Yes, let’s talk about coups. All of them. Plus the mutiny in the RFMF in 2000. Because that’s the pre-condition that Inia Seruiratu -the formally designated Opposition Leader and head of the “Bloc of 16” former FijiFirst MPs in the Parliament – has set for any review of the 2013 Constitution. Which has effectively blocked any hopes the Coalition might have had in its tracks.
There will be no review as far as the Bloc of 16 is concerned – says Seruiratu – until the Coalition first fulfils its promise to hold a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to establish the facts of how Fiji as a nation has come to the sorry state that it is in. Which means it will be many months and even years before the process of altering the 2013 Constitution even begins.
Sitiveni Rabuka will be sitting in his Beijing Hotel suite with his head in his hands. Because he knows that while Seruiratu clings to this precondition for any re-examination of the supreme law, it simply isn’t going to happen. And more pertinently, the Prime Minister knows that if anyone doesn’t need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, it is him.
Rabuka faces the distinct possibility of a parade of witnesses coming forward to give public evidence about precisely who was involved in his coups of 1987 and more importantly who instigated them. Who were the hands in the glove of Rabuka and his military henchmen who upended democracy in Fiji and set us on the path that plagues the nation even to this day.
Worse, the Prime Minister is also going to have a parade of witnesses giving precise details of his actual involvement in the mutiny of 2000 in the RFMF. Sitiveni Rabuka has been cleared in two criminal trials of having instigated the mutiny or having been part of the conspiracy. But he cannot be sure that a Truth and Reconciliation Commission won’t expose more evidence as people involved come forward and bare their souls in a national orgy of truth-telling and formal apologies.
It has always puzzled Grubsheet why the Prime Minister would want a review of the 2013 Constitution in the first place. Because he must know that it is as potentially dangerous for him as a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Why? Because there are almost certain to be calls for the abolition of the immunity provisions that have protected the likes of Sitiveni Rabuka and Frank Bainimarama from being prosecuted for their respective acts of treason.
With his latest statement, Inia Seruiratu has surprised us all with a very deft political move – boxing the Prime Minister into a corner by making a full accounting of the various coups a pre-condition for any review of the Constitution. Sit back now, Fiji, and watch as the sudden enthusiasm by the Coalition to get the review process moving grinds to a halt as the realisation sets in that they have been checkmated.
You only have to do the math – as the Americans say – to see what a spanner the Bloc of 16 has thrown into the mix. Just days ago, Sitiveni Rabuka was confident that he would be able to get the 75 per cent vote of MPs in the parliament to change the Constitution. Alas. There are 55 seats in the parliament. 16 as a percentage of that is 29 per cent. Ergo, the Coalition is short of the number it requires to meet the 75 per cent threshold even assuming that all other MPs vote to begin the review process.
It will be a bitter blow for the likes of Siromi Turaga and Graham Leung that their precious review of the 2013 Constitution is now much less certain that it appeared before Seruiratu’s statement. But perhaps for Sitiveni Rabuka, it will be a relief. Because he can never agree to the full facts of 1987 and the mutiny in the RFMF in 2000 being canvassed openly because of the threat that poses to his own position. Let alone the positions of a whole lot of other powerful people in Fiji, including the Mara family, the Cakobaus and anyone else who has been suspected of involvement in successive coups.
We now have a constitutional review stopped dead in its tracks. And thanks to an Opposition leader who has finally grasped the nettle by insisting that we need to know the truth of what has brought us as a nation to this point before we start fiddling with the supreme law again. Bravo.
The Chair of the Great Council of Chiefs and former military officer, Ratu Viliame Seruvakula, backs Inia Seruiratu on the issue of exposing the truth behind the coups and mutiny. He says he is prepared to appear before a truth and reconciliation commission and recount what he knows, which is a great deal considering his key role in putting down the mutiny of 2000.
But will Sitiveni Rabuka also come clean on everything he knows about the mutiny plus his role and that of others in the coups of 1987?
Did anyone else just see some big, fat pigs flying by?
Pondering much says
Whoever, including Kiran and Richard, thought that Reconciliation was a great thing better be looking deep and thinking how great this will surely be. It is a pathway that NFP is clearing for themselves to be the leaders while dumping Rabuka and Bai.
Not a bad idea but who will ever support this Reconciliation? Who will come forward to say anything and be guaranteed respect and mutiny from further harm and court cases against them and others. This is not a ride in the park scenario. This is uncovering uncomfortable and unconstitutional matters. This has to come together with multi million dollar compensation tags. And it will leave the country in ruins where we don’t have the right skill set for such inquiry and where the media is clueless as anything.
The media has never had any credibility in any inquiry and to think that they will do this work justice is far fetched.
