There is no way the Coalition government can restore its dismal fortunes with the Fijian people while it keeps Lynda Tabuya in the cabinet and allows her to publicly draw attention to the chasm between her personal conduct and calls for national action to tackle the drugs crisis.
Twelve months after she boasted of having “plenty of weed” in Room 233 of the Windsor Hotel in Melbourne and six months after the People’s Alliance found her guilty of a “sex and illicit drug scandal” and stripped her of the party’s deputy leadership, Lynda Tabuya shamelessly wants more action on drugs.
Seriously. Does the Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka – who perversely signed off on her removal as deputy leader but kept her in the cabinet as Minister for Women and Children – not understand a basic principle of politics the world over? You can get away with this kind of outrage for a time with a supine and unquestioning media but it is still an indelible stain on the government’s reputation. And in the end, it not only taints the reputation of every minister but makes a laughing stock of your ability to credibly tackle the nation’s problems.
The Coalition is so inept that no-one is telling Lynda Tabuya to “shut-the-f**k up” about drugs because it is all there in black and white (see below). Her own party has branded her an illicit drug taker. So anything she says about other people not taking drugs is generating peals of derisive laughter on the part of any voter with half a brain and still some semblance of control over their faculties and bodily functions.
This woman is a strutting political time bomb. She is only getting away with it because to this day, the Fijian mainstream media hasn’t published the hard evidence below – the references to her having “plenty of weed” during her “brutal” sex encounter with her fellow minister, Aseri Radrodro. And worse, it has chosen not to publish the letter to Tabuya in March signed by none other than the Prime Minister himself informing her that she has been found guilty of drug taking and is being relieved of the deputy leader’s position because she has brought the PAP into disrepute.
The Fijian media is exposed as being totally corrupt for having ignored this letter altogether. But it is genuine, it is on the public record here and it will haunt Lynda Tabuya, the Prime Minister and the government and its constituent parties all the way to Election Day 2026. It makes a mockery of the Coalition and its values and negates any chance of it being able to lecture to the nation’s young people about avoiding drugs with any credibility at all.
It also beggars belief that Lynda Tabuya’s Deputy at the Ministry for Women and Children, Sashi Kiran of the NFP, can giggle gormlessly at her feet knowing precisely what her Minister did in Room 233 and how that is destroying the government’s credibility in its (halfhearted) war on drugs.
Sashi Kiran had so much promise coming into government as an acknowledged champion for the poor. But she has turned into a pathetic “Marama wallah” – a tame Indo-Fijian lickspittle saying sorry for this and sorry for that and doing nothing to insist on proper standards of governance.
Along with the rest of her NFP colleagues, Sashi Kiran has also failed to say anything at all amid the clamour to change the Constitution about the critical need to defend the common and equal citizenry, the common identity and the secular state.
The NFP are a total waste of space and political oblivion is just around the corner. Why? Because just as Sashi Kiran grins and bears it whenever she has to appear in public with her degenerate and licentious minister, the whole of the NFP is on the nose for being willing to appease and enable a degenerate and licentious rabble.
Tick, tick, tick.
“Reducing the demand for drugs?” They were certainly in demand in Room 233 precisely a year ago.
The PAP finds Lynda Tabuya guilty of drug taking on March 24 2024.
The full letter to Lynda Tabuya pronouncing her guilty of a “sex and illicit drug scandal” that has not been published by a single outlet in the Fijian mainstream media. When they talk about the “new era of media freedom”, it is an Orwellian joke.
Nicole says
The Fijian media has never been this weak and ineffectual in our history. Where are the blistering Fiji Times front pages attacking government? Where are the critical op-eds? We saw it daily during the the so-called repressive era under Fijifirst. Where did it all go? Is this what media freedom looks like in Rabuka’s Fiji? If so, then I prefer the previous era.
Idiots everywhere says
For the last 20 months, there is free of speech, there is freedom from fear, there is openess, transparency, equality. No one has been pick up at an odd hour of the night and shunted away on the first flight.
They have brought back the GCC, brought back Pal Aluwahlia, scattered the ashes of the late Dr Brij Lal all over Tabia in Labasa, rearranged the distribution of lease monies, removed and installed many civil servants and diplomats, installed all the chiefs at a rapid rate and still going, installed people in the judiciary who have the highest standards, jailed the former PM, let the vulagi know their rightful place, fixed the CWN in one day with volunteers with civic pride, gone begging to Australia and China multiple times with Chiefs going as well. We are slowly realising that we are Israelites and have even started going on Jewish pilgrimages.
All the problems in Fiji are solved, so why are people still complaining?
Just ask the PM and all his ministers. And most voters on the street and all letter writers to the Fiji Times think so too. Just ask them.
This is Fiji. We do thing differently here. We all are proud to be idiots.
The only things not fixed are the roads, the health care system, the schools, the drug problem, the cost of living, crime, foreign debt and the arrogance of the iTaukei.
Everything else is fixed. So why are people complaining so much? This is exactly what we all wanted.
Beggar PM says
What is more the people of Fiji are proud to have a dickhead who raped the country and whose men raped Indo-Fijian women and looted businesses to be their PM today. The country will never recover. But, that was all in the past as we all know. So no point dwelling on the past. We are just moving forward to the past with this PM and the idiots in Fiji are oblivious. We all cannot get enough of him. Just imagine what Fiji would be like without him? He is a saviour!!!! We need a statue of him soon so that the pigeons can crap on it endlessly. But what the f*ck has he done for Fiji in 37 years?
He is the chief beggar and he has made Fiji a beggar nation and Fijians beggars. Just see the kerekere on the streets. How bad is it and who is responsible? The vulagi, I guess.
