Lynda Tabuya – the Minister for Women and Children – cares so much about domestic violence that she had “brutal” sex in Room 233 of the Windsor Hotel in Melbourne last August with Aseri Radrodro – the newly reappointed Minister for Education – who anally raped and almost killed his former wife, the Prime Minister’s daughter, in a savage domestic violence attack a decade ago.
She, and he, are the absolute pits – the contemptible dregs of Fijian politics. And Grubsheet intends to pursue them all the way to the next election. Just as we will campaign for the defeat of the Coalition parties for their appalling hypocrisy and betrayal of the Fijian people in sheltering them, knowing what they did.
Lynda Tabuya is a proven adulterer and drug user who has been stripped on her position as deputy leader of the People’s Alliance and is unfit to be Minister for Women and Children. Her sexual fling with a domestic violence abuser also marks her out as an enabler of domestic violence and someone whose public pronouncements on the issue are not only worthless but a grave insult to all victims of abuse.
Aseri Radrodro was never brought to justice for almost killing Sitiveni Rabuka‘s daughter and a decade on, presides, with Lynda Tabuya, over the futures of Fiji’s young people. It is an obscenity that all right-minded people cannot tolerate.
Please write to Sitiveni Rabuka at or the Prime Minister’s Office, Government Buildings, Suva, to register your protest and vote “no” to the Coalition whenever an election is called. Please also lobby your church and community leaders to demand from the Prime Minister that Lynda Tabuya and Aseri Radrodro be brought to account.
Register your protest to turn this into a thumbs down for the two hypocrites in charge of your children’s future. And raise your voice against them whenever you meet a member of the government. Their appointments must not stand.
The appalling instance of domestic violence Lynda Tabuya has tried to benefit from politically when she has no problem having sex and expressing love for a domestic violence abuser.
Poor fijian says
The whole nation is shocked but don’t know why coalition ministers and the minister for weed and bonking would be shocked.
You guys just made a domestic violence perpetrator and wife basher minister for education. You guys shouldn’t even make a statement to the media about this tragic event.
It makes you all sound like bloody morons and idiots. I bet you are too dumb to get that as well.
Lynda should just put super glue on her lips and put glue on her hands and make a fist so she cant speak or type things to make a mockery of herself.
What a bloody shit show fiji is becoming. Daily murders, kidnappings, robberies, drugs and all the police, military and law enforcement can do is bloody bury their head in prayer. Wtf man.
By 2026 elections there wont be anything left to salvage in Fiji. It would have become the banana republic of the Pacific and the monkeys of this coalition will have taken us back to the pre civilization era.
I’ve just had enough. Why did we even vote for these clowns?
It's a no brainer says
The PM is so weak. This is disgusting. LT, AR and the current wife are a disgusting trio.
LT’s media release should have read more like this…
“It is with deep regret that we see the life of yet another Fijian woman extinguished by the hand of her partner. We need to stop these events before they happen, but that will be near impossible now that we have the endorsement of the President and Coalition government of a Minister for Education who anally raped and attacked his former wife, slept with me in a room on the same floor as his self-serving wife funded by the Australian taxpayers, and whose children are in the care of their grandparents since his brutal attack on his former wife 10 years ago. Domestic violence and abusive control ruins lives and is the norm in 67% of households in Fiji. Due to the reinstatement of Aseri Radrodro today as Minister for Education, it is likely that many men will see that domestic violence is no obstacle to success. Therefore, my position as his lover and as Minister for Wimen us untenable and I hereby tender my resignation effective immediately.”
Jagdish Singh says
You may wish add “GOFIG” Collapse in Missouri, USA
How Lynda and her husband Rob collapsed go fig, owing millions to investors and unpaid wages to staff.
Wondering says
Jagdish (and Peter below) pray tell us more.
What happened, where, who, when etc. This ‘lady’ suddenly appears and takes politics in little old Fiji by storm. Who is she really? Unravel her please as no one has actually revealed all about some mysterious issue apparently in the US that she was involved in.
