“The person in the intimate images does not consent to their intimate images being posted on the website administered by you”. Who is that person? Lynda Tabuya. The images are of her.
Lynda Tabuya’s decision to break her silence to describe the evidence of a “romantic involvement” with Aseri Radrodro as “fake news” reflects the fact that she is fighting for her political life.
She is going to have to persuade the current PAP inquiry into the allegations against her that they have been fabricated or face the prospect of censure that could see her propelled to the backbenches and inflict severe, even terminal, damage on her political career.
It is an impossible task. Because the evidence clearly indicates that Lynda Tabuya is lying when she says there was “no romantic involvement” between her and Aseri Radrodro. Just as the pair lied to the Prime Minister last September and he, in turn, misled the nation.
The “brutal” sex she describes between the two in their leaked text messages may not be romantic in the traditional sense of roses and sweet nothings but some of the exchanges between the two are inarguably tender. And let’s just remind ourselves of the facts as we know them.
Not only were the explosive images and text messages that Lynda Tabuya sent to Aseri Radroro extracted from his mobile phone. She subsequently confessed to Aseri Radrodro’s wife, Sainiana -both verbally and in writing – that they had had an affair and begged for forgiveness.
If she says this is not true, she is lying. And In her comments to FBC News late yesterday (see previous posting), Lynda Tabuya told further porkies that Grubsheet is in a position to expose with hard evidence.
This is what she said:
QUOTE: The Australian Federal Police have assisted the Fiji police to instruct certain figures who have been on Facebook and have websites to take down. You know, content that they have displayed. And so I will be pursuing that continually in terms of the police investigation.”
FACT: The Australian Federal Police have not been involved in instructing “certain figures” – Grubsheet – to take down anything. It is a fabrication designed to create the impression that what we reported was factually wrong and is pitched directly at the PAP inquiry.
What happened was that Lynda Tabuya complained to the Australian Government’s E-Safety Commissioner – a statutory body set up to deal with complaints about image-based abuse on the Internet. Much of its effort is directed at “revenge porn” – people who publish intimate images of their ex-partners.
The E-Safety Commissioner wrote to me “in response to a report about intimate images shared without consent” on Grubsheet.
QUOTE: “We confirm the person in the intimate images located at the URLs detailed in the table on the following page does not consent to their intimate images being posted on the website administered by you, being http://www.grubsheet.com.au. “
“The person in the intimate images does not consent”. Who is that person? Lynda Tabuya. The images are of her.
The E Safety Commissioner instructed Grubsheet to remove a number of these “intimate images”, including one that depicted tattoos of turtles on Lynda Tabuya’s back.
At no point in the correspondence is there any suggestion that these images are fake. On the contrary, there is tacit acknowledgement that they are genuine.
“We confirm the person in the intimate images does not consent to their intimate images being posted on the website administered by you”
Clearly, publishing “fake” material and publishing material that is authentic but to which consent has not been given are two different things altogether. And this is something that needs to be clearly understood by the PAP Disciplinary Subcommittee.
I repeat: Grubsheet stands by the authenticity of the material we published in the same way that Victor Lal stands by the authenticity of the same material he published on Fijileaks..
Under Australian law, I had no choice but to comply with the E-safety Commissioner’s directive. Yet the record shows that I had already taken down most of the images BEFORE I was contacted by the E-Safety Commissioner because it had made some of my women readers uncomfortable.
For the record, below is edited correspondence from the E-Safety Commissioner (removing my address and the identity of the E-Safety case manager) and my response. There has been no further correspondence between us.
Readers can decide for themselves whether we have purveyed “fake” material or authentic material to which Lynda Tabuya objected because she hadn’t given us permission to use it. Yet a number of questions remain, among them:
- If this is “fake news”, why would Lynda Tabuya go to the Radrodro family home and tearfully confess to an affair with Aseri Radrodro and beg for forgiveness?”
- *If this is “fake news”, why didn’t Lynda Tabuya and Aseri Radrodro call a news conference to deny “any romantic involvement” when this story first broke rather than Lynda waiting to make a public statement only after the PAP inquiry has begun?
- If this is “fake news”, why does one of the leaked images show a portion of a carpet that is an identical match for the carpet in Room 233 of the Windsor Hotel?
- If this is “fake news” why hasn’t Lynda Tabuya answered the call to “show us the turtles” – the tattoos that are clearly visible in one of the leaked images?
And if this is “fake news”, why suggest that the Australian Federal Police had any part in getting Grubsheet to remove images when it was the E-Safety Commissioner to which Lynda Tabuya complained and on the basis not that they are fake but that she hadn’t given us her consent to use them?
Read on for the “smoking gun” document that proves the images are authentic and the latest from Victor Lal, who reprints this article in full.
Tipo Kau’ata says
Good on ya mate. Vinaka saka.
Nick says
Clearly the PAP enquiry is designed to give Lynda a clean chit and take away the distraction and pressure on the Coalition. Whilst it’s clear there was romantic affair, brutal sex, use of weed and exchange of Viber messages, Lynda is trying to fool the Fiji public with her brutal lies.
