The utter cynicism and insincerity of this Prime Minister and this government screams from the contents of extraordinary statements made by Sitiveni Rabuka this afternoon in which he apologises to the Fijian people for “not having handled the MP’s pay rise issue well” but also insists that his Finance Minister, Biman Prasad, just has to find the money because it is now the law. (see previous story)
There’s more than just the bizarre aspect of these seemingly opposing statements being issued around the same time – including the classic tactic ingrained in traditional society of trying to use an apology to excuse the inexcusable and adopt a posture of contrition where none exists.
Why are the Prime Minister and Biman Prasad appearing with the former SODELPA leader, Viliame Gavoka, in the official government photograph and not Gavoka’s replacement, Aseri Radrodro? Is it that Sitiveni Rabuka refuses to pose in the official photograph of an “apology” to the people with the man who almost killed his daughter in the savage domestic violence attack on her a decade ago?
It is well known that Rabuka only reluctantly accepted a traditional apology from Aseri Radrodro for beating his daughter to within an inch of her life. Is Sitiveni Rabuka concerned that having Aseri Radrodro stand beside him to issue a apology to the Fijian people for the emoluments scandal would be a bridge too far even for him in terms of his public credibility?
The whole thing is disgusting – the original offence against the people compounded after pushing an obscene package of salary and benefit increases for MPs through the parliament when a third of the nation lives in poverty. The current craven behaviour on both sides of politics is extraordinary as all of them double down but get the comeuppance they thoroughly deserve in the court of public opinion. And now this hollow, false act of contrition by a Prime Minister who has absolutely no shame or no regrets at all.
This pathetic excuse for a national leader and his communications advisors think they can “apologise” AND take the money. No. Any apology would obviously only have a scintilla of credibility if the PM apologised and announced that the whole grubby business is off – that while the package has passed into law, the process is being reversed.
No such luck. These three think the Fijian people are stupid. Yet even an eight year knows that you can’t say “sorry” to Mum for stealing cookies from the cookie jar unless you put them back. These jokers plan to have their keke and eat it too. “O, sorry for being greedy, eh? But we’re taking the money anyway”.
One of the most astonishing political acts we have ever witnessed in Fiji. A government that has done something terribly wrong apologising for it but far from righting that wrong, compounding their offence to the nation’s sensibilities by inflicting the additional grave insult of treating us like complete idiots.
But despite the “apology”, the emoluments increases are going ahead.
Leads by example? Look at them. Laughing at us. See, the Coalition is intact!
And we got away with it!
The “we are intact” statement in full, completely ignoring the PM’s threat to “take action” against the NFP for voting against the emoluments package and the savage attack on Biman Prasad by the Chair of the Committee and Queen of Tarts, Lynda Tabuya.
Branded a liar one moment, as if it didn’t happen the next. Biman Prasad is a 24 carat masochist.
And the scathing reaction from a prominent PAP supporter:
Plus more reaction, none of it good:
And at the end of the leadership love-in, it’s worth taking in the scale of the full scale attack on Biman Prasad by Lynda Tabuya, this version to the Acting Publisher and CEO of the Fiji Sun.
This is a cabinet minister branding the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance a liar and impugning his character three weeks out from the budget. And nothing happens!
Anonymous says
#sorrynotsorry #greedypigs
Useless PM says
Dickhead and his apologies on repeat.
Snake of a man.
Phillip says
Bula Sir.
Could this also be a distraction from other issues like:
1) AG’s case
2) Tabuya’s case
3) Christopher Pryde’s case
Just thought since you have inside connection. Vinaka.
Graham Davis says
It has been a long time since I had an “inside connection” but is it a distraction? I don’t think so. That would be more organised than these jokers are capable of. No, I think it’s just a grab for the cash.
Sad Observer Scared for Fiji says
This whole term of government is just one big sorry affair in so many ways. I’m beyond criticising specifics, because there is just too much and the coalition isn’t worth the wear and tear on my keyboard.
Graham Davis says
I know exactly how you feel. My rage and frustration is such that I can hear my keyboard screaming about the belting I give it. Maybe a class action for wear and tear?
A. Chand says
Absolutely spot on Grubsheet. Rabuka and, it seems, Biman Prasad too think that the people of Fiji are dumb and stupid. His so called ‘apology’ is so insincere and meaningless that one is lost for words. One wonders about the mental state of the guy to think that the people will buy his dribble. We now await with abated breath to see if BCP was really principled in standing against the proposed emoluments, or it was just for optics as he will succumb to Rabuka’s directive to find $8.1m. His position, as we all have come to realise, is far more precious than anything else. To hell with the people!
Big Bill says
The Three Stooges would be a fine caption for above pic.
Whats left to see says
Bloody greedy pigs! May they all burn in hell. They should officially get the label of #worstgovernmentever
Biman and his party’s vote against the emolument increase was just for show …that greedy goose and his sorry party will bend over backwards to accomodate any whims thrown at them to stay in power!
The real culprits here are the voters or public who put these losers on a pedestal! There you go a tight slap on your faces and a kick in your gut coz you fickle minded fools deserve this!
Nanise says
Worst PM ever! This guy has no integrity whatsoever. Worse he is like a pendulum and a first class moron …
No words for Baiman – he can sell his wife, mother, sister if he has to to stay in power!
Self-centred pathetic bunch of losers.
Go jump
People of Fiji ARE idiots says
The fact is, the people of Fiji are stupid. Why else would they elect a crackpot and well known idiot from 37 years ago. Do they really think he will change anything for them?
What has he done for them in almost 4 decades. Birds of a feather flock together.
The people of Fiji are dumb – no doubts in my mind about that.
What is more they will elect him again and then they will compalin. That is how stupid they are. That is what makes Fiji special, all the idiots. They are everywhere. That will be confirmed why they elect him again, just wait and watch.
Nick says
Rabuka knows very well he can milk as much money as he can during his term as PM and come next election he will happily retire as he will be too old and delusional to continue in high pressure requirements of running modern economy. His old school ideas and thoughts and fooling of itaukei won’t work anymore hence the snake is filling his pocket now. Baiman is too weak and gutless to speak against Rabuka or PAP members. He knows too well he has committed abuse of office and PAP won’t think twice throwing him to jail if he dares to speak against his masters. He will remain coolie.
1234 says
Only if reality could be fast forwarded with a remote to reach 2026 sooner. What a sad state of affairs. Planned job. Increase thier salaries, threaten to discipline, now find the money, and then appear in the media smiling and telling the people ain’t nothing you all you can do about it. We the people are being treated like small children. Patted and send to bed. 18 months coming up, this government is.going ruin our reputation, make our sufferings worse.
Cretinous says
Hang on, let’s get some perspective for god’s sake. Okay there are a few downsides in Rabuka’s track record for example:
1. Starting a coup culture and unleashing racism for no good reason
2. Causing people whose family stretch back generations feel unwelcome in their own country
3. Costing the country billions of dollars
But we need to get this into perspective. We have the overwhelming positive that Rabuka got sixth place in the cretin games.
What are people complaining about?
Golf Tango says
Rabuka is getting ready to present a huge tabua to the I Taukei. The taukei will forgive him and life goes on. Rabuka is getting richer the taukei remains poor .
Anonymous says
He hopes this is enough to fool and quiet the masses, and he may be right. This may blow over, too many stupid people in Fiji, including the high profile lawyer who assisted in convincing many that Rabuka has changed. Oh but we have freedom to speak out now so that makes it all ok. Big picture you know? Um except civil servants of course, they are regularly warned not to speak out against government. But freedom.
I can speak! says
When you forgive you are supposed to acknowledge the mistake made.
Fijians think they can speak now . Aren’t you lucky now. Don’t compare the last years to them. Think about what you could be, what you ought to be. Stop being so grateful that you fall into it again, perpetuating the cycle of abuse.
It’s more dangerous to believe you have freedom and democracy when you don’t.
Tell me why the press is not questioning Tabuya on why she put this into play and why she deserves it.
Boundless Stupidity says
Oieliee people in Fiji are so so stupid, especially vast majority of iTaukei, being one makes me feel ashamed that we’re unable to see Rabuka for the self-centred and materialistic person that he is. Yet we say isa PM has apologised so it’s all good. Weilie God save us
Paul says
Absolutely disgusting! They really should all be put in jail. One rule for them and another rule for everyone else seems to be their policy.
Keep up the good work Grubsheet.
Eda sa vakaloloma says
This is utterly disgraceful. This lot is worse than the last lot. Greedy and conniving. No amount of apologies or excuses will justify the increase in their salaries. They ask us the ordinary people to tighten our belts yet the so called leaders voted themselves massive increases. There is no justification at all. They are rotten, greedy and evil! Let’s call for an election now!
Amos says
So where is the $8.1M coming from? Teachers’ pay cuts? Nurses pay cuts? Further raised VAT? Increased overseas debt? No, it’s simple – print more money!