I don’t think RFMF have thought about this well. Do they all want to march into prison or is it better to let things rest and not bring them up at all. Never underestimate the strength of people and the power that the international justice courts have over leaders. Thread carefully.
Sad Observer Scared for Fiji says
Quite the “bring it on” power chess move on Inia’s behalf. Mostly all I read gives me a sense of hope steadily disappearing, but this does make things more interesting.
Suki says
He should be first one to reveal what he did during 2006 coup and became a beneficiary .
Than the smile will be loud and clear talatala.
TruthBeTold says
For your information, Inia Seruiratu was away studying in New Zealand when the coup happened in 2006!
Poaka says
Oh! I see
He learnt how you hear a smile than.
What happened after he came back?
Anonymous says
@ Suki. Inia is a cut well above your ‘talatala’. His oratory skills were honed as a student leader from boarding school, as a former national school athetics champion and as a career soldier. He lives the sombre confidence demonstrated by the Fiji armed forces men and women who have served in the conflict and war zones of the middle east and exemplifies the standout values of the Itaukei, respect and intellect.
Suki says
His lost all that when he joined the goons of Fiji First to become a politician .
Until now he was a yes man singing praises for 2 men who ruled Fiji for 16 years.
Not sure how good is his intellectual.
Preach something and practice something else Mr.praise the Inia.
Toloi says
You can’t be serving 2 masters when you praise name of God and do opposite.
Crocodile tears says
I am looking forward to a bunch of liars fronting the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It will be interesting to see the crocodile tears, more lies and fake and made up stories with a straight face.
We have already seen the crocodile tears at Sukanaivalu Barracks earlier this week. There was more at QEB some weeks ago.
I am wondering where the Speaker of the House was at the Sukainivalu Barracks apology session. Wasn’t he the one who lead his incursion? Is he immune from these things because he is “special” and above the law? Wasn’t he jailed for that episode?
And how come they are not releasing George Speight? Because I think GS is a shoe in to be the next PM of Fiji. Just ask the people of Fiji.
Justice says
Bloc of 16 is the opposition leader whereas Bloc of 9 is the defacto opposition leader and the rest is the coalition government.
The above needs to know that they can meet over 75% vote in parliament but still they won’t be able to change the Constitution because 75% of the registered electorate are not going to vote. The fact of the matter is that in Fiji Voting is not compulsory and in 2014, 2018 and 2022 General Elections, voter turnout was lower than 75%.
In other Viti news, racist John Rabuku has been appointed as Deputy DPP by the red-gowned chipmunk.
oh God save Fiji
Real deal says
Let’s bring it on .Investigation from 1987 to 2006 before touching that document otherwise coups will be obvious. Investigate Rabuka and move forward from there
Quixote says
That’s a lesson for that windmill!
Idiots everywhere says
I can already see what the oblivious racist Christians will say – that we should move forward and Inia Seruiratu wants to go backwards. But these imbeciles are oblivious that they have already “moved forward” to a dinosour from 37 years ago who has taken the country back decades. It is the idiot way of moving forward to the past, but they are totally oblivious.
Now they know, as someone has to tell the idiots.
Chicken coup says
Whole idea about coups in Fiji was to enrich few itaukei’s who were elites within their community like Ratus and rubbing shoulders with some rich Indian businesses.
Scapegoats are poor itaukei and indians.
Till today life hasn’t changed
Poor has gone more poor and rich gone richer .
Mangrove swamp has become shelter for thousands in towns and cities.
Drugs is a top revenue earner to support everyday life for many Fijians.
People associated with coups are still hanging around.
No one has guts to bring each and everyone to face law and neither will.
There is no word as reconciliation in a educated and modern society.
Court is where fate is decided.
Lala says
Just ask the Motibhais, Punjas and few more
TruthBeTold says
Immunity should be struck off, both Rabuka and Bainimarama should be charged and spent time in prison like George Speight! They’re the reason why our country has not progressed over the years. Their evil intentions are going to be exposed in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Vuvale vulagi says
This is all a just for show. The so-called opposition leader is doing SLRs bidding. They all speak with a forked tongue—say one thing then do the opposite. They are fooling the people because none of them want truth or reconciliation.
A few weeks/months later a different lali beat will be heard.
Just as deputy dpp appointment. All pre-planned and a shameless disgusting charade.
Practical says
Changing the constitution is waste of time and money and will not improve the day to day circumstances of the average Fijian.
The government needs to focus on more urgent tasks such as the controlling the drug/HIV epidemic, loss of skilled workers and high inflation.
Get Up Fiji says
14 May 1987, a day that Rabuka and his henchmen wish had never happened. But it is too late now. Any truth and reconciliation whatever you call it will only bring on the inevitable. Why and how? There were too many high up people involved, some of who are still around today. So, this fancied commission will do absolutely nothing to reconcile anything or anyone. It will only serve one purpose; ANARCHY