Anonymous says
Classic case of someone so ashamed of the truth that even though the world sees the truth, she is in the process of denying it all. Grasping for straws.
Reporting those images is one thing, the fact remains – Lynda is asking that GENUINE images of her be removed.
Augustine Tipuka Minimbi says
Sikeli Qounadovu said a lot about AI when we debated the veracity of the chats. I guess this puts the matter to rest.
Graham Davis says
Yes, the claim by Lynda Tabuya that the material has been generated by “artificial intelligence” is nonsense. The text and images – with the possible exception of one that appears to be older but has still not been determined to be fake – are real. And the communication from the E-Safety Commission confirms it.
Anonymous says
Lynda has demonstrated great intelligence in showing what to do when you get caught with your pants down.
She is our national joke. Sack her Mr PM. She’s a liability that will haunt you and the coalition.
William+H says
Great response to E-Safety, GD. And now the story has some air on FBC News, does Madam Minister seriously think that her fellow countrymen and women will quietly let this matter rest, and go about their lives praising her when next she has a media interview, decrying pornography?
GuyFawkes says
10 to 25 lines of PYTHON (programming language) code with its relevant AI libraries will tell you thatthe images are not generated by AI.
You can pick it up from here GRAHAM, you have a greater network that can connect you to the professionals closer to you.
This charade needs to end.
KN says
Democracy will never take root in Fiji until its people move beyond blind following to being able to objectively process complex ideas. This includes the understanding of the civic responsibility to educate oneself on political machinery, elections, unbiased scrutiny of political candidates, keeping them in check during their terms in power and separating truth from lies. Your article removes all doubt on the authenticity of the images and the shenanigans in Melbourne. The Fijian media is failing the people of Fiji by not reporting what you are diligently covering but it is known to go to small-time Facebook posts by ordinary citizens to extract or copy and paste stories of far less significance. Now when it is delivered with evidence by a seasoned journalist,they refuse to engage. You have been right in your analysis of Fiji Times sinking to a low. We can at least say that Fiji Sun, FijiVillage and FBC News are doing better. This article needs to be read by every Fijian.
A notable absence in recent weeks is the silence of churches and women’s organisations in Fiji. The latter do considerable work in women and politics and it will be interesting to hear what they have to say. Women and girls in Fiji and the Pacific have many other women politicians to provide wholesome role models for aspiring future leaders. In a country where sexual offences and violence against women and children is rife, the last thing we need is a female politician with the obsession to become the next prime minister of Fiji embroiled in sex, drugs and porn. This holds true for Aseri Radrodro too. As you have covered, the truth is now out for all of us to see. What we do next is going to be a test of our national culture. At this stage, it does not matter what PAP does internally. The appropriate action should be clear from the national level.
The media in Fiji holds the responsibility to report this so that the people of Fiji can have access to information they need for informed participation in national politics. Anything less will be a great disservice and a deliberate dumbing down of the citizens it should be serving.
But probably the worst realisation for Fiji is that the Lynda/Aseri case shows there are no codes of conduct for the individual political parties, the Coalition and for Fiji Parliament. Had there been a code of conduct, there would be no dilly-dallying on the issue at hand.
Pita says
Very well said
Tinai says
Like being back in high school! Embarrassing. No dignity.
Give us the facts - it's your turn says
A year ago and about this time the same Minister was banging the table and demanding “Give me the facts” on victims of the 1987 coup who suffered from many forms of abuse. This same disgraceful Minister made appearance in international news media for that reason and showed the world her brutal little understanding and empathy for women and girls who suffer from violence during a tragedy and especially during a national tragedy that her PM and leader caused. Yet she exerted that Rabuka was the PM for all Fijians. In that same speech she advocated for violence against women and girls.
This is how low she falls.
She gaslighted victims. Not only indo-fijians but other women.
She then told us that Rabuka is our leader. The same man who called Fiji Indians “pagans” and that we must return to where we came from.
1987 was some 3 decades ago. I am sure this was only last year so Fijians expect the truth. I am also shocked that the PM did not carry out an independent inquiry into this matter. He keeps failing the people of Fiji. Too many times and he can go.
We hope the truth is revealed. After all and in reading your post and response there is no denying that the images are not true. She just doesn’t consent to it being published. But here is the enough is enough ring to this. She is a public servant. This ministerial trip was paid by DFAT Australia and Fiji Government. The people and taxpayers of both countries deserve to know if this happened. Austrailan aid should be concerned about this.
Hope there is a code of conduct lying somewhere and a copy of the oath that they have taken to reflect on.
Bring us the facts. The ball is in your court. The new lows of Viti indeed.
Randy says
What a load of BS from Lynda. Sadly enough, the coalition supporters and sympathizers are gullible enough and believe and back up whatever BS she spews. You throw in a couple of fancy words, AI, etc and everyone is agreeable to whatever you say
Augustine Tipuka Minimbi says
They are the most low-down scum amongst the population; the lowest common denominator. They revel in hypocrisy, dressing themselves so nicely and so demure, yet inside they are absolutely whitewashed tombs. They smile so friendly, yet racially and verbally abuse at every turn. They claim to know virtue, but are indeed the epitome of vice.