Fully ten days after he received the People’s Alliance disciplinary committee’s report finding the allegations of Lynda Tabuya‘s sex and drug escapade in Melbourne last August proven, the Prime Minister still can’t decide whether to sack her.
He really is pathetic – telling everyone he would make a decision when he got back from receiving a new ship for the Fiji Navy in Perth. That is now also several days ago and still nothing. And as parliament convened this morning, the PM washed his hands of the decision by the PAP Executive Council to remove Lynda Tabuya as the party’s Deputy Leader. “Don’t ask me about what happened. Ask them”.
WTF? You are the party’s leader, Bozo. And if you can’t see what they can see, if you can’t make a decision on your Minister’s gross misconduct when they can see that it is totally unacceptable, what kind of leader are you? Yes, one that is happily being held over a barrel, who thinks it’s OK for his ministers to cheat on their wives and have “brutal” sex on an official overseas visit, take illicit drugs, lie to you when you ask them if it’s true and then, in turn, mislead the country about the rumours spreading like wildfire that go to the heart of your government’s credibility.
You’ve been told by a committee that included two lawyers – Alefina Vuki and Filimoni Vosarogo – that it is all true after thoroughly examining the evidence. And still you can’t make a decision because the Minister for Bonking and Weed is your little pet – the Great Temptress who clearly has you by the short and curlies.
Sitiveni Rabuka cut a pathetic figure as he entered the parliament thus morning, with his Deputy Prime Minister, Manoa Kamikamica, shepherding him in like a crippled old man. He is disabled alright – morally disabled and unable to make the decision that every Fijian knows he must make. Fully aware of the detail in the PAP report before him on Lynda’s Tabuya’s sex and drug orgy on the public purse but caught like a rabbit in the headlights and unable to deal with it. Hesitant, fearful and weak. The picture of impotence.
That the Prime Minister would still be frozen in indecision as parliament meets suggests that our previous report that Lynda Tabuya is blackmailing him may well be true. But whatever the truth, this is a man who doesn’t deserve to lead the nation. And the sooner he stands aside for the man propping him up in the photo, the sooner we will all be a lot better off.
Paula Raqeukai says
Something BIG must be hidden between PM-SLR and LT, maybe the best option for SLR is to seek the views of his own PAP Board of Management before endorsing the PAP’s discipline Board…by the look of his statement, LT will be joining AR as a backbencher. For the timing …it will be good for the Coalition Government.
Just ridiculous says
It is obviously a case of self-preservation. In fact all members and parties who form this pathetic government are in self-preservation mode. The exuberance went out the window a long time ago. Now it is a matter of how long they can stay in office and how long they can milk the taxpayers. As for doing anything for the taxpayers, that is a secondary issue.
The top priority is to remain in office for as long as you can and leave everything to God. As HE knows best!!!! Hahaha.
Wearing the shining medlas and basking in false glory is more important. I did not see any pics of the vessel donated by Australia in Perth. All I saw was the crackpot looking like a despot from one of those failed Third World counties from dark Africa. That was more important than showing us the new boat!!!
Anonymous says
“The credibility of the evidence provided” Really?
So much evidence for so much wrong-doing for so long in Fiji since 1987.
You were all rewarded handsomely for overthrowing governments etc.
He is well aware that he could be the pot calling the kettle black!
Oh come on! says
Same story, different day.
Like the evidence of people being tortured or raped was not enough to do something for those people.
Let’s talk about credibility, Sir.
You must remove Tabuya no matter HOW it makes you look.
You don’t look confident.
Collapse of a nation says
She has brought him to his knees.
The Prime Minister has lost his ability to lead.
Imagine national security when anything can be held over your head.
Anonymous says
“I’m not there yet. We’re not there yet” of all the entitled things to say! The problem with most politicians when they come into power is they forget that they are there to serve the people and not the other way around. Being driven around in Prados gets to their heads very quickly. It is not for him personally to be “there” it is his duty as the elected PM to make that decision quickly and based on the best available evidence and on what is best for the nation, and not leave the country hanging as if he is some absolute monarch or dictator. We are sick of this drawn out saga when there are so many other issues that require action. Just end it now and get on with the job!
Sean says
All in good old Fiji time eh. Maybe after the next taki of the kava bowl then he will shuffle to his feet with his chest out with polished medals perfectly pinned on a Fiji rugby coat and say, “Mataka ok!”????.
