We know that Aseri Radrodro ratted on his wife, Sainiana, when he had “brutal” sex with Lynda Tabuya in Room 233 of the Windsor Hotel in Melbourne. But did he also rat on his own party by doing a deal with Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum to support FijiFirst before the 2022 election?
That’s the accusation by the lawyer and prominent SODELPA stalwart, Tanya Waqanika, on the eve of the SODELPA Management Committee meeting to respond to Radrodro’s sacking as Minister for Education and the threats by the Party’s Working Committee to bring down the Coalition government by siding with FijiFirst.
Above is the “smoking gun” photo of Aseri Radrodro with Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum and Sainiana Radrodro with her arm around the former Attorney General at the AG’s Conference in 2022 just before the December election.
Was Aseri Radrodro the mystery Coalition MP who voted with FijiFirst on Christmas Eve 2022 and almost deprived the Coalition of victory? Check out the body language and make up your own minds, Fiji.
Tomorrow’s meeting of SODELPA’s Management Committee is a make-or-break affair for the Coalition government. If Aseri Radrodro has the votes to persuade the Party to switch sides, that’s it for Sitiveni Rabuka. Equally, if he doesn’t and the Coalition maintains its hard line against him for defying the Prime Minister, Aseri Radrodro’s political career is effectively over. He will go to the backbench until the next election but the Coalition will be doing everything it can to end his political career.
The “Rat” is cornered and he either has the numbers to bring down the government or he hasn’t. But this photo of Aseri Radrodro beaming with the hated Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum just before the last election is a reminder that Aseri Radrodro is not a team player. Aseri is for Aseri and it is either kill or be killed. We will find out which it is tomorrow (Friday).
Having said that, you have got to hand it to Sainiana, Radrodro’s wife. After all the humiliation her wayward husband has visited on her in recent weeks, she is still loyally trying to calm the political waters to Aseri’s advantage, doubtless aware that judging from the picture of the couple with Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum before the last election, she is also caught in the crossfire whether she likes it or not.
Pita says
Whatever happens tomorrow, this is political career ending moment for Baimaan, Pio, Aseri, Brutal Lynda, Rabuka and PAP as a whole. Nothing can mend this and a new government and party will be voted in whenever the election is held, maybe in 2026 or earliest.
One must always remember “how do you sleep at night, after taking God’s name and lying your whole life”. This Coalition is based on lies, deception, a blame game and hate for one another.
They will end up in the abyss sooner or later.
Worried says
Interesting to see the sh*t show of the past few months unfold. Depressing to know that the state of this country is going down the drain day by day! We probably would have been better of with a FFP/Sodelpa coalition.
Augustine Tipuka Minimbi says
Honestly, SODELPA will do Fijians of all races a service by breaking up the Coalition and going back to polls. Even if it dies because of such a decision, SODELPA would be doing the right thing by letting the national mandate be reconsidered using the ballot.
Fiji Citizen Abroad says
There is a history of ‘sweeping wrongdoings under the carpet’ since 1987, and of changing the Constitution to protect wrongdoings.
This could all blow over similarly?