Journalists and media educators have descended on the University of the South Pacific in Suva this week for a conference on “Media and Democracy in the South Pacific”. Not surprisingly, the topic and the timing of this talkfest have caused a high degree of consternation behind the scenes. It was the brainchild of Dr Marc Edge, the head of the USP’s School of Journalism, who has publicly advocated total freedom for the local media at a time of intense discussion over the appropriate model for developing countries such as Fiji.
Dr Edge is finding himself in splendid isolation because of his views. They notably diverge from those of his predecessor at the journalism school, Shailendra Singh – who has advocated more social responsibility – and from the head of arguably the region’s foremost media training establishment, Professor David Robie of the Pacific Media Centre at the Auckland University of Technology. They’re proponents of an ideological journalistic strand variously described as the ‘peace”or “development”model, in which the media is seen as a key component in nation building in developing countries. This entails working in partnership with governments to promote social development and eschewing the confrontational “watchdog” model of much of the western media. While critics like Dr Edge appear to regard this as a sellout, there’s a compelling argument that a more contextual, cooperative and and moderate approach by journalists in developing countries is the best way forward.
At the USP this week, both sides are arguing their case. But the behind-the-scenes maneuvering in the lead-up to this conference is indicative of the gulf between western perceptions – like those of the Canadian-born Dr Edge – and those of journalist educators with significant local experience like Professor Robie, a former journalist himself in Fiji and other developing countries, notably the Philippines and Indonesia.
Dr Edge caused intense heartburn right from the start as he set about organising this conference. Never mind the questionable sensitivity of staging a “media and democracy” talkfest in Fiji at the present time. The country has been preoccupied with registering voters for the scheduled 2014 election and Fijians are currently presenting submissions to the Constitutional Commission tasked with preparing a new blueprint for the restoration of democracy. At the very least, Dr Edge might have appreciated the pitfalls of sparking a potentially divisive debate at such a delicate moment. Yet he appears to have set out to be deliberately provocative.
In the first draft of the program placed on the USP’s internet website, the list of speakers included two journalists formally banned from Fiji – Sean Dorney, the Pacific Correspondent for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation ( ABC/Radio Australia) and Michael Field of Fairfax Media in New Zealand. Both men were deported from Fiji in the wake of the 2006 coup. This caused general astonishment in academic circles and it was suggested to Dr Edge that he was being unnecessarily provocative. Yet he persisted until he had to be formally instructed by the USP’s Deputy Vice Chancellor, Professor Esther Williams, that his apparent plan to defy Fijian law was unacceptable.
There was also general astonishment when Dr Edge posted the following invitation to the conference comparing certain Pacific countries to the repressive regimes in the Middle East that sparked the “Arab Spring”.
CALL FOR PAPERS Media and Democracy in the South Pacific University of the South Pacific
Suva, Fiji, 5-6 September 2012
Democracy movements gathered momentum across the Middle East in 2011-12, but in the South Pacific they arguably stalled. Fiji continued to be governed by a military dictatorship resulting from the country’s latest coup in 2006. A draconian Media Decree enacted in 2010 provides fines and even prison sentences for what were once ethical violations. A new government elected in Tonga in 2010 has not moved as quickly as expected toward democracy and media freedom. In Samoa, almost all Members of Parliament are still chiefly matai, and libel laws have a chilling effect on journalism. West Papua continues to be occupied by Indonesia, and its press is subject to onerous restrictions. Even media advocacy groups suffered from dissention, with a group of mostly Polynesian journalists breaking away from the Fiji-based Pacific Islands News Association (PINA) and basing itself in Samoa as the Pasifika Media Association (PasiMA).
Grubsheet understands that three governments – Fiji, Samoa and Tonga – formally complained to the University of the South Pacific. The USP subsequently ordered the posting withdrawn from its website. Yet in the nature of these things, the offending document can still to be found with a rudimentary Google search. It’s no exaggeration to say that Dr Edge – plucky or reckless depending on your point of view – is now very much on the edge himself. His precarious situation has evidently been compounded by formal complaints to the University by some of his students. The details are hazy but some of them allegedly relate to a general intolerance of dissent and allegations that those who disagree with his own ideological position have been victimised.
Unfortunately for the University, the issue goes to the heart of how it is formally training the Pacific journalists of tomorrow. Are they being taught that the alleged repression in Pacific countries is equivalent to that of the Middle East? Are they being taught that the democracy movements that have swept the Arab world ought to be sweeping the Pacific? Equally unfortunately for the USP, its funding comes from some of the countries Dr Edge appears to be targeting. For Samoa and Tonga to lodge protests means that the disquiet over what’s happening at the University’s School of Journalism now extends well beyond the Fiji Government.
In a notable change of tone from the host government, the conference began with a speech by Fiji’s Permanent Secretary for Information, Sharon Smith Johns, calling on local journalists to “stop self censoring and start reporting the facts”. She urged the nation’s journalists to take advantage of the lifting of censorship to begin fully informing media consumers. Significantly, her official news release indicates a degree of frustration with the local media for not being vocal enough.
“You will hear a lot about self censorship, the notion that journalists in Fiji are too afraid to report fully and without fear or favour. Such fears are understandable in the transition from censorship to freedom. But I urge journalists not to use this as an excuse not to do their jobs”, she said. Ms Smith Johns said The Fijian Government wanted a vigorous media but with certain conditions that were a prerequisite in most countries – “not to fuel racial division, not to threaten peace and order, not to damage our economy and people’s jobs”, she said.
