$300-million Fijian ($134-million US) is a pittance for the Chinese Communist Party to buy the Prime Minister’s favour by improving the road system on his home island of Vanua Levu and, in turn, for Sitiveni Rabuka to curry favour with his own people.
It also buys the Prime Minister’s silence on the big issues of Chinese expansionism in the region and the alleged illicit activities of CCP agents of influence like the Suva businessman Zhao Fugang.
Before anyone gets too excited, consider this:
1/ This $300-million is a grant from the Chinese government, not a loan. This means that Beijing will have total control over the project.
2/ As it has with road projects all over Fiji, China will bring its own workers to build the roads on Vanua Levu.
3/ This means the influx of a great many Chinese workers and all of the social impacts that will entail, some of which will inevitably be negative.
4/ China will have a major stake in the development of the North. With this announcement, it has specifically referred to the vast potential in opening up Vanua Levu.
5/ Does anyone seriously think that this will be for the benefit of the Fijian people of the North? If so, it will be a world first. Because everywhere China goes, it has a rapacious appetite for exploiting those areas and their people and resources for its own benefit.
Of course, none of this will be canvassed in the mainstream media in Fiji, which is in the thrall of the Chinese. But be wary of the ancient legend of the Trojan Horse in which the Trojan priest, Laocoön, warned his people: “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts”. (see below)
Beware, Fiji, of Chinese bearing gifts.
Sending a clear message about control. The announcement was made on Chinese territory – the Chinese Embassy in Suva – not in Vanua Levu, the Prime Minister’s Office or in any of the Fijian government’s ministries.
Both sides presumably think that by keeping the PM away from the announcement, there will be less focus on Beijing funnelling aid to his home island for him to benefit politically and there’ll be less chance of a debate about him being in the CCP’s thrall.
Or maybe he was at the gym.
And guess what, Fiji? We’ve seen it all before. From Wikipedia:
Tinai says
Tinai says
Honestly. It’s all over. We are doomed. Makes me sick. Enough of the stupid happy snaps. All he’s done is been in the army. And then? Using the pics as toilet paper.
Belinda says
This is a government by charity. $300million from China for roads, $83m from Australia to fix CWM Hospital, a free navy vessel from Australia and numerous direct cash budget support from Australia throughout the years. All this is so proudly accepted by our PM. In fact he accepted the new navy vessel dressed up in his full military regalia, just like any despot would. Accepting charity are such proud moments. Opportunities to bask in glory. Our ‘churen” should learn from such leadership. I should not forget the billions sent in remittances especially from Australia.
And when will the PM do anything for the people? Well, we all just have to be patient. He has been in the picture for only 37 years. We all have to wait a few more years. Lets give him another chance as he has changed so much! We are well on the way to be like Singapore.
The people of Fiji are truly blessed. When and where is the next charity coming from?
In fact all Fijians are proud acceptors of charity. It is a national passtime.
NFP voter says
Everything is for sale in Fiji, most of all the current governments principles. Well maybe then they had none to begin with.
Are there no good people left in Fiji to stand up to this circus called the Coalition?
Swamp Harrier says
A big step along the road to eventually becoming a self-governing colony of China. A client state.
We already allow the Chinese ambassador to mouth off while sitting beside our PM. I’m sure that is a violation of diplomatic protocols but our PM is not bothered by that. All too happy to climb the Chinese boat.
Olei o kuku Buka says
The last time a Chinese company built roads in Savusavu and around the bays it became unusable within a year or so. It was the China Railway company I think. That was so 20 years or so. Rabuka knows about that.
It is not the first time roads have been built that way from Savusavu to Buca Bay.
The roads were poorly built. The company buried coconut trees under the roads. The tarseal uplifted within months.
The roads have been rebuilt under the Bainimarama government since then. Rabuka knows that too.
Stop lying to the public Rabuka. All this misleading can stop. Stop the thug in you.
Heathcliffe says
Again surprised by your anti China rhetoric. Are you part timing for ASIS?
Graham Davis says
Hardly. I’ve never been able to keep a secret. Can’t you tell?
Blind Freddy can see what the Chinese are doing all over the world to subvert democracy. And if you can’t, I can’t help you.
Crying for Fiji says
This makes me so sad.
All that we love about Fiji is all that China is not. Is it really worth the loss of freedom and culture, way of life, pristine beauty and loss of environment and resources?
Seems like unlikely match given Fiji’s religious preferences.
Well Fiji doesn’t have any values left at the top so makes no difference who they get involved with. Just go to church Sunday but lie to the country, cheat on your spouse, drink tons of Jack paid for by citizens, even do drugs and then repeat. Let your employees do same and sleep with them too.
Go to Church Sunday with your wife/ spouse. Repeat.