Viliame Naupoto has twice sworn on oath on the Bible ( “So Help me God”) to “obey, observe, uphold and maintain” the Constitution – first when he was appointed RFMF Commander and then when he left the military to enter parliament as a FijiFirst MP.
On both occasions, he rode on the coat-tails of Frank Bainimarama, who appointed Naupoto RFMF Commander and then brought him into the parliament. Without Bainimarama, Willy the Traitor would be nothing. He didn’t have a snowflake’s chance in hell of getting to the top of the military without him and he didn’t have a snowflake’s chance in hell of getting into the parliament without him. In fact, like most FijiFirst MPs, it was Bainimarama’s status as the nation’s biggest vote-getter that allowed Naupoto and others to hitch themselves to his star and acquire parliamentary careers at all, such was the pitifully low number of their own votes.
And yet now in an act of monumental betrayal, Slick Willy Naupoto has joined forces with Bainimarama’s bitter enemy, Sitiveni Rabuka, to attack what Bainimarama and the entire military at the time believed was their crowning achievement – the 2013 Constitution that for the first time, established genuine democracy in Fiji by creating a common and equal citizenry, a common identity and the secular state.
It was on that Constitution that MPs of all parties contested the 2014 and subsequent elections. In the case of the then opposition including Sitiveni Rabuka and his colleagues, they were willing to stand with Bibles in their hand before the President of the Republic and swear to “obey, observe, uphold and maintain the Constitution”. But it is now clear that they did so with fingers crossed behind their backs only as a means of coming to power.
18 months after they just managed to scrape together a Coalition by one vote on the floor of the House, Sitiveni Rabuka and his colleagues – with no mandate whatsoever from the Fijian people – are suddenly embarking on a course of action to change the Constitution. That this is a priority when the Coalition has failed to make any inroads into reducing the incidence of poverty in Fiji or fix basic infrastructure like the CWM is a national scandal. They won’t even tell us what changes they want to make. And especially whether they intend to alter the equal opportunity provisions which are enshrined in the supreme law and are the foundations of our democracy.
At no time before the 2022 election did Sitiveni Rabuka and his pathetic sidekick, Biman Prasad, tell the electorate in specific terms: “We are going to change the Constitution”. On the contrary, Sitiveni Rabuka told the greatest porky in Fijian political history when he said he realised that his actions in the past in disadvantaging Fiji’s minorities were wrong. He promised to govern for all Fijians irrespective of ethnicity and religion but it was a lie. And Biman Prasad has allowed him to get away with that lie.
Many Fijians now realise we were conned into voting for the Coalition in 2022. It is now apparent that the agenda of Sitiveni Rabuka and those around him is to complete the agenda he began with his two coups in 1987 to marginalise Fiji’s minorities and establish indigenous supremacy. It is a betrayal of historical proportions but it wasn’t as if we weren’t warned.
Frank Bainimarama specifically told us that Rabuka is a snake who will do anything and say anything to advance the indigenous cause and regain his hold on power. We didn’t listen because we had become tired of Frank and his sidekick, Aiyaz, and we voted for change. We stupidly didn’t count on being betrayed. But we can, philosophically, accept that given his history, Sitiveni Rabuka was more than capable of double-crossing us and that’s what he has done.
But seriously, Fiji. Could we have ever expected that one of Frank Bainimarama’s most outwardly loyal lieutenants – a man he chose to succeed him in the RFMF and brought into the parliament – would so shamelessly double-cross him? Could we have ever expected that Naupoto was capable of double-crossing those who voted for FijiFirst at the last election and made it the biggest bloc in the parliament? I can only say personally that I have been pole-axed by the extent of Viliame Naupoto’s treachery.
We saw it first when he defied Frank Bainimarama and Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum and voted for the obscene salary and benefits increases that have made our MPs pariahs in the eyes of a great many Fijians. We saw it again when Viliame Naupoto made front page news by announcing that he was willing to do a deal with Sitiveni Rabuka and support the Coalition in the parliament. And we are seeing it again with the announcement by the Prime Minister that Naupoto is going to kick off the government’s program to change the Constitution – a constitution that the former RFMF Commander once supported.
From his jail cell in Korovou, Frank Bainimarama has now heard the cock crow three times in the distance as Naupoto betrays him and the collective effort of the FijiFirst government and the military to create a constitution that for the first time, gave every Fijian, irrespective of ethnicity and religion, votes of equal value and an equal opportunity to belong.
Viliame Naupoto has sold his soul to the Snake. He has betrayed his patron and the man to whom he owes his entire career. And worst of all, he has betrayed the people who voted for him and for FijiFirst at the last election.
