Some killjoys have been emailing me asking rudely why I have to spend 10 days in China when most other leaders only spend two or three days at most on official visits to other countries. My answer is: Because I can! Now that there is effectively no opposition in Fiji and I have bought most of them off, I can do what I please when I please. And it pleases me for the next ten days to take advantage of the hospitality of my Chinese friends, who fall over themselves to accommodate my every desire and never make me feel like the freeloader I have become.
My ten day’s worth of overseas travel allowance – tens of thousands of dollars tax free – is all mine. I never have to put my hand in my pocket for anything. So my new allowance goes straight into the bank and I don’t have to account for a cent. Straight profit on top of my salary. Good, eh?
I got a couple of nuisance calls as I was packing from someone who didn’t identify themselves and began breathing heavily (as if I’d be worried). The caller ID on my phone said “M”. So it could have been Mahen or Manoa. Both of them desperately want my job but as the Chinese say 操他们. F**k em.
However, I owe it to the Fijian people to be completely transparent (make that somewhat transparent) about what I will be doing in China. So I have asked my old friend at Grubsheet to publish my tentative itinerary, which is obviously subject to change if better offers come up along the way.
Arrival at Beijing Airport to a full ceremonial welcome, with lots of little Chinese children given time off school to wave the “Noble Banner Blue” along with the “Five star Red Flag” and chant: “Long Live Comrade Rabuka! Long live the great friendship between Fiji and the People’s Republic of China! Down with western imperialism and the capitalist running dogs of AUKUS!”
Our dear friends in the People’s Liberation Army will also be on hand after their recent birthday to give me a 21 gun salute or whatever the Chinese leadership thinks I deserve. They can’t do too many because the air in Beijing is already polluted enough and people are struggling to breathe. Or at least that’ll be my story if there aren’t enough rounds fired.
Sulueti and I will then be transferred in a motorcade of black Mercedes limousines to either the State Guesthouse or the presidential suite of one of Beijing’s top hotels. Because it will be late and my Chinese hosts realise that I am about to turn 76 next month and will be tired from the day’s travels, we will probably just get room service. But not before my massage, always the high point of any Chinese visit.
There is a wonderful masseur called Lin Da ( 乐义讷大 in Chinese) who my hosts have made available to me before with a knowing smile and wink. Lin Da has a magic touch and a great deal of patience for a man of my age and I am sure this will be the climax of a memorable day.
After a leisurely breakfast, it’s time for a working meeting with our diplomats in Beijing including the Ambassador, Robert Lee. We’ll be reviewing our long list of requests and general kerekere that will be making in our bilateral meetings with the Chinese government over the coming days. Fiji is very lucky to be in the middle of a bidding war with the Chinese on one side and the democracies on the other. Both are so desperate to keep us on side that we can ask for practically anything.
Right now, I am keen to get a private jet so that I no longer have to suffer the indignity of flying first class. Let’s see how we go. It depends what they want in return. Everyone knows that China is a transactional society. If they scratch your back, they expect you to scratch theirs.
My biggest worry is that the Chinese will ask for something that I have already told them will be very difficult to give them. They want a naval base in Natewa Bay and for Chinese warships to be based in Fiji. But I know that would trigger a crisis in our relationship with the democracies and they might even turn their guns on us. I don’t mean literally but the Aussies, Kiwis and Americans would certainly see this as a betrayal and start using their power to screw us. And more particularly, screw me.
So as you’ll appreciate, our negotiations are going to very challenging. The Chinese always spend a lot of time grinning at us but we know that is because they think we are stupid. If we start saying “no”, the grins will soon disappear. Can you imagine the damage China could do to Fiji if we offend it? Imagine no more Chinese lollies in the jars of the shops up at Flagstaff? Imagine the Chinese forcing their girls at Signals to go home? And the closure of all those massage parlours in Suva where the elite go for a bit of light relief?
My iTaukei Minister, Ifereimi Vasu, has begged me not to upset the Chinese because it might offend his business partner, that nice Mr Jason Zhong. Now that Jason has done his time in jail for his drug and people trafficking, I’ve always argued publicly that he be given a second chance. Then when he was charged with trying to bribe someone in the iTaukei Affairs ministry, I argued that he be given a third chance. But Minister Vasu has told me what the Chinese mafia does to people who cross them and it is far worse than just the Chinese burns we used to give each other at QVS. Being cut up and put through a meat grinder is something we’d both prefer to avoid so I will have to mind my tongue while I still have one.
