The People’s Alliance is set to become the Porn Alliance and the Hangman’s Alliance as the Queen of Porn, Lynda Tabuya, joins her death penalty facilitator, Manoa “I’ll work harder if I’m paid more” Kamikamica, as co-leaders of a new National Porn Task Force. Kamikamica’s expertise isn’t immediately obvious unless check suits are your thing. But no-one knows more about pornography from personal experience than Lynda “Lovelace” Tabuya.
Let’s be clear. This initiative may be well meaning and Grubsheet can spot some great people on the Task Force, such as Mere Rakuita, Tupou Baravilala and Ketan Lal. But the choice of the Queen of Tarts and Minister for Bonking and Weed as Co-Chair is a sick joke. The best that can be said is that new Task Force is at least led by someone who is a specialist in pornography. Not as a researcher but as a pornographer and someone with a record of creating porn content for social media and the Internet.
Grubsheet can’t show you the pornographic images of herself that Lynda Tabuya sent her fellow minister, Aseri Radrodro, a year ago in her drug-fuelled text exchanges with him from Room 233 of Melbourne’s Windsor Hotel enticing him to have “brutal” sex with her as Radrodro’s wife slept in an adjoining room. But a great many of you will have seen them on my Facebook page before I was booted off by the Meta company on a complaint from Lynda Tabuya. And on these pages before I was ordered by Australia’s eSafety Commissioner to remove them because I didn’t have her permission to publish them.
The Prime Minister and members of the PAP disciplinary committee have also seen them. It led to Lynda Tabuya being stripped of the deputy leadership of the party but inexplicably retained as Minister for Women and Children in a bizarre decision that shows how this government holds the nation’s women and children in utter contempt.
You really couldn’t script this stuff in a political spoof. Imagine:
1/ A pornographer, drug taker, adulterer and proven liar who is easily the most unsuitable Minister for Women and Children in the history of global politics is given the job of leading a national crusade against pornography.
2/ And she is joined as Co-Chair by a Deputy Prime Minister who has supported the Porn Queen’s decision, as Chair of Parliament’s Emoluments Committee, to grant obscene pay rises to the nation’s MPs and has defended her calling for the reintroduction of the death penalty for drug traffickers when she herself has been found guilty by their party of being a drug user – the notorious Minister for Bonking and Weed.
I said recently about John Rabuku popping up like Dracula at the ODPP that just when you think the Coalition has reached rock bottom, it lurches further into the moral abyss. But here’s the thing, Fiji. These two jokers who are heading the Porn Task Force are being mooted as the new leadership of the PAP. Yes, Manoa and Lynda as a double act to replace Sitiveni Rabuka and take the People’s Alliance into the 2026 election.
There is only one description for this obscenity because I’ve had a visceral experience of it. Vomit-inducing. And it is time for the great and good across the spectrum in Fiji to take a stand against the moral disintegration of the nation that is taking place before our very eyes at the top of government – illicit sex, drug-taking, lying, wanton greed on the public purse, a campaign to kill people and now a shameless pornographer leading an anti-porn effort.
Not for the first time since the last election, I can scarcely believe my eyes.
The best that can be said is that Lynda Tabuya is certainly qualified to Co -Chair the new Task Force. She is a porn expert, not in the usual sense of being knowledgable about its effects but as a creator and generator of pornographic content. Er, correction, she also knows about its effects, having used pornographic images of herself to entice Aseri Radrodro to Room 233 of Melbourne’s Windsor Hotel to give her a “brutal” rogering that by her own account, left her barely able to walk the next day.
This is the only image Grubsheet can legally show from that series, having received a stern warning from Australia’s eSafety Commissioner on pain of a large fine that we don’t have Lynda Lovelace’s permission to show them. But maybe she will share them with her fellow panelists on the Task Force to demonstrate how easy it is for anyone to create porn themselves.
And once again, below is the letter that has never been published in Fiji of the Prime Minister and Ratu Isoa Gavidi telling Lynda Tabuya that she has been stripped of the position of deputy leader of the People’s Alliance because her sex and drug escapade in Melbourne has brought the party into disrepute.
It didn’t stop her from remaining as Minister for Women and Children. It didn’t stop her from being the Chair of Parliament’s Emoluments Committee that awarded MPs the biggest wage rises in Fijian history. It hasn’t stopped her from being named as Co-Chair of the Pornography Task Force. And according to some insiders, it isn’t going to stop her from being a key member of the PAP leadership team that will contest the 2026 election.
Only in Fiji, eh? It is a national scandal and it is high time for the Fijian people to say “enough is enough”. And when the time comes, to boot these moral pygmies into the darkest recesses of the political wilderness where they belong, never to return.
“Well, I survived that! Suckers!”
“Do I make you horny, Baby? Do I? Do I? “
Shagadelic. Just like the original. Well, sort of.
Meanwhile, good old Pontius Rabuka – the Queen of Porn’s executioner as PAP deputy leader and protector in government – washes his hands of having to deal with her as the furore continues over her call to hang drug traffickers. Hypocrites of the first order. Both of them.
Rabuka Blissfully “ Unaware” says
Mr Rabuka,
Fiji is begging you, please get up to speed with the issues and take immediate action against Tabuya.
You cannot continue to keep these people in office while the country is completely falling apart. Saying you are “ unaware” is not going to keep working and not a justifiable reason.
You should know everything going on in Fiji.
You should have integrity and always think about the people. We are begging you to show your leadership and take decisive against immortal and illegal activities in the government and be an example of what’s good about Fiji.
Fed Up with PAP says
Why just Lynda? Rabuka should take action against Biman. Chand Prasad too following allegations emerged in Fiji Leaks abt the truth of declarations he made to the Supervisor of elections that are in breach of the Political Parties Act.
Prasad is usually quick to defend himself against allegations fm Mahendra Chaudhry and others, and quick to get his lawyers to throw writs of summons against any who dare challenge him, but in this occasion he has been dead quiet, why?
Any normal person would call a news conference and lay out the evidence for all to see. But Not on this occasion, I think it is time for the Prime Minister to make a judgement call and bring integrity back to his fading brand.
Graham Davis says
Biman Prasad is quiet because he is said to be extremely worried about a FICAC investigation that would force him to relinquish the finance portfolio and effectively end his political career.
Manoa Kamikamica is lobbying for the job and Biman no longer has the balance of power to keep the Coalition in government and can easily be dispensed with at any time.
Justice says
Gb. Manoa K is also under investigation and due to be charged. He is putting Barbara Malimali in as FICAC commissioner and an announcement is imminent.
Anonymous says
And the crowd roared. What a sick society we live in. Beyond parody.
Why are civil society groups, faith- based groups, NGOs, health and medical (including psychology/psychiatry), police, crisis support, media, internet service-provider groups,
legal, other subect-matter experts/organizations not included? International organizations, foreign missions, survivor centers, lgbtq+ groups?
Checkered suits in fat overpaid asses and turtle-tattooed bong smoking sexual deviants who play with women-bashing sexual deviants will not cut it.
We can’t have crass people who are part of the problem, contribute to the problem aiding and abetting crass behavior, in charge of the solution.
We are letting down our youth and children. So sad. So truly very sad.
Graham Davis says
Yes, brilliantly put. But please, Fiji, don’t just get sad. Get angry. Very angry.
Crisis mode says
Absolutely so true they don’t have the qualifications and are part of the problem!
Who is going to put a stop to this repulsive behavior.
Please someone step in and help Fiji. There is zero accountability or rule of law in Fiji from the top to the bottom. It’s going to take international intervention at this point. People in fiji are too passive and don’t stand up to anything or anyone even though we supposedly have freedom now.
Well back we go to barbaric times we go!
We are willing to gamble with democracy and civility by allowing this and also playing with communist countries on top of it. I’m sure this weakness will be a chance for communist countries to step in because we can’t do anything right.
Don’t invest in Fiji.
The government doesn’t care about their own children enough to have decent people in charge and they definitely won’t care about outsiders. They knew about this for quite some time but were out posting photos on a daily and promoting rugby raffles and band playing in the park.
You need people with the appropriate educational background and certainly moral as and good judgement themselves.
Anonymous says
This lot have put a pack of rabid hyenas to shame. While the hyena can’t help but steal and scavenge other’s kills to live, this lot go above and beyond to steal from their own.
Do something, say something says
GD why is Fiji so passive?
Is it because they were under rule for so many years or did they fall under rule for never taking action against evil tyrants?
How low do things have to go before anyone will organize?
Holy smokes. They have everything to lose.
Graham Davis says
They are out of their depth and out of control. Every week, there is a fresh diversion. Last week it was the death penalty, now it’s an anti porn crusade. Next they’ll be sponsoring Miss Universe etc etc.
They give the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to the runt of the litter who is only an assistant minister with no pull in the government. They continue to defy the constitution. The education and health sectors are in tatters and the power and water are constantly being interrupted. They are terminally useless. And if they were at least nice and morally upright people, we could tolerate their ineptness. But they are greedy, selfish and ammoral.
It is all beer and skittles as we stagger towards the next election, with the national debt steadily rising and Fiji totally reliant on handouts and loans. And in the meantime, our politicians enrich themselves on the public purse while a third of the nation lives in poverty. There is no hope while these leeches and bottom feeders remain in power. Which is why so many Fijians of all backgrounds are simply giving up and leaving.
Today’s Fiji Times front page says the nation is short more than 500 teachers and children are entering high school totally illiterate. God help them. Because no-one else is. We have an Education Minister who is an incompetent domestic violence abuser and a Minister for Children he was bonking who is a weed-addled harlot. Plus a Prime Minister with his head in the sand and his hand out for the next travel allowance bonanza.
The Methodist Church leadership says even its clergy have lost their way. We desperately need strong and enlightened leadership. Instead we have an Acting Chief Justice who is an outlaw, an ODPP running like a sheltered workshop for unemployable iTaukei lawyers and overt racism tolerated and even promoted as the minorities are branded visitors in their own country.
Oh, the horror of it all. Who will save us when, as you say, we aren’t interested in saving ourselves? It is all downhill from now on. The Zimbabwe of the South Seas. And we have an RFMF commander who has bought all the kumbaya BS of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and sits around playing handsy.
Truth? What is truth, as Pontius Pilate said? Most of these people can’t even lie straight in bed at night. Fiji is mostly a nation of liars and any notion of getting to the truth about why the nation is in the sorry state it is in is a fantasy. Why? Because those who don’t want the truth told are the very people who are still leading us.
I could go on. But rauta mada. Enough.
Its great to be me says
Welcome to Fiji where happiness only comes naturally to a couple of us and that’s how we like it.
We have everyone in the world fooled that everyone is happy here but little does everyone know that only me and a couple at the top are happy. The people smiling and serving the guests when everyone visits make a couple dollars an hour and I get $3000 per day when I travel. I don’t share this with anyone. I’m making bank! I have the best gig in the South Pacific. I don’t even try to get them more.
You have to admit that it’s funny I keep my mistress Tabuya in charge of everything just because I can’t say no to her and i get what I want and if I fire her she might reveal my secrets. Besides she will be the next PM which will be good for me.
We don’t care what the people have, this is all for us.
I am very weak as I have said before, that has not changed, I just can’t say no to women or a chance at more money for myself. My wife stands by me throughout so I have it made.
I have China thinking I’m tough. Same with US and Aus. They don’t know how weak everyone in Fiji thinks I am and how I can’t make a decision. It’s so great to be me.
I’ve doing a great job for my people. I just keep telling myself that. And I have the I-Taukei feeding out to my hands. They won’t say a word because they think me and Lynda stopped ASK.
Adonis says
I wonder what definition will this task force use for Pornography and how accurate will in be in the context of Fiji society? I mean I grew up in a village where people thought nothing of kids running around naked until they were 9 or 10 years old, they thought nothing about mothers walking about bare breasted on hot days, when washing in the river or when working in their food gardens.Even today joking cousins of both gender (tavale) still refer to each other’s tribal totemic trees to represent their sexual organs and these remarks are considered normal ways of joking.
No one pays much attention to the naked statues of Greece and Italy, and if they do it will be only visitors who admire the symmetry and beauty of form than the exposed sexual organs.
If u want to control anything block it at the borders, so that it cannot enter Fiji, but Manoa Kamikamica himself is behind the coming to Fiji of Star Link that will make pornography even more accessible to the remotest communities. You already mentioned about the hypocrisy of the other co Chair, Lynda Tabuya.
So where do they want to draw the line of what is admissible and what is not? And who amongst them is without sin? Also, what proof do they have that watching porn is leads to violence against women? Please show the research done locally and not just taken from overseas studies? Our societies are very different.
Some times we tend to over dramatise sex. This task force is straying into an area that governments should not be entering, and that is the private lives of individuals. What people choose to watch and with whom, and practise behind the privacy of closed doors, is their own bloody business and unless PAP is paying for these people’s internet charges it should just butt out
and start doing something useful for a change.
State interference in private choices should not be allowed.
And do not dare trespass into what happens behind closed doors and in the bedroom.
Graham Davis says
Some good points here, especially about Manoa Kamikamica promoting Elon Musk’s outfit to expose more Fijians in remote areas to porn.
Kamal Singh says
Grubsheet get a VPN, hide your ISP and restart a new Facebook page.
Meta will not detect your old account history
Graham Davis says
I can tell you there would be an immediate complaint from the Madam. Unless I rebrand myself altogether.
Get Up Fiji says
The local Fiji media doesn’t have the moral fibre, let alone morals, to ask the hard questions of the government. They are too scared of losing their jobs to actually see beyond the facade.
Anyways, Fiji, just standby and watch. It won’t be long. These self serving goons parading as country caring leaders will soon be gone.
The million dollar question; “Who can fill the void?”
Graham Davis says
Well we know that Savenaca Narube and Mahendra Chaudhry are already gunning for them. Surely they could link up with Inia Seruiratu and some of the better members of the former FijiFirst opposition such as Premila Kumar.
It is also time for Pio Tikoduadua and Lenora Qereqeretabua to get out of the NFP, which is a sinking ship. We also desperately need new faces in politics – smart Fijians interested in actually serving the nation rather than serving themselves.
I would be willing on my part to extent a hand of friendship to the erudite Sage of Sabeto if it means restoring integrity to government. He is at least able to articulate the issues so there is quite a bit to work with already. I’m not suggesting any direct involvement on my part but I can still rattle some pots and pans from the sidelines.
The record shows that party politics doesn’t matter to me, just as it doesn’t matter to a great many people. It is about restoring decency and integrity to government and putting the nation on a proper course, including living within its means and promoting the interests of everyone and not just sectional interests and one’s kai vata.
Idiots everywhere says
It would be interesting to know what propertion of Fijians are idiots. In my estimation, the vast majority are.
Why else would they ‘elect’ such people? You would have to be an idiot, surely, to give them even a single vote.
Idiots everywhere says
Fiji is full of smart-arses like Kamal Singh, and then they all wonder why Fiji is where it is.
Honestly, I know, I deal with them all the time. They are everywhere.
Qualifications? says
GD could you do a story and to list the names of their University degrees, and background, credentials.
Let’s see who’s actually qualified and experienced in these positions.
Graham Davis says
It is less about qualifications than integrity and judgment. That is why I have reluctantly decided that Manoa doesn’t have the judgment for national leadership.
He supported the inexcusable parliamentary emoluments increases. He has supported Lynda Tabuya proposing the death penalty without going to cabinet. And now he joins her on the Porn Task Force when he knows his own party has found her guilty of sharing pornographic images of herself in a sex and drugs scandal that cost her the deputy leadership.
What would he do as prime minister? Make the same poor judgment calls. Sorry. Out.
Idiots everywhere says
Manoa Kamikamica is even more useles than the PM. In fact, name one person on the government side who is of any use? Are the people blind? Or are they just dumb and deaf? Or are they prejudiced and bigotted pretend Christians? I reckon, all of the above.
Great achiever says
And as for Bill Gavoka, OMG. I wonder if he is busy organising the next Pilgrimage to the Feast of the Terbanacles in the Holy Land? This Jewish festival will happen in Oct – only a month to go. The guy is Jewish, well, atleast he wants to be Jewish. Wonder if he has stopped eating pork?
He has done wonders for Fiji Airways and the tourism industry all single handedly by himself, even though he wanted the airline closed and the planes returned only a few years ago. A big turnaround and achievemnet for him. Even the pilots traning academy in Namaka is all his doing. Well, atleast that is what he will tell you if you ask him.
Its either he is a great achiever or he is a useless dick. Have you seen him talk?
Fiji Watcher says
Another diversion by a Government so poorly led that their answer to any problem is to have an inquiry, start a taskforce or invite a donor country to fund them to take a fact-finding mission.
The slide into the abyss continues as more, who can, flee Fiji. The level of vacancies in key areas such as health, education, IT and Commence continue to rise. The infrastructure continues to age, and essential services continue to breakdown.
Once this starts to impact the only serious income of Fiji- tourism – the country will be broke.
But the Ministers will continue to say ‘all is well’ and ‘we are working to fix everything’ whilst at the same time they jet off on their next overseas trip with their allowances and new salary.
Leadership is nonexistent! It is that obvious, even to those who don’t reside in Fiji!
Moce, Fiji says
Intellectually challenged + no integrity =
Get Up Fiji says
Great observations and meticulous insights GD. Yes, Narube and a few other like minded folks of integrity could pave a way forward. I agree that academic qualifications are important and integral, however, that’s the gauntlet the nation will have to run as very clearly displayed by this absolute idiotic bunch. Look forward to GD being involved in some way.
Only me says
Do not worry everyone. The Chinese who will soon be arriving in numbers to advise on agriculture, tourism etc will also fix the drug problem.
Needs says
We need so much more than this. What study and data do we have for this porn problem. What about Kava, Cigarettes and Alcohol. What about our national cultural mindsets.
Seriously, God Willing,
We need law and order.
Lot of red light running. Dangerous driving. Rubbish throwing. illegal car modifications etc.
We need Civic Pride, Maybe a clean up first of the rubbish mindset of throwing rubbish everywhere.
We need an even higher Educated population. A mindset change. We need inspiration of “I can do it”. “I will do it” Not this government that government.
We need more people on liveable wages.
We need job creation and industry.
We need investor confidence.
We need better health care.
We need to aim higher for the people in Fiji.
We need Quality of life! Stability. Empowerment and Equality for all the people of Fiji. Not subjugation, inequality, and power struggles and upheavals.
We need the Freedom to think clearly and breathe fresh air and afford and eat healthy food.
We need a lot of the basics first please. Not a blue movie task force.
It is 2024 and I feel like we are going backwards.