Ms Smith Johns said there was a clear division of opinion among journalists and journalist educators about what form of journalism was appropriate for developing countries but she didn’t think there was any argument that the needs of media consumers must come first.“In developing countries, we all have a responsibility to educate and enlighten, to create stability for investment and the jobs our people so badly need. This does not come from fuelling division. There is a special responsibility on all of us in a multiracial country like Fiji. Ms Smith Johns said that in the interests of national stability, Fiji had felt obliged to impose a period of censorship on the local media that had now been lifted. “i know some of you have a jaundiced view about the Fiji Government’s attitude to media freedom. As a country, we are a work in progress. But huge progress has been made in achieving genuine democracy. We are committed to the vision of a united, prosperous Fiji in which every citizen has a viable and equal stake.”, she said.
Whether the local media takes up the Government’s challenge remains to be seen. Because there are still problems with the Fiji media’s general approach, and especially that of its oldest paper, the Fiji Times. The Times – founded in 1869 and billed “the first newspaper published in the world today” has long been a bastion of opposition to the Bainimarama regime. But there’s plenty of evidence that it also wages war on its readers, regularly depriving them of news of national significance.
At the weekend, Frank Bainimarama opened Fiji’s new embassy in the United Arab Emirates – surely one of the most important countries in one of the world’s most dynamic regions. It was splashed in the Fiji Sun – its competitor for which Grubsheet is a columnist – but not one word appeared in the Fiji Times. The same non-existent or grudging coverage has applied to every Engaging with the Pacific Summit, the meeting of regional leaders convened by Fiji as it continues to be suspended from the Pacific Islands Forum. At the most recent two weeks ago, The Sun carried extensive front page coverage while the Fiji Times banished it down paper with a relatively brief item.
The Fiji Sun, for course, is branded pro-regime and makes no secret of its support for Bainimarama’s program of reform leading to the 2014 poll. But judged purely on the basis of conventional notions of news value, the Fiji Times is clearly depriving Fijians of news they need to know. It amounts to a betrayal of the very people whose interests ought to be paramount – its readers. Small wonder that the Fiji Times – once the country’s proud journal of record stretching back 143 years – is in decline and the Fiji Sun is now the country’s biggest-selling newspaper. Ordinary readers are rebelling at the news stands. They’re not stupid even if that’s the way the Fiji Times seems intent on treating them. A once great newspaper is slowly dying of irrelevance.
Declaration of interest: Grubsheet is a columnist for the Fiji Sun. He has also had previous disagreements with Dr Marc Edge. (see prior postings)
Bera Na Liva says
The Fiji Media was naughty and told fibs to the people.
The Fiji Media was spanked and sent to the naughty corner.
Now, they can come out and play.
Let’s hope Fiji Media has learned a lesson about the hollowness and dishonesty of exaggeration, sensationalism, manipulation and suppression.
Let’s see if Fiji Media can remember concepts such as; clarity, fairness, accuracy and respect.
If Fiji Media can remember these concepts, it can then begin to regain the trust of its audience and relinquish its role as an object of ridicule.
Varanitabu says
Remember the Fiji Post-use to to do the bidding of the SDL Govt infact that was were their largest income came from-Government! Yet they pretended they were just reporting the news what they should have said was that they were the mouthpiece of the Government of the Day namely the SDL. I am sure the Editor was from the same village as Qarase? Maybe wrong.
Vinny says
Not only same village but his cousin.
Jukebox says
@ Vinny
Not just any cousin….. First cousin.
Chand says
This guy Mark Edge has not only shown contempt to the host government re: the banning of the 2 overseas reporters and his attempt to put them as guest speakers but have shown disrespect to the peoples of Fiji.
Why hasn’t this guy been thrown out of the country……is he untouchable??? Is this why he is giving us the finger…..taking our hospitality for granted…
Ok fair enough USP is a regional organisation and the usual blah blah……he should be shown as to who is running the country…enough of his nonsence.
He should be hauled before the courts for showing contempt of the current law of the land and be given the boot from this country…..we still haven’t forgotten his endorsement of a certain accommodation complex while on public purse..and still waiting for a response. He came with the idea that the people of Fiji can be made a fool of and establish a neo-colonialist type of journalism…..
Send him to Samoa where Petelo could let him occupy one of the floors of his dream building.
Jukebox says
@ Chand,,,,,,,
By inviting Sean Dorney and Michael Field, this piglet Marc Edge is openly challenging the authorities here in Fijj. This numbskull knows too well that these two leeches have been banned from entering the country, yet he has the guts to invite them here. He should be taken in for training at Nabua and then booted out of the country to Samoa. Marc Edge is now living on a knife’s edge.
How can you tell if Sharon's Lying? She opens her mouth says
“In a notable change of tone from the host government, the conference began with a speech by Fiji’s Permanent Secretary for Information, Sharon Smith Johns, calling on local journalists to “stop self censoring and start reporting the facts”.”
This is dictatorship propaganda at its best. The media cannot stop their self censorship whilst they are being continually threatened by the regime.
Fiji TV ran a few news reports not to Khaiyum’s liking and they find their license is not renewed.
The Fiji Times is called weekly and threatened with bring reported to the Media authority and/or being closed down.
Only last week the 2 daily papers refused to run pad for adverts by the Fiji women’s Crisis Centre because they held contrary views on the Constitution commission and the Constituent Assembly.
I admire Sharon because she was able to make that statement and keep a straight face. But make no mistake when censorship is truly lifted Sharon, Khaiyum and Bainimarama will learn what the people of Fiji truly think of them and it won’t be pretty.
Bera Na Liva says
@ How Can You Tell If Sharon’s Lying?
Awww … pull your head in and get your memory straightened out.
The Fiji Media were spanked and sent to the naughty corner for exactly what SSJ was talking about … inability or unwillingness to present the facts.
Were you holed up with all the other mushrooms at Bilo Battery while all the blatant lies were peddled out by certain elements of the Fiji Media?
I have absolutely no problem with clarity, honesty and fairness and neither does the current regime.
