Cameron Slater is a Fiji-born journalist and political commentator with a big audience in New Zealand through his website – the BFD – and his radio program on Reality Check Radio. He’s already written a widely-read article on the sex and drug scandal that has enveloped Lynda Tabuya and the Coalition government. But now, Cam Slater and Grubsheet discuss the scandal in depth in a no-holds barred encounter on Reality Check Radio.
This was broadcast in New Zealand late this afternoon (Thursday) but was pre-recorded on Tuesday before Sitiveni Rabuka ended his lengthy prevarication and announced his decision to reject the adverse findings of the PAP’s disciplinary committee and retain Lynda Tabuya as Minister for Women, Children and Social Protection.
Judge for yourself whether Cam Slater and Grubsheet have done the subject justice. Some will doubtless dismiss it as the musings of a couple of off-shore kai Valagi but one thing is certain. There is a great deal of public interest in this scandal and beyond just Fiji and the diaspora.
As we establish very early in the interview, the details of this scandal are such that no minister in any other democracy would survive it. It isn’t going to go away and the notion that business as usual can continue in Fiji is also a fantasy.
Lynda Tabuya is politically damaged goods and every day she remains as Minister for Women and Children is another nail in the Coalition’s credibility in Fiji and abroad. Click on the link below to listen…
Ula says
Everywhere democracy is practiced worldwide,yeah it’s a voluntary step down. Only in Fiji is it ok.
Jimmy says
Fiji is also a place where laziness is rewarded and those that do the work conveniently put on the side when promotions are up, workshops in hotel are up or overseas trips are up.
Those that have ever worked in the civil service world know what I sm saying.
What less did we expect from Lynda when the whole system is rotten to the core. Can’t blame her, shes only doing what many others have done before her and many more will do after.
The one to blame here is only Rabuka, who has shown himself to be a self serving coward, Biman who is lost somewhere between india n fiji and Gavoka who is more interested in supporting the genocidal Israel than look after the plight of the common Fijians.
These three weak leaders will sink Fiji. Lynda is just a passenger who knows she has insurance and the captain can’t dump her.
Bibbawarra. Boy says
Brutal! Wananavu Grubsheet.
William+H says
What an enlightening chat with Cam, Graham! Your discreet frustration came through so clearly. What happens next is such a big question, if anything actually does happen. Surely, Madam Minister isn’t tonight reassured it’ll all quietly go away, with the assistance of much of the country’s sad, silent media?
Balls by the pepe says
In NZ, both Minister’s would have been terminated from their positions immediately.
They would never see a political career ever again.
In Fiji though if you have the PMs balls by your pepe then all is holy for you and your mates.
Bad governance drives me crazy says
Such an interesting discussion by 2 men with experience and knowledge and a deep love for Fiji that comes through so strongly. You touched on a wide range of topics including geopolitics that is so relevant for context. It would be superb to have a series of chats that could use your combined skills to discuss other decisions made by this government, and the ramifications. A good kick off would be how this government that cannot make decisions has fast tracked tax holidays? You’d both know how to do that without getting sued as legal threats are as damaging as media suppression.
Tabuya is finito says
I still don’t think Tabuya and Fiji has grasped what Cam can do.
This could mean many things. His voice is heard in NZ and Australia as he exposes topics of public interest. The most crooked of MPs have fallen under Cam.
Tabuya, your days are limited.
Just know that for now.
And tell your boyfriends that too.
Cam’s scared of no man when it comes to exposing truth. Ask NZ.
Qase says
It seems that there is a alarming increase in HIV infections due to a recent report by the Health authorities.
One factor stated by the Health Authorities attributed to the alarming rise in HIV infections is due to chemsex.
Chemsex is when there is sexual activity under the influence of dangerous hard narcotic drugs.
Well if a female Minister of Government is able to escape accountability while allegedly having sexual intercourse, allegedly under the influence of narcotics on a diplomatic trip.
Then it seems that Fijians are getting their standards from the corridors of Parliament thus the rise of HIV infections with a major cause is Chemsex. Sexual activity under the influence of drugs.
The Honorable Minister for Social Protection should be as concerned with this alarming statistics than the Fiji First Party.
#233 MBongW says
No, it is not ” the musings of a couple of off-shore kai Valagi”. If it wasn’t for them, the local news media (except for Sun), would have buried this brutal bonking episode which the players had expected. Was wondering if any of the Australian news media is aware or have covered this (some have “local” correspondents), how can we collectively approach such organizations…mass emails/letters etc??? What about the Australian Federal Police, the Immigration dept… This is not personal but a national issue. We cannot allow such characters to head the ministry let alone be in the government. She spent more time dressing herself up and popping at events for photo opportunities and activism rather than doing actual work. What a shame.
We are all fools says
I had to laugh when I saw LT on live tv walk into parliament in her grey business suit. A Kalavo is always a Kalavo.
