Yes, Fiji, just seven of the 55 members of the Fijian parliament who are worthy of the term “honourable” – those who voted against the obscene salary and benefits increases that were rammed through the House yesterday and have triggered a tsunami of public anger about pigs with their snouts in the trough as much of the rest of the nation wallows in poverty.
Remember that these are the precious few – men and women of principle who know that what happened yesterday was very, very wrong and have been prepared to take a stand – Biman Prasad, Pio Tikoduadua, Sashi Kiran and Lenora Qereqeretabua from the NFP. And Faiyaz Koya, Premila Kumar and Hem Chand from FijiFirst.
The rest are swine who have betrayed the Fijian people – including EVERY member of the People’s Alliance and SODELPA, who constantly preach the need to improve the living standards of every citizen but have demonstrated beyond doubt that they are only interested in feathering their own nests.
Some were gutless fence-sitters – people like Agni Deo Singh, the only NFP member not to vote against the pay increases – who either formally abstained from voting or didn’t vote in the knowledge that the majority of the parliament would pass the benefits that they would then receive.
Agni Deo Singh – the former head of the teacher’s union – is the Minister for Employment, Productivity and Industrial Relations. He of all people should be holding the line about MPs setting an example of restraint for the rest of the community as the annual inflation rate has soared to 7.1 per cent. But he has defied his NFP colleagues and taken the money. Guess what his former colleagues in the unions are going to do next? Grab as much of the national keke as they can too.
And then there are the scum on both sides of politics who have put their personal interests ahead of those of the nation – including the ailing Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka, his pathetic deputy, Manoa Kamikamica, the Attorney General, Siromi Turaga, the FijiFirst leader, Inia Seruiratu and a gaggle of his opposition colleagues and the bottom feeders of SODELPA – Aseri Radrodro and Viliame Gavoka.
It is especially disappointing to see the former military officers who carried out the supposed “clean-up” campaign of 2006 with their snouts in the trough – Seruiratu, Viliame Naupoto, Iowane Naivalurua and Semi Koroilavesau – along with previously respected figures such as Jone Usamate and Filimoni Vosarogo.
And then there are the multi millionaires in the parliament – the Queen of Tarts and resident “weed” smoker Lynda Tabuya and the Labasa-based businessman Charan Jeath Singh. They are as greedy as the others even though they are at the top of the list of “haves” in Fiji, with fortunes that ordinary people can only dream of. They too couldn’t help putting their grubby hands in the public cookie jar.
It is a tragedy for the nation and the sense of betrayal this weekend about our selfish elected representatives has many Fijians in utter despair. There is no hope for the country when there are only SEVEN people of principle in a parliament of 55.
When you see the Magnificent Seven, thank them for doing the right thing. And when you see the other bastards, tell them their days are numbered.
The few remaining men and women who deserve to be called “Honourable”. The rest are greedy, self-entitled scum.
Today’s Fiji Sun captures the national mood.
Fred Wesley is less indignant but he is at least starting to promoting the increasingly anti government sentiment of his disenchanted columnist, Professor Wadan Narsey.
Wadan Narsey’s article today criticising the government for its failure to fulfil its promises was written BEFORE yesterday’s outrage in the parliament. We await his analysis on the pigs with their snouts in the trough with more than usual interest.
Mere says
These days some FFP parliamentarians are supporting coalition bills in Parliament
Premila Kumar supporting Finance minister’s bill on FSC loan
Katen Lal was quiet.
Premla Kumar’s husband is on USP investigation list.
Swim with the tide.
Rajiv Sharma says
Like they say “ money talks , shit walks”.
Chairwoman - Council of Vulagi Chiefs says
Sitiveni “I gave myself the authority to do the coup” Rabuka released a statement that his conscience was clear as he voted yes for the proposed pay rise. This a further kick in the guts for the people of Fiji. Leadership by hiding behind whatever he could grab on.
If richer economies like NZ and Australia are struggling with the current financial crises, Fiji is bound to be hit much harder as a development country. Only the 7 seem to have that awareness.
This list needs to be published over and over so that self serving politicians can never enter that place which is reserved for service and sacrifice for the people of the country. Minister of weed and bonking’s Facebook page is getting pumped with anger. The normal o’ madam great work, you are the best is now getting some much deserved balanced commentary. The tide is changing and my trust is that democratic people power will now settle the many unjust matters on hand.
What a shame! Households will be putting the cheapest bread, butter and tea this morning while worrying about where the next meal will come from as the self serving politicians gather their family for a feast to celebrate their pay rise.
Big Bill says
At this point in time, if snap elections were to be held, I would vote Bainimarama and his crew back in. At least, with them, this was expected behaviour.
But to have the same people who spoke against actions such as this while they were in oppositon, do the very thing they railed against is nothing short of betrayal and a stab in the back by PAP & SODELPA. Nothing honourable about this. I hope they hang their heads in shame next time they are out and about in public [though I very much doubt this, given the level of arrogance on display].
The good news is 2026 is not far away. Make hay while the sun shines you bunch of nincompoops. Next election cycle, we’re voting you out. And you can take that to the bank [together with your new pay] – Bastards.
Anje Heffernan says
This must not carry on. Nfp must withdraw from the coalition govt of morally bankrupt thieves so we can have an election!! There is no benefit in nfp staying on..they do this and the voters will reward them in the next polls. So disgusted
A Chand says
It was clear as mud that the proposal to raise the benefits of MPs and Ministers will pass, come what may, so it did not matter who voted against or abstained. They all knew the majority would vote for it with the support of Rabuka who could not really miss his last chance to milk the nation and make some money before going back to collecting bottles. His nauseating lament on considering the plight of the people of Fiji and trying to act like a statesman is getting so hollow. He still seems to think that the Fijians are all stupid.
It obviously provided good optics for those who voted against and may have assisted in an uplift of their individual profiles, albeit temporarily. Agni Deo Singh is the master of opportunism and has so many skeletons in his cupboard that the authorities may begin probes into his alleged roles especially in the affairs of the FNU and UniFiji councils.
Mohammed says
Agni and his Fiji teachers union squad were big time Namu(Mosquitoes)
Together with KC Bidesi
“He still thinks Fijians are all stupid”. Of course Fijians are all stupid for ‘electing’ a recycled crackpot from 37 years ago thinking he was going to bring change. The man has a history of being a dickhead and Fijians are exuberant at electing him. If they are not stupid what are they? Fijians are a special kind of stupid seen no where else. That is what makes Fiji unique.
Heathcliffe says
Comment of the year actually. But not sure I am loving watching Fiji race to the bottom. Can someone puhlease get rid of this desperate dumb f**k Rabuka???
Just Passing By says
When you think you have seen it all, comes the bang!
I think the only reason Rabuka is supporting this pay increment is because of Lynda. She has publicly stated that one of the reasons for the increment, particularly for Ministers, is that no ministry should be considered more important than others. Her ego seems boundless, and she appears to have the PM by the balls. Rabuka is as weak as they come, a pathetic leader!
Perhaps Lynda realizes that she might not survive the next election after her involvement with Aseri, so she is determined to make as much hay as she can while the sun still shines. It is a sad day for the country when we are led by egotistical and greedy politicians.
Rohit says
As someone sayed sometime back that if he gets in power,he will make Fiji like Australia and New Zealand
Now we have have lost bearing and become little Zimbabwe ,Scamming Nigeria and part of Mexico and China
Grandstanding says
Respectfully, the stance taken by NFP is nothing but political grandstanding.
As a Coalition partner, if they really wanted to take a meaningful stance and demonstrate that they are there truly for the poor and the working class, NFP would have used their leverage and pulled the trigger of demand and unless that demand (dump the proposed salary increase) was met, NFP would walk away as a coalition partner.
But no, they did not do that.
The coalition government have dug their own grave. Only matter of time now.
Richard says
GD did you miss the detail that Biman’s salary is going down. Of course he voted against that as now he can’t buy lamb chops.
Graham Davis says
Yes, I realise that Biman’s salary is going down to meet the demand of the Great Temptress to be paid the same as he is because posing semi-naked in a bikini is as demanding as running the national economy.
But the fact remains that four of the five NFP members did the right thing and voted against a package that is obscene and has traduced our elected MPs to the status of scented tarts and street walkers.
ROTFI’s Patriot says
It is not going down, it’s increasing. They had taken a 20% cut when they came in and now it’s increasing. The added benefits, including the party funds will take the total remuneration package to much higher than it was at the time when they took the 20% cut.
Same is case for Rabuka.
ROTFI’s Patriot says
No it’s not cut. He took a 20% cut to $188k when he came in and now gets a bump to $200k. Add on the benefits and allowances, his package would exceed the $235k. Same for PM who is at $263k (after the 20% cut) which rises to $320k.
It's a no brainer says
Disgusting. Truly disgusting.
F***kthisShit says
Loyalty is a prized virtue for a reason.
Some people will do anything for an extra buck.
Hon Faiyaz Koya,Hon Tikoduadua,Hon Lenora Qereqeretabua and those other MP’s that voted NO’
We the electorate salute you and wont forget you when we next go to the polls.
Thank you for showing you care about us in a real way.
Disappointment and betrayal is an understatement when trying to understand why Hon Seruiratu would lead a mutiny like that.
You and those MP’s are not Fiji First, Sir.
We put you there.You’re not on a treasure hunt.
You’re there to represent our interests, not your self gain at our collective expense.
Stop selling out for the love of everything that’s decent and sacred and true.
Grow a pair and show us our faith in you wasn’t misplaced.
We understand you have your own ambitions and vision for yourself.
We dont judge you harshly for it.You’re a man.It’s normal.
Dont let them seduce you into thinking you’re bigger than the brand.
Only one man is.
You Sir are not Him.
Please act accordingly.
Anonymous says
Look at Bimaans face after voting against the bill.
The fella…big chameleon eh. Pretend to care so he somehow can brag about it later.
Sad DAY for FIJI. says
This is ridiculous and pathetic when majority people worry about where the next meal will come from. In NZ and Australia, cabinet ministers get similar sort of salary but look at their real GDP per capita. Rabuka and those who voted for the pay rise once again have chosen to be greedy but not the people of Fiji. Fiji’s Real GDP per capita is approx. about $5000.00 and yet cabinet ministers earn $200,000.00 a year. The $8 million for pay rise could have been used to upgrade CWM hospital which is in bad state. I feel so sorry for poor people of Fiji who once again have been betrayed by this Coalition government.
Fiji Nuush says
Well the dirty deed has been done.
There would have been balance to your article though, had you mentioned that the Fiji Labour Party leader Mahendra Chaudry had called for public consultation’s on the matter, prior to the greedy pigs dipping their snouts in the trough.
Mr Chaudry’s call has been noticed favourably by the working and poor people…and come 2026 a change is, as we say in Fiji, “gonna come”.
This is speculation for the time being but there seems to a different vibe amongst the grassroots!
Graham Davis says
I DID report Mahendra Chaudhry’s opposition to the bill in preceding articles. Please have a look before accusing me of a lack of balance.
ROTFI’s Patriot says
Funny is also the PM trying to wash his hands by saying that he voted with a clear conscience, trying to deceive the public. They took a 20% cut and his salary is currently at $263k which will rise to $320k. All his allowances are increasing, they introduced the party allowances as well, and he has the audacity to say it costs “only $8.1m”.
NFP submission was against the pay rise but DPM/MinFin does get a hike since he is also currently at -20% which will rise to $200k. Whether this was a gimmick to control the narrative since the recommendations were made by a “consultant” and went via a “committee” (Biman’s two favourite things) and therefore bound to be passed at tabling. NFP’s submission was a bit hollow though.
If they have a clear conscience, all those who have voted against should decline the increase and give it back.
Nonetheless, there are salaries that definitely should have been raised, example those for MPs. Sitting MPs need to be paid adequately to ensure that being an MP is a desirable proposition to the younger generation who have not accumulated wealth like CJS (largest cane farmer in Fiji), BPC (via his multiple apartments), etc.
A clear set of deliverables must be imposed against this increase in salaries, such as:
1. Reducing the costs of operating each ministry (All ministers KPIs);
2. Reducing the number of line ministers (PM’s KPI);
Truth seeker says
The Queen of Tarts and Minister for Women, Children and POVERTY Alleviation! What a joke! She couldnt give a continental about poverty for the majority of Fijians. Only looking after number one. 2
1234 says
At least the NFP has had the moral ground to oppose this. But FijiFirst betrays its own name by not putting Fiji First. NFP should withdraw its support for the government, which should then trigger a snap election. I hope every Fijian have had their eyes opened and are eagerly awaiting for the next elections to be called. Heartless swines..
Asha says
The honourable thing now they should do is publically declare that they will not take increase and would be on same pay roll structure or donate to the struggling single mothers.
If they need help on how it should be done,than ask auntie Nur Bano
She has experience on such issues.
Vulagi says
In Fiji, Indofijians are often stereotyped (unfairly) as greedy, selfish, etc. but the voting on this one shows a different picture altogether, and proves why the stereotype is blatantly wrong.
Of all that voted voluntarily against the pay rise, all were Indo-Fijians!
Not only Indo-Fijians are the most generous community in Fiji in terms of making donations for public causes, and contributing the bulk of the country’s income taxes, they have constantly displayed a greater concern for the greater good. Contrast that with landowners that cut off water, a basic need, to thousands of people to extort money. Imagine what the stereotyping and racist social media banter would be like if an Indofijian group did that!!
Graham Davis says
I don’t know whether Pio Tikoduadua or Lenora Qeretabuya are Indo-Fijian but perhaps you have conferred honorary status on them.The point is that selfishness and greed are not confined to any particular race. Some of the shameful 40 are clearly Indo-Fijian. And whoever they are or whatever their ethnicity, they should be equally condemned.
Vulagi says
Note the word “voluntarily”. Pio and Lenora didn’t have a choice. They had to toe the party line, so impossible to know their real views, especially Pio’s.
Vulagi says
I do not wish to give this an ethnic dimension but using this to dispel the unfair stereotyping that Indofijians are greedy, whilst the iTaukei are not.
That is a common stereotype being paddled on social media every day.
The whole point is that stereotyping is wrong. Every ethnic group has people that have all sorts of traits but why are racists always so quick to associate negative ones to Indo-Fijians. The society needs to evaluate these prejudices.
Fiji Nuush says
I would contend that the reason for the stereotyping of the Indo Fijians began during colonial times with the divide and rule policy of the British.
The prejudice is still ingrained in the psyche of the iTaukei perhaps of the perception that IndoFijians vehemently opposed British rule while historically the iTaukei did not.
And, as such, the IndoFijians are still stigmatised/characterised with all sorts of degradation as is so evident on social media.
Paula Raqeukai says
The Magnificent 7 MPs are the REAL MPs for the people of Fiji, they care and walk the talk…We will remember them come the 2026 GE…
Sharma says says
NFP could have threatened the coalition by pulling out if they went ahead with the pay rise but NFP were silent. Inter alia Biman’s pay was reduced so he didn’t vote.
Further, the MPs know that parliament is a number game and 4 of the NFP voting against it does not make any difference.