Australia’s ABC Four Corners television program has broadcast a startling and illuminating expose of the methamphetamine trade that has particular resonance in Fiji as the country struggles with its own challenges with meth, especially in our schools.
The issue is front page news in today’s Fiji Times (see below) and rarely a day goes by without either arrests or hand-wringing social commentary on the dangers of meth to the individuals who use it or to the social fabric in Fiji.
It is a national crisis but Fiji is not alone. First a brief synopsis of the Four Corners report and then click on the link to the story. You can also find it on YouTube but it cannot be imbedded here for rights reasons.
Now back home to the front page of today’s Fiji Times…
Yet another drug bust, also in today’s Fiji Times.
And Fred Wesley finally gets his teeth into something other than sport.
Swamp Harrier says
The “hand-wringing social commentary”, praying and fasting will go on ad finitum unless Fiji has the political will to take drastic measures to curb this dreadful situation.
We often hear that Fiji “should be the Singapore of the South Pacific”. Well, Singapore doesn’t have much of drug problem because they have brutal measures in place. (They are brutal about things that matter!). Dealing in relatively small amounts of drugs will get your neck snapped by the hangman’s noose. So, is it time to change the legislation, grease the hinges of the trapdoor and find a new rope for the gallows in the old Suva Gaol?
I doubt that we have the political will to do it. We are all about “yellow ribbons” and forgiveness.
Quo vadis Fiji?
It's a no brainer says
Police are always passing the buck, calling on “members of the public”, “church leaders” etc. If you know anyone who is in the grips of meth, you will know that they certainly do not attend church, and are rarely home. I have personally reported drug growers and peddlers by name and location to the police, and they do nothing. Because many of these people live in the Hilltop settlements and police are reluctant to walk up the steps. Or perhaps they have another reason for not raiding these people. I am a grandmother and almost 60. If even I know the drug growers and peddlers in town, as everybody does, why don’t the police know them? The simple answer is: they do. The harder question is: why are the police not acting?
12 months ago before the meth explosion, there was a lot of weed. So much that at the park opposite my house which was near a local night club I would pick up on average 50 to 60 plastic bottle bongs with drug residue still inside to cones. I took them to the police regularly as evidence of a drug Hotspot, asking them to patrol, and one policeman said he didn’t want it, it’s filthy. On another occasion on a routine house to house visit I showed a pile of them to police who joked that I better dispose of them or I may get charged with possession.
So, why are the police not acting? Many may be tempted to think it could be because of their own involvement or pay offs.
Ian Simpson says
DNA Test the iTaukei, Kai Viti, and put the “Lost Tribe of Israel” lie to rest once and for all,
If Kai Viti are Jews, the rest of us must be Amaleks.
Seems like the Amaleks got the message and are making a run for it.
Those who don’t, face the horrors of a failed State.
Looks like the supposed J*ws , like the ones in Israel, ( T*lm*d*c Cultists with the Z*on*ist Ideology with a PM who is 100% Polish blood ) are having a good time of doing a replay, 3,000 years later. Pure Europeans killing pure Semites and all the while claiming to be pure Semites and if you don’t like it you are antisemitic. It doesn’t get more f’dup.
“Evil = weak, Good = Strong”
Hang those that trade Meth, ice, coke, hard stuff.
OOOps !
Failed State- tool of Godless weaklings, or INTO the God of this World with great religious fervour and deadly Zeal ?
The master Counterfeiter , father of LIES, thriving mightily throughout fascist West and in Fiji at this time.
Like to get some direction ” failed State of Fiji”, check out the old book and what does it tell you to do. Ye shall have leaders of 10, 50, 100, 1,000, 10,000. Scary democracy Aye!
What do we have ? A counterfeit . Don’t worry, your idols in the West wear the counterfeit white coat of sheep’s clothing, and you can see the fruit – death and destruction, riches and hunger – failure abides, but for the chosen tools and fools.
Heavy going aye ! Your children dying , that is heavy, not that our supposed leaders care. They get paid every week by us to oversee our destruction. Proud and preening, weaklings.
Very preachy Aye ! Hahahaha
Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.
Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
There will be few, not many.
Crikey, How confusing, for the stupid.
Are you stupid ? Do you care ?
