Remember Grubsheet reporting that the true number of people leaving Fiji over the past two years was closer to 80,000 than the 50,000 the Ministry of Finance – the horse’s mouth – was reporting? Well, finally that’s been confirmed by the horse himself – Baimann Prasad, the NFP leader and Finance Minister, with whom much of the blame lies for the collapse of national confidence that is seeing our best and brightest in a veritable stampede for the exit. Up to 80,000 in the past 18 months.
Biman Prasad conceded in the parliament this morning that the reason for the exodus wasn’t just Fijians seeking better lives for themselves and their children but the country’s big social challenges, such as “NCDs, domestic violence and drug use”. But he singularly failed to address the biggest elephant in the room – the Coalition’s appalling standards of governance, including, incidentally, the proven drug use by one of its ministers – Lynda Tabuya, the Minister for Bonking and Weed.
Here’s the thing, Biman. Those who voted for you and the NFP at the last election voted for you to be the voice of moderation in the Coalition and to use your five seats – the balance of power that brought Sitiveni Rabuka to office – to curb the excesses of your pro-indigenous partners in the People’s Alliance and SODELPA. What have you done instead? Nothing.
You stood by and said nothing when the right of non-indigenous Fijians to fully belong was questioned in the national debate about the use of the term “vulagi” – visitor – to describe Fijians whose families have lived in the country for generations.
- You stood by and said nothing when the government made illegal appointments to the judiciary and the Office of the DPP and shamefully abandoned Christopher Pryde – the man who had refused to succumb to pressure to prosecute you over the Taniguchi Affair that would have prevented you from contesting the 2022 election in the first place.
- You stood by and said nothing when the Coalition embarked on a shameful process of workplace ethnic cleansing in the civil service and offices of state and its iTaukei cronies were appointed to sinecures in government businesses and the diplomatic service.
- You have stood by and said nothing as those who form the tax base of the country have had their confidence in Fiji’s direction so shattered by the Coalition’s racist policies and incompetence that they have fast-tracked any decision they might have had to leave.
It is you who must take a large share of the responsibility for Fiji being stripped of its best and brightest because you have remained silent as excess has been piled on excess since December 2022 and the Coalition’s reputation has steadily fallen to rockbottom.
You were meant to keep the bastards honest. Instead you have been a cringing enabler and appeaser, turning a blind eye to conduct by your colleagues in government that would have never been tolerated by your predecessors in the NFP. And, yes, you are a betrayer and deserve the moniker that will follow you into political oblivion.
You could have used your power in government to stand up for principle. To stand up for those who have been steadily marginalised in national life. But you sold your soul for the 30 pieces of silver that comes with ministerial power and have turned a blind eye to illegal and unethical conduct. And on top of everything else, you gave tax concessions to politically-friendly billionaires who didn’t deserve them and stripped the government of the ability to fix such things as the appalling state of the CWM Hospital.
Now, as you scramble to manage a faltering economy, spare us the wringing of hands about the mass exodus from Fiji. You have helped trigger it and will enter history as someone who accelerated the country’s demise when you had your chance to arrest it but were too morally weak to do so.
“The Betrayer” and “the Snake”. No wonder there’s a stampede for passports and a stampede for the airport. Shame on both of you. And God help Fiji. Because this is now a perfect storm – the spectre of a beggar nation that will no longer be able to pay its bills and will be preyed on by foreign carpetbaggers – individuals and governments – like paedophiles preying on vulnerable children.
What a tragedy, Fiji. Ordinary hardworking taxpayers with skills the country desperately needs voting with their feet. Because the grass is never greener on the other side than when a nation’s leaders kill the dreams of their own people for a better life at home.
Biman is Shameful says
The Former AG had been saying this for months. Biman thinks people don’t remember these things. He is shameful.
Chairwoman - Council of Vulagi Chiefs says
During the indentured labour days when British brought Indians to Fiji on girmit to work in the sugar cane farms there is one very well known fact.
A small number of Indians turned against their own to gain favour from the British. They would join in on the beatings, turn the other way when women were sexually harassed and make complaints about their own people to watch them being severely punished.
They were the betrayers, always smiling and politely spoken towards those they need favour from but a complete terror for those that they despised. Baiman Prasad is a descendant of those dhokebaaz girmityans. His worst is in full display. A betrayer is spot on title for him.
