Remember not so long ago when Grubsheet was pretty much the Coalition’s sole critic? And the searing vituperation that came my way anytime I said something critical? Like “shut up you white c**t”, “You’re an irrelevant, sad old man” or “why don’t you butt out of Fiji? You might have been born here but you don’t belong”. Etc. Etc.
Very different is the mood today. We may not have a proper opposition any longer but dissatisfaction with this government has become a contagion akin to the pandemic. It has spread to even its staunchest supporters and is starting to manifest itself not only in a storm of criticism on social media but in the columns of the mainstream local papers.
The chronically deluded Biman Prasad made the risible comment at the weekend that the Fijian people are “extremely happy” with the Coalition government. The Professor has clearly been smoking some of the same mood enhancer that the Queen of Tarts needed to try to forget the squalor of her surroundings in Room 233 of the Windsor Hotel.
We don’t know what the government actual status is with the people because the Fiji Times – after initially trumpeting the return of its Tebbutt opinion poll last year – suddenly stopped publishing it. Why? We can be pretty sure that it was because public satisfaction with the government started to plunge long ago and has since gone through the floor.
But while a pro-Coalition paper can suppress an opinion poll, it can’t control the feelings of its own readers, and especially regular correspondents when they start to send letters to the editor with scathing assessments of the Coalition’s performance across the board.
Here’s just a smattering from the Fiji Times over the past 48 hours. And if Biman Prasad thinks these long-time observers of the national scene are “extremely happy”, he needs to reduce, or maybe step up, his intake of “weed”. The worms have turned and are starting to munch on the cadaver.
Why? Because everyone knows that a government that gives itself pay rises and holds extravagant parties when ordinary people are struggling to put food on the table can no longer, in all conscience, be supported. And that trying to create a diversion by desperately fast-tracking changes to the Constitution off the back of a visit from an obscure and uninformed Australian academic is the sign of a government that has well and truly lost the plot.
NOTE: Grubsheet is hearing from correspondents to the Fiji Times that some letters that are even more critical than these aren’t making it into the paper. Of course, it’s the new era of “media freedom” in Fiji. The freedom of the media to censor its readers.
“It was only $12,000 and I had to use it or lose it. What’s wrong with that? Bula!”
“I gave him the ‘use it or lose it’ line.”
“Use it” is my motto. And I usually never lose a thing! Apart from that minor setback with the deputy leadership. Though by “using it”, I got to stay in the cabinet”.
“With my assets, what else could he do?”
Fjord Sailor says
“Use it or lose it” is obviously going to become a standard government line whenever they’re questioned about their expenses.
Rabuka doing his things says
That Use it or Lose it slogan is a poor indication of taxpayer dollar abuse.
Use it on the hospital.
Use it on supplies for NICU care.
This is taxpayer money.
Not from anyone’s father’s personal bank account.
Rabuka is a liar and the world knows that.
It is the gullible Fijians who will keep voting him in.
The President of India acted naive when she knows too well what is happening in Fiji. It is the same as Modi acting naive. There is no place for minority and Muslims in India.
Btw, how is Biman’s begging with his bowl going? He needs to beg harder as he is about to be kicked out. I cannot wait for that day GD and it is very near. Indians in Fiji will be in celebration mode when that happens eventually.
Lost it says
Fijians would be lucky to find any positive attributes in any of them in this so-called government.
Baimaan is such a bootlicker going around with his gold begging bowl. He should be embarrassed for himself.
A repulsive basket of horrible people, all of who are more than willing to sell out their fellow Fijians including, incredibly, this sorry excuse of an indo-Fijian man seems to growing mote and more nostaligic for the abuse indi-Fijians suffered in 1987 and now again.
They are each as craven as the treasonous senile liar and bigot they all so glady serve. What a nightmare created by idiot voters in the name of change. Deservedly, we got change for sure.
The least baimaan should be demanding is what will be changed in the constitution and why.
The thinking that he should wait until changes are proposed, before deciding is rubbish. By then whatever is proposed by the racist bastards will simply be bulldozed through parliament. With or without the bootlickers support.
Remember, this is the same flucker who “opposed” the pay yet took the pay raise with both hands, with a huge party to celebrate.
Meanwhile not a peep from the bootlicker to account for the $200,000 “grant” to his wife and $5m foe “tech” school. No mention of $3m owed by the lost tribe, gavoka and rest of the free riders.
Use and lose indeed.
Reflection needed says
Fijians don’t unpack the why.
They unpack the who and what priviledge is gained and lost.
That’s all that matters.
Do the same.
Apologise again.
You get the drift.
This is why the country doesn’t prosper.
All the i-taukei leaders blame ASK. How about they look into their i-taukei leaders first as Dr Narsey said once. It is your own leadership of i-taukei power hungry man that have ruined the country. Look at the statistics in the prison and the poverty. Different if you had kaivalagi or kaidia pushing and abusing you all. Sit and think. Yours is not a case of someone else. Yours is a case of your own.
Now they can stop the “go back to India or Australia” and be civilised in their thinking. It is important that they do.
Hungry voice from the squatter settlement says
If the PMs office didn’t use it, $12,000 would have disappeared into thin air. What a waste all that entertainment allowance would have been. He had to make the only sensible decision – give it to the pigs or let the food go to waste. He achieved both. Brilliant.
Now if the PMs office has other categories of unspent budgeted expenditure, that will be lost if not used, please do let us know so that it could be redirected to other genuine needs in the community.
Also let the Finance Ministry know that they are being too generous with the entertainment allocation to his office and cut it back so the PM is not put in the difficult position of having to use it (waste it) or lose it.
Get Up Fiji says
All the coalition needs atm is a long tough wearing handkerchief to keep the eyes and nose dry from the pelting they’re going to get at the next elections. What a piss poor excuse, “use it or lose it”. You idiots would have got a lot more beneficial political mileage by giving that $12,000 to the battlers of the nation. Too bad you guys have been swallowed up and blinded by your greed to even consider generosity.
The Sage of Nabukalou says
Biman still have to learn the fundamentals of politics. When u enter a pact with the devil u must only do it from a position of strength, when u lose that leverage u must quit that pact and ride the moral high ground until the next wave comes along to lift u.
Biman was blinded by his craving for power and his deputy prime ministership that he failed to read the signs.
History has passed him by. He will be swallowed up by the levianthan and spat out into irrelevancy, along with his failed party members.
The ground has shifted. Time and tide waits for no man, and certainly not for Biman Chand Prasad
Yes I Did it Again! says
And the “use it or lose it” dosent just end with the grand GPH party … the Minister of Finance just awarded yet another staggering order of new fleet of top end Prados, 4×4 for the comfort and luxury of cabinet members.
They’re travelling in style and also eating out of the begging bowl are the compromised lot from opposition.
There you go people … your grand ol coalition at its best …
John Susau says
Bula Graham, I think its quite fitting you put that picture of Lynda to end the post. She looks like shes High from the weed she been smoking, the D she been getting so brutally from Mr. Radrodro and the intoxication she currently has from leeching on Public tax payer funds through their August 1st self approved increased Salaries. All while the rest of Fiji continue to suffer with increased cost of living and increased Poverty. Absolutely shameful.
Fred says
The Roman Empire crumbled when they started engaging in parties and debauchery rather than governing for the peeps. Collision government haven’t bothered building the empire and gone fast fwd.