The shameless Minister for Bonking and Weed has doubled down on her call for the restoration of the death penalty for drug trafficking, triggering a crisis at the top of government as she acutely embarrasses the Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka, and refuses to acknowledge his authority.
Rabuka told the Fiji Sun from Tonga in a front page story today that Lynda Tabuya was wrong to raise the issue of the death penalty – which has provoked an outcry from human rights groups and the churches – without first taking it to cabinet (see previous story). But Tabuya clearly feels emboldened to humiliate the Prime Minister by restating a position that he has already publicly contradicted.
If she had any respect for the PM and his office, she would be chastened and at the very least remain silent. But this is a very public “eff you” that is a direct challenge to Sitiveni’s Rabuka leadership of the PAP. Is she taking it upon herself to defy him or is she leading a wider rebellion? Because the Deputy Prime Minister, Manoa Kamikamica, chose to side with Tabuya on the issue and has left himself wide open to speculation that he too is rebelling against Rabuka’s authority.
Grubsheet has long reported that senior figures in the PAP were intent on installing Manoa Kamikamica as party leader before the last election. Is there now a renewed attempt to show Sitiveni Rabuka the door? Was Manoa Kamikamica’s public endorsement of Lynda Tabuya the first stages of a rebellion that would see them joining forces to remove the Prime Minister? However much they might poo-poo the notion publicly, that’s precisely what it looks like to anyone with a knowledge of politics.
Anywhere else in the world, when a prime minister contradicts a cabinet minister and admonishes that minister, it is accepted practice for the transgressor to get back into their box or resign. But the Queen of Tarts clearly doesn’t care what Sitiveni Rabuka thinks. His monumental service to her of keeping her in the cabinet when the Peoples Alliance had removed her as deputy leader over her drug and sex scandal with Aseri Radrodro seemingly counts for nought.
Lynda Tabuya is now behaving as a law unto herself. And the Prime Minister has only two choices. Dismiss her as a minister for her insubordination – just as he did to Aseri Radrodro before he had to back down on that to preserve the Coalition – or risk losing his authority in the government and the country altogether. The PM will inevitably be seen as weak if he doesn’t discipline his wayward minister – a lame duck leader – and his own position will be on the line.
From where most Fijians sit, this woman is stark raving mad. She is a gross hypocrite in being found by her own party to be a drug user and simultaneously arguing for capital punishment for those who traffic in drugs. She thinks nothing of defying community opinion – including that of the major churches – by arguing for the death penalty when she is in a small minority proposing a return to barbarism. And she has thrown down the gauntlet to the Prime Minister, daring him to take action against her because of her delusion that she speaks for most Fijians when she doesn’t.
This fallen strumpet has no regard for the collective decision-making and discipline that is the central tenet of cabinet government. And unless Sitiveni Rabuka wants to be (again) humiliated before the nation as a leader who is totally impotent and in the thrall of a modern day Jezebel, he must sack her and sack her now.
Who will it be? Rambo or Jezebel? says
PAP has become too small for both Rabuka and Lynda. There isn’t room for them both. Lynda clearly doesn’t think much of her leader and is blinded by her own bullshit, which she mistakes for her brilliance.
One of them will have to go.
Who will prevail in the war between Rambo and Jezebel?
Making Fiji Great Again says
Better if both of them go !!
Anonymous says
Looks like the makings of a Coup de Tart.
Graham Davis says
Hahaha. Brilliant.
Cant believe this sh#$ says
Hahaha anonymous you beauty
Dr. Mahendra Reddy says
Upon being sworn in as a Minister, an individual cannot make public statements positioned as personal opinions. At all times and in every context, one is representing their role as a Minister, and every statement issued will inherently reflect the government’s position. Consequently, all Ministers are required to undergo Cabinet vetting prior to making policy pronouncements, ensuring that the Government presents a unified stance. While individual opinions may be deliberated within Cabinet meetings, it is imperative that, outside of these meetings, Ministers articulate and promote the collective decisions made by the Cabinet.
It is disheartening to observe a complete disregard for this fundamental principle of Cabinet governance.
Graham Davis says
As you well know, Dr Reddy, such an act of defiance in the government in which you served as a minister would have resulted in instant dismissal. But compared with FijiFirst, the People’s Alliance is an undisciplined rabble.
It is inconceivable to me that Lynda Tabuya doesn’t know exactly what she is doing. She is clearly desperate as scandal stalks her and her public image is steadily eroded. And she is daring the Prime Minister to sack her in a calculated gamble that he is too weak to do so and in the mistaken belief that she is more popular than he is.
Its Now or Never says
There’s no greater fury than a woman scorned.
Me thinks Lynda has had enough of her pedestrian male colleagues and is ready to start a fight,
She has enough support to put her back in parliament as an independent if necessary.
I mean, there are much more serious issues for the media and the PM to act on like Fiji Leak’s disclosures on Biman Prasad .
Lynda was just exercising her right of free speech.
The only thing she omitted to say was that she would be taking her proposal to Cabinet.
Lynda knows that if there is a leadership spill in the caucus she would win.
I think Rabo’s time has come.
His indecisiveness to deal with major issues including that of Biman Prasad will see PAP lose votes.
Lynda is confident she can pull it with the help of SODELPA.
Politics is about seizing the moment. This is one such moment.
She has to move now or forever live in the shadows of the male dominated mainstream.
Mary Jayne says
PM is absolutely pho king useless. Lynda is basically doing his job. Say it again, Madam!
Idiots everywhere says
I think she is the ideal candidate to be the next PM. We all need a bigger idiot than the one we already have. Just look at the appointments to the judicial jobs. She has the ideal characteristics and qualification for the job. People want the next level idiot in the job. You just need to ask them. Why else do you think we have this bunch of idiots in government.
Get Up Fiji says
All politics and small talk aside, here is the real underlying issue.
By all accounts it is clear that Rambo and miss Tart have way much more going on between them. Miss Tart is wanting to spill the beans in the public arena unless Rambo toes her line. She doesn’t care, she left USA owing $100 of millions, so what is a sexual relationship with a sitting PM mean to her morals? Absolutely nothing! She will talk if she is pushed far enough.
Rambo is going to have to make choice; Miss Tart or his principles.
A coup is in the air
Everywhere you look around
Both need to Go! says
What morals? What principles? The stinking duo are bereft of both – their personal histories speaks volumes about the quality of their decision-making. Sooner they leave public office and access to our collective public wealth, the better off Fiji will be.
Cant believe this sh#$ says
More like Robin Wood and Made Creamian