So Barbara Malimali has been appointed Commissioner of the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption when she is actively under investigation by FICAC for alleged abuse of office. O vinaka Prime Minister and Coalition government. Is this really the change we voted for?
You mangy, mongrel dogs are much worse than the people you replaced when you conned the Fijian people into voting for you 21 months ago. You promised us better standards of governance yet are mounting a full blown assault on the integrity of the criminal justice system and the independent corruption watchdog. What a joke!
We are coming for you, you bastards, at the earliest opportunity. You think you can remove the weed-addled harlot from the deputy leadership of the People’s Alliance yet keep her in the cabinet. You think you can keep John Rabuku in the ODPP when he has been found guilty of professional misconduct. You think you can violate the constitution and deny Christopher Pryde justice. And now you install someone as the principal public watchdog who is the subject of a corruption investigation herself.
Go over to Fijileaks.Fiji, and read all about Biman Prasad and his alleged corrupt conduct in failing to declare his assets to the Elections Office. Grubsheet is also poised to make major revelations about a supposed pillar of rectitude in public life who is living a lie – revelations that will send shock waves through the body politic.
The national leadership is rotten to the core. And it is time for a fresh election to rid the Fijian people of the cancer of these people who have betrayed us and pose a clear and present danger to the nation’s wellbeing and the wellbeing of the Fijian people.
Get off you arse, Jone, and fulfil your constitutional duty. Because in the absence of an effective opposition with the collapse of the party that got the most votes at the last election, any mandate these mongrels had to stay in office has gone.
You and the President of the Republic need to use your constitutional powers to force a fresh election. Because when the foxes get control of the henhouse, which is what is happening at FICAC, the welfare of the nation is under very grave threat.
The integrity of our institutions of state ought to be paramount, not the interests of an iTaukei elite. And given what is happening at the ODPP ( see previous story) coupled with the unlawful conduct of the Acting Chief Justice and head of the JSC, Salesi Temo, and now the neutering of the supposedly independent corruption watchdog, we are already in the throes of a national crisis on top of all the others, including the drug threat and collapse of standards of conduct across the board.
The miserable Manoa “I’ll work harder if you pay me more” Kamikamica maintains the pretence that the government has nothing to do with appointments by the Judicial Services Commission. The Coalition handpicked the head of the JSC, Salesi Temo, and we know he worked actively with the then Attorney General, Siromi Turaga, to engineer appointments at the ODPP. Does Kamikamica honestly think we are stupid enough to believe that Temo has gone rogue and they can do nothing about it? Pull the other one, Manoa.
And where is Graham Leung in all of this? The new Attorney General was meant to be a “new broom” to clean up the criminal justice system after the assault on it by Siromi Turaga and Salesi Temo.
What has happened instead? Leung has allowed John Rabuku to be installed as Deputy DPP when he is unfit for any position in the prosecution service (more on this shortly). He has allowed Barbara Malimali to become FICAC Commissioner when she is under active investigation by the organisation. And he still hasn’t done anything to ensure justice for the suspended DPP, Christopher Pryde, who has now been waiting 17 months with still no tribunal hearing set to hear the allegations against him and his salary suspended so he can’t adequately defend himself.
Leung is proving himself to be one of those lawyers who preaches the importance of the rule of law yet when he is a position of authority himself, is as fast and loose with its application as even the most cynical manipulator of the criminal system for political purposes.
The whole lot of them are an absolute disgrace.
Idiots everywhere says
This is not corruption. This is the new normal in Fiji. This is the iTaukei way of doing things, the “right way”. This is our country afterall and all the vulagi should know their rightful place. Just ask them. Only the iTaukei are capable of setting the highest standards. The standards have never been higher. Just ask the PM and his ministers.
And that idiot Sashi Kiran thinks she can get a Truth & Reconciliation Commission going…..hahahahaha. She is going to get the Truth from these people…….she is living in gaga land. How many idiots are there in Fiji? Surely the PM and those invloved in the coups must be laughing at her, seeing that she is so serious about the whole thing!!!
And why aren’t Fijians marching on the streets, when they have so much freedom now? Chicken shits?
Fred says
Just how bad do things have to be for Chaudhry to be the voice of reason?
Jeeez, it’s a complete collapse. FICAC needs to wonder about tax holidays.
Naita says
There has been less prosecution by Ficac than they had commissioners.
Almost a dozen since it’s formation.
Who’s next after Barb ?
Confused says
This is sad fact trying to appoint someone who doesn’t have any respect for Ficac who’ll come in and spoil all the fundermental principles and values instilled in this institution by some very great people by trying to save ministers from being charged. Now the rules have gone to the dogs 🐕
Tex says
Dracula is now guarding the blood bank.
Dracula’s Tutu says
Dracula has been given the keys to the bloodbank while being investigated by the bloodbank for corruption.
This will end well for Fiji
This calls for the facepalm of all facepalms
Graham Davis says
Surely you mean this will NOT end well?
More corruption says
The JSC, head of RFMF, and useless President are taking Fiji to a shameful level. They must all stand down from their roles.
The lawlessness is very obvious and worrying in this clowntree now. The Constitution might as well be burnt at the government and August house.
There is no faith in an independent agency.
Biman is fully exposed on Fijileaks by Victor Lal and he should be immediately stood down from his role. What is the big mouth Fiji Elections Office team? Sleeping at work again.
Fiji should not wait for next election. This is dangerously wrong. Fijians should be very worried about these events.
Well well says
Well…everything is phucked up now. Congratulations PAP, massive job on turning everything on its head.
Sevanaia says
The last two years under Rabuka have been a complete disaster. The country is run by a dangerous mix of incompetent, self-entitled and insular-minded people. Fiji is going to the dogs while the Commander sits comfortably in Nabua twiddling his thumbs. Returning to power on the promise of change, the ever-apologetic ‘snake’ and his sidekick, the scandal-ridden Finance Minister living in Aiyaz’s shadow, have instead only delivered more crime, more corruption, more drama and chaos, more mismanagement, more corruption, more wastage and overspending, more inflation, and more illegality – with much more to come, I expect.
Unsilent_Minority says
The commander has been skilfully kept preoccupied with the reconciliation circus while the country burns.
The Commander should understand that RABUKA should come clean with his part in the 2000 coup and the mutiny that followed for a true reconciliation to take effect.
A charade of a coalition.
The Commander can do jack shit he has been bought by Rabuka by shoving $140 million under his arm pit so he is defunct. Normally any funds given to the Military should be approved first by the parliament but in this case Rabuka gave it without approval.
This is from sources in Fiji what a sad case when military suppose to be a protector of our constitution and the public at large whether you are a Fijian or an itaukei
God bless Fiji and its people
vuvale vulagi says
The military is bought with 140m budget allocation and kilavata practice is thriving at every level of government.
The military hierarchy are enjoying the high life sucking the teats dry from the public purse.
They could use their role on the quiet to lean on the gubmint of the day to say ‘ look, we think you’ve gone too far. Stop all the illegality. We do not wish to step in, just get things right and correct the wrongs.’
Tribalism and kilvata gets in the way. Reconciliation is a joke too so who will bell the cat?
Mali Mali says
Mali in certain local dialects means laugh. So Dracula is laughing, laughing all the way to the blood bank. Timely too as the World Bank boss is in town, watching first hand our governance.
Unsilent_Minority says
I’d rather live under the rule of a benevolent dictator than this charade.
Liky of the Valley says
At least there is one thing this charade has revealed, Manoa Kamikamica is emerging as a bigger snake than Siti.
Only me says
Manoa is slithering towards the Finance Ministry. Fiji will then be really broke . And he is more venomous than Snake Siti
Fiji Watcher says
Corruption is being embedded in the offices of State courtesy of the JSC through the actions of the A/CJ and the former AG, now Minister for Justice.
This Government, and I use the term loosely, has now reached a new low. Its Ministers and its appointed persons are either corrupt or inept. To those who voted for them you only have yourselves to blame!
Another 2 years of this will see Fiji on its knees broke, and begging if not already becoming a satellite of China! Those who have or can will have departed for a better life where the rule of law and standards of conduct are actually observed.
The country many called paradise has become a cesspit.
Just Saying says
This is from left field. Fijian leadership is incapable of ruling the country, let alone enhancing the lives of its citizens.They should swallow their pride and ask a well developed country such as the US to take control for the next say 10 to 20 years and run it like a modern economy. Then hand it back to a new breed of leadership,with the current lot gone into the never never. Otherwise the emigration of good people will accelerate further .
Get Up Fiji says
GD, this saga is the straw that breaks the camels back. If the head of the Corruption Watch Dog unit is under investigation? End of story! What happens next will determine whether Fiji can rise above what it’s known for, corruption, vucesa, smile, cry, wink, kere vei vosoti, and all the other rubbish that is carried on by our elected leaders. These are very dark and perilous times for Fiji. The constitution is under threat, the institution for corruption is now headed by a corrupt one, what else can we hope for? The TRC is a smoke screen to divert people’s attention away from the stink that’s behind the scenes.
Done voting for PAP says
I voted for Rabuka.
Never again.
Not even any coalition partners too.
I am not voting in this country if this is the game or change that we are promised.