You have to be uniquely stupid as a national leader to have turned public opinion so decisively against you in the way that Sitiveni Rabuka has done after 15 months and to turn one of the nation’s two newspapers into an implacable opponent calling for your resignation and predicting your defeat.
The Coalition government has always had trouble understanding that it came to power in December 2022 with the slimmest of margins – one vote on the floor of the parliament – and it was essential for its survival to work hard to build a broader constituency in the country by governing effectively. Instead, it has long been a shambles – unable to effectively deliver anything other than successive bouts of navel gazing – and the government is mired in scandal, shedding support like a moulting dog.
The spectacle of the Snake throwing a lifeline to the Trouser Snake Charmer and keeping her as Minister for Women and Children after her drug-fuelled sexcapade with Aseri Radrodro in Room 233 is the final straw for a great many Fijians. And it is certainly the case for the Fiji Sun, which in another searing editorial today, extends its call for the resignation of Lynda Tabuya to a call for the resignation of the Prime Minister if he won’t get rid of her and predicts that the government is on course for a crushing defeat.
Most Coalition ministers and Peoples Alliance hardheads have had their heads in their hands since they learnt last night that Sitiveni Rabuka has put Lynda Tabuya before the government’s political fortunes. There is no chance now of winning an early election so any idea of bringing one on after the 18 month mark in June is out of the question.
The Coalition doesn’t have a snowflakes chance in hell of increasing its majority in a fresh election. And the PAP’s dream of getting rid of its Coalition partners and governing alone has gone up in smoke. If anything, there is now terror at the prospect of a motion of no-confidence either from a newly recharged opposition or one of the government’s own members with a conscience and an eye to a fresh start.
If you only just made it in last time by one vote when there was such a momentum for change, you certainly can’t do it by alienating the electorate in the way the Coalition has and by putting one of the two national newspapers so firmly off side. Keeping the support of the Fiji Times and CFL Fiji Village – neither of which have even reported the lifeline thrown by Sitiveni Rabuka to the Trouser Snake Charmer – isn’t enough. Making an opponent of the Fiji Sun is a strategic disaster and it is all self inflicted by a Prime Minister who has totally lost the plot. (see previous posting on the Big Lie)
It was bad enough for the Coalition when it was just Fijileaks and Grubsheet on its case with our tens of thousands of avid followers. Now that one of the biggest mainstream media organisations in Fiji has turned, it is all downhill for the Coalition from here. And it spells certain defeat for the NFP and SODELPA whenever an election is held.
The NFP have failed miserably to be the grown-ups keeping the ship of state on course and SODELPA is consumed with its own importance. It is still turning a blind eye to the antics of Lynda Tabuya’s eff-buddy, Aseri Radrodro, who, incredibly, used his address in reply to the President’s speech in parliament yesterday for a massive exercise in self-justification over his removal as education minister. Never mind looking to the horizon, this guy can’t take his eyes off his own willy.
A disgusted electorate is waiting for these guys with baseball bats (just read the comments on Grubsheet). And thanks to the Coalition’s collective hara kiri, all FijiFirst has to do is work out who is actually leading the party for it to become competitive again. The damage Lynda Tabuya has done to the government’s standing is incredible. Truly the femme fatale * of Fijian politics.
INVESTIGATE WEED on the job in Australia says
Investigate the Weed!!
She is going to lose her visas/ diplomatic passport. She will not be able to travel and conduct her Ministerial Role.
Immigration in Australia and US will not allow this. Has anyone reported the matter to the authorities? I know the US takes lying on an application very seriously. Any shadow of a doubt about lying/ drug use will have her barred for 10 years and she will need to get an exemption to enter. They can easily investigate this and she is sadly mistaken if she thinks she can play games with US the way she does in Fiji. US will not cover this up for Rabuka. US had very strict rules, probably Aus too.
Dou sa boi ca mai says
Lynda has Rabuka by his shorts and curlies between her teeth. Hahaha…
She thinks wearing demure costumes in parliament will hide her sins. No, Bu. Nomui cici I macawa. hihihi..
Fiji is a small place. We all know each other. I like to read the names of people on FB that still like, glorify and support this immoral druggie who thinks she can still be Fiji’s 1st woman PM.
Nomu sona sara lol..lao!