After the meeting with our people about the itinerary, the rest of the day is free in deference to my advancing years. While Sulueti goes shopping with the nice Chinese lady who pays for everything, I will have a long nap and look forward to my 6.00PM appointment with Lin Da. She is probably a spy but what the hell. Those fingers! Better than my usual bobo back home, that’s for sure. I have to think about the political downside of bringing out a planeful of Lin Das to teach our Fijian women how to do a proper massage. Come to think of it, there may not be one. My own Lynda isn’t going to say anything. All I have to do when she gets stroppy with me these days is to look her straight in the eye and yell “233!”. And she goes quiet again.
But that bloody Premila Kumar. I’ve tried to buy her off with Willy and the other opposition soft-cocks but Premila is holding out and constantly talks about keeping me accountable. I suspect that giving her a present of one of those nodding dolls you see everywhere in China isn’t going to win her over. As my Chinese hosts always remind me: “Democracy is so damn inconvenient. We can show you a better way to govern”. But I’ve been there, done that. And even with Willy and the old FijiFirst gang on side, firing another shot into the ceiling and sending them all home may not work anymore. Bloody Premila.
The big one. My meeting at the Great Hall of the People with the hierarchy of the Chinese Communist Party. You never know whether you will get to meet the Turaga Levu, Xi Jin Ping, but Robert Lee says there’s a good change of getting the main man if he thinks there is any chance at all of getting his naval base in Fiji.
They say the key to success in gobal affairs is to speak softly and carry a big stick. But it’s a bit of a problem when you don’t have a big stick to carry. So I will just speak softly and let Chairman Xi lead the discussion. He and I have a lot more in common than you think. We have both fought through a sea of veka to get to the top and both have plenty of scalps hanging from our belts. Though he obviously has more. People ask me: “What’s he like in the flesh?” Funnily enough just like he is in the pictures. Totally calm but with an underlying air of menace. You certainly don’t want to cross him. So I am trying to work out a way to keep him on side.
I thought maybe something like this: “Oh Great Helmsman and Leader for the Ages. Please understand that the capitalist running dogs of AUKUS will cut my balls off if I give you a naval base at Natewa Bay. But may I suggest an alternative? I have a very attractive block of land in Vanua Levu that I own and have been trying to get money to develop. Would you be interested in setting up an Academy of Chinese Cuisine (ACC) to which Fijians and other Pacific Islanders would come to learn the art of Chinese cooking?”
What do you think, Gang? Do you think that might work? Because I ran the idea past Robert Lee and he begged me not to do it, muttering something about winding up in a wok. I desperately need ideas of how to say “no” to the naval base in a manner that doesn’t offend. But I fear there isn’t one.
Once again, the afternoon is set aside for “private leisure”. Suleti will go shopping again and they have asked me if I want to go to the Forbidden City for a special viewing of some of China’s greatest relics. Ni vosoti au, I will tell them. But I have seen more than enough relics at the Great Council of Chiefs.
And then the best time of the day – my “workout” with Lin Da. Sulueti always says when I come back to the room: “You look happy”. I have to make it look as if I got a real beating on the massage table. But the look she gives me makes me think she knows. I have spent a lifetime trying to pull the wool over the eyes of women but the smart ones always know. So I sleep the intermittent sleep of a man who is under pressure in more ways than one.
A full day of “private leisure”, presumably to allow me to get over the stress of meeting Chairman Xi. This time, I will go along with Sulueti to the shops. We are looking for some new furniture, not for our official house in Suva but the private homes we intend to accumulate when we leave office, just like that nice Mr Sogavare in the Solomons and all those Africans before him.
Frank Bainmarama always used to tell his kai vata that China is the place to buy furniture. They copy the best European stuff and sell it at a fraction of the price. You can’t tell the difference if you don’t mind taking the risk of one of your kete levu friends falling through a dining chair onto the floor.