What pisses me even more is that men like Mahendra Chaudhary and Jai Ram Reddy have been seen to lick this guy’s arse but they never learn. Chaudhary has even given him hugs. I would never be seen in the same picture as him let alone be in the same room with him after what he did. But each to their own.
Now we have another chief arse licker in Baimaan. And then they all wonder why Fiji is where it is!!!!
Fiji journos says
The Fiji media are busy courting their former colleagues who are now employed and paid by international donor funds to attend workshops and seminars around the country and overseas getting themselves fully paid return air tickets, staying in great hotels, receiving their per diems etc.
They are known as “full chow fat reporters” who would jump at any opportunity to attend press conferences if food will be served, cocktails or grog.
I’m trying to think of a name among the current crops of local journalists and editors whom I could say that he or she is great but couldn’t think of one. It’s that easy – there are none!
Only me says
Meanwhile madam is selling raffle tickets again for Kadavu Rugby team. And guess what, one if the prizes is a bottle of Jack Daniel’s. She also has the nerve to put her profile photo on that post which is of her standing in parliament with Fijis flag as background. So perhaps government is promoting all the ills here.
And our Pm is singing away in China with his bendy legs.
Speak up Sashi!! says
I wondered the same thing. why doesn’t Sashi Kiran speak up? Is she scared that the PM will sack her? I thought maybe she was the only decent in there but silence is not ok.
That place is a toxic cesspool of bad people.
They think it’s ok to conduct themselves this way as long as FFP is out.
Fiji Times has a chance to publish yet they are denying the people of what’s really going on. It’s wrong. They are stupidly taking the country further backwards.
Sad Observer Scared for Fiji says
And when she’s pictured at high level discussions about Fiji having one of the highest rates of violence against women and children in the world (2 out of 3 women report it)……nobody can take her seriously when we know who she slept with :/.
Scribe says
Rabuka should have a spine, grow some balls and be a man. Enough of the pussy footing, sitting on the fence playing all sides. He’ll soon get played and how great that fall will be.
Slacker says
Tabuya step down!! says
Step down Tabuya.
Everyone knows the truth. You had your gullible uneducated followers believing your AI story for awhile but even they have seen the light. Now we all see the email you wrote to your village about taking $172.000 from the Chinese, how you tried to control them to keep quiet? If it was legit money to your village why didn’t you say so in your email?
You are a demon and hellbent on destroying Fiji. Anyone supporting this demon is also taking Fiji down. Anyone silent is also to blame. Her day is coming and what side do you want to be on? The side that’s saved Fiji or the side that allowed one women to destroy.
Crystal Ball Gazer........ says
All we see is more chat about problems and no actual solutions…..Lets have more forums and discussions and talanoas because if we are seen to be caring then we can say we are…….. The Meth issue started here over ten years ago but because of its highly addictive nature, it is now endemic in a population that cant even wean itself off sugar when not one single person is unaffected by diabetes.. talk talk bloody talk gets nowhere…….. we all know the problems so reading about more forums to discuss them is just clickbait in the media that (as everyone seems to agree) is now useless. Now villages are going to ban visitors if they stay more than two weeks because they are bringing drugs into their space…..Where will they go? They will congregate into gangs eventually and become a lot more organized exacerbating the issues….
Fiji has for a long time been going through the breakdown of the Family Traditions and Village lifestyles that used to control its young through keeping them busy and educating them, so many single mothers abandoned by men who don’t care and courts that wont act has created a whole generation of kids with no backup, no rules and, in the time honored Fiji way, no care about tomorrow……… No better time to introduce Compulsory Military Training to instill discipline, work ethic and sense of purpose and belonging in this new generation……. My rant for today
O Sobo na Dina says
The eyes reveal it all. She does have smutty eyes. Who on earth convinced her in a career in politics? She was destined for something else, politics is not one of them.
Urgent Action Plan says
Looking up to dysfunctional leaders are hoping for change is maddening.
Admitting the problem is the first step. It is important to bring it out because too much had been swept under the carpet. The way women and girls are treated is NOT new.
So many issues brewing for very long time.
Yes We all know the problems and yet nobody takes a stand for anything!
There is a lack of discipline across the board from the top to the bottom. The government is not exactly doing campaigns making people aware of the dangers of alcohol, eating bread and noodles all day which yes can kill you and does.
They knew about the drugs but are only just mentioning rehabs? Poor children are victims due to the adults who say by and didn’t take care of it. Keeping quiet does not help them.
Drugs have become much worse and they knew it was happening, yet did they train a new police force? No they didn’t. Did they bring in the military to stop drugs? No they didn’t. When people are robbed, nobody shows up. Why don’t police hsve vehicles??
That is on this government for not making the police a priority. Why is it so far fetched to train a brand new police force??? To have cars to make arrests and protect citizens? This is obvious stuff people. I digit see anyone demanding this. I guess it’s not bad enough yet.
Even If drugs did start 10 years ago and everyone was well aware, why were there no plans to do something? If you have police trained make arrests, how are you going to stop anything? He should have overhauled the entire dept. Why run for government if you are not going to do anything. It’s not an easy job, but they wanted the job.
The priority of this government was raising their own wages while all this is going on! How long will they be given a pass just because he got ASK out. Everyone is delusional to think they are heading for better days. They should have been ready to tackle issues.
They can’t even get a hospital room cleaned or painted for cry it out loud. They can’t figure out how to get Fiji Water delivered to the maternity ward yet Fiji Water makes billions. This is easy stuff. You need well educated leaders to solve issues.
Once again talking about the past but not what urgent action must happen now. Do you think anyone should be taking trips and enjoying lavish lifestyle right now? Leaders have to roll up their sleeves ane get to work.
I’m just so sad for the children and how they have been let down.