F**kthisShit says
I’m surprised that any of you are surprised at this happening. YES !..We are all very disgustedly angry at the blatant disregard for decency at the highest seat in government. BUT did anyone ever think to ask that maybe the ministër for boinking and weed spreading her loamy loins for the stuttering indecisive f**kwit running this travesty of a coalition government?
She takes checkmate to a whole different level.The power of the pussy is a remarkably dangerous thing…Sheeiiittt even Samsom gave up his great strength.
Rabuka is a moron,hypocrite and a two faced hustler.
This is emblematic of his limp wristed weak character.
He and his government can go to hell.
Ashamed to be Fijian says
You’ve lost the plot Rabuka as Party Leader and Prime Minister.
Step down both of you.
You bring shame to my country.
Shame, shame, shame!!!!!!!
PAP Wall of Shame says
Kamikamica, Ditoka and PM’s close advisors will not correct this mistake.
They will put family vakavanua links and OB-OG cici connections above national interest.
Don’t hold your breath.
One term party.
No amount of strategising will save you shameless lot, blardy greedy nakos!
Your parents must be turning in their graves in disgust and shame.
Disillusioned says
What we are witness to now is state capture by a bunch of untested, immoral political opportunists who successfully fooled the public to take-over the reins of government.
They didn’t even come up with a fully-costed manifesto required by law but somehow goT away with presenting a list of talking points of what they said they would do in their first 100-days.
Our Constitution is strong in the means to correct ex post this kind of take-over through powers vested in the office of the President and in the Military, but unfortunately it is weak in preventing the accession of power by stealth and deception.
All those pre-election apologies and assurances from Rabuka that he had reformed and was committed to serving the nation were just empty words designed to get him over the line.
At his first test of character he fails miserably, and brings the hallowed institution of parliament into disrepute and public disrepute.
His Excellency the President and the military have worked hard to raise up these institutions to serve as symbols of all that is good in our nation, but it takes these bunch of clowns to bring it all crashing down.
Anonymous says
Why does he keep referring to “the court” like a parrot? There is no court involved in this as it is a matter of whether she breached the code of conduct, which he has mentioned exists for Cabinet. Does it exist or is that another lie? He back benched Radrodro for far less and for what now looks like a pretext. Good on the Fiji Sun for highlighting his flip flopping, which has been happening for other issues too.
Sit down Bitch Shut your Trap says
Isa PAP, if you keep the Minister for Women in parliament because she’s got your Party Leader by the balls, slept not only with PAP party men but also Sodelpa executives (I know) when she was in Opposition..if you keep an immoral drug user to talk down on the nation again today and this week, please please kerekere, release all prisoners too while you’re at it!!!
What examples are you setting for our country and our children?
Parliament is the highest law making body of the land.
Sa rauta na vosavosa va vuku na FB or in parliament.
Dou yavu gusu bona.
(All caps intended)
Mai Lodoni Mai, Mai Inia Mai says
Excellent, Fiji Sun!
Over to you, Inia!
Chairwoman - Council of Vulagi Chiefs says
A very important safety impact that none of the media including Mr. Grubs and Mr. Leaks haven’t picked up on yet.
Have the two lovebirds been tested for STD’s. Sexually transmitted diseases is growing at an alarming rate in the country.
I would hate to think irresponsible actions of the lovebirds such as initiating sex outside of marriage is adding to the statistics.
Graham Davis says
I gather that Aseri Radrodro had a condom on his head. As in dickhead. Or at least that’s the rumour I have just invented and trust it spreads.
If it quacks like a bottle of Jack says
lol @ GD.
Euuw yukkkk..
One duck head enters the clubhouse lobby on Wednesday, a different duck head on Friday..
Wednesday duck head back in on Saturday.
Short story for today, lol
Well done Fiji Sun on Fiji's Unshining Parliament of Prostitutes says
Soup Curry ga this lot.
Jokes aside good to see Fiji Sun writing it as it is. The nation deserves a credible media agency and Fiji Sun has risen to the challenge.
Ash Kumar says
Isa Aseri???? never knew one size fits all….
Ashamed says
Guess what my brother GD, I lost my marbles there for a moment ! Couldn’t fathom the disgrace a nation like ours now has to contend with.