Phil Ruston says
Gutless, no balls, no eyes his only brain is in his dick Worst non-leader ever
#233 MBongW says
As she sunk further down her knees during the brutal sex, gasping for air and more, grabbed the PM by his balls hoping to save her face falling on the floor.
Karina Semi says
His face says it all.
She is holding him by his balls.
He looks very very uncomfortable.
I hope the opposition grills him properly.
Graham, good to see that you are now asking the duty bearer SLT. He has ultimately failed it all.
Perpetually Disgusted says
What is democracy to the people of Fiji, if we have a PM devoid of integrity and incapable of making a decision in a matter he is aware of for more than 5 months now??
As a taxpayer, I and many like me, would like him fired from the office if he cannot deliver on his job requirements.
Sashi says
Sashi Singh spoke in place of Lynda today and she was great. Pls consider her as Minister for women and children as she well suits the role
Lynda is a try hard, old hag doing everything she can to stay relevant
Time to Act says
The bruises on LT’s knees will tell her story of how low she’s gone to get where she is.
PM – please grow some balls and do the right thing – get rid of her asap
Just do it says
PM will do the right thing – he’ll fire Lynda just wait and watch…
Her cunning ways will not work with him.
She’s lost too much of credibility for him to risk his party.
She and Shamima can go jump.
#SaveFiji says
The world is rapidly moving forward but Fiji seems to be drifting backwards – HE Pres had surmised Fiji has the weakest economic predicament of all its neighbours in the pacific. Pls heed the writing on the wall. We need to save ourselves from both moral and economic bankruptcy at least to be relevant in the challenge to modernity.
Here are some immediate low-hanging issues to give us all some renewed hope!
Democratic Concerns: Fiji’s democratic processes were strained under the previous government. The new government has an opportunity to strengthen democratic institutions and media freedom. This needs to be taken up head-on and outcomes clearly demonstrated.
Economic Recovery: The pandemic heavily impacted Fiji’s tourism-dependent economy. The new government is focusing on fiscal reform and economic growth. But the response/outcomes are not clear to us FinanceM & TradesM.
Strengthening Institutions: Ensuring an independent judiciary, free press, and a strong Parliament are crucial for a healthy democracy.
Transparency and Accountability: Clear and open governance will rebuild public trust. The trust element is lacking, ppl do not feel empowered to express their input in areas of concern that matters to us.
Addressing Social Issues: Inequality and social welfare concerns need to be addressed for inclusive development. Pls move away from the politics of race. This will damage and ruin Fiji beyond repair. The previous experiments have failed and caused so much disruption to Fiji on all fronts. One needs to go back to recent history and learn from it!
Fostering Dialogue: Open communication and cooperation between the government, opposition, and civil society are essential. Zilch, this is not happening much. Whatever became of economic, education forums, university & education reviews. There had been some good outcomes from the multi-ethnic review and development of a cohesive framework to address people’s concerns. Public interest and voice is crucial.
Thanks Grubsheet for providing us a forum to make some input to help guide the powers that are to respond to the pressing issues and to map out a strategy to modernity for us to make Fiji great again….realistically, this would be how Fiji was prior to the first coups as an attempt to tear down whatever semblance of democracy we had. Nothing will take shape without the will of the people – the history tells us the state of affairs of non-democratic countries. No one wants to go through a similar hell on earth! Pls leaders you have been given the mandate even if through the power of one – please save us!
Had Enough says
This govt is just a waste of time, led by a man with the mentality of a bottle collector.
Ioane, the one-handed kava pounder from Wailea Settlement, Vatuwaqa seems to have more intelligence.
There should be a law preventing the reading of speech’s in Parliament.
Even they can’t even read their speeches properly.
Just a bunch of time wasters.
Ashamed says
I said it yesterday GD. Rabuka is Lamu. He knows Govt could have changed today had he removed Lynda and that cunning bitch knows how to play her cards !
You know what happens if Govt changed today or even sometimes this week? The FFP govt knowing full well that Aseri and Lynda would be sacked by their respective parties for crossing the floor, they will make all those changes from Commander to Fiji Police Commissioner and even Supervisor of Elections to the Chief Justice etc all in a matter of days !! Guess what will happen next . No parliament for 6 to 8 months because they will be short by 2 members!
Lastly, by the time they have elections, one or 2 of the Opposition if not Sodelpa itself would have become willing partners to a re negotiated Coalition Agreement !
Taura rawa GD? That’s why Rambo is right now Lamu and eating off LT’s hands!!
One bunch of self serving and self preserving MF’s!