I’m sure we will find lots of things we like. And because of who we are, what happens in China is exactly how it used to be in Viti Makawa until those rich Gujis woke up to what was happening. You just say to your Chinese “minder”. “I really like that lounge suite” or whatever it is. And the next thing you know, the customs guys in Suva will be ringing you up to say that your container from China has arrived.
Men of my generation in Fiji will remember us saying to each other: “Man, I like your shirt”. And because of indigenous protocol, you would have to take it off your back and hand it over. But I never dreamt that I would one day be able to do the same thing in China. Did the Chinese learn this practice from the Fijians? Could be, eh? Like the Lost Tribe of Israel thing.
But it’s a shame it only goes so far. I keep saying to the Chinese elite: “Man, I like your jet”. But they just look at me strangely and smile. They know that I know I will only get a jet if I let them have Natewa Bay. Those bloody AUKUS bullies are stopping me from ever getting what I want. Damn, damn, damn. Am I to be condemned to a life in first class on ordinary bloody airlines?
But my anger is certain to be soothed at 6 o’clock as Lin Da works her magic hands. And I lie back and think of who else might be stupid enough to give me a jet in exchange for being allowed to set up a cooking school on my land in Vanua Levu. I’m lucky to have someone like Lin Da there – courtesy of my Chinese hosts – to take my mind off these great affairs of state. But now I’m worried again about what I will say to Sulueti when I get back to the presidential suite. “I’ve been thinking we need a nice coffee table” might work. But then again it mightn’t.
Seriously. People don’t appreciate how hard this job really is. How you are always walking a tightrope. Except Frank, of course. And look where he ended up. Staring at the prison teitei from behind bars. Wake up to yourself, Siti, and focus, focus, focus!
I’m dreading today because we have the usual traditional welcome from the Fijian community in Beijing. This is a function I used to enjoy when I was “top of the pops” immediately after the election. But because of that bloody Biman Prasad, that bloody Lynda Tabuya, that bloody Aseri Radrodro and all the other deadheads around me, these gatherings are turning into a bloody nightmare.
It’s always been traditional for a prime minister to give a speech telling local Fijians how well the government is doing, as well as urging them to behave themselves in their host nation. But seriously. What do I have to boast about now? Tax bloody holidays for billionaires, big bloody salary increases for MPs, big bloody parties at the GPH, an oaf as Acting Chief Justice who won’t take a bloody hint from me, bent bloody police, drugs bloody everywhere, kiddy fiddlers bloody everywhere and general bloody mayhem.
Seriously. What the hell am I going to say? Some doce in Foreign Affairs said I should enter the room and start a chant of “233, 233, 233” and after a big kaila say nothing else. Seriously. This is the quality of the people I have working for me. But at least I don’t have to be over there physically at MOFA. Look what they have done to Lenora? Every time I see her, her hair is a shade greyer. Poor thing. Those bastards are grinding her into the dirt.
I’ve decided that the only foreign affair worth having is my massage appointment. But before that, I’ll get through the veiqaravi with the local Fijians by muttering a few lines about almost making gold at the Olympics but not quite and how very sorry I am that the Coalition has failed to make gold as a government but we will do better now that there isn’t an opposition.
These apologies always work and I make them all the time. But as everyone looks at me blankly, I will know that they know that it is all a bloody farce. As I look into their eyes, I know I will see “233” reflected back at me, along with barely concealed contempt.
Fortunately, Fijians, unlike Aussies and Kiwis, don’t do cat calls or at least I hope they don’t. Imagine Albo and that bloke whose name I can never remember in Kiwiland getting away with running a piss-poor government like mine? Thank God for the grog. I’ll just get the embassy guys to keep the bilos filled and hopefully by the time they all stagger into the Beijing evening, they’ll have forgotten all about it. The government’s piss-poor performance and meeting me.
Thank God for Lin Da because this is a day I genuinely dread.
This is another day I should really be looking forward to but also dread – the State Banquet in my honour. Oh, yes, they’ll all be there, every Chinese leader of any consequence because they want that bloody naval base. But I’m more worried about the food.
Their idea of a magiti is wave after wave of dishes that are so far from being kakana dina that no Fijian or Pacific islander can possibly bear it. Talking of bears, there are so many exotic and endangered species on the menu that it is no wonder that so many living things are disappearing from the planet. Yes, some Fijians eat turtle but the Chinese will eat anything and everything.
