We now know that the State is rotten to the core in Fiji as the FICAC Deputy Commissioner tells the nation that she has been told to “hold off” on charging the Deputy Prime Minister and NFP leader, Biman Prasad, with abuse of office.
No-one has the right to tell FICAC anything. It is an independent office of state that is supposed to do its job without fear or favour. But we are in the darkest times when the supreme law is routinely violated and the powerful do as they please.
Read on Fiji and despair.
And who told the FICAC Deputy Commissioner to “hold off” on charging Biman Prasad? Was it her new boss, Barbara Malimali, or the Attorney General, Graham Leung? Or the head of the JSC, The Acting Chief Justice Salesi Temo?
You can read between the lines of a statement issued this afternoon by the AG in which he turns the blowtorch on Puleiwai for undermining her new boss.
The inescapable conclusion is that Malimali was sent into FICAC to shut down the prosecutions of government ministers, including Biman Prasad. And that is an unprecedented national scandal.
Swines galore says
The lying swine.
That is Biman.
(Line redacted for legal reasons)
The change Fiji voted for.
Mini mynah says
Hey leave swines out of this. Lol. The swines are useful and have better tatste than his chandaal-bacon hmmm, slurp. Oink.
Santa or clown says
Like I have said before, Fiji is so free now that people make the laws as they go.
This includes the government, its ministers, the civil servants and everyone else.
That is what happens when you give too many freedoms in a Third World country. Every one and his dog becomes a law unto oneself. Fijians have a different understanding of what freedom means. It is a Third World mindset. But the positive is that they will be fine in another 50 to 100 years. It is a slow process but we need to start somewhere!!!.
I thought the Acting CJ looked like Santa Claus, but the more I look at it, he appears more like a clown. Has anyone else noticed?
Event of this week says
Last week, the death penalty and this week it’s FICAC! The Coalition Government, with the PM as its chief cornerstone, is collapsing as a house of cards. The writing has been on its walls from Day 1 and like Pryde, Puleiwai could be next in facing trumped up charges.
Moe Joe says
The finish line for this sorry collision is too far out of sight. Way over the horizon somewhere.
Between ling ling, mar mari mali mali, bitchy bong bong, bonking bang bang, glug glug dddp, chop chop baimaan, pudgy kalavata kapitani , kry kry kiran, sorie sorie siti, we got ourselves one hellva team.
They speak with forked tongues, out of both sides of the mouths but most often through the back of their large posterior mouths.
Good luck to is all.
More imbeciles says
The AG and the Minister for Justice has no right to interfere in the independence of FICAC.
So why are they interfering and holding press conferences. Who is the AG to say there is no basis regarding the complaints against Malimali. Is he suddenly the self-appointed judge, the jury and the executioner? Is he making up laws as he goes. Is he twisting the FICAC Act on the go to suit his purpose? Is he going to interfere in any other matters with FICAC or with the courts. He is not even an elected official.
One thing is for certain, none of this is their fault. It is someone elses fault. Ask them.
Compromised says
It is worrying to see that no one has any integrity in their roles anymore in Fiji.
From FICAC to the government to the JSC to the AG.
Anyone can do anything because the law of the land is thrown to the dogs.
Sad sad day indeed.
Nick says
FICAC independence is undermined and Malimali appointment is political in nature sent to shut down files of Biman and other ministers. Judiciary under this govt is no longer independent sad state of affairs in Fiji. International media, donors should hold this corrupt govt to account. Investors should not invest into this rogue state. About time RFMF exercise it’s doctine of necessity powers.
Blame game says
The rfmf will exercise jack fruit. Fat asses and fatter tummies make for spineless basturds of them all. Pretend ‘heroes’ cowards tin foul hats good only for bullying the masses when the time calls for good old fashioned buturaki.
Now, if only the current pm and/gubmint was leade by and indo-Fijian you could bet the farm the military would have moved in quick pronto last year.
Get Up Fiji says
Don’t worry too much Fiji, as soon as Rabuka gets over happy ending with Lin Da, he will issue statement regarding latest scrap with FICAC and Francis. Just remember that he needs his warm cocoa and Toni bisikete every afternoon. Also the happy ending with Lin Da could have taken its toll. Anyhoo, it’s all on in the banana republic of Fiji, clowns, monkeys, harlots, and tarts all clawing for recognition and preeminence. It is only going to get worse because Rabuka is unable to exercise strong disciplined leadership, and Lynda has got him by the nuts so tight he’s even struggling to breathe. Well done Rabuka. Enjoy while it lasts.
Get Up Fiji says
Well, Mr Graham Leung sounds all legalistic and cluey, just hope he can actually transfer all his written knowledge and expertise into real concrete actions. Oh, but he can’t actually. He’s Rabuka”s good mate. Hmmmm, and he needs the money too.