But guess what!! We have ourselves to blame! The apologists who decided to look the other way and voted Rabuka back into power knew of his child with Margaret Wise whilst being PM, likewise sleeping with over 40 women during his term as PM the likes of Wainikiti Waqa, Ua Kaisau, Rokobua Naiyaga ( former Mrs Buadromo), Mere Lomaloma and so forth! The list included many wives of soldiers !!
So in turning a blind eye to that history, those who voted for Rabuka gave PAP the freedom to do as they wish knowing fully that come next elections , people GD will accept Lynda like they did Rabuka. It’s just who Fijians are using the Bible and forgiveness and repentance as an excuse to overlook crucial principals of good governance and ethical character !!
PAP knows our people are gullible and in the next budget, you can bet your bottom dollar they will work overtime to deliver to the electorate and get voted back in !
I won’t even be surprised they will bring back asshole Radrodro to deliver their elections promises ! They will now be using all their able bodied supposedly hard working Ministers to get the job done.
So, I won’t even bat an eye anymore ! Apart from self preservation and the fear of jail facing Rabuka and his cabinet should there be a change in Govt if LT does manage to convince her lover AR to cross the floor and risk their own careers; this Govt led by Rabuka are saying …Keda Cala Kece-
Ulala GD lucky you! You don’t have to be a native of this God forsaken country of con people ???? They get the Govt they deserve !!
Ashamed says
Not forgetting Kamasutra Seniloli at the Fiji Golf Club.
Juki Fong Chew Investigate says
Surely a complaint by multiple people has already been filed to the police to look into drug use by Tabuya on govt business trip. Tabuya was able to get Mr Juki Fong Chew to investigate online images but he is not investigating marijuana possession/ use, transporting marijuana?
And where are his findings about the images after it was on front page of the Fiji Times?
No follow up Juki Fong Chew?
No follow up Fiji Times?
#233 MBongW says
Rabuka’s power came from the barrel of the gun and thuggery against unarmed Indian citizens and the gullible people thought he had leadership qualities.
So f**ked alright says
Only woman Minister and such a load of shame and inappropriate behavior.
Fiji sets the bar high again for all the wrong reasons.
A lesson on how to not accelerate advancements for women.
Women in Parliament can hang their heads low. Because we know that the respected few would demand and expect provision of fair investigation on any gender. This shows that a woman can remain in power by sleeping with married men. This is our expected new norm.
Calling on the President and RFMF says
How tables have turned.
Before there was investigation on men for sexual misconduct on women. Some just lasa-i-tuba. It wasn’t a court case but in-house investigation of places of work.
Lynda, set a new record.
We have a woman Minister investigated, found responsible for her disrespect (doesn’t matter sexual or not), and still holds her position. Removed from her political leaders post and still in Cabinet.
What on actual misery is this President and RFMF.
Sort it out or get out.
You are all a shame on women and men with ethics.
What you looking at? says
People love crackpots. Just look at Donald Trump in the USA.
Fiji and Fijians are no different.
Golf Tango says
Donald Trump is no crack pot. Keep your opinion to yourself. As a US citizen and republican I’m offended by your comment. M
Graham Davis says
Well we all have our burdens to bear. But your bloke is a threat to world peace.
Chairwoman - Council of Vulagi Chiefs says
Donald Trump is a rapist, a misogynist, a fraud, a terrorist.
Even Republicans won’t vote for him. What sort of a Republican are you to support such a disgusting animal. Are you a red?…
Ashamed says
Thing is the Republicans HAVE voted for him as the GOP’s Presidential nominee for 2024.
Graham Davis says
So what? Adolf Hitler was voted in as German Chancellor in 1933. Sometimes the people get it wrong.
Anonymous says
Implying Republicans won’t vote for Donald Trump is far fetched. They have and to GD-using Hitler as an example is just a matter of perspective of which you’re entitled to. It will remain that.
NY, NY says
@Golf Tango
I hope you were trying to be funny. Either way it’s best to not include the orange baboon into this mix (with apologies to baboons!). Especially if you fail to mention the orange conman’s many, many, many legal transgressions. As Joe Pesci said: ‘don’t get me started!’ And what of his white supremacist, narcissist, misogynistic, immigrant hating tendencies. The criminal loves and embraces Hitler, Orban and bone saw MBS. The diaper wearing orange blobs love of dictators is not lost on us; he keeps a copy of mein kampf handy and very recently called on his fcuk daddy Putin to attack NATO allies. Did I mention he hates Jews and loves the southern white evangelicals? In addition to being an all-around asshole, this one man cluster-f**k faces 4 indictments including 91 criminal charges!