Present something based on those tenets and I’ll give you some respect and lend you an objective ear.
Blather on with vitriolic spin and falsehoods and you’ll be lucky to get disdain and laughter.
Fiji Mediar observe says
How many of you commenting here have ever worked in newspapers or other news media – most people buy the Fiji Sun because of his sports coverage, which is the best in the South Pacifc – and because they want to read the dribble from Graham Davis grubsheet, reproduced by Fiji Sun
Fiji Mediar observe says
How many of you commenting here have ever worked in newspapers or other news media – most people buy the Fiji Sun because of its sports coverage, which is the best in the South Pacific – and NOT because they want to read the dribble from Graham Davis grubsheet, reproduced by Fiji Sun
Sorry for the errors in the previous posting
Graham Davis says
Yes, “Fiji Mediar Observer”,thanks for that. There’s no doubt that the Flying Fijians and I have singlehandedly turned the Fiji Sun into the country’s biggest selling newspaper. Very kind of you to say so twice.:-)
Graham Davis says
Oh, you mean it’s not because of me? Well then, nice of you to say so once. 🙂
Chand says
Listen mate, you are not important quite frankly. Whether you work in the media industry or for Fiji Times does not matter…so don’t think you guys are very important in the broader scheme of things for Fiji.
When I get the electricians to work for me, I expect them to work according to standards. When a plumber comes down to fix my toilet, I expect him to work according to standards. They get my respect for that…
You guys are no better or worse than the standards with which you do your business of reporting…and it should remain so.
You guys think, because of your chosen profession and the priviledge of dispensing “news”, that your opinion counts, and that somehow you need to drive the agenda of how a government should do its business…
Having to gang up through affiliation with members abroad, you guys think that you are the custodians of democracy, that things somehow should work according to your whims…and the whims of your masters.
It is never going to happen in Fiji…get that.
So tomorrow when you go to work, don’t think that you are heaven sent and us mere mortals will jump at your whims. The quicker you guys get that message the better for you all…be ware of the wrath of a patient community and enough of you guys nonsence
Get that Mark Edge.
Varanitabu says
@Fiji Mediar observe , i assume if we are to take your conclusions any further I should not be commenting about coups as i have never been involved in conducting or participating in one! I buy the Fiji Sun because i want to read the news has it occured to you that maybe just maybe some are not at all interested in sports? As for the errors in your posting did you by any chance work for the Fiji Post no wonder they went bankrupt with the kind of errors in their Pagers! Graham suggest you give out an AWARD to brillant conclusions-DOCE would be a good name for it!
John John says
The Fiji Times is boring, boring, boring,
Jukebox says
@ John John,,.
Bullz eye mate. Fiji Times iz just too boring.
Tania Smith says
Maybe some good journalists should look into these formal complaints against Marc. Word around USP is that he openly abuses and mistreats students who disagree with his views.
moto bitu says
Typical western journalist thinking their system is the only way. I completely agree with Graham, Fiji needs a developed style journalism to match our developing nation. You cant enforce a system thats unsuitable, what is this chap thinking that we’re all gonna hold hands and sing koobaah yah to his tune. Cry me a forking river mann, this is utter madness of the highest degree.
flaggETERNAL says
Listen to LegendFM NEws…only credible news source in Fiji*** at the moment. The FT has a story today about how a girl is fighting for life in hospital after being hacked with a knife by a relative. The LegendFM NEws guys spoke to the police who confirmed that she was treated for injuries to her hands and then sent home. ***I may be biased towards Communications Fiji Limited…hahaha!
USP Student says
After attending the USP Journalism Symposium, I realise that this is a very good article for Mr Graham Davis to write. As a former USP journalism student, to me Mr Marc Edge suffers from insecurity and small man syndrome.
In order to prove himself up, he criticises the work of his predecessors. This was obvious to us in the audience and it led to an argument with David Robie and Shalen Singh which was shameful.
Mr Marc Edge does recognize the work of his local staff and at the symposium he tried to take all the credit for himself until Mr Shalen Singh said that Irene Manueli did all the work on the newspaper, and we clapped to show our support for Irene.
The students told me they really hate Marc Edge because is arrogna t and smart arse and he has divided the students and his favourites are his students from the first year and he does not like the other student who taught by Mr Singh because these students.
I found out that staff and students are really demoralised. When I was at the USP journalism, we did a lot of work and we were a happy group. The students were united.
Many of us want to go back to uni but we wait until Marc edge goes way because he has a bad temper and he insults the local students.
Students say he like to make them feel small because it make him feel big.
USP can’t do anything. There was one meeting with the head of the school professor Mishra to solve the problem. After professor Mishra went away, Marc Edge screamed at a student, so the problem is not solved.
Jukebox says
@USP Student,
Just give this Marc Edge one knuckle on his forehead and good kick in his behind and show him that he is not insult you guys anymore.
Just look at what our PM Bainimarama did to AUS/NZ. he just simply told them enough is enough. No more bullying Fiji.
And the result is,,,,,,,,,,,,,, no more bullying.
God…. i wish I meet this Marc Edge somewhere in a dark alley. I will put him on a knife’s edge. Full Stop.
Graham Davis says
Jukebox, as I know from your previous postings that you are a peaceful person, I will take your last comment as hyperbole and not an incitement to violence. We don’t want any mutterings about dark alleys around here. Let’s keep all of this in the realms of political discourse. Dr Edge is entitled to argue his case, no matter how much you may strongly disagree. Vinaka.
Jukebox says
@ Graham,,,,,,
Thankz matey,
I didn’t intend to incite any form of violence here, but this guy Marc Edge is really pissing me off. I met him a couple of time some time ago. Didn’t agree much with him back then. I still do not see eye to eye with him today. I just cannot stand his treatment of some USP students, especially those who have gone past their first year.