I’ve specifically asked Robert Lee to tell the Chinese foreign affairs people that under no circumstances must any variety of snake be on the menu. Can you imagine a Fiji Times front page of me eating snake? Can you imagine what an effective opposition would do with that? Oh. I forgot. There is no opposition anymore. But still. I don’t need sniggers back home about me being a cannibal. You know, the Snake eating snake. But there’ll still be a lot of other things at the banquet that I can do without.
Last time I was in China, I asked the embassy people to suggest that it would make me very happy to be served some coi – genuine Fijian root vegetables in the form of a few chunks of dalo. What happened instead? Someone plonked a plate of tiny pieces of deep fried dalo in front of me cut into the shape of some kind of bird. They were so small that I demolished the entire plate in front of me. It seemed rude to grab hold of a bunch of dalo birds with one hand and wolf them down. So that by the time I struggled to pick them up one by one with those bloody chopsticks, I was as hungry as I was when I arrived.
I tell you what. The Chinese may have performed an economic miracle and dragged their people off bicycles to become a global superpower in the span of a generation or two. They may have a great history and hopefully for the rest of us, a not so great future. But when it comes to kakana dina, they are hopeless.
They don’t need a naval base in Natewa Bay. They need to give me the money to build that cooking school on my land to train an army of Chinese to learn how to cook proper food. To lay off the bears, snakes and baboons and embrace the food that has made us great. Dalo, cassava, kumala, vudi. Boiled or cooked in a lovo, there’s nothing better. And I will be very disappointed if I don’t get what I asked for at this state banquet – wholesome chunks of dalo and not those bloody birds.
Maybe I will be too full to see Lin Da tonight. Never mind. You can have too much of a good thing and there are four more days to go of my Chinese visit.
In case I am making no progress with the government about developing my land in Vanua Levu, I have asked Robert Lee to use his contacts to set up some meetings with Chinese developers.
Before my visit was scheduled, that nice man at the Yue Lai, Zhao Fugang, offered to set up meetings for me in China to “explore some business opportunities”. But I’m a bit wary about precisely what kind of business he might mean. I told him that it couldn’t be “funny business” because the Five Eyes would be watching me like a hawk. But in any event, can a close friend of Frank’s also be a friend of mine?
With any Fijian, you would immediately be suspicious that they were working against you. But I’ve been told that the Chinese will dispense with you like dirty underwear if you can no longer do anything for them and perhaps that has happened to Voreqe. And I’d imagine that the only thing Frank can do for Zhao Fugang these days is to keep a seat warm for him at the card table at Korovou.
I’m worried about what Zhao Fugang’s business contacts might have in mind. Because Frank is a living, breathing example of what not to do as Prime Minister and I certainly don’t want to join that card game at Korovou and have to deal with his taunts about Lynda. And Lin Da. Because I suspect that he might have got the same treatment from her when he was in Beijing as PM.
So a day of meeting possible business partners for my land in Vanua Levu and looking forward to the magic hour.
Still be to determined but you’ll notice I haven’t mentioned going to church during my Chinese visit. As communists, of course, they don’t believe in God so there are no churches. But Robert Lee tells me that if I want to get a few of my fellow believers together to sing hymns and pray, we can do it at the Embassy and there’s not a thing the commies can do about it because it is Fijian territory. Except that it might affect the diplomatic and business negotiations, including that bloody jet.
So maybe we will just gather quietly, pray silently ourselves and hum a few Methodist tunes. Charles Wesley would be amazed that in 2024, some of his hymns are still being celebrated by true believers in godless corners of the world. And, of course, we take great comfort from Matthew Chapter 18, verse 20: “For where two or three have gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst”. Emeni.
With the Chinese state security listening, of course, just as they undoubtedly listen in to my sessions with Lin Da. As long as Sulueti doesn’t get the tapes.
Anyone got any suggestions? Because this was just a day to rack up some more travel allowance. Someone, probably Manoa, has suggested that the Chinese give me some cognitive tests as part of a general medical checkup. But I am not that stupid. Look what they did to Sleepy Joe. I’m going nowhere and neither is he until I say so.
Day TEN:
Some last-minute shopping with our ever helpful guide and back to the airport for the long flight home. What mess will Blinky Bill, Manoa and Biman have created in my absence? God only knows. It’s tough being Prime Minister but it’s a lot tougher when you can’t reasonably stay overseas any longer and have to go home.
All that extra travel allowance thanks to our own Lynda and a container full of goodies from the Chinese state. But no naval base and no private jet. Yet.
EDITOR’S NOTE: I am assuming that by now, most people will understand this to be a spoof. We can be sure that the reality of the PM’s China visit will be much more far fetched.
Kaila says
Lin Da and the snake made me laugh so much.
Laughter is a good medicine in silly Viti.
Sad Observer Scared for Fiji says
Precisely how he (and many Fijians in power) think and why a true democracy is many decades away in Fiji!
Sanjay says
What a happy ending, Ni Hao Lun DA
Get Up Fiji says
Lin Dada more like it. But, you never know, given the collective stupidity of this government, this could just be true. Maybe a happy ending for Rabuka after massage from Lin Da Da Da ding dong?
Stay away says
Vinaka vakalevu Graham. And you are doing so without getting a saqamoli, while Rambo gets his daily nearly 3k effortlessly and shamelessly too. Demonstrates your love for Fiji and aspiration for her development to benefit all. Even more devoted than those pre-match teary eyes we were so used to until our slaughter in Paris. Thanks too for your prayer yesterday, and please do remain offshore or else, Korovou awaits you. The 2Ts will ensure that – Turaga & Temo!
Graham Davis says
Hahaha, I don’t know what would be worse. Korovou with Frank and Siti or Naboro with George Speight. But your advice is very wise and vinaka vakalevu for your kind sentiments. Much appreciated.
Christian imbeciles says
After the visit by the GCC fatsos last year and Ro Temumu and the lot of useless delegation recently, the PM has gone to study how to get the iTaukei out of poverty like the Chinese have. You know, they will bring back the know how which Fiji greatly lacks. I thought the f*ckwits in Fiji did not want anything vulagi, but they keep running to China.
I wonder when a delegation will go to study poverty alleviation in India?
F*cking racist Christian arse holes.
Ian Simpson says
Didn’t the Nazis perfect propaganda with the repetitive lie.
GD, with his ” the democracies”, over and over. JeeeZ
The Christian President Carter stated the following ” the fascist West”.
As honest a statement a man can make, as President, who better to know.
Presidential Candidate ( VP) Harris, garnered not one vote to be the potential POTUS, leader of the free world. hahah, what a joke! Jab the other arm.
Both Congress and Senate of USA Inc bobbed up and down 58 times during the attendance of a foreign PM . Previous record was 29 times by the real leader of the fascist West.
BTW, a Naval base in Natewa Bay would be a stupid thing, a trap.
Australia will be taken out by one Chinese ICBM. One missile, twelve cities. No need for a navy, no need for aircraft carriers.
Once Australia takes delivery of its first nuclear sub, SOLD to it by its master, that will be the end of Australian security. Best bet, become a province of China and live in freedom.
Problems solved says
Once the PM returns from his 10-day study tour of China, all of Fiji’s problems will have been solved. He is the man with all the solutions, albeit 37 years too late. But as they say, its never too late. Just ask the PM.
And as for those GCC delegation and the Rewa delegation who went to China, they are just useless freeloaders. Just look at the people who went, just look at them and wonder what the f*ck are Fijians doing?
Introvert says
Rabo’s reputation would have preceded him, with more than one Lin Da waiting for him plus a man hiding behind a mirror with a movie camera
I bet the Chinese have amassed quite a collection of Lin Da’s success.
vuvale vulagi says
Much like the Russians have a pee-pee tape for the the deranged donald. Golden shower. Russians have him neutered now.
The Chinese are no fools. Better for our demented pm to learn about plastic (PET) bottle recycling. Might come handy when no longer pm.
ANuclear Free Pacific says
I can’t see Siri’s Pacific Zone of Peace initiate becoming accepted in the Pacific Forum with Australia a member and a strong supporter of AUKUS.
The irony of it all is when nuclear war breaks out we will all be toast
There will be no Victor
Anonymous says
The 10 day one assumes all expenses paid trip was obviously a case of Use It or Lose It.
He must have made the only sound decision – in milliseconds – to use it. Who in Fiji wouldn’t….as an example look First to the former Fiji First MPs who went for the money rather than party values.
Yes the PM is truly representative of the majority of the population – go on a junket when you get the chance. 3 days is too short NZ and Australian and Indian leaders ..for us to do it properly, a trip for at least 10 days. Our productivity is not as high as you!
Get Up Fiji says
This PM and his bunch of cronies have no moral conscience whatsoever. People are struggling to survive on their own and he goes off to China to fill his personal coffers. He has no need to go to China. China has done enough damage to Fijis international reputation. All he’s gone to China for is to get the $3,000/ day allowance. Shame on Biman for not having the moral fortitude to stand up to these bunch of crooks.
Get Up Fiji says
GD will never come back to Fiji. He will do 100% better task at keeping these crooks on notice from afar. What a shame this government is. One jhoot after another lasu.
Lin Da’s Man says
U never know, Rabo could feign an accident like last time when he supposedly walked into a door at government buildings requiring him to sport a strip of Band-Aid on the side of his forehead.
If true, the door would have come out much worse for wear.
But the plaster was enough excuse for Rabo to cancel his China trip, much to the delight of his friends from the west.
So until the fat lady sings, and a Fiji Airways flight with Rabo and Sulueti are on board bound for Hong Kong anything can happen, and Lin Da may very well end up with one client less from her obviously long list
Fiji’s Biden moment says
I was reading this at 6am and laughing.
Too good.
What the heck is this PM doing in one country for 10 days?
I see Australia and New Zealand jumping up and down very concerned.
May be it is just another way to get more aid from Australia and New Zealand. lol.
Who can ever trust this dada mona PM!
Vili wadali says
Australia and NZ leaders should be more concerned about lifting the standard of living of their indigenous population whose lands they took by the sword and who are slaves to the vulagi in their own land.
China is Australias largest trading partner. NZ has a free trade agreement with China. So when Fiji’s PM accepts an invite from China to go learn about poverty alleviation he is ridiculed by the vulagi kumala vula’s and their uncircumcised supporters of a now deregistered political party. Lol
Graham Davis says
Vili, when an iTaukei like you questions the legitimacy of political commentary because it is made by white people or those with skin around the heads of their penises, we have really reached a sorry state.
Do you honestly think the Chinese give a damn about poverty alleviation in Fiji? It is about securing a strategic advantage. And they are using the 21st century equivalent of beads and mirrors to trick dumb natives like you into thinking otherwise and seduce your leaders with trinkets.
This is one of the most astonishing comments ever left here. Maybe you are joking. But if you genuinely think white people and the uncircumcised are the real enemy, you deserve what is coming if the Chinese Communist Party prevails.
Red card says
Yadra Graham, hasn’t he crossed the line, meriting a red card and be banned from your pages?
Vakamadua dina, Vili, you are so embarrassing.
Graham Davis says
Yes, I considered trashing the comment. But Fijians need to know that we have people in our midst who think that the colour of your skin and whether your penis has a foreskin entitles them to marginalise you in the national debate and question your right to belong.
Some indigenous extremists are quite mad but the wider concern is that they are preaching this rubbish around the grog bowl in the vanua, as well as online. This amounts to incitement and it needs to be exposed.
vuvale vulagi says
vili does not know he is the ultimate description of a dickhead. vili has shite for brains. Keep thinking with your dick, vili.
You are a completely twisted indivual who does not know that it is better to be thought of a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
vili is but an example of a ‘cultured, intelligent, educated, humble, christian.’ itaukei.
Idiots everywhere says
It is not ok for uncircumcised vulagi to criticise but it is ok for a dickhead circumcised Christian PM to go kerekere to the uncircumcised Chinese. How many people are there with the brain the size of Vili in Fiji? And then they all wonder why they are where they are.
Soft cock says
Vili’s brain is the size of his circumcised penis – small and soft.
Anonymous says
Vili W:
Australian and NZ govts have been doing that. Favourable policies towards the indigenous to help them improve their living standards.
Some of this in recognition of past unjust actions.
There is only so much one can do for some people…bring a horse to the water but you can’t make it drink.
So don’t beat this old tune of yours …it’s a broken record. Those who are in this current generation slaves in Australia and NZ have only themselves to blame. And possibly the indigenous elite who join the bleating of unfairness and pocket themselves the big dollars thrown into restitution efforts.
People like you will never be satisfied…if it was possible to revert to having all the lands given back – in the same undeveloped state they were in before the settlers came – you will still find someone and so wrong else to blame for your poverty.
On that matter the ” indigenous ” should also give up the land they call their own and go back to where they came from – the African continent . Origins of the species.
Anonymous says
to Vili Wadali:
Australia and NZ Leaders to lift the standard of living of the Indigenous:
To enable access to health services the NZ Govt makes free transport available to targeted ethnic groups inc pacific islanders and Maori. Yet it is not uncommon for these groups to still miss hospital appointments.
New houses are built under social housing programmes and given at heavily subsidised nominal rent to such peoples – it is not uncommon for overcrowding and trashing of these properties to occur.
Money and other resources are thrown at the indigenous to improve their standard of living. Where these programmes are operated by the indigenous it is not uncommon for funds to be pilfered or mismanaged.
There a few success stories of indigenous that help themselves and/or take the help given and improve themselves but most of them like Vili are experts in the blame game, even where there is no one else to blame but the person in the mirror.
The whole truth says
The Australian government and the Australian High Commissioner must be livid to find out that Rabo did a limuri only days after receiving some $14m in aid for the CWM and anothet $86m in direct budget support.
The man has been a liar and a limuri for decades and that is what makes him perfect for the job………according to the fat arse racist Christians of the country. Isn’t that the whole truth?
Siti don’t go! says
You’d think after a 16 year rule, people would be less trusting of other “ RULERS” .
Whatever Australia did to the indigenous, China will do even worse to Fiji if you allow it. They have way more to gain and rolling out the literal red carpet is how they do it.
See what happens to the places they have gotten into a foothold into. Do a bit of resesrch, people.
Why is it that Fiji is so Christian, they don’t tolerate other religions, yet are getting in bed with an atheist communist state. If atheists are non Christian, I’m curious isn’t that the opposite. What are the shared values?
You have to be concerned with surveillance and national security. You’d think this would be on Siti’s mind. I would not step foot in there. Also given the gross human rights infringements I would not support this.
We should support nations that are making the world a better place. I personally would not step foot in there.
Focus on the issues says
To alleviate poverty issues in Fiji, please just focus on Fiji. Focus on the basic issues of Fijians. It’s not rocket science.
China’s system will not work in Fiji. People there are merely a number.
You will lose more than you will gain.
Please visit our hospitals and start making repairs to give people hope. It’s unbelievable you can’t even get a coat of paint in these buildings. You have the funds to do it.
Rabuka being Rabuka says
Rabuka is such a nut job .
He will fake an accident like he did last time.
Just watch.
Or he will still go, beg, pitch one country over another, claim that he has settled all the differences, act like a Ratu, and come back satisfying the vulagi. Where he completely mucks up he will apologise nonetheless and luck up.
The Chinese will be so happy to host a leader like him on world stage. A violent abuser of human rights but that fits the Chinese agenda, so all good.
$30,000 on allowance in 10 days.
Not bad for a bottle collector.
Those in Fiji…just go to work and earn $200 per week if you lucky. This is the man you voted for. Drau ni moli tea and Punjas crackers is enough for you all. Poverty is good for you. Local Lin Dah is good for you. She is giving her salary to the poor she said. Just like she wanted Bai to do that.
What are the chances that Rabuka has also made a major cabinet reshuffle while he is away and that gets announced! lol. Anything is possible in NBF land.
New partnership announced says
China: I want the land. Natewa Bay.
Rabuka: Sure you can. It is my land. I am the boss in that province. What do you want that land for?
China: to build our own base.
Rabuka: Good idea. I trained all my CRW soldiers there. Good choice.
China: So how much price?
Rabuka: Whatever you want to give. But remember you have to tarseal the road to my village first. And then give me more than what you gave my girl Lynda at home. You know. More than 170,000. I give you my word we will look after your investment well just like NBF. I am pro at that.
China: We want to be partners just like Vuvale partnership. Name my partnership.
Rabuka: Why not! You are my most valuable partner. Fiji China Lyn Dah Partnership.
China: Thank you. We will launch that name while you be the useless vulagi in China.