The decision by the 18 members of the Pacific Islands Forum to give in to the bully boy tantrum by the Chinese dictatorship to remove all reference to Taiwan in the final communique of its Nuku’olofa summit is a new low for the region. Not least because we cannot credibly oppose the imposition of dictatorships in countries such as Fiji yet side with the biggest global dictatorship of all – the Chinese Communist Party – in suppressing the democratic aspirations of the people of Taiwan.
It is deeply disturbing how the local mainstream media in Fiji has almost totally ignored the shameful episode in the Tongan capital in Friday in which the Chinese Special Envoy to the Pacific, Qian Bo, angrily insisted that the reference to Taiwan as a development partner be removed after three decades and by morning on Saturday it was gone.
The Bully Boys of Beijing have won and the 18 Pacific countries have shown themselves to be total appeasers – pussies – by caving in to communist might and demonstrating once and for all that they have surrendered their sovereignty in exchange for money.
To put it bluntly, the PIF nations have demonstrated that they are a regional grouping of whores for sale to the highest bidder. And they have betrayed not only the Taiwanese people – who have quietly assisted the region for decades – but anyone the world over who believes that democracy should triumph over dictatorship.
The stupidity of Fijians and other Pacific Islanders in kowtowing to the unelected gangsters in Beijing is astonishing. They have learnt none of the lessons about appeasing dictators that led, for instance, to the rise of the Nazis and Hitler’s attempt at global domination. And the Chinese have already become more emboldened since the events of the weekend.
The call by the Chinese Ambassador to Fiji, Zhao Jian, to open up air travel with China might seem attractive and the local media have again fallen for the Chinese spin. But allowing Chinese airlines to fly into Fiji would be the beginning of the end of Fiji Airways. Because we know that the Chinese want the right to fly beyond Fiji after stopping off in Nadi. And that would mean the ability to undercut Fiji Airways on all its routes including to the other island nations, Australia, New Zealand and the US.
It must be resisted at all costs. Yet unfortunately, caving in to the Chinese over “one word” – as the following article puts it – tells us that Fiji’s ability, along with the rest of the region, to stand up to China has been severely diminished. We need to stop behaving like stupid “natives” capable of being bought off with the modern equivalent of beads and mirrors and wake up to the Chinese menace across a broad front. Because our sovereignty and independent economic welfare depends on it.
China is now emboldened. And Fiji needs to be acutely aware of our vulnerability to Chinese proposals that might sound attractive but contain the seeds of disaster for our independence on every front.
It is deeply concerning that from the Chinese perspective, the question of Chinese airlines being able to fly to Fiji is so important that Xi Jinping raised the issue in his recent meeting with Sitiveni Rabuka in Beijing.
Fiji must say “no” or it could mean the end of Fiji Airways.
The Prime Minister must stop the current obsequiousness and draw a line in the sand. Because we can be sure that all this is being taken as a sign of weakness in Beijing.
FJ on alert says
Aiyaz once rightfully defended Fiji Airways and resisted Emirates’ interest in flying to Fiji, claiming they could charge a SYD-NAN seat for FJD50. Air China can easily do that for HKG-NAN. Isa, Fiji Airways!
Show the money says
Now would be a good time for the lost tribe to pay up the 3m dollars. Thieves.
Get Up Fiji says
Thanks GD for the powerful article in pushing back, and also making these idiots in the PIF aware of their whoredom. China has no interest in being a unity player, not one single iota!!! They have given, and now they’re taking back. Australia and NZ have no particular reason for pushing them back as CCP is their biggest trading partner. Everyone has been caught with their pants down. Too late bro!
Get Up Fiji says
These idiots that are our current government have absolutely no wisdom and foresight. China will bring a full load of passengers into Nadi. But guess what? They will be flying on somewhere else, or as previous writer stated; “Rob FA in broad daylight and charge $25 Nadi/Sydney. So much for FHL spending $5,000,000 on airport upgrades.
Atilla the Hun says
Bob Hawke was right, “never come between a politician and a bucket full of money.”
And you are right, GD. “the PIF nations have demonstrated that they are a regional grouping of whores for sale to the highest bidder.”
Fiji and other Pacific Island countries are all the same, they steal from their populations by tax and inflation, and they carry around the begging bowl where ever they go, to fund their own excesses.
Now it is out with the Kslavata, but no mention of their own outrageous pay rise, $13,000 lavish cocktail at the GPH and travel allowances that puts ‘70k in the pocket of the PM following a 19 day trip to China and a week in Tonga.
Fiji Watcher says
As I predicted the final communique from Tonga had the reference to Taiwan deleted. The bully (China) got its way as the Pacific Nations fell into line as directed by China. The Fiji PM, following his China visit mouths the Chinese line and will bow to any request from China.
The article on landing rights for Chinese airlines is the first request. The Chinese, if granted these rights, will invade the tourism market as it has in other nations. Fiji Airways will be squeezed out as the Chinese use their power and money and existing route structures.
Watch for applications for resort acquisitions following the granting of landing rights, which the current Government will grant. It may also see a reduction in flights from Australia and New Zealand.
Get Up Fiji says
I felt sick reading Rabuka and Inia Seruiratu comments in Parliament this morning praising China. These two idiots have no shame, or clue about the deadly influence of the CCP. They have done a great mischief to Fiji and the Pacific, knowing full well what the CCP is all about. Rabuka wants to be friends of all and enemies of none. How stupid?
Idiots everywhere says
This idiot of a PM is basking in glory for the last two years. That is what the iTaukei want as long as he or she is of their own kind. The dickhead also has unfinished business. He needs to totally screw the place up and he is doing a good job. Again, as long as he is of ones own kind that is all ok. Just ask the people.
Simple explanation – the government was wrested from the vulagi after 16 years so we ain’t going back what ever it takes. The vulagi should know their place. Ask them.
Playing with Fire Fiji says
China has the highest number of death penalty deaths per year of any country. Is this who we want to be like?
The death penalty is over 1000 per year.
This shows how ruthless they are and lack of compassion for human lives.
There you do not have freedom of religion or expression and your internet searches are censored so why get involved with people that keep their own people suppressed?
Fiji better get clear and what is the vision and find partners that align with that. There are many countries that would help Fiji if given the chance.
Can we see if any neutral countries would assist fiji with funding for rehabs before resorting to having them get involved.
You can find world class architects all over the world who could design rehabs. You can bring in project managers from Aus or NZ and you can build it in Fiji without risk of a country interfering.
You can right now create a ton of construction jobs in Fiji by training more people and doing the work by Fijians which will stimulate the economy.
China is NOT the way the world should be.
Fiji is in bad shape but we risk losing everything that’s GOOD about Fiji.
Don’t take that chance.
Please if anyone reading this has the ability go get through to Rabuka, please save Fiji.
Idiots everywhere says
What is even more basic is that the iTaukei and pretend believers are going to the biggest non-believer country to kerekere and seek charity. That makes them the biggest hypocrites in the world. But they are totally unaware.
Ian Simpson says
Excellent job China. You are asserting your right as a sovereign nation which includes the Province of Taiwan which is recognized by United Nations and International Law.
Excellent job PIF Nations for recognising China and giving it respect to its sovereign right to non interference in its internal affairs.
The Multipolar World is asserting itself with BRICS and SCO as part of this movement, a movement progressing forward under United Nations and International Law.
A Multipolar World that will in due course represent 6 billion of 7 billion people on the planet.
The Unipolar World will not go quietly into the night, it will kick and scream all the way, playing every nasty Godless trick in the book, as described by John Perkins in “ The Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”.
China has the patience of Job, unless the tip of the spear, the “ The Five Brown Eyes”, pokes the Dragon beyond endurance. Can only hope the Taiwanese people look to what the EuKISUS – axis of evil, has done to Ukraine and Palaestine and the ME As Henry Kissinger quipped “ “It may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.”
Scott Ritter, UN WMD Inspector, US-USSR Nuclear Arms Control Officer, US Marines Officer Rtd. has described Australians as the most stupid people on the planet for allowing USA to station Military Forces in their country. They have lost sovereignty and agency and made themselves a target for Chinese ICBM. We in the PIF, do not want your nuclear fallout blowing our way Neanderthals, vinaka very much.
Fiji has agency in negotiating any and all deals with China.
Chinese respect treaties and the law and will negotiate with Fijians.
It is up to us to determine what will benefit us and China, not the 5 brown eyes, but of course they
can and probably will blackmail and threaten retaliation against Fiji and its people as it does around the world.
Lets see if our politicians have a backbone to face one of the 3 constants in the world – change, taxes and death, change being the operative word here.
Graham Davis says
Ian, you really are a loathsome piece of shit. You have made no attempt to even intellectually try to justify betraying a democratic nation and serving it up to a dictatorship up on a plate.
A pox on you and your kai vata. As Stalin described you and other betrayers who stand up for communism : Useful idiots.
Anonymous says
@Grubsheet. Why do you post his myopic empty rants?
Graham Davis says
Good question.
Tom says
Ian, You refer to Scott Ritter a convicted sexual predator. The guy has no credibility especially here in the US.
Check it out says
Violations of Religious Freedom
The CCP is among the worst violators of religious freedom in the world and it continues to show blatant disregard for religious freedom and exercises extreme hostility to members of all religious faiths, including Protestants, Catholics, Tibetan Buddhists, Uyghur Muslims, and Falun Gong. The CCP’s campaign of repression against Uyghur Muslims and members of other minority groups in Xinjiang continues to escalate. More than one million Uyghurs, ethnic Kazakhs, and members of other minority Muslim groups have been arbitrarily detained in internment camps since April 2017. In practice, the CCP targets everyday expression of Islamic belief such as owning a Quran, praying, avoiding alcohol or tobacco, fasting during Ramadan, as well as secular aspects of non-Chinese culture such as Uyghur language and Uyghur music
Heathcliffe says
Your anti China rhetoric is again bemusing Graham. If only you had a similar view about the USA and how it uses its soft power to coerce morons like we Australians to engage in war.
Witness Iraq. Afghanistan. Vietnam. WW2. WW1 (UK)
Graham Davis says
Anonymous says
The development of Fiji over the last century gave huge benefit for all – a democracy, health care, infrastructure, education, sugar and fishing industries, tourism, and national pride from self achievement. But the last decade of Chinese investment and influence have shown an extraordinary difference in morality and outcome at every level. Just listen to the coconut wireless at village level. With fingers burnt more than once some even suggest the Puamau was put out of action to assist the international drug trade freedom.
Anonymous says
The PIF Pacific government representatives should be ashamed of themselves. For not doing right for the people. From their indecisive crouch on the poison dump of Fukushima to ‘pulling their pants down, pocket sulu up and bend over’ to communist china. What a bunch of educated yet immoral cowards.
Cant Do Wrong says
Hang in yo your shirt, Graham. A PIF says the communique was taken down because PIF put up the wrong version. *Quite* the stuff-up
Graham Davis says
Well they would say that, wouldn’t they? The reference to Taiwan as a development partner has been there for 30 years. Suddenly China throws a tantrum and, er, “wrong version went up”. Yeah sure. A gutless betrayal.