There’s always been something slightly unsettling about Naupoto – a faint aura of sleaze. But no epithet can adequately describe the extent of his latest betrayal. By all means wait and see what the Coalition proposes and vote according to your conscience when the time comes. But to LEAD Sitiveni Rabuka’s campaign to change the Constitution by kicking off the public debate is the action of a man with no honour, no integrity and no scruples. Naupoto is the lowest form of political life – someone willing to betray the voters who put him there and do deals with anyone to advance his own position.
The only positive thing about him launching the government’s agenda to change the Constitution – in the wake of the preposterous intervention of an unknown professor from Australia – is that few people are going to take an ounce of notice of what he says. As he delivers the Coalition’s lines in his grating high-pitched voice, too many people will be thinking about his gross opportunism and betrayal. The high-pitched yap of a tiny neutered dog willing to do the bidding of any master in exchange for scraps from the table. Though, in this case, undoubtedly big rewards to come.
To think that this person once commanded the RFMF. Let’s see if Willy the Traitor dares show his face again up at the Camp. Because this is a gross betrayal not only of Bainimarama but many of Naupoto’s military colleagues. And we can be sure that the first instinct of more than a few people up there will be to smash his doggy teeth back into his slavering doggy face.
“Rear Admiral For Sale To The Highest Bidder”.
Rajiv Sharma says
The difference is that for now it’s a review of the constitution and not a change and yes a review will certainly recommend changes and they will have to follow the process of changing such as 75% vote in Parliament and 75% referendum.
There is nothing wrong with reviewing a country’s constitution, the USA amended their constitution 14 times.
Swearing to uphold the constitution does not mean you cannot openly advocate for a review as long as the process of review and any changes are consistent with the provisions of how to amend and change the constitution, you are than upholding the constitution which you have sworn to uphold.
Graham Davis says
Rajiv, none of this is happening with an electoral mandate. Getting a wafer thin majority on the floor of the parliament to govern doesn’t cut it. They should have gone to the people with manifestos that specifically included changing the constitution.
Please tell me why they refuse to say what that change will entail? Because their silence is inevitably fuelling suspicion that they intend to wind the clock back to the 1997. And that means you and any other non indigenous person no longer having equal rights. How do you feel about that?
When are you going to wake up to what is happening here? The indigenous supremacists are winning and Biman Prasad gave them the green light. And he has the utter self delusion to say that the Fijian people are “extremely happy with this government”.
Are you happy, Rajiv? That your right to belong is now fundamentally up for grabs?
Rajiv Sharma says
Look , the 2022 election was fought on the primary issue of change in Government. I don’t know what was on in their manifesto in terms of changes to the constitution, perhaps it was silent on that issue. But it was never a secret that they were opposed to the 2013 constitution and it is naive to think that at some point in time the issue of a review won’t happen.
There is nothing wrong in reviewing the constitution and for now is presumptuous to say that the review and changes will be based on a racist agenda although you are probably correct that it probably be in that direction but we are yet to see what the changes will be short of a review.
I am sure if the proposed changes are racist then NFP will definitely oppose it and at that time perhaps resign from Government, all yet to be seen as we do not know what the exact changes will be.
Remember the 1997 constitution was endorsed by all parties, passed in Parliament and blessed by the GCC so I am not sure why you are saying the 1997 constitution was racist. Is it because the electoral system and seats were based on a different structure?
Graham, look if the changes to the 2013 constitution will be racist then I will definitely join you in opposing the proposed changes.
But for now let’s see what their agenda is and once a commission is set up for the review and all political parties put their submissions only then we will know in black and white what the different parties are advocating.
One last thing, the political landscape in Fiji has shifted and the ground has moved. FFP is no more and Rabuka is consolidating his support amongst Fijians. Once he does that he will no longer need the NFP and that is a reality.
The Indian population is thinning and projected to be down to around 22% in the next 10-20 years. So the play will always be for the long term Fijian consolidation. Already 9 of the former FFP MP’s have thrown their support behind Rabuka.
The next election is 2 years away and for Inia Seruiratu to form another party is not impossible but a a huge Hercules undertaking and I really don’t see that he has enough support amongst the electorate as a viable alternative PM.
Let’s to jump and say the review will be racist but let’s wait and see what exactly it will be. That’s all I saying.
Graham Davis says
Rajiv, you need to read the 1997 Constitution. Because Section 6 makes it clear that the interests of the iTaukei are paramount. Here’s the relevant section. BTW, for “Fijian” read iTaukei. Because until the 2013 Constitution, the rest of us weren’t Fijian.
“(h) in the formation of a government, and in that government’s conduct of the affairs of the nation through the promotion of legislation or the implementation of administrative policies, full account is taken of the interests of all communities;
(i) to the extent that the interests of different communities are seen to conflict, all the interested parties negotiate in good faith in an endeavour to reach agreement;
(j) in those negotiations, the paramountcy of Fijian interests as a protective principle continues to apply, so as to ensure that the interests of the Fijian community are not subordinated to the interests of other communities;
(k) affirmative action and social justice programs to secure effective equality of access to opportunities, amenities or services for the Fijian and Rotuman people, as well as for other communities, for women as well as men, and for all disadvantaged citizens or groups, are based on an allocation of resources broadly acceptable to all communities;”
Now that the iTaukei are in the overwhelming majority in the country, there is no threat to their interests whatsoever and no need for them to have paramountcy over other citizens in our supreme law. So any return to the provisions of the 1997 constitution is indefensible and must be resisted.