Dejected says
Biman Prasad has been the perennial appeaser for all USP regimes since he married Rajni, inherited a house as dowry and then proceeded to bully all regional Pacific Islander staff at USP who questioned his conflict of interest in doing so as president of AUSPS.
Go on Biman, prove me wrong. I dare you.
Paula Raqeukai says
It is good for Fiji because the country will benefit in terms of:
1. Remittances
2. Improve our labour skills & know-how in agribusiness etc.
3. Upskills our youth’s Education level in modern technology
4. Improve housing and living standards in the rural areas of Fiji
5. Exposure I such a big developed country like Australia/NZ/UK/USA is a great thing that could enhance health and wealth
6. Good for the local economy – more money coming in to control the national debt level
The disadvantages could be:
1. Broken families if the labour market is not controlled – husband & wife must be self-control while engaged in NEC and faith in the Living God, Yahweh to protect the family during the duration of the engagement
2. Drugs could be transit in great number
3. Our youth’s depletion to overseas markets could increase
4. Creation of a New Generation of Aussie-Fijians in the next 10-20 years (beneficial to both countries)
5. Overall decrease in the Fijian skill labour market
6. Possibility of loss of culture, traditional values, and reverence to the Living God, Yahweh
Graham Davis says
Sorry, Paula, but God doesn’t pay tax. Most people in Fiji don’t pay any tax at all because they are under the $30,000 threshold where income tax kicks in. So where do you think the money is going to come from for education, health, infrastructure development and everything else if those who earn more than $30,000 and pay income tax leave the country altogether?
This exodus is a disaster for Fiji. And it has been triggered in part by a government controlled by indigenous supremacists who have no idea about economic fundamentals and live off a never-ending drip. Instead of trying to keep people in Fiji by being as nice to them as possible and making them as comfortable as possible about belonging, they have made many people feel unwelcome. And they are voting with their feet. Madness on an epic scale.
Olei remittances says
So we earn to give you free money?
So much entitlement.
Meanwhile what will you all do? Drink kava. Sleep with each others spouses. Typical mentality.
T1000 says
Lol (shaking my head here in utter disbelief)!! Might do you well to take a course in Economics 101
Anonymous says
Re Disadvantages of Fijians moving overseas
#6 – Loss of reverence of the Living God.
Just a gentle reminder that the Living God doesn’t exclusively reside in the Vanua of Fiji… So when you go overseas the Living God is also there and everywhere so you don’t necessarily need to lose reverence because of having to leave God behind in Fiji! Unless the reverence is only a pack thing or cultural behaviour so that when you leave the pack or koro and go overseas there reverence is gone.
Like fair weather friends , so are some so called believers!
What you looking at? says
Almost 10% of the population has fled the country under this government’s watch and Baimaan and the rest are pretending everything is just fine. They are still basking in the glory from 16 months ago. What is more, the Minister of Immigration is going to improve things in the Passport Offices so that peple do not need to turn up at 4.00am to lodge their applications for passports. The minister will make the exodus easier for the people. They must be really proud of their achievements.
As for the PM, well, when you want to be like Singapore, what do the brightest in Fiji do? They elect a crackpot, a has been and a dinosaur to lead them, and proudly so with so much exuberance. The people of Fiji are so clever it is unbelieveable. With the iTaukei I can understand them voting for Rabuka, but the Indo Fijians, they are the dumbest grog dopey f*cks in the world. I give them the Gold Medal for being dumb. And then, the idiots complain about everyting! F**king imbeciles. And then they all wonder why they are where they are. Whose fault is it all, idiots? Not yours right?
Brutal says
Yep you’re right just look at social media and the amount of indo fijians who are fighting tooth and nail for the current lot…they’ve forgotten it seems the events of 87.
Belinda says
Paula Raqeukai is such a wealth of knowledge and faith. If we had a few more like her/him in the country the whole country would not have the problems we are having.
But wait, did I hear someone say that the whole country is altready full of the likes of Paula and that is why we are where we are?
I mean we all now know that Yahweh is the Living God and is the best. He has already solved so many problems around the world. Just look at his past record. I guess all other Gods are all dead.
Dejected says
Paula used to be a housing officer for USP.
Under Paula’s watch, junior regional islander and Indian USP staff from 2001 until 2005 were virtually rendered homeless waiting for their housing applications to be processed while Paula sat in his office reading his Bible. His only gave houses to his kaivata and friends.
Go on Paula, dispute this!
NFP voter says
I still say to those who have the means. Leave if you can, for your children’s sake.
The life in Australia and NZ is hard but the health care, education, social security and the promise of a better future are all way better than Fiji.
I voted for Biman and I blame only him for this mass exodus of our best people. He is a super liar in the same category at Richard Naidu. Self serving morons, both of them.
It was never a reality to expect Rabuka to have changed. He was, he is and he will be a snake. At least I thought Biman will bring moderation with the power sharing.
Biman is anything but a good politician. Now it feels he may not even be good at economics. The so called professor will go down in history as a failure and one who truly sunk Fiji.
Such a pile of shit, these people.
Terrible leader says
Biman, have you ever thought carefully what you have done to the indo-fijians? You are not the sole responsible person but this is what has contributed under your leadership while you have either remained ignorant or deliberately chosen to be quiet.
Let me list few things for you.
1. We have been called Vulagi and not Fijians. You didnt speak up against this because power was important to you. Power over our identity. You buried the dreams of our ancestors who toiled the soils of Fiji. We became no one again.
2. You gave rise to Islamophobia. Your whole campaign was based on dividing people and you did exactly that. You stand in Eid activities as if you care. You don’t. We don’t either so stay out of our Masjids.
3. You raised VAT when Fijians are struggling. Really struggling. Yet you gave tax free consideration to a multi million dollar Fiji Water. You didn’t even declare how the conflict of interest was managed between Fiji Government, Richard Naidu and Munro Leys given Richard’s position on your economic reforms. You didn’t disclose how much was Richard paid in this role.
3. Your illegal practice of securing funds for your wife for Fiji Girmit memorial service was for your benefit. Who turned up for the event? Why was it important to give away so much of money for this event when everyday indo-fijians are struggling? Indo-fijians in New Zealand who hold more credibility and mana are swearing at you now. They don’t want to see you.
4. You have failed to declare how much you paid Ahuwalia at USP for the Girmit Day event. Why him? Isn’t he the guy who called indo-fijians “criminals?” He said that indo-fijians were like the first convicts that arrived in Australia. You said nothing about that statement because Ahuwalia employs your wife at USP. Where is Ahuwalia now? Still sitting pretty in Samoa while Fiji pumps money into USP?
5. You said nothing about Tabuya. You chose to keep quiet despite knowing too well how wrong this was. Same woman who banged and accused indo-fijians as lying about the abuse we faced after the coups. She demanded we bring in the facts and you stayed quiet.
6. You have chosen to mislead Fijians by telling us wrong numbers on the number of people who have left the country because of a failing coalition leadership. You are a liar.
7. You would always jump up and down previously pointing out on corruption. Now look at your FICAC investigation and the lies. Why are you not standing down while you are under investigation? Who gives you the right to stay while you are under investigation?
8. And the worst to the end. You chose Rabuka. Indo-fijians will never pardon you for that. Our sacrifices, our abuse, our tears, our trauma is now rubbed back on our faces as we are nothing. We don’t matter. Ever looked at the footage of the victory that evening Biman. There were 2 Indo-fijians in the room. It was you and Richard. Standing lonely. Lost. Now you remain lonely. Curse and karma will haunt you.
Biman, we are not returning to Girmitya days because of a baimaan like you. You have sold your soul for power and this is not what the people expected of you.
You have another 18 months if you are lucky. But you are not coming back. You were a one hit wonder with no shine.
Jao Dreketi. Dhaan pisi. A dog is more loyal.
Making Fiji Great Again says
Good post, agree with everything.
#Vulagi says
100% facts… he has sold his soul!
He will go down in history as the great betrayer “gaddaar”! Hang your head in shame you compromised fool.
Fiji Watcher says
The loss of 70,000 to 80,000 to immigration out of Fiji was clearly predictable given the policies of the Government related to employment based on race or ethnicity, coupled with increases in lawlessness, drugs, declining standards of living. Unsurprising the Ministry of Finance has lost a significant number of professional staff with policies like those. As have other Ministries, particularly Health where they have allegedly lost professional staff across the board. If the statistics for Passports continue to be at the same level it will soon reach 10% of the population or even higher.
Countries close by like Australia and New Zealand have skill shortages. But unlike Fiji they have high wages, low crime rates and recognise skills. In those countries you win a job on merit not on race or ethnicity or who you are related to.
This increases the cost of Government and to businesses as people need to be replaced, training done and of course the payments to those leaving (salary, leave entitlements, perhaps long service). In Government this will see the operating budget increase, whilst in business it also increases the cost of doing business. The Government operating cost was already too high at the last budget with the likes of Savenaca Narube (former Reserve Bank Governor) criticising the Government then. The finance minister admits the exodus coupled with inflation, has seen a decrease in revenue from tax and VAT.
The people exodus is now affecting the whole economy. The reality is that the loss of these people’s skills, expertise and experience directly affects the country’s capacity to carry out any sort of increase in either infrastructure or services or in some cases the ability to maintain existing levels. Whilst Tourism and Remittance revenues have grown, and may continue to do so, the total revenue to Government may not.
Neither will Investment increase if the Investors can see there are not the people available to turn their investment into reality. The Minister can wax lyrically about tackling other factors such as quickening environmental and planning regulation and where possible, high business costs. None of that help your loss of people!
At the same time the Government needs to look carefully at its own expenditure, particularly Ministers and Assistant Ministers who seem to be travelling endlessly both overseas and domestically. Does the Government need to have its entire membership to be either a Minister or Assistant Minister? They all have cars, phones, computers offices and staff………
Tatti Professor says
Biman will remain an example of what USP produces at PHD level. Shite. That’s it. Tatti.
SoSad says
Kai, as a dedicated textbook professor, navigating the intricate complexities of real-world challenges can be daunting. Consider pursuing another PhD in politics to better understand and respond to the behaviors around you, especially within Fiji’s convoluted political landscape. While our hope may be limited, expanding your expertise could lead to more effective contributions as an economist in this context.
Tinai says
Completely agree GD.
Paula Rakeukai what do you mean drugs COULD be in transit in great numbers???? Seriously????? It’s TOO LATE!!
And those of us that were planning to return and decided not to. Paradise is lost.
Our children and grandchildren are proudly registered in the VKB but will never live in Fiji. There is no future for them.
Our educated elite have left or are leaving.
Those running the country are stupid and without class.
Tourists are turning away and I for one now have to warn those that do go to beware. Robberies, assaults, pickpockets, prostitution, drug dealers -all the things Fiji didn’t have -are rife.
Safer and cheaper to visit Vietnam. Leave a bag in the street there and you’ll find it unmoved two days later.
That WAS Fiji. Now Fiji is a dangerous place full of two faced liars.
Oh and yes of course God Bless. That makes up for everything doesn’t it??????!!!!
Never again says
This fella got no shame announcing these numbers as if it were an achievement.
The days of the Fiji economy is numbered. A massive devaluation of our currency is on cards by the time this government is buried into the ground by the very people who elected them.
Remittance will only be coming for so long. Soon people will stop that steady stream.
80000 people lost. Just think of the cumulative skills and knowledge lost, and this donkey is announcing it with no shame on his face, no fear or maybe he even smiled.
Just visit a government hospital to see the effects of this mass exodus. No nurses, hardly any doctors, no lab techs, no one to do scans.
The schools have no teachers, the banks have no accountants the buses have no drivers.
And our government and its ministers can’t get enough overseas travel. Can’t get enough to fill theirs and their friends and families pockets.
We shouldn’t even feel sorry or sad for ourselves. We should fear for the worst is yet to come.
Dystopian says
Thank you for the insightful analysis, GD. It sheds light on the systemic weaknesses and the detrimental impact of self-serving politics on our democracy. Your observations regarding why many people are leaving Fiji are particularly poignant—they are seeking a better future elsewhere because they feel disillusioned with the prospects here. Fiji’s current trajectory offers little beyond instability and a declining quality of life.
I urge our politicians to take heed of GD’s analysis and reflect on where their leadership is falling short, and how their actions may be eroding ethics and morality. It’s crucial that they acknowledge these issues to prevent further loss of what we value as a society.
GD, please continue to illuminate the failings of our politicians. We must document these shortcomings to hold them accountable. Hopefully, this will inspire our leaders to self-correct or make way for those who can lead with integrity and vision.
Let’s keep fostering constructive dialogue and advocating for positive change. Thank you for your efforts, GD.
May God bless our beloved country and guide us through these challenging times to ensure its prosperity and unity for all its people.
Rakesh says
If anyone doubts my statement, check Tik Tok Videos on Baiman Prasad. His own supporters are swearing at him.
Bibbawarra. Boy says
Biman is running the economy like it’s a ‘village canteen’.
Tinai says
Just an afterthought on this after a spousal discussion who says the “smart” ones are staying put and making money at the expense of the majority.
We have drs in the family struggling to leave however as they still have to have the money to update their credentials to O/S requirements and pass the relevant exams.
I know Australia has a critical shortage of medical staff. Surely they will fast track remaining professionals who are desperate to get out of Fiji. 1
Pity the masses. That number of 80,000 also includes professionals who are now willing to pick fruit.
Sad situation all around.
V4Vendetta says
Thank you for bringing Baimaan under the spotlight. It was about time. Just the mention of his name and his wicked smile makes the blood boil.
Baimaan will go down in history as the low life who backstabbed, divided, and sold out Fijians of Indian descent. He will also be solely responsible for the demise of the NFP.
This so called professor is not as intelligent as he claimed to be and I’m glad that his voters are now realizing that fact.
A wise man once said: “it’s best to remain silent and be thought a fool then to speak out and remove all doubt”. His whole campaign was based on dividing Hindus and Muslims. He lied to his voters. He hasn’t fulfilled any of his promises but has been successful in filling the pockets of his wife, friends, families… and his own pockets too.
Baimaan and the Coalition are busy robbing the taxpayers and pocketing allowances, benefits and inflated salaries. What they make on the side from Richard Naidu, Fiji Water, China, India, and Japan (for dumping nuclear waste) is anyone’s guess.
The curses and pleas of help from the poor will not go unheard by the guy above. The pain, suffering, and poverty brought about by Baimaan is unimaginable. We have lost our safety and security and here we are being demeaned, ridiculed, robbed, and killed in hate crimes all because Baimaan has no courage to stand up and defend generations of Fijian Indians who call this place a home.
I hope and pray this guy rots in hell and can’t wait to see him and his cronies end up on the wrong side of the law due to their shady dealings.
Karma is a bitch and I can’t wait for karma to bitch slap this guy so hard that he is never able to get up again.
Fly now and Pay later or maybe never! says
This minister cannot come clean regarding the Fiji Airways charter flight – when answering the question in parliament this week.
Said a lot of waffle in response such as how the cost of the charter is calculated and how the airline evaluates the charter requester’s business case on a case by case basis but did not address the main question of why the fly now pay later occured – something that anyone with a little commercial nuance would not have entertained without tangible security in case of default. No payment No flight. No kerekere please especially towards what appears to be a charterer who is way out of their depth in this type of commercial matter.
Was the minister covering up for some friends in high places who benefited from the junket?
Dejected says
What did you all expect from a man who has only the intellectual ability to publish his works in The Fiji Times all his life?
He never had financial nous to even build his own house which was a dowry from his mother in law.
His promotions at USP were due to his Labasa connections, aided by “USP’s Indian Mafia” that ruthlessly ostracised Fijians and expatriates from USP to protect their mediocre lot. Some notable names from this include his mentor Wadan Narsey (yep, the Coalition’s Saint Economist), Ganesh Chand, Govinda Lingam, Anjeela Jokhan (until she and Reggie went rogue via Fiji First), the Idiot in Chief of Fiji First Mahendra “Yogi” Reddy, the simpleton Sunil Kumar, Maharaja Rajesh and Esther Williams. Wait, there’s more, Elizabeth Fong was his cheerleader in chief.
Donkey smarts says
Well if he doesn’t know the difference between 5% and 50% then we definitely have a gadha (donkey) professor. Or was he inflating his wealth and misleading the office?
He doesn’t know the difference between excise and exercise too.
He doesn’t know how to say the word economy correctly.
Fundamentals as his friend ASK would say. Lol
Just f**ked. We are, under his leadership.