Despite appearances a rat is always a rat.with
Also watching the PM painfully dragging his aged body across the lobby of Parliament with his crook knee that he famously went to India to fix but has obviously worsened, made me think, “OMG. We are being led by this broken down old man.”
It reminded me of a sleep walking mentally disoriented President Biden
This must be the worst parts of democracy that Winston Chirchill referred to when he famously said, “”Democracy is the worst of all system, but there is none better.”
How NZ behaves vs how Fiji behaves says
In NZ, MP Darleen Tana has to step down for her role after her husband is investigated for his company for migrant worker abuse. She was aware of the abuse. That was enough and the decent thing to do was to step down.
Meanwhile the Delilah of Fiji continues in her ministerial role after bonking the PM and MP Aseri.
Only in Fiji that woman get to play a gender card to stay in power.
Better journalists than those in Fiji says
You are both Fijians.
You are both acclaimed journalists.
No journalist in Fiji can stand next to you both and claim being better.
Couldn’t be much prouder of the work that you both and Victor Lal does.
Holding any government accountable is your equal role as media.
Thank you,
A Fijian woman
Truth will prevail says
Great job Cam and Graham.
Thank you for your unstoppable commitment to truth and justice and democracy.
Kailoma concerns. says
You both raised an important point
Where do the European and the kailoma fit in all the issues of identity and belonging is a long standing item.
Many kailoma rejoiced when the coup was led by Speight. They suddenly saw themselves as important.
Over the years they have become further marginalised as they are a society that do their own things and have respected leadership. But how do they belong and have a say.
Many kailoma have started to migrate because they don’t associate closely with their i-taukei side. They are not i-taukei as they identify mostly as Part Europeans. They are like vulagi × 2 scenario.
Some good discussions in this podcast.
As I tuned in to the program, I found myself furiously nodding along in agreement with most, if not all of the things that you two discussed.
It is clear that the current crop of politicians, like the last, is leading Fiji into the doldrums.
I think a regular podcast would serve you well, Mr Davis.
Loloma mai Viti.
P.S – You’re not “off-shore kaivalagi”. You were both born here. End of story
2 men talking straight says
This is more straight talk on this podcast than the stupid CFLs Straight Talk in Fiji. Or the ones that Stanley Simpson hosts will his unusual kailoma twang.
I could listen to you both whole day. Refreshing, newsworthy, educational, and said as is.
Now this what you call investigative news with proper thought topics. Tourism, sex and drugs scandal for MPs, i-taukei culture, economic growth, identity, subservience culture on foreign aid dependence, remittance, military, etc.
In 45 mins I heard more sensible news by two qualified and experienced journalists than the whole useless media in Fiji.
Fiji Uselss Media take note (excluding Fiji Sun). FM96 and rest of CFL doesn’t qualify at all. No hopes there.
Tabuya if you are not worried already try getting to that state as a practice because boy o boy you will need it. These men will bring forward what will make your legs weaker. Brutal than the sex you had with Aseri. You deserve that as you chose to lie with your bonking partner to all of Fiji.
Fijian diaspora overseas says
Will be good to find out where the highest remittances come from. I wonder which country.
Fijians, the remittances is your second largest revenue to the country.
It means the Fijian diaspora overseas deserve good news. We don’t believe in FBC and that stupid Mr Bhai or Mai TV and any vomit that CFL (Fiji Live, FM96, Navtarang) throw out. A big NO NO to Fiji Times. Add ABC and RNZ to this list. Thanks G that NZ media is having a huge budget cut backs. About time for left wing misinformation propellers.
Graham and Cam can do us more justice than the whole media in Fiji combined.
Betrayed says
Tabuya you let the nation down.
We were thinking you’d have better integrity than the scumbag cheaters you work with. Wrong!
This is all going to come crashing down on you and anyone enabling you and turning a blind eye to the law and to basic codes of conduct.
Rabuka’s Sodom and Gomorrah says
More please!
Tired of watching self-censored lies and lamusona news in Fiji’s mainstream media.
Stand Stanley Simpson down now! says
What is the integrity of journalism in Fiji?
Here’s two examples of Fiji’s wannabe famous useless journalist Stanley Simpson with his typical kailoma integrity of shame.
He writes on his Facebook page following the Fiji Drua vs Chiefs game last night …
“Ref conman…
Somebody needs to give a good one under McKenzie’s ribs…”
And if the above wasn’t bad enough then came…
“Show us first halftime highlights! Nobody wants to see that drone ring, we want to watch rugby, poke you gang’s ring.”
Here we are. Fiji’s finest journalists. Yup, keep them home and keep these high moral ground comments coming from journalists.
The moral fabric doesn’t matter anymore.
Where is the Media Council? Officially dead. Officially dead in freedom.