Disturbed says
Lynda must be over the moon, licking her lips for the next overseas assignment with Ministry of Education and Ministry of Women combined mission.
PM can hopefully elaborate what special joint task he has for 2 ministers. He has to keep Lynda happy too now he’s given Aseri charge of Fijian children’s future.
Anonymous says
On her FB page LT made a veiled swipe at Judy Compain and IWA recently while sharing a news story about LDS Church donating funds to the Ministry of Health. There was a big uproar when the Ministry of Health allegedly banned IWA from continuing their work at CWM Hospital.
“And they don’t interfere with how the CWM Hospital is run. Thank you LDS Church and all who continue to donate to our hospital graciously.”
Liliokalani says
IWA and VFR were deregistered on 28.1.2022. IWA no audited financials from year 2020 up until now. VFR no audited financials since incorporation. Yet they continue to operate.
IWA illegally fundraising in the name of CWM with no accountability from 2020. VFR using a fully loaded ambulance worth over $100K just to do sporting events and cannot run as a proper ambulance because not a registered charity therefore cannot get a proper ambulance license from MOH. Judy Compain, IWA Trustees (Bernadette Rounds,Yvonne Horn, Emma Yazbek, Natalia Larsen, Leanne Bentley and VFR Trustees (Lemeki Lenoa) should be charged! All donors will not be able to claim their donations as tax deduction.
So if you would like to donate to charity make sure your favourite charity is registered and get it confirmed by the Registrar of Title before donating.
Check out this link from the Ministry of Justice and click on deregistered charitable trusts listing
Paul says
Thank you Grubsheet for speaking the truth about the government. Lynda is such a disgusting joke, she should be in jail.
Peter says
The PM of NZ has BALLS. He terminated the services of 2 incompetent and non performing ministers. Now that’s a PM.
Our PM is frightened of losing his job if he did his work as it should be done.
What a hero. We should put a few more medals on his chest.
Peter says
NEWS MAR 2, 2008, 11:00PM CST
Patients seek $4 million in refunds from bankrupt Fig.
They, along with Desai, are working to sort through the company’s finances and bankruptcy proceedings. Fig. Chief Executive Rob Semaan, a native of Australia, left the country in January and did not attend the Feb. 11 hearing. Desai, Christian and Moore said they are unsure of Semaan’s whereabouts, but believe he and his wife, Lynda Tabuya Semaan, are now living in her home country of Fiji. …
Dean says
No matter what people say of Bainimarama, he wouldn’t let shit like this ever happen.
I didn’t vote for FijiFirst but I can for certain say Rabuka isn’t half the man Bainimarama is.
Boura says
Repeatedly mention Lynda and Aseri and you’ll sound like a broken record that will go above everyone’s heads. Wait for the right time….right before elections and remind everyone of their infidelity will be most effective. Right now, all that Fiji is worried about are the price of food, low income, bad roads and inconsistent water supply.
Graham Davis says
It is all part of the same problem – the almost total absence of proper governance and public officials being held accountable for their actions.
Shut up Lynda says
Lynda listen.
You don’t get to speak about women’s safety and empowerment. You keep your mouth shut and do what you do best. That is to look pretty and have affairs in Parliament with other men.
That’s why your sheep voted for you.
Do that.
We are paying your salary for now.
And please keep our rugby girls out of your mind. They think you are a disgusting human.
Lasa i tuba queen speaks says
Today she mourns.
Tomorrow she jumps another man.
This lasa-i-tuba is causing more violence in Fiji.
Lynda should know.
Queen of lasa-i-tuba.
No Class - 3 times on the Grass lol says
This photo of the Bonking Minister is distasteful and ugly. Why would she put something like this up on social media? No class.
She’s lost all respect.
Shame on this woman.
Amu sa ciii lol
Raymond says
This RABUKA government is riddled with corruption.
Broofstoyefski says
If only Lynda was ousted a long time ago but then again Rambo is too complacent on his leniency.