The currency and wealth of Fijians is “our people”. If you and I don’t have “our people” we are paupers . A billionaire, without “people”, is lost.
Is our Government for the people?
How can it be, it spends 24/7 occupied with survival.
It is a “blackmail” system, ungodly and the fruit is there for all to see.
What you looking at? says
All of this is due to the “high standards” being set by this government and every member of this government, led by a well known crackpot with a very long history. A history so long that about 70% of the population were not even born when his history started.
But the people, including many on this forum should not be complaining as they all want idiots to run the nation, and proudly so.
Remember, God brought this government into power, just ask Blinky Bill, the AG, Lynda, the PM and all those god-fearing imbeciles who go to church.
So in the end it is all God’s fault, really!
So I still fail to understand why people believe in a vulagi God with so much passion when He has brought so much grief to the people. After 150 or so years of passionate and blind faith to a vulagi God nothing has changed, so isn’t it time to try something different? Its like an addiction to meth, the faith in a vulagi God. The addiction to a fake God is difficult to overcome as well.
Tinai says
How long I’ve been beating this drum. Very very vocally. And boy did I take flack.
Our own asking me “what’s my problem?” Ummm. It’s killing our people.
1. Drugs coming in on boats/yachts Vuda, Denarau, Lautoka, Suva at random hours.
2. Police know and I’ve seen them first hand (from a police van) at drug deals being done and they stayed in the van listening to reggae music.
3. Police are in on it.
4. Authorities are in on it. So much money for them is too tempting.
The list is long.
Oh, but they are forgiven because they do go to church on Sunday…………
Chairwoman - Council of Vulagi Chiefs says
If one scrolls down the grub’s news page, the summary is all there on where the country is headed.
Fiji has a drug problem affecting the most vulnerable of the population, the children.
The army commander is deeply disturbed and finds moments of peace by closing his eyes.
Baiman Prasad is smirking fully enjoying and executing that “dhokebaaz” betrayal trait passed down by his girmityan ancestors.
Sainiana is busy breaking fart whilst not dreaming about being the First Lady in 2026.
SODELPA strategy is being masterminded by a dangerous racist convict.
Justice is being served by one man dressed like a clown demonstrating that all are not equal before the law.
And the prime minister is not visible most likely hiding in the gym.
Graham Davis says
Yes, very perceptive of you. I’m glad someone has noticed that I am mainly interested in the big picture and the issues of burning interest at a national level. Coming soon – the GCC Report, otherwise known as too many chiefs and a dwindling number of Indians.
Ordinary Joe says
Hahaha!! I see what you did there!
Vinny says
Girmitiyas blood line are not dhokabaz, they are just blamed, the biggest liumuri are the itaukei, the biggest backstabbers, kaidia just get blamed
A itaukei pretended to show his teeth first but given the opportunity, he will strike a dagger without a thought in the name of provincialism or Kai vata . Itaukei politics is dirty as it can just sugar coated with Jesus name , poor Jesus.
Paula Raqeukai says
Glad you report on this drug problem – there should be an effort by everyone to eliminate this including the Coalition Government.
Graham Davis says
It’s Davis, without the “e”.
Damian says
Police are as useless as one can get in Fiji.
I see a Police vehicle breaking road rules on a daily basis. I bet Police also peddle drugs.
The commissioner is a headless chicken who like most useless hypocrites in Fiji buries his head in prayer, or certainly pretends to whenever he’s asked for any answers.
Drugs are a growing problem all over the world but Fiji has lazy law enforcement that makes it easier to access, grow, sell, cook…whatever.
Fiji can start with testing all politicians and high level civil servants for drugs. If those on top are using, then why would they push for stopping it.
Dont test Lynda Tubuya though. She’s as clean as it gets. Just joking. Start from her…first one to test.
What you looking at? says
“The Lost Tribe from Jerusalem” now living in the Pacific! Only 150 years ago (not a very long time in the annals of history) these tribes were eating each other and now they are God’s chosen people. The turnaround in a very short time is f*cking ridiculous, and they are convinced. In fact Blinky Bill has made some prophecies not long ago; he is so learned and close to God. That is why he organised the freeloading trip to the “Pilgrimage of the Hypocrites” in Oct last year. God is going to pay the balance owing to Fiji Airways, no doubt! The prophecies did not eventuate thankfully. I mean, the guy has to wake up first.
Anyway, I have always wondered how many people Ratu Seru Cakobau ate before he converted to Christianity and ceded Fiji to Britian for a few bottles of rum? I have been wanting to ask this question for a very long time. Anyone?
GuyFawkes says
The Minister for Bonking and Weed wants a rehabilitation centre established.
Is there any centre for her debilitating brain farts ?!?!?
What's the solution? Perhaps very little. says
How’s containing pornography going for Tabuya (in and out of the office) and for the country?
We wanting to bring changes within a corrupt system and MPs using drugs themselves. How is that achievable?
Police are corrupt.
Poverty is high.
Drugs will be rife.
Chiefs Too says
I was hoping, Paula, that your list would go beyond the Coalition Government to also include the GCC as you’ve always championed their cause.
Bibbawarra. Boy says
From ‘Lost tribe of Israel’ to “Little Colombia”- Go ???????? Go
Meth does not reach the streets without the help of high-ranking officials in the government and civil service, the military and police force, as well as immigration, customs, and border patrol. The money involved is just too tempting.
Word on the street is that the cops and the military have the best “charlie” and “vatu” available.
A little birdy told me about an incident in the Western Division that happened a year or so ago about a dealer who was forcefully supplied the product by a group of senior police officers.
“Sell our gear and we won’t bust you. We’ll come back at the end of the week to pick up our cash”
A few days go by and the Lautoka cops show up to raid the dealer’s place.
The dealer, feeling ticked off says “What the f@#k is wrong with you guys? First, you hustle me to sell your gear then you want to bust me. Did you guys bother to check with so and so? This shit is theirs.”
The cops all exchange looks and disappear just as quickly as they showed up.
Stop trusting people says
Heard about the last resort manager at a top end resort in Savusavu. He was well known for peddling drugs. Plants kava in disguise while his key business was hard drugs.
Heard about tourists uplifted from the resort, some at near death situation.
This wasn’t a unknown case. The resort workers knew it. The community knew it. The businesses knew it. But all kept it quiet because this person was the guy incharge of giving others a job.
The wife took off leaving him behind.
Savusavu Police was made aware of the case. They did nothing.
That’s how bad drugs is in Savusavu and a town that is now a port of entry.
Workers are traffickers and users of drugs at the resort itself. Child trafficking is also present.
First they praised the kaivalagi like he is some God. Now, they guise him but the damage is done. He is still out so he will continue to destroy the community.
Problem with uneducated people is they trust anyone.
Kick them out says
This vicious and corrupt cycle is known in Savusavu. The guy fed the resort boys. He supplied them free drinks on and off the resort too.
Boys who worked at the resorts dive centre were often found drugged and in hangover mode while diving with guests. These dive boys were often found at the resort managers house drinking.
Some have raised concerns about sexual assault following drug fuelled parties. Physical assault was always present too.
Resort owners were made aware by their own for a while but dismissed the concerns.
It was the local youth who suffered the most and still do.
These are your prominent business figure in town dealing drugs and trapping young men.
They hide carefully under their community banner of charity work.
The community needs to watch these men and stop trusting them. They are killing our society through drugs.
Hospitals are struggling. There is no Alcohol and Drug specialist in Fiji which makes it hard for the country.
Stand down Tabuya says
Girls as young as 9 are peddling drugs in Fiji.
There is no safe home for these homeless girls to go to while some of the boys have a place.
Perhaps the baja#u Minister for Women and Children can stop taking drugs herself and do something worthy for these girls. Or just stand down and let someone else do the job. She is so useless and a stigma on the society as a Minister.
All gone wrong says
Fred at Fiji Times…
How about going to your Minister for Women and Children and asking her what is she going to do about this?
Or better still, what is her expectation for drug use by children.
Go on. We waiting. Let’s she what the famous Minister says.
Broofstoyefski says
A reflection of the FFP government sticking its tentacles everywhere into the police force with such laxity and incompetence its no wonder Fiji is slowly turning into Venezuela and Colombia with the rise in meth and other hard drugs. Its spreading beyond Australia into Fiji anyways from glue sniffing to snorting ice becoming a problem with school kids nowadays.