Incidentally this is what paramountcy means:
1.the state or fact of being of greater importance than anything else
2.supreme power or authority
It ain’t equality, that’s for sure.
Rajiv Sharma says
I don’t need to read the 1997 constitution as I am familiar with it.
The 1997 constitution was endorsed by the Fijian and Indian leaders including the NFP, FLP and GCC and at that time served its purpose and no one at that time found it offensive to not be called a Fijian which was reserved for the indigenous people. Constitutions are not static but they evolve and change with time.
The US constitution was amended to give women the right to vote. Off course some of the provisions of the 2013 are worth keeping such as the idea of calling everyone a Fijian.
The review will usher is a robust debate and yes there will be people who will be very nationalistic and right wing in their views and there will be people that will have moderate and centrist views.
So lets wait for the review and see who the players are and what they believe in and at that time they will get fully exposed. But to say that the intent of the review is to go back to a racist agenda is not fair when you have not seen what their submissions will be.
That is all I am saying, review is a good thing as it will expose those with a nationalistic agenda and we will then see them for who they are.
There is nothing to be afraid of in a review as it will provide answers to many questions and assumptions we have.
Graham Davis says
Rajiv, we all have a right to get an answer to the question “what precisely do you want to change?”. And we are not getting it. Given events since 1987, I think you are being incredibly naive and especially when they blithely ignore the supreme law as it exists.
That creep who is the Acting Chief Justice swore to uphold the Constitution and what does he do instead? Becomes the first CJ in Fijian history to violate it. Sorry, I don’t trust them and neither should anyone else.
Ordinary Joe says
GD, it is truly astounding how blind faith can lead nfp idiots to convince themselves to willing jump off a cliff. Kool aid loving cultists.
To even try to compare the US constitution is not just an outright abhorrence, but misses the whole point of “amended 14 times.”
In their zeal to advance their cultist views, ignorant sock cockers fail to realize the US has had ONE constitution, ratified in 1787, about 247 years ago. It has had 27 amendments-the last one in 1992.
No comparison to Fiji situation when we’ve had FOUR constitutions in a mere 47 odd years. Fiji has not ever been happy with any constitution. Fijians have also failed to respect free and fair elections results several times, including four coups to illegally usurp power.
The Indian constitution by comparison has had 103 amendments in 80 odd years. A warm welcome to Madam President Murmu! Madam President unwittingly being shamelessly used as a political prop by our inept racist Indian hating, ethic cleansing government. Paradoxical rabuka behavior lost on nfs cultists. But that’s for another day.
Both the U.S., and India documents place prominence and high value to the bill of rights-including rights civil rights and criminal rights to a fair and public trial, freedom of assembly, a free press, particularly equal rights and secularism among several more equally important people’s rights.
Will current Fiji bill of rights bèkkkkkk the racist bigot basturds retain equal rights and secularism? Good luck to all vulagi minorities.
Vili Wadali says
At his final elections sddress at the Rishikul Cillkege Hall in Nasinu before campaigning closed in December 2022, Rabuka did ask the audience whether they wanted a review of the 2013 Constituion. The response from the packed audience was a resounding YES.
So he does have a mandate to review the 2013 Constitution.
Graham Davis says
Excuse me. Was it in the election manifestos of the PAP and NFP for the 2022 election? Because I haven’t seen it.
Are you seriously suggesting that one question to one crowd during the campaign that produces “a resounding yes” constitutes a mandate from the nation to change the supreme law? And especially with a wafer thin majority of one vote on the floor of the parliament?
If he had gone to the nation before the election and said “vote for me because I am going to change the Constitution” and got a decisive majority, fine. But one question thrown out like a fishing line? Gimme a break. He has no mandate whatsoever and it is a disgrace.
Anonymous says
Yes, you are spot on. These former FFP MPs have no voice during their time with Bainimarama and Khayum. We all know that former leaders of the FFP are dictatorship, once a member against Bainimarama and Khayum decisions, you’re out. That’s why it being deregistered bec of their own constitution…it’s unfair. Now, former FFP MPs are doing the right thing.
I do not think equal citizenship and all those the poster mentioned will remain.
Fred says
Not sure it is a green light. Rambo is playing 4d chess and Biman is playing last card. By giving Biman control of finances and true to form with cronyism and conflicts Biman is roasted if he doesn’t play balls.
Blood Diamond says
Naupoto is an obstreporous alