Today’s Fiji Sun confirms what many suspected – that the Qaranivalu – Naitasiri High Chief, Ratu Inoke Takiveikata – is the hand in the glove of the new SODELPA leader, Aseri Radrodro, in his attempt to be restored to the Education Ministry and reassert SODELPA control over the Coalition government.
With the deadline having now passed for the outgoing leader, “Blinky Bill” Gavoka, to stand aside for Aseri Radrodro in the cabinet, triggering a showdown with the Prime Minister and threatening the Coalition’s hold on government, the new leader confirms that he has the full support of the man who instigated the 2000 mutiny in the RFMF in which three loyal soldiers were killed and four rebels were beaten to death.
Of course he does. Aseri Radrodro is a common and garden variety wife basher and love rat who doesn’t have the power to do anything. It is his high chief who controls him and the gaggle of Naitasiri backroom boys on the SODELPA Management Board and they will do what the Qaranivalu tells them to do.
Having spent 13 years in prison for his role in the mutiny, Ratu Inoke is again on the rampage. He has already said that it is the Great Council of Chiefs, not the parliament, that will decide the nation’s affairs – challenging the very basis of Fijian democracy. And now he is using Aseri Radrodro as a stalking horse against Sitiveni Rabuka to make Radrodro the ultimate power in the Coalition and control the government.
It ought to be of grave concern to every Fijian that the Qaranivalu is also working with the Attorney General, Siromi Turaga, to pursue those loyal soldiers in the RFMF who in the wake of the killing of three of their comrades in cold blood, turned on Ratu Inoke’s rebels and took their revenge. What role is the AG playing in the current stand-off? Sitiveni Rabuka and the rest of the Coalition may well ask. But this is a wider conspiracy than just getting Aseri Radrodro back his old job.
It also confirms the wisdom of Frank Bainimarama in believing that the instigators of the 2000 mutiny must never be released and the promise he evidently extracted from the current head of the military, Major General Ro Jone Kalouniwai, that he would prevent that from ever happening. It was Siromi Turaga who was ultimately responsible as head of the Mercy Commission for freeing the Qaranivalu so he must bear a great deal of the responsibility that this clique is now challenging Sitiveni Rabuka.
What’s the ultimate aim? The same aim that the Qaranivalu had in 2000 when he persuaded those troops loyal to him to try to kill Frank Bainimarama – the then commander – and complete the agenda of Rabuka’s coup in 1987 to entrench indigenous rights in Fiji. Having been stymied and jailed, the Qaranivalu has risen like Dracula 24 years later to complete his mission and is perhaps the most dangerous man in Fiji. As Frank Bainimarama says, he should never have been freed.
What happens next? The SODELPA Management Board’s ultimatum to Bill Gavoka to stand aside for Aseri Radrodro expired at midnight. Now that Gavoka has formally refused in a letter to the Board, the entire nation is in limbo waiting for the response. Aseri Radrodro and his goons say nothing will happen until after the SODELPA AGM on Saturday installs Radrodro as SODELPA leader.
That means that for the next two days at least and possibly a lot more, the nation is on tenterhooks wondering whether the Coalition can hold together or whether Radrodro and his patron are prepared to proceed with their threat to expel Gavoka from the party and the parliament and call the Prime Minister’s bluff.
It is the crudest of political tactics – surrender or the club. But it is typical of a bunch of indigenous hardheads from one of the most hardline parts of the country who have always brandished a club and are quite prepared to hold the nation to ransom and threaten stability to get what they want. Malignant forces have been unleashed which threaten the Coalition government and the nation’s unity. And it is high time to put this genie back in the bottle. The national interest is at stake.
“We call the shots, not the parliament”. What the Qaranivalu said on March 1 after the GCC was restored.
Tinai says
This is appalling. Beyond appalling. An embarrassing farce.
GD get some sleep. It’s 3.53am. You must work 24/7.
Graham Davis says
The lion never sleeps. 😉 Why are you still up?
Tinai says
Every day is the same. I’ve been ill and a migraine wakes me. Every single day. But I have a brain and it’s clear. CT showed that. ????
Graham Davis says
Pleased to hear it. May the Force be with you and send you sleep and good health.
It's a no brainer says
Aseri is wanna be Fat Cat. But he is starting to look like one. Eat less.
No Brainer indeed says
You mean a rat/kalavo wanting to be a fat cat?
One Nation of 300 Isles, Provinces and Confeds says
Blessing grant, oh God of nations [and of Provinces, Confederacies and Nationalists] on the isles of Fiji
As we stand[dis] united under noble banner blue [ in pursuit of private and provincial agendas]
And we honor and defend the cause of freedom ever [By hook or by crook]
Onward march together God Bless Fiji.
For Fiji, ever Fiji, let our voice ring with pride
For Fiji, ever Fiji her name hail far and wide [for the wrong reasons!]
A land of freedom hope and glory [ Personal gain, power and glory]
To endure what’re be-fall [including self destruction]
May God Bless Fiji for evermore.
Blessing grant, Oh God of nations on the isles of Fiji
Shores of golden sand and sunshine, happiness and song
Stand united we of Fiji, fame and glory ever,
Onward march together, God bless Fiji.
[And more commentary could be added to reflect the ongoing saga]
Call it what you like, it’s just democracy says
Sorry, GD, to complicate things further for you but Aserii Radrodro is not really from Naitasiri, but from Lomanikoro, Rewa, the same village as the Commander RFMF Kalouniwai and former SODELPA leader, Ro Teimumu Kepa. His late father was Head of the important king-maker Sauturaga clan and a former Vice President of SODELPA when Rabuka was Party Leader. So you might say Radrodro, his extracurricular activities aside, has a lot of skin in the game.
The other point is the Qaranivalu did not cook up the idea himself for the GCC being above parliament. If you had been reading Fiji Leaks’ a few days ago you would have seen that it was the Baledrokadroka/Leung GCC Report that recommended GCC play a monItoring role of government and that all matters to do with the itaukei was to be the sole responsibility of the GCC. The Qaranivalu was only mouthing what was told to the chiefs at its first meeting at Pacific Harbour in their briefing by Dr Eci Kikau Nabalarua and Ratu Timoci Daniel, the Roko Tui Bau, both co authors of the report.
Dr Baledrokadroka is the former RFMF Land Force Commander and main witness in the mutiny trial that freed Rabuka from all allegations of involvement in the mutiny for which the Qaranivalu took full responsibility resulting in his long prison sentence.
Aseri Radrodro and the SODELPA Management Board have not broken any law, they are acting within the bounds of democracy. There is considerable resentment within SODELPA towards Bill Gavoka for his dilly dallying and delay in passing on the information from Radrodro to the PM that his instructions to reappoint the sacked board members of the FNU had been carried out and that delays were due to certain requirements of the FNU Act that Radrodro was forced to comply with. If Gavoka did his job as Party Leader properly and passed on the information right away to the PM Radrodro would still be Education Minister today just as Lynda Tabuya was forgiven by the PM to retain her Cabinet post.
It’s D-Day for Gavoka.
Instead of trying to lecture the SODELPA Management Board, Blinky Bill should be taking a tabua to them to apologise for his sleeping on the job as party leader when he needed to have acted with greater alacrity.
Anonymous says
They all look overstuffed. Stop indulging in food and drink and get to work!!
Can Rabuka get them a treadmill, I am really worried about all of them.
Paula Raqeukai says
Davis, there is too much wrong information in the media about Radrodro and the High Chief from Naitasiri – they have learned from their mistakes and will support the Coalition Government until the next GE.
The Majority of the Indigenous Fijians, Fijians, and Indo-Fijians have supported PAP-NFP-SODELPA for a change in the running of our Nation from the Klepcrocry regime of the two snakes for the last 16 years. Let us support the Coalition Government until the next GE.
Fiji needs a TRC (Truth and Reconciliation Commission) to move the beautiful islands forward until the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Graham Davis says
1/ SODELPA has brought on this confrontation so stop blaming the media.
2/ A truth and reconciliation commission will not work in a nation of liars.
3/ Why would Jesus Christ want anything to do with the shysters, adulterers, drug takers and bullshit artists who make up our political elite?
4/ There’s nothing beautiful about Fiji when self-interest is the dominant motivator and the needs of ordinary people are ignored.
Brutal says
Thank you GD for telling him the facts they’re still stuck in the dark ages..vinaka..
Thanks GD says
Thank you for outlining that out. I am tired of the i-taukei mode of everything that God had called them to do or execute. What are they cults? Entertaining bullshit everyday. Sleeping with other peoples Spouses, beating women up.
Want a GCC, pat it with your own money and royalties.
Nope, not us. says
Majority of indo-fijians voted for FF. They will not dare come close to Rabuka knowing history of ethnic cleansing.
The Nutty Professor says
How often would a TRC be required – 1 only and once for all time.
– 2 More likely everytime it is needed! And until such time as another external forum is deemed necessary to once again address the absence of the personal responsibility and moral lifestyle as prescribed by the Great Commissioner , Judge and Saviour. And at that time after His return, who the real snakes are should be revealed without bias or ignorance.
Dejected says
Yeah keep fasting and waiting for the coming of JC and the Boys, Paula. Is it next month? I’ll take leave just give me the dates please.
Bibbawarra. Boy says
Things Fall Apart, the centre cannot hold.
Belinda says
Paula Raquekai has publicly declared above that she is a complete idiot. Anyone who is waiting for the return of Jesus Christ to save them is a complete dickhead.
Isn’t freedom of speech wonderful!!!
Tubuya says
Paula is a dude
Peter says
Hahahaha ????, firstly Paula is a he in Fiji. Although we cannot confirm due to privacy issues. Now you see the difficulties we face? He is a she ,she is a he, oh well religion is a great drug that keeps people high and utterly controlled….particularly in Fiji and the middle east.
Anyone can tell from the machinations of Fiji that not one politician or chief has ever considered the consequences of their beliefs or actions.
Golf Tango says
Paula Raqeukai is a he not a she.
What you looking at? says
I have always wondered why the proud iTaukei have taken to a vulagi religion with so much passion. It just does not make any sense to me. And then they criticise everything which is vulagi.
I believe that the passion for the vulagi religion is infact fake. What irks me is that they teach their “churen” this pretence and it perpetuates the fakeness. They all are living a life of pretence and fakeness. The whole thing is ridiculous to any outsider. No one says anything to be politically correct. And then they want the GCC to fix everything. The GCC will fix exactly nothing.
I say bring back the Lotu Vanua. That makes more sense to me.
The Big Lie says
Great points. Thanks for pointing out the truth.
It doesn’t add up does it?
And the answer is always have faith in God but never take personal responsibility or accountability for your own actions.
Can anyone enlighten me on this:
Why does a so called God Fearing govt embrace a communist state?
If Fiji is so Christian then wouldn’t that be a risk? Am I the only one that finds this odd?
You have trips to the Holy Land and on the other hand they are in bed with an oppressive surveilling govt.
They will strip away everything that is held dear so why would you risk it if you were so committed to your faith. You are so right about the BS!
I understand not wanting to make enemies, but allowing them to come in and exploit the last natural resources of Vanua Levu under the guise of “ helping” make money for Fiji. You will never get your culture, religion, spirituality, environment and resources back. Playing with Fire. How can they even be allowed to touch the pristine beauty of Vanua Levu after they have polluted their own nation so badly that you can’t walk outside without your eyes burning? You can barely see five feet in front of you?
What is also really sickening is to see the cheating husbands with their wives at church. You aren’t fooling anybody. This is the most un- Christian lot I have ever witnessed. If you want change Fiji, you must change yourselves. It’s not about other nations coming to fix it.
Tinai says
Hands up those who expected anything less from the treasonist chiefs.
This is just the beginning, the most painful bits are yet to come for Fijians. Let Speight out and then the real party will begin.