Read the accompanying articles, Fiji, and weep that our elected representatives are so hell-bent on destroying our economic future – the Minister for Bonking and Weed, Lynda Tabuya, her “brutal” sex toy boy and resident Minister for Bashing and Torture, Aseri Radrodro, plus the other members of the “Special Committee on Emoluments” dishing out more of your hard-earned dollars to feed themselves and the other undeserving swill who pass for our MPs.
It beggars belief that these “honourable” members – Lynda Tabuya, Aseri Radrodro, Ro Filipe Tuisawau, Alvick Maharaj and Mosese Bulitavu – can be so reckless with the nation’s finances in feathering their own nests when Fiji’s economic prospects are so precarious.
Think I’m exaggerating? Then go straight to the Reserve Bank’s website and have a look at the latest inflation rate. Annual inflation accelerated sharply to 7.1% in April from 4.6% in March – the highest level since December 2011. Now have a look at the extra money our parliamentarians want to spend on themselves and try telling the nation that putting their hands in the national piggy bank right now is in the least bit responsible.
In our next article, Grubsheet will examine in more detail what we canvassed in our recent posting on the demand for a 30 per cent pay rise by staff at USP – that Fiji is on the verge of a wages explosion that threatens to push inflation sky high and damage the living standards of the Fijian people as a whole.
These reckless idiots who ought to be setting an example and dealing responsibly with the danger signs in the economy think that money grows on trees. Not content with turning Fiji into the Zimbabwe of the South Seas with their assault on the integrity of our institutions, they seem intent on making Fiji the Argentina of the South Seas as well – an economic basket case with rampant inflation, stagnant growth, defaulted loan repayments and rising poverty.
The sooner the country goes to the polls to send these fat cats packing the better off we will all be. We need to wipe that supercilious, fake grin off the face of the Queen of Tarts and the other miserable characters in our very own real-life Alice in Wonderland saga down at Parliament House. Except that it’s down the rabbit hole with Lynda.
Just look at what they want for themselves and decide for yourself whether they are worth it. And watch out for Grubsheet’s next article on the state of the economy – which is absolute proof that madness has taken hold and our MPs are putting the living standards of Fijians who aren’t on the parliamentary gravy train in very real danger.
Down the rabbit hole with Lynda, Mo, Aseri and the other shameless members of the “Special Committee on Emoluments”. Picture from today’s Fiji Sun.
As they say, you can put lipstick on a pig but he is still a pig. And one with his snout well and truly in the public trough.
The Queen of Tarts wants to be paid the same for being Minister for Bonking and Weed as the Finance Minister presiding over the management of the economy.
A bottomless pit of shamelessness, hubris and greed.
And “I dream for peace” Siti just keeps pumping iron and picking up his $328,750 a year plus expenses, travel allowance, house, car etc etc.
The biggest pig with the biggest snout in the trough.
Golf Tango says
This is no surprise, Rabuka did it during the SVT administration where they gave themselves a raise and to put icing on the cake buy brand new vehicles duty free.
Why do we call these morons Honorable is beyond me.
HaHaHaHaHa!!!!! says
Do they work normal hours or work whenever they want?
I don’t see how they’d be able to take time for posts and bikini shots and self promotion if were putting in long hours. I don’t see what they actually do at all. Let’s see some measurable results.
They better be putting in 60 -80 plus hour work weeks to get that kind of money!
Just being a minister does not mean they are responsible. As we saw with BONKING and WEED and let’s not forget posting a minor being abused!!!
Only narcissists act like this… they don’t even deserve to have a job and passing for a bloody raise?!
Aseri wants to drug test kids…Aseri drug test yourself and Lynda and your govt first and be an example to the nation.
You CANNOT expect more from children than you do yourselves!!
And yet the families that have nothing and follow these idiots will say nothing about it.
How can any parent sit back is beyond my belief.
Selfish MPs says
MPs’ pay rise – the only time when Government and Opposition agree with each other. So, worried about the next elections, they are there for themselves and their cronies.
Sobo and sadly, we lack selfless leaders who can save our Fiji. There are such citizens around but will they step forward and be voted in?
