, misunderstandings and differences of opinion can arise, but at the end of the day, family remains family. The Coalition Government is no different, and all we need to do better is to find and make time to have better dialogue and the space for understanding and compromises. The people of Fiji expect no less.”
Graham Davis says
It’s called spin. And it doesn’t resolve anything.
MoreLies says
An interesting public facade re-affirming the family unity of the Coalition Govt –
The public display of unity within the Coalition Government is nothing more than an attempt to mislead the public and maintain their hold on power. This pattern of committing wrongdoings against the people and then seeking forgiveness has become all too familiar starting from the 87 Coups and their wrath. Our system seems to not only allow but even encourage this behavior courtesy of the powers that are. Executing coups, purging qualified individuals, discriminating against certain groups, and manipulating public emotions with false promises have become commonplace tactics. They are all cheap hit below the belt orchestrated by self-serving leaders.
How much lower can these leaders go? The lies are blatant. We will never forget or forgive the perpetrators of the coups and those who associate with them, including self-serving leaders exploiting the situation. This has best a wrong culture for which the country will continue to pay a heavy price till it is reset. No amount of grandstanding can legitimize the crimes against the people, humanity, and the future of our country. Defrauding the public and the nation is a grave offense, and escaping accountability is an even greater crime.
Where is your self-respect, leaders and esp our DPM-NFP? DPM-NFP, where is your moral compass that you had been bestowed by your heritage? Your actions have deeply embarrassed and undermined your Girmitya heritage. It’s time for introspection and correction if you wish to survive as a politician. At least demonstrate some self-respect if you have any and give our children a role model to aspire to.
ODR says
It’s all about the $$$…I don’t think he cares about anything else. So what if Rambo humiliates him every now and than? Lynda has got no credibility left anyway. If he can rake in close to a million dollars in salary plus benefits in just 4 years, why would he even bother say anything to jeopardize that? In Fiji, law enforcement officials will happily turn a blind eye to anything for as low as $10-20. Our politicians are a greedy bunch of thugs.
Kaiviti says
And this the same person you were advocating for people to vote and remove Fiji First govt during the last election. You are also equally responsible for the mess created by this Baiman.
eagerly looking forward to when the budget is announced.