Dunno why the USP is putting up with his crap. Maybe they are scared of him.
Media Watch says
If the head of school can’t handle this guy and solve the problem, the head of school should be sent home with marc. What is USP doing? The USP is going down the drain.
student - USP says
Okay first up, USP journalism student. Please get your facts right. Marc did not shout at a student “after” Mishra left. Yes ofcourse that meeting was kinda intense but hey !! The whole purpose of it was to “let it all out” and start fresh. In fact, we had another meeting and I believe it went great.
Marc does acknowledge Irene (who I, myself think is awesome. she is one of the best tutors… though she has never really taught me. She is great… no denial), but Marc never undermines her…..infact he tells us he also needs to learn from her… esp about the JN201 stuff. So yea… he does not really have a prob with Irene ma’am… I know that !!
You mentioned that students have told you that they don’t like him ! well well, lets stop generalizing shall we. Because there are others who do like him !! And please ! What do people have against the current first-years ?? Damn. You said he does not “like the other students” !!! And only his first-years !! Gosh. Maybe this “stereotype” is the cause that many 2nd and 3rd year students are behaving inappropriately towards the 1st years !! not all…. but there are some. In fact, those “some” are the one’s who actually demoralize and discourage the 1st years…treating them like naive, little children… undermining them. Marc & Irene on the other hand are the only one’s who are good to the first years !!
You said you are a former JN student. So maybe you are not in the newsroom as much as we are. And we see and feel what all goes on, so before wishing for Marc Edge to go away, get the facts right. No offence. But most of us are really glad Marc is our professor !! I know he sometimes does say things we Fiji people do not like. Trust me i know !! But his remarks at the symposium is mis-understood and mis-interpreted !! He did not say our standard is low…. he just he wants to bring in an international standard. Now don’t go on and say “well maybe that is what he means” coz no….he doesn’t. Shalendra was right at his place too. He is a great prof. too. But like Marc said, his just doing his job. Wansolwara… USP… was the best. If he has been brought in to make things much better than before, we should be happy about it.
Graham Davis says
Am I the only one who “kinda” wonders whether this is the good Doctor himself? “Gosh”, not to “generalize” but this is clearly written by a North American. It certainly isn’t a USP student 🙂
student - USP says
oh Dear Davis !! I am a USP student FYI. But anyway why am I not surprised !! When “USP student” wrote all the “negative” things… I am sure you believed him/her !! But when I (student – USP) said the “truth”, you couldn’t stand to believe it !! Well well … never mind.
Just wondering… are you an award winning journalist or award winning critic !! Coz this constant bickering and criticism is not helping anyone..
But anyway, I have better things to do than knock sense into people who should, in fact be setting good example and acting as role models !!
I want peace & progress for my country and its people…. so please… live… and let all live 🙂
Seventh year student says
You are obviously a first year student and one of Edges favorites as mentioned by the Journalism student. Don’t mind if nobody takes you too seriously.
Media Watcher says
Bula Graham
Where you invited to the media conference? I notice that David Robie spoke and had a prominent role throughout the two-day workshop!
Graham Davis says
Media Watcher, no I wasn’t invited to the conference and didn’t expect to be. Quite apart from our divergent views, Dr Edge has taken an intense dislike to me, so much so that he launched an attack on me yesterday from the conference podium.
I have sketchy details and don’t care. The above story comes from several sources, including two at the heart of the proceedings. I stand by my account and note that while Dr Edge is eager to attack me at a public gathering in Suva, he won’t do so in these columns. Why? Because everything I said in this piece is true.
Vinny says
Listen and watch fbc,
Funded by Fiji tax payers for Fiji tax payers.
Cfl is punjas ex and Fiji times is motibhais current.
Stay away
Media Watcher says
And Fiji Sun is owned by Khaiyum crony C J Patel and Sons, with Fijian Holdings Ltd holding shares in it
MARC EDGE ROCKS ! those that speak crap; don’t know the truth ! USP standards are still the same if not better. Mr. Davis I highly recommend that you get a grip and get over yourself 🙂
Seventh year student says
Nice to see Marc Edges first year students are around, always looking to suck ________
haha. is that what you think ? If I wanted to suck____ I wouldn’t have posted anonymously. Just goes to show “WHAT AN IDIOT YOU ARE” . Have you ever been in one of Marc’s class? I highly doubt it ! So please, Go get laid or something ! You need it !
JNS says
If Graham is “BRAVE” enough, why don’t you come over to USP and accuse Marc in front of all da journalism staff and students. That will be interesting, atleast it will attract media personalities and all these Fiji Mediar Observe, USP student, student – USP and chand people.
Seventh year student says
Are you mentally handicapped? Read before you post
Marc Edge says
No, Graham, that wasn’t me. I never post anonymously. But I *think* I know which of my students it was by the writing style. !O_O! It is true that I have taken an intense disliking to you, for what I feel are very good reasons. I found your methods extremely underhanded in your unrelenting attacks on me earlier this year. Publishing email correspondence of mine on your blog and in the Fiji Sun was simply going too far. It was hardly your fault that someone then copied and pasted student Facebook posts into the comments section of one your blog entries (which now seem to have been removed), but that caused real problems for some of my second-year students.
To be clear, however, I did not launch an “attack” on you at the symposium. I instead offered a defence to what you have written above, which was reprinted in Thursday’s Fiji Sun. I suggested that this is part of your ongoing campaign to create a rift between journalism educators in the region. You portray me as someone in favor of “total” media freedom and Shailendra Singh as someone in favor of more social responsibility. My students well learn the perils of too much media freedom through such lessons as those of Yellow Journalism, as I am a strong advocate of social responsibility in journalism. You apparently have a limited understanding of this concept. That you would allow comments to the effect that I should be bashed or knifed well demonstrates that. If you lived in Fiji instead of Australia I would seek advice on how to proceed against you legally. I am also told by someone in Canada that you refuse to publish his comment defending me. What are you afraid of?