A Chand says
Exactly my thoughts as I read, with utter disbelief, what these clowns are recommending for themselves. And, surprise surprise, it has ‘bipartisan’ support, rare occasion when all members agree to a suggested policy or guideline! I am completely disgusted that the Opposition is part of this gravy train.
They have the audacity to try and make it look even by saying the Minister of Finance’s salary would reduce by $35,000 while all the other Ministers will have a rise of up to $30,000 each. I wonder what this ‘excel’ spreadsheet will look like!
And compare it to salaries of Magistrates and other professionals. Can the committee also divulge the allowances these MPs get, the travels and per diems and the free meals and services such as health benefits, insurance, travel etc etc,
You are absolutely correct in calling out the demands of USP staff unions of a pay rise of 30%. USP staff are some of the highest paid employees in the entire region. And it is the same mob which held anti Chandra/pro Pal demonstrations are now showing their true colors, spurred on by the usual opportunists, including the Tongan mafia. The suggestion to have Paunga and Vanualailai run USP is mindboggling. But let us leave this for another day.
Fred says
Quick back of the envelope jottings:
Aussie MP salary: AUd$211,000 or USD$140k
Aussie GDP per capital: US$65,000
Fiji GDP per capital is: US$5000
Meaning MP salary should about US$10k or FJ$20k
PM $40k
This will incentivize growing economy first and then grow salaries for public servants.
Min of Finance needs to reverse the bonkers decisions taken so far.
Sad Observer Scared for Fiji says
When a sense of entitlement trumps any sense of shame. When they pray to their God they are entitled to behave however they want, and be entitled to forgiveness and monetary blessings.
Lotraine says
PAP is just the old SVT party in a new mask, the only one missing in the line up is Isimeli Bose, the erstwhile CEO of ailing Ba Provincial Holdings Ltd.
Wonder what happened to his corruption case that was before the courts.?
There should be no surprises when you entrust this lot with the strings of the public purse.
It reminds me of that old saying in the UK about the three major parties.
Labour always gets caught with their fingers in the till, the Conservatives are always caught with their pants down and the Liberals all have boyfriends.
This Rabuka-led Coalition government exhibit all those three tendencies.
Just passing by says
WTF! I cant believe these self entitled prats think they deserve such a big pay increment like that. It is disheartening to see such demands during a time of high inflation. Any sensible MP should prioritize minimizing costs, yet it appears that some are focused on maximizing their personal gain. This behavior is making Aiyaz and Bai look good by comparison, and at this rate, if Bai wins his appeal and stands in the 2026 election, it could lead to a landslide victory for Fiji First.
Semi says
She’s still hot.
I wouldn’t mind.
Abu Jamin says
Now it is clear that its a case of the people versus them. Last time we check, one is supposed to be representing the other. How can that be palatably possible, time will tell.
Whoa! says
WTF! How is this even possible….on one hand screw the public with 15% VAT and other levies and on the other handsomely reward themselves!
No ounce of shame or empathy! These lot are a BIG joke!
“Branded” Lynda is so detached from her portfolio
Fuming! says
Families don’t have food and so many begging and living on the streets and you have the audacity to do this ….
Bunch of greedy tarts.
May you all rot in hell.
Rajiv Sharma says
Read the NFP’s submission to the emoluments committee, very explicit and detailed submission basically stating that committee members should not receiving or reviewing or recommending but only be a conduit to present the report to Parliament.
Further; NFP opposed any increases sighting current t debt and the economic climate.
So an FYI.
Traitor-Gadaar-Liumuri says
Do not read too much into NFP submission and it’s tokenistic position against any increases, the NFP knows fully well it’s a done deal. It’s playing good cop. Never ever trust the NFP and its sly leader Baiman the betrayers in anything.
Semi is either blind or he has very bad taste or more likely both.
Shashi says
Tikoduadua was very right to ask Compol to resign the very first day he took office
If he would have 100 percent support from everynone in government and started a clean up process with Fiji police back than
Today the drug issue in Fiji would have atleast have some control
Every officer should have been screened and booted out if found to be connected with drug supply
This is a very big crisis for Fiji
Once Fiji was known for
White sandy beaches , palm trees with friendly people
Today it’s white powder and plenty buds with unstable people
Big Bill says
Giving themselves hefty pay increases? And this comes off the back that they want to increase minimum wage to $6?
WTF are they thinking? Or are they thinking at all?
Looks like they went into parliament to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor tax-payers, who, in their opinion, can get screwed, and royally too one might add.
What the hell were we thinking voting for them?
One thing is for certain: 2026 can’t come soon enough to get rid of this selfish lot.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Saqamua of the government says
What has Lynda achieved in her portfolio so far?
She doesn’t deserve a saqamoli.
The deserves the title of a saqamua
Send her packing.
Fire Tabuyan says
I agree why won’t anyone stand up and demand she’s fired!!
Anonymous says
Lynda’s special talent needs to be retained for Fiji’s parliament. If we dont increase her pay, we may lose a ultra talented MP to some other job.
Now what’s her special talent? Only she or Aseri Radrodro or Rabuka can elaborate.
Feel like vomitting on this lot in parliament. Common Fijian is struggling at 4 dollars an hour, meanwhile this lot have a stomach thats like a bottomless pit. We really deserve what we voted for…a bunch of lazy donkeys.
ODR says
Weilei Fiji Times????…have some shame…still trying apply the lipstick on the pigs. There is no slashing there, only adding.
Randy says
The total amount that will be spent on the salary increases can well be spent on a rehab center. Something that is needed the most.
Veejay from Narain jetty says
They have the gall to recommend a pay rise while govt services are getting more inefficient by the day.
Take a look at the Immigration Dept. For years they are always running out of passports. People had to queue yesterday at 12 midnight to be served when they open at 8am. A lady who joined the queue at 6.30am was served at 4pm. There were only 2 counters serving people and only 100 walk in customers (those without appointments) will be served. She joined the queue as a walk in at 6.30am and got number 74. So anyone coming in at 8 would most likely not get a number. And if you try and book appointment online now, the earliest time is November.
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to forecast demand for passports. Take into account the need for renewal for passports every 10 years, labour mobility, international travel, birth rate and so on. And based on processing activity, have a reasonable reorder level for passports.
If there is so much backlog, why don’t they hire out the Vodafone Arena and get everyone submit outstanding applications within a week or 2 week period and go and process it and issue passports in 2 to 3 weeks. Emergency cases and appointments can go to their office.
This organisation needs a corporate leader from outside the civil service. Too much vanakoro style resulting in this big mess.
But no, it is more important that the Ministers get chauferred, teas, lunches, siestas and salusalus, weed and a bonking.
Justice Seeker says
Can we all take a moment to focus On Lynda Tabuya!! This is a woman who unashamedly lured Aseri Radrodro to her room 233 in Windsor hotel to bonk him while his wife was in another room in the same hotel. She had marijuana with her and was drinking Jack Daniels, all whilst on an official trip that the People of Fiji paid for. She talks about drugs and sex education and pornography, but she’s a star herself who does drugs. Let that sink in for a minute. If thats not enough, she shared a video of a young girl being beaten when the online safety commissioner had advised against it. She threw a Fiji sun reporter out of a media session she had, just because the reporter reported the truth and shared opinions that majority of the Fiji public share as well. And to think that she still holds her ministerial position is the biggest CRIME of Sitiveni Rabuka and his coalition mob. And now as if thats not enough, the same lady Lynda Tabuya, is part of a corrupt and evil committee that recommends to parliament to increase all these salaries.
This committee is the worst of the worst. At a time when people are struggling, after Richard Naidu and his crew suggested VAT increase, these ministers think its ok to UP their salaries. People are living in fear of being robbed, poverty is rife, this coalition government have spent more time on overseas trips than they have in the country let alone in the districts and towns and villages. They promised to be better, but we are scratching our head to figure out which of Fiji First and This Coalition is the bigger/lesser evil. At this rate, we would have been better off with Aiyaz and Frank and THAT IS SAYING SOMETHING!! The public have lost hope with this latest salary increase saga and at the heart of all the coalition heartaches there has been one constant at the center of most of its dramas. Her name, ladies and gentleman, is none other than Minister for Bonking, marijuana and adultery. Lynda Tabuya.