So says he says
“I have no say” so says he.
Really? Did he, like Pontius Pilate, very conveniently passed the buck to the PAP Disciplinary Committe? And like asking the Supreme Court for clarification on that part of Constituion on his illegal appointments.
Is he devoid of any integrity and/or principles? Looks like hypocrisy abounds. And as Hadith said “Among the signs of a hypocrite are three; ” when he speaks he lies; when he gives a promise, he breaks it and when he says he has changed, he betrays “.
God help us!
Nah.. says
LT is overrated.
A fraud. Just telling it like it is.
In a way, this is a blessing in disguise.
She’s been faking her profile for some time now.
Look at me! I’m kind and I have a good heart. blah, blah, blah..
No need to take pictures and post them either; or do you really need to?
Post photos of hip shakes and milk shakes, provocative, targeting the gullible men and boys.
All for votes.
But the truth always has majestic way of coming out.
Dejected says
Perhaps it’s time Rambo Steve picked up his old weeding knife and went to the teitei. Maybe “God” will tell him again what to do like in 1987, and boy did it work well for him then.
Fiji's lasa i tuba MPs says
This is why people should never vote for such lasa-i-tuba leaders – their cheap and kalavo behaviour is bound to rear its ugly head time and time again. And in a very public way since they have now become parliamentarians. These compromised narcissistic MPs have no respect for other marriages (even if they have none for their very own), other families, children (whose lives they willingly disrupt), or people in general for that matter. Hence, they can never, ever be considered to be suitable leaders. Vote wisely Viti…
The pathetic trio: impotent Rabuka, his conniving pet poodle and barbaric ex-son in law must all exit Parliament!
Boura says
This morning I saw a driver of a government vehicle put his elbow out of the window whilst driving like the vehicle belonged to him. I mean, the vehicle is paid for by the taxpayers so at least drive like you’re a servant of the people. One word came to mind when I saw this……”Vutulaki.” After reading your article on Rabuka’s indecisive actions regarding Tabuya…the same word somehow sprang into mind.
SLT is a womanizer says
SLT – years ago when he was vying for the elections a list was in circulation in the northern division. It listed the names of many women that Rabuka had slept with.
Many. I can still name some of the clowns bees of the Hidden Paradise of Fiji.
They know themselves too.
This PM is a womanizer himself.
How can we trust him with any decision is beyond 3/4 of Fiji.
Where are the married other half or have not? says
Is the Bajaru Minister LT and Kalavo AR still with their married better half?
Or they are all playing single now?
God save us all.
Must be a season of Coalition saqamua’s.
Rabuka...here is your slut's legacy...no joke. says
Walking in Raiwaqa today.
A group of young boys (10 -18 year olds) sitting down and being aimless.
A group of teenage girls walk past.
The boys start whistling and calling on the girls. Wacece much.
The teenage girls ignore and giggle. Wacece lot too.
The boys: Sa sivia ga na fancy. You want us to jump your face. Be brutal little bit.
One yelled: oi me can’t walk properly tomorrow.
I sat there listening and thinking what have we come to. Young boys abusing girls openly and imitating Lynda’s drama. No shame. But what is the real shame here…Lynda and Aseri. Both still in Cabinet because the PM hasn’t let them go.
Lynda, this is the legacy you leave behind. Now the boys can harass young women using your words. Such is your leadership Lynda.
Get your a%s out of Parliament now.
Fjord Sailor says
Rabukas own party officials have denounced Tabuya.
As the leader of the party, he needs to support the decision by his committee and also follow the same trajectory. If he can’t or won’t, then it is apparent he does not support the decision by the party and a such, must step down as both party leader and PM.
The alternative is for the PAP committee to take disciplinary action against Rabuka for his refusal to follow the party decision.
PM and LT puppets must resign! says
As always, ‘the fish stinks from the head’ – the scandalous LTs and corrupt bible-bashing fanatics in Parliament simply follow the lead of their PM – who as many have said, is widely known for LT-ing, including his kamasutras with married women at the Vatuwaqa Golf Club. The “coalition of the willing” they say, as it takes two to tango. Such a filthy lot of vipers – Yuck!
SLR hiding under skirt.But no more says
But its not over, as the Opposition might do something – https://fijilive.com/act-or-we-will-seruiratu-tells-pm/?fbclid=IwAR0ZAXRTZjFrRX9BvA9-u3RnndSTCRIrBOikEH8UViUhi7DvdHhr1l3JoaU