His is a court-declared /rapist sex abuser who grabs women by the you-know-where, and has been ordered to pay one woman approx 91m dollars for defamation. Oh, and you must know about approx 450m dollars yet to be paid to New York for business fraud. The man is a legend in his own mind. Thanks, but no thanks! Be best!
You did it what says
Australia DFAT must be aware by now.
They will check Lynda thoroughly at every entry and exit.
They not stupid given her confirmation that her messages to Radrodro wasn’t a lie but used without her permission.
Australian authorities share information.
It will be the same anywhere she goes.
You’re welcome Tabuya.
You did it! Hooray!
Perpetually Disgusted says
The coalition government is
1.) Racist
2.) Promotes nepotism
3.) Promotes adultery and sex between government ministers
4.) Appreciates drug abuse and does not worry about foreign diplomatic relations
5.) Targets anyone that speaks up about their atrocities
6.) Makes financial decisions that has put Fiji in a worse state
7.) Living on the achievements of the Fiji First Government without anything worth mentioning in their own term.
8.) Puts self interest above that of the nation and its people.
9.) Failed policies like forgiving student loans
10.) Has a code of conduct/ ethics which allows people to get away with anything if the PM is not treated like the court of law and provided hard evidence, perhaps he needs a picture of Lynda and Aseri doing the deed to smell a rat, a very dead rat!
11.) To question the very essence of good governance in Fiji is an AG who is corrupt and is using whatever knowledge of the law he has to witch hunt. That smile of his face needs to be wiped off with a slap from the people of Fiji.
12.) The list continues…
Those that still support the likes of Rabuka & Lynda are probably people who have cheated on their own spouses and children because morality is subjective to them.
And my Dear God, in this holy month of lent, ramadan, holi, even your name has been used to justify the wrong, the ugly and the lies.
Do it right PM. Do it this time. says
Did Sodelpa investigate Radrodro for this misconduct?
Equally important to note that two members of different party were involved.
Which means the PM should have referred this to Parliamentary Services for advice.
Not one member gets investigated while the man sits comfortable in his Sodelpa seat.
Brutally honest says
Yes but should also be a criminal investigation into the weed.
If you can jail boys for a small amount of weed, same must be applied to a Ministers. Should Lynda Tabuya be able to have possession of weed on the job and or be using? Did she purchase in Aus or fly with it?
Why isn’t Rabuka asking the Police. This is not only a political party issue.
Fiji Sun please ask the police for an update.
Dirty n Cancerous PAP Needs a PAP Smear Now says
She targeted the dumb, easily manipulated and fooled Fijian voters as her supporters. When her immoral and criminal actions are highlighted on social media, up springs the usual dumb suspects with zero standards asking, “did you see them bonk in Melbourne with your own eyes? Were you in the room?” WTF???
Dumb and Dumber Nation, hear this and listen good: none of us in Fiji saw Hitler in person but Nazi Germany happened okkkaay!
Stupid bunch..
Where are the humanitarian crusade? says
A not so class act by the PM who BTW looks very miserable. Is he OK? Not that I care anyway.
Of importance…
What happened to the humanitarian and political commentators that Fred the Unwise gave so much time and energy to? Where is Naidu? No more shouting off the roof on such questionable practices? Where are the other torch bearers of gender equity and inclusion from the Rainbow and Feminist community? Very very quiet.
Now this government has set the precedence that no one’s ill action matters. That’s it for yah all.
Die in vain with your night vigil torches or whatever you carry and howl at to suit your agenda.
PN says
Attended a STD awareness workshop. One key message: when you have sex with a loose woman or man, effectively you’re sleeping with all their sexual partners. Disgusting!
The mind boggling scenes of old worn out sapos jumping her face and whatever else makes me lose my appetite.
PAP gone to the dogs. Who knew your reputation was going to be tarnished this bad? Saddest.
Jone says
I just came here to see how you all have absolutely lost your minds over allegations. And how gullible the supporters of the author of Grubsheet articles are, following and believing everything he says like a cult.
He doesn’t have any credible sources. He talks as if he speaks for the Fijian people, when it truth it’s just him and the 50 or so occasionally commentators.
Do all of us a favor Graham and grow up.
And to his followers, sit down and think for yourselves.
Graham Davis says
Oh really? I don’t have credible sources? Where do you think I got the leaked document last night which proved that the Prime Minister lied when he said no-one had complained about Lynda Tabuya?
Mate, I have broken more stories in these columns than you have broken wind. And better the cult of Grubsheet than the cult of Moses – the gaga PM and his resident trollop.
This is a place for grown-ups, not naive Jone-come-latelies who believe everything they are spoon fed by Rabuka and his goons. It is take it or leave it here. And I suggest that if it is not to your taste, follow the exit sign to the intellectual wasteland where you belong.
Hey “ JONE” says
I suggest you do your research before commenting and disparaging somebody for no other reason than to try to shut them down because the truth hurts and the truth will put an end to this, I think you know that Jone.
Only ignorant and insecure people blindly comment and attack. Intelligent people always do their research and look at the facts and evidence before weighing in. Also look up the meaning of cult leader. Grubsheet couldn’t give two shits if you follow him or not.
Back up your claims and share with us your background, education and credentials or anything that would show that his information is not credible. Also show us how your information is more credible.
Grubsheet is highly intelligent and educated person with integrity. You see Jone, integrity is telling the truth, even when it hurts.
This is the pot calling the kettle black as the only “ follower” is YOU., “ Jone” Jone I suggest you don’t follow Tabuya blindly but take some time on this to read and then make a decision based on that and not blind loyalty. Good luck.
Tamana Jone says
Those allegations have been proven to be the truth by PAP’s own committee.
Jone, you stop farting here. Is adultery common amongst the itaukei christians?
Pita says
Dear Poor Jone,
You are just an Illiterate brainwashed Itaukei just like so many other fellow uneducated I-Taukei who are like sheep. Rabuka and Lynda is your Shepard.
GD has broken more stories than you ever will at a Grog session. Grow up who? Lol, GD has far more experience than you have smoking weed.
Idiots like you are the reason Fiji has a bleak future. Go back to school brother. You really need it!
Anonymous says
Partially fair comments Jone > Mass hysteria without substance is not good. And so please apply the same standard or litmus test to yourself as you have held Grubsheet to!
Anonymous says
Another blind, dumb, naive, ignorant LT follower . Back to the koro you go.
Exposed says
Jone or whoever you are.
Shut your trap and sit your ass down.
The silent majority voters visit this site, because we support what GD is doing speaking up for the voiceless and muted; don’t be fooled by 50 comments.
Tip of iceberg.
We represent 650000+ voters you don’t hear from on social media. But come election day, we’re there.
Voters who like your trashy boosted FB pages are a drop in our bucket lol
Don’t ever underestimate our unbridled power, capeesh?!! Sa rogoca?!
Sa rauta mada na veibeci..
Quack-a-jack says
Dear “Jone” Karisasa, don’t fool yourself – you are here everyday following the truth and finally found some courage to take a cheap shot trying to sound smart and yet come across for what you really are: dumb. LT, SLR, AS, the AG, and the rest of you bigots should know this: you sleep in the bed you made.
Dejected says
Jone, if nothing else, have a look at the quality of the expression among all contributors to Grubsheet. Hardly a typo, frequent, clever use of idioms and metaphors, and barely an errant or missing punctuation. These are no ordinary people.
Neither are they the gullible idiots as you make them out to be. A single contributor from here could outsmart your whole fawning LT fanboy club put together.
And as for your Coalition, evidently their collective intellect could be housed within a pea!
You must be a special kind of stupid!
Fjord Sailor says
From the top to the bottom, the rot stinks to high heaven.
Let us not forget, there are allegations of sexual misconduct against the president and a lot is being done to cover that up.
President – allegations of sexual misconduct made but no one has a clue what’s happening to any investigations.
Rabuka – notorious for womanising. His scandals are known far and wide to all
Tabuya – established relationship with drug peddlers, consumption and transportation of narcotics in Fiji and into Australia. Abuse of office and sexual misconduct.
Radrodo – Abuse of office, sexual misconduct womaniser and wife basher. Also guilty of disregarding cabinet and PM’s directives
Biman/Baiman – sexual misconduct and behaviour towards the wife of an ex-party member. Financial mismanagement, corruption through allocation of public funds in excess of $1 million to wife and a close friend.
This government is a government without any integrity, both morally and ethically. They deserve to be booted out. I think we need to send Bob Katter in to sort this lot out…
NFP voter says
What are even the NFP and Bimaan doing? They seem to be just making as much money for themselves and their friends and family as quickly as possible.
Can’t expect good governance from the Fiji Airways debtors. They will sell their children’s future to make the world know how dumb they are.
PAP is not all lost but someone needs to stand up to the demented PM. He is too old to think anything beyond his balls…and maybe Lynda. Is there no statesman in PAP or have they all sold themselves to just feed their own big stomachs? The people who put them in power have been well and thoroughly forgotten.
NFP seemed to have the lineup to be the brains trust of this government but unfortunately they all have brain fog.
We should genuinely fear for Fiji and her children’s future. This coalition will eat her to bits and sell her to the highest bidder.
God bless Fiji.
Reluctant nostalgia says
A Fiji First govt led by Inia+Naupoto+Naivalurua, minus B and ASK, is looking mighty appealing right now. This lot have been soul-crushingly disappointing.
#SaveFiji says
‘A leopard cannot change its spots’. We were all hoodwinked by the promises heaped at election time esp a promise that the leader will right all the wrongs he had committed since 1987. There is nothing to show for other than regressing back to 87 agenda. The profoundness of leadership, its depth and seriousness are all lacking big time and we cannot expect Fiji to to be set right with the current flippant, self-serving politicians with little interest in serving the country and its people with some commitment. The Opposition is equally to be blamed for not keeping the government to account. Wake up our leaders – you owe it all to your people, your people first! We are now heading towards a difficult predicament- possibly approaching bankruptcy – morally, economically, socially etc. Your leadership and legacy is critical to pull us in the right direction. What would you like to be known for? History is watching and will never forgive you for leading our beloved country to disaster. You will be adjudged for ditching Fiji to failure.
NFP also seems to be exploited to the fullest. What is the game-plan our NFP leaders? What are your true intentions and ambitions? Show us some sign that you don’t support the conduct of your political cahoots and that you are still working for the people. It’s “better to live one day as a lion, than a hundred years as a sheep.” Faking it till you can will catch you out big time. And it is coming!
Timaima says
What a sad day. Bunch of lairs, abusers, corrupt crooks and characterless people leading the country and ramming it against the wall.
Remember God is watching and justice shall prevail.
Where are the likes of Richard Naidu, Nalini Singh, etc who were previously so vocal? All comprised.
Wah sari. says
Nalini still wrapping those figure hugging sari.
Margaret says
Shameless woman Lynda.
Scaredy-cat PM Rambo.
Loud mouth Shamima – Shamima you’ve been barking like a mad dog trying to advocate for the characterless Lynda – if you stood for all women you would have been more concerned about Sainiana Radrodro.
It seems Shamima, Lynda and PM put on all this show to deflect attention from her sex and drug fuelled saga to think people were stupid to fall for it. Pathetic bunch. Lynda is guilty and should be booted out.
All funding channeled to FWCC should stop as Shamima has no conscience and zero accountability- she’s just a fat cat.
Bibbawarra. Boy says
Rabuka is running the government like it’s a village cooperative store. With LT as the trusted shopkeeper. Vakamadua taki keda.
Oh Shame Shamima says
Shamima is a fat cat that survives off donor funds.
Shamima only speaks up for her mates.
Bonking mates.
Lynda Tabuya to lose her visas! says
Rabuka says no complaints? Let’s show how many there really are.
Complaints to police, complaints to immigration, complaints to the President and so on.
It only takes to report her and an investigation will begin. Lynda Tabuya wont be able to travel if there is any question about her carrying marijuana and questionable character is also an issue on a visa. The evidence is already.
Look up the number or email to report from overseas and request investigation. This would be to US, NZ and Aus and UK and China as a start. US shares information anyway. She can’t do her job if she cant fly. I don’t think even Rabuka can railroad US officials into lies to get her covered because this whole thing is already out there. They can see the stories. In fact Rabuka could also lose his visas. He is not untouchable, only in Fiji but not abroad.
Garam Pani Hot Water saga says
The Parliament is officially a brothel.
Please keep out.