Graham Davis says
Marc, the problem with you is your chronic economy with the actualite. Let’s take the last point first. It is a deliberate falsehood to claim that I have censored any posting here from anyone defending you. Your friend in Canada is either a liar or you are.
As to your claim that I have misrepresented your position on media freedom, your libertine views are a matter of public record. In an article you wrote for the Fiji Times on May 5 2012 you said the following:
“I urge journalists in Fiji to push for press freedom to the fullest extent possible. They can be assured that, in so doing, they will have the full support of us here at USP journalism.”
Marc, I have multiple sources for the information I have published about you, some of it from your own students. So I stand by each and every one of the statements made in the article above.
If you want to sue me, be my guest. But no court – either in Australia or Fiji – will accept that what has been said in the comments column above constitutes a serious threat to you.
Let’s make this really interesting. I challenge you to a debate at the USP on the issues at the heart of our disagreement. If you truly believe in media freedom, you will take up that challenge and we can air our differences before your students and in the court of public opinion.
I am still keen to get to the bottom of the saga of your apartment complex. I have asked you repeatedly: Did you receive any benefit or consideration from the owners of that apartment block for appearing in an advertorial in the Fiji Times? You have pointedly refused on several occasions to give me a straight answer. That invitation also stands.
Seventh year student says
So who is the next student you victimize Docter?
Media Defender says
The problem with you two are that both of you are bloody foreigners – one more than the other – especially Graham Davis who suddenly surfaced out of nowhere after the 2006 coup to voice opinions as if he is God’s gift to Fiji. If the illegal government does not want to listen how we want Fiji to be run, the treasonists have no right to tell the media and journalists how to run the papers – newspapers are not responsible for Fiji’s racial problems – its the politicians and self-appointment and illegal rulers, starting from 1987 and to date. The newspapers have been around since colonial times – every dictatorship blames the newspapers and journalists so as to control their actions – the media have no responsibility – it is for readers to decided what they want to read, believe or even react – you two Whiteys are insulting our intelligence – who the hell are you Graham to tell us what sort of papers and journalists Fiji should have – do you consult us before writing your columns no – so just b—–ger off – stop patronizing us.
Kathy says
@ Media Defender
Graham was born in Fiji and is a Fiji citizen and has every right, just as much as you do, to have a say.
The other fellow is the foreigner….cant you see the distinction?
Now stop being a bigotted and ignorant dickhead!
Graham Davis says
No, he is a foreigner, I am a Fijian. You mightn’t like it but it’s a fact. And you, Media Defender, are simply ignorant. But, hey, there’s room for everyone in the new Fiji.
New Viti says
@ Media Defender,
Graham is a Fijian I am a Taukei…I am also a Fijian and me and him and everybody else including Fijian of different ethiniç backgrounds are Fijians. How wonderful we are to live in a time and we are all legally Fijians of different ethinic it make Fiji unique appealing and multiracial…!
Yummy Lovo one day roast another curry another day chinese another Japanese …….wonderful…!
Graham is doing a remarkable Job its so wonderful….carry on Graham debate for Fiji you are a true son of Fiji…..Vinadu Valevu…more power to you Graham…you a remarkable Kaiviti…!
Pious says
@ New Viti
Sa du !
Media Defender says
Graham Davis is a Johnny come lately with a Napoleon complex who thinks he has the right to dictate and direct the course of journalism in Fiji – he has never worked in Fiji as a journalist – a leech feeding on the death of a free media in Fiji, writing for the Fiji Sun, a paper which has lost its soul. The journalist is not there to kowtow murderous thugs in Fiji – as you can see, both these Whiteys should just shut up – this Graham Davis chap should join Fiji’s intelligence unit – a shameless apologist of the present junta
Graham Davis says
Better to be in the intelligence unit than the ignorant coward unit. I’d be a lot more impressed with you, Media Defender, if you had the courage to show your face as you defend the indefensible.
Pious says
@ Media Defender
If Graham is a ‘whitey’, then I am assuming you are a ‘darkie’? or as they say in Aussie a ‘black fella’?
You are so colour concious – clearly someone who cant let go of the old and ethnically segregated Fiji.
Vakaloloma o iko
Media Defender says
And who the hell is this Dr Mark Edge?
Media recruiter says
A Canadian in Fiji
Marc Edge is an international journalism educator and media critic from Vancouver, Canada, who has taught at seven universities in four countries. He is currently a Senior Lecturer and Head of Journalism at the University of the South Pacific in Suva, Fiji. He is the author of three books, the most recent being Asper Nation: Canada’s Most Dangerous Media Company, which was published in 2007 by New Star Books. From 1974 to 1993, Marc was a newspaper journalist for the Vancouver Province and the Calgary Herald. After taking early retirement at age 38, Marc fulfilled a long-time dream by sailing to the South Pacific aboard his 40-foot ketch, Markenurh. He then studied for his doctorate and taught at Ohio University, winning the 2002 Dissertation Award of the American Journalism Historians Association. His dissertation was published as his first book, Pacific Press: The Unauthorized Story of Vancouver’s Newspaper Monopoly. From 2001-04, Marc was an Assistant Professor in the School of Communication and Information at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He has also taught at Simon Fraser University, the University of Texas at Arlington, Thompson Rivers University, and Sam Houston State University.
Graham Davis says
Marc, having heard that you may soon be looking for a job, I’m happy to do what I can to help with your application. Every little bit helps.
varanitabua says
Problem with some people Graham is that they personalise the issue ? Maybe i amking it sound so simple!
Marc Edge says
Nope, that wasn’t me. This is me. Always under my own name. Shouldn’t that be a rule? Someone just copied that off of my home page in response to a question about who the heck I am. That’s why the writing is so good.
Pious says
Big deal. All those credentials dont give him the right to abuse and shout at local students. Thats blatant harassment, reminiscent of colonial times, I thought we have moved on away from that. It earns him no respect.
Come on VC, time to pull the plug on this fellow and send him back to Canuk country.
He is attracting too much negative publicity about Fiji.
Cam Birge says
“Fijians are currently presenting submissions to the Constitutional Commission tasked with preparing a new blueprint for the restoration of democracy.”
This is precisely the appropriate time for Dr. Edge’s conference on “Media and Democracy in the South Pacific”. He is doing the nation a service by hosting such a conversation without externally imposed limits by self-interested groups or individuals.
This is what nation building and a true democracy is all about and is what leads to a broadly accepted set of rules in which to function going forward.
“Not surprisingly, the topic and the timing of this talkfest have caused a high degree of consternation behind the scenes.”
“Dr Edge caused intense heartburn right from the start as he set about organising this conference.”
“Yet he appears to have set out to be deliberately provocative.”
Which self-interested groups or individuals are threatened by this conference?
The purpose of the conference is to contribute to the dialogue surrounding policy-making in a restored democracy for Fiji and other countries in the South Pacific going forward within an open and honest framework where all points of view are welcome.
What are you afraid of?
Marc Edge says
[4:56:51 PM] cambirge2004: This is now what i get when I try to post
[4:56:55 PM] cambirge2004: Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that!
[4:57:18 PM] cambirge2004: I just read through every comment and mine isn’t there
[4:57:29 PM] cambirge2004: I’ve tried posting 8-10 times now
[5:04:03 PM] cambirge2004: Bingo!
[5:04:15 PM] cambirge2004: Changed it and it finally posted!
Chand says
@ Mark
Ok, this Cam Birge guy….I get it. You have no support here in Fiji for crony journalism (well maybe some Graham bashers from c4.5 and has beens from the other news paper), you get someone from Canada to do you bidding…wah re wah…
This sums up as to who you are…we know of the cheap little tricks to gain attention but be asured it is never going to work. Maybe in Canada where you can’t get a job, but not in Fiji.
How pathetic and cheap and you thought that Fijians can be taken for a ride with the dirty old colonialistic tricks. You may get the odd Media Defenders, ironically who presumabily does not even subscribe to your brand of journalism and who does not know who you are, but is ever ready to defend you against Graham.
We in Fiji call such people as punch drunks….dopeys whold would suddenly appear, get into a fight with two unknowns..beat his chest, make a lot of noise about how great he was in his little rat hole. He would then look around and say “who the f@#k were those two white guys”. Mark, this is your support base.
Even the Mongrell would not let you touch his tail.
What about the cute little photo in the Fiji Times……were you paid in “any” form for that…we are still waiting.
And you thought Fijians will forget that….and your silence on that. And you must be wondering where is all the noise about that….no one protesting with placards…..and oh….they don’t have a thousand signatures to present to anybody.
Aha, wait…there is something called TIMING…..
Cam Birge says
For the record Dr. Edge had no knowledge of my intent to post a response on this blog until I voiced my frustration to him via skype that I was unable to post after repeated attempts. I am a decades long friend of his who is not a journalist and has never worked in journalism.
We here in Canada know what it`s like to be a colony as part of the British Empire. The Queen of England still appears on our currency and constitutionally is the ultimate power. Fortunately, over the years we have reduced the role of the British monarchy to ribbon-cutting and reading about their exploits through tabloid smut. So you are completely off-base with your “pathetic and cheap“ assertions that Dr. Edge is somehow attempting to take Fijians, or anyone else for that matter, for “a ride“.
Canada is also a nation of immigrants often labelled as a cultural mosaic. There are people here from all ethnic backgrounds, including many from Fiji. Your rascist and nationalistic comments make you sound like a redneck and a bigot.
While Dr. Edge can be stubborn and disagreeable at times, like all of us to varying degrees, I can assure you that his ethics and integrity are impeccable. He cannot be bought. He has made meaningful and positive contributions to his students and the academic communities he has served throughout his professional career.
It is obvious you don`t know or understand Dr. Edge and you have a personal agenda to discredit him with mostly third-hand gossip and innuendo. Some students are angry (mainly second and third year) with him because they were failed by him after they didn’t show up to many classes and didn’t complete course assignments. As a parent, educator and/or a media professional you should be supportive of that.
Chand says
@ Cam Birge, ” I am a decades long friend of his..”,
Listem mate, keep your lecture about the British to your self or better still save it for a skype conversation with Mark. I don’t need that. And I don’t need a reference endorsement from you about Mark.
Neither do I need a history lesson on Canada from you. I do travel to Canada quite often so I do know quite a bit. I have met great and very friendly Canadians of all backgrounds. So thank you very much.
And I am not a journalist…have never been. I can tell the difference between a “wanna be” and one who is dedicated to ethics and professionalism. I can tell the difference between cronies, cheque book journalists and the ones with standards. I don’t need confirmation from third parties.
And that brings me to you and Mark Edge.
” Some students are angry (mainly second and third year) with him because they were failed by him after they didn’t show up to many classes and didn’t complete course assignments.” …this coming from you….so your professor Mark Edge discuses these with you…..a decade long friend…eh.
….did Mark tell you this???? just a confirmation……
And need I say more about your decade long friend and you….some ethics!!
Welcome to Grubsheet…please get more of your friends…maybe some childhood ones….he sure does need them.
Oh, and did you see his nice pictures endorsing the apartments in Suva….outside is quite Sunny…..some of your other journalist friends may like to see them as well….
Ps: Maple syrup is best
Graham Davis says
Cam Birge, some friend! “Stubborn and disagreeable”. You have endorsed one of the chief complaints about Dr Edge at USP.
Stubborn: Having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something, esp. in spite of good arguments or reasons…
Disagreeable: 1. contrary to one’s taste or liking; unpleasant; offensive; repugnant. 2. unpleasant in manner or nature; unamiable: a thoroughly disagreeable person.
These are not terms of endearment in Fiji or Canada. And if Dr Edge is “stubborn and disagreeable” with his friends, it doesn’t take much to imagine what he must be like with people who are his subordinates like his students.
Recent Graduate says
Dear Cam Birge
Students who have been victimised and openly discriminated in class will disagree with your notion of his impeccable Ethics and Integrity.
Unfortunately for Mr Edge his practices are in a field where it is very hard to hide such evil and all the truth will come out soon enough.
And copy+pasting skype comments proves nothing as they can easily be edited, you might as well as reference Wikipedia in your research. You would think a doctor would know this? Nobody else seems to have any trouble posting here.
Media Defender says
Graham Davis neither owns a newspaper in Fiji nor has worked for one ever should he bloody shut up, FULL STOP. He bought his citizenship and pays his taxes to Australia. Just because he is writing for Fiji Sun, a pro-regime trash gives him no right to tell us what should or should not be in Fiji newspapers and other media outlets. As David Robie remarked, Fiji had always produced great Fiji journalists – and none of them went to a journalism school – for these schools dont make you a better journalists – either you have it in you or you dont – and same applies to this Mark Edge chap – it is time to bring back old timers and restore Fiji newspapers to its glory hey days
Graham Davis says
I have written over many years for both the Fiji Times and Fiji Sun and don’t need a staff job at either place to justify my existence. I’m also sitting in Suva as I write this – the place where I was born. So it’s you who should “shut-up” Media Defender”. As a Fijian journalist, I will say what I damn well please, especially on my own blog. Don’t like it, go hang out with the other cyber trash at 4.5.
Anonoymous says
@ Media Defender
Bring back the ‘old timers’?
You mean Russell Hunter, Netani Rika et al?
Who are these ‘old timers’ you are pining over?
Pate says
Media defender
You are farting in the wind mate, chill tu mada or you will suffer a stroke old timer.
Sun shine says
Mr Davis, some of the nasty comments here must be coming from Fiji Times journalists who normally hang out at Coup 4.5. They are saying these things about you and the Fiji Sun because despite all they say the Fiji Sun is today outshining them. The Fiji Sun is the rising Fiji newspaper of the future. The Fiji Times is the negative failing paper of the bad old days. They must be dreaming if they think Russell Hunter and Netani Rika are the way journalists in Fiji should be. Mr Davis ignore them and keep publishing your column in the Fiji Sun. A lot of our people read it there and agree with your views.
Patriot says
Graham Davis is a true Fiji patriot, an award-winning journalist, and a multi-culturist, a stance which has made him some enemies. He has a wonderful and hard-hitting writing style. More often than not, he is on the button. Nobody can take Graham Davis for a fool. He is just the man to put condescending colonialists and carpetbaggers who come to the Pacific in their place. He is more than a match for them.We are right behind you Graham, Please carry on with the great job you are doing. You know Fiji and the Pacific much better than some co-called experts.
Third Year USP Student says
To Cam Birge:
You are good friend with Dr. Edge and you sound like him because you have the same patronising attitude. From Canada you are passing judgment on us. You are saying that some students are angry (mainly second and third year) with him because they were failed by him after they didn’t show up to many classes and didn’t complete course assignments.
So has Marc Edge been running us down to you too? How do you he is saying is truth? Have you met any of us? Have you spoken to us the students? Have you heard our side of the story? Do you know what we went through in class? Do you know why we miss the class? Are you interested to hear our side of the story before you talk about us? Where is the ethics you are preaching us about? You have no clue what you are talking about. But you think you are very smart and we are dumb, same as Marc. You are full of shit like your friend. We are sick and tired of being told how we are no good by your friend, and now by you. Who the hell are you and what gives you the right? Just get lost from this forum.
An American says
Canada is just our extremely slow and backward neighbor, Nobody cares what Canada thinks.
Fijian says
true true- no one in the world cares what Canada says or does!
Sun shine says
The Fiji Sun has something today saying that Mr Edge has not acknowledged all the work done by the local team in organising the conference or even thanked them for it.
Media Defender says
We call you chaps masi polos – stop acting like Napoleon – as I have stated before – you are a vulture feeding on the corpse of once fearless journalism destroyed by the media decree – which you and others might have even had a hand in drafting – fijian journalist – my ar***
Sun shine says
Mr Davis, please take no notice of this so-called Media Defender. I am sure he is really one of those Fiji Times people I mentioned and is what we call a liumuri.
Facebook says
For anyone who wants to keep track of Dr Edge’s activities.
Chand says
@ Mark Edge,
Driven to the Edge…..There has been too much hype about his qualification and research and the “awards” etc. and the doctorate.
Esp: the so called books he wrote…… thought I should also share what other critics in Canada had to say
Asper Nation: Canada’s Most Dangerous Media Company
Review from Shane McCune
“.. Asper Nation……contains little in the way of original research — no new studies and few if any fresh interviews …. Edge has little to say about online news beyond noting that CanWest wants to monopolize that, too….Two months later CanWest donated $500,000 to the school. (And here Edge can’t resist a cheap shot at Logan’s successor, who criticized his last book, Pacific Press.)”
Asper Nation needs more content and textual analyses to strengthen the claims of political bias. Still, both books need to be read as part of a long-overdue national conversation about media ownership. Reviewed by Dan Rowe (from the January 2008 issue)”
..Edge, the author of a previous history of the Pacific Press, and an admitted “disillusioned former journalist,” has written this book almost exclusively using published material from news accounts, government commissions, and academic scholarship. The absence of interviews doesn’t reduce its value or appeal, but it does limit Edge’s ability to get some of the more vivid CanWest personalities off the page.”
Happy reading and comments please.
Marc Edge says
Chand, you are not just intellectually dishonest, you are intellectually bankrupt. You must have spent a long time sifting through the reviews on my website to come up with a few negative sentences you could string together. That performance would make even Fox News proud. Or Graham Davis, for that matter. Here are a few more representative comments by the very same reviewers you quote.
Shane McCune: “Asper Nation is the best guide available to the machinations and missteps that brought Canadian media to its banana-republic condition. . . . A thorough and concise compendium of relevant information and quotation, as the voluminous notes attest.”
Quill & Quire: “A very readable account. . . . Edge’s thorough retelling of the Aspers’ mismanagement of their newspaper properties would be comical were the stakes not so high.”
Labour/Le Travail: “Edge provides the most honest and complete account yet of CanWest Global’s rise. . . . The best kind of book is one that identifies a gap in the research literature, then fills that gap convincingly. Asper Nation does just that. . . . Edge’s fine book, with its closely argued historical analysis, enlightened with media theory, should encourage the creation of more such research for Canadian scholars and citizens.”
Should readers wish to check the facts themselves, the full text of all these reviews, and more, is available at
Just wait until I write my book on Fiji media. You’re going to love it!
Graham Davis says
Marc, your hubris knows no bounds. We really are looking forward to your book on the Fiji media. And your long awaited explanation as to whether you received any benefit or consideration from the owners of your apartment block for your patsy advertorial in the Fiji Times. Still waiting, old chap. And we’ll be waiting until you give us a straight answer. Yes or no? The ball is in your court.
Marc Edge says
Drop dead.
drfter10 says
Sa dina ‘drop dead’…and that response from someone who has so many credentials and appraisal…a DR ….the head of the school of journalism in one of the most prestigious universities in the ocenia…i wonder if tht would be the next topic in to answer a question when u dont want the world to know the truth<> just say ‘Drop deaD’..cmon DR Marc im not as educated as u are mate and neither do i have the credentials u have …but by saying ‘drop dead’ cmon DR it makes my little nephew sound more intelligent than u….p.s..he is only 7yrs…cmon DR marc why dodge the bullet when u like pointing guns at people…vinaka ..noqu rua na sede qori qai kuria mai me dua yani vei koko na saqamoli
coolfijidude says
You know i have been following Grubsheet for quite sum time and i can clearly see a good thing going here. i have gone to 4.5 to read there comments and even if Marc of Graham are considered to be outsiders Iam a local and especially used to be considered being called an Indo fijian Back in those days, we can clearly see the diffrence the current government has brought to the people of Fiji. I am happy because now i can legally call my self a Fijian and i can say that when i travel to Australia, and people ask me are you indian? i can proudly Reply No I am a Fijian. I travel Fiji as part of my Job going into interior as far as Wainimakutu in Namosi and Nasele in Naitasiri as well as Nadarivatu and the people of Fiji ( all Fijians ) since we gained independence back in 1970 is happy with what this government has achieved. so to Graham, to hell with what others have to say. you are just like us mate. be proud of what is rightfully yours.
Now I have met Marc once and honestly speaking i did not like him one bit. reason-you can tell a sly, ready to stab, a glory hunter of a bastard when you meet one.
Now i have been reading what people have been saying about the above topic. some criticizing Marc whilst others critic Graham however looking at how one of Marcs apparent student says that Marcs comments were misrepresented, my question is If marc has the title of Dr, and being head of Journalism in a University as big as USP should you be clear and concise with the message you are trying to get across?
Isn’t Journalism based on delivering clear, factual without bias information all about? if Dr Edge as you say was misinterpreted is that the people of Fijis problem? isn’t it his responsibility to ensure since his holding such an important position to ensure such a trivial mistake which a first year uni student usually does in front of so many prominent media personal? Is this what he teaches his first years? to be unclear and be misrepresented? doesn’t misrepresentation lead the main cause of wars, racial conflicts etc?
I ask all you sympathizers, if this was australia/ NZ/ USA. a feat as what Dr Edge has done would have meant an end to such a career for a person like him guys and you know this to be true.
You know, if you all watch BBC, CNN you see them journos report that terrorist groups whether it be Arab nations or africa, usually recruit young people, brain wash and use these young people for their own benefits/gains. reading as to how most 1st yr students are praising Dr edge, id say hes using the same strategy and the fact that 2nd and 3rd yr students are encountering difficulties is proof enough in my opinion that this is what hes doing. he knows that he cannot corrupt the 2nd and 3rd yr students who have a more mature thinking as they have already the wise teaching of the like of Mr Shalen (x head of USP Journalism).
To all Fiji times supporters, you know with the enthusiasm you write your negative comments here, if you really applied that energy and effort into doing your real work ( for what you are really paid for by Motibhai), Fiji times can go back to its old glory days. Fiji times still has the potential to beat Fiji Sun again. However being thick headed wont help. I buy both Sun and Times and its clear Fiji Times lacks content. Not just in paper but story as well. If you read Fiji times and then watch Fiji TV News, totally different. you know, there is a saying that if you point one finger to some one three other points back at you. get your own stuff in order.
And Dr Marc, we here in the pacific don’t listen to the Western Crap which your journalists are accustomed to practicing. we are not Dumb. Your western journalists can be fooled to become puppets and be an instrument into starting Wars like the ones which happened in Iraq ( NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION HAS BEEN FOUND YET). We wont allow that to happen to our journalists.
We want a peaceful Fiji, where everyone lives in harmony. we hope you all the best with your books and i personally hope graham continues writing important stories as this. ALL THE BEST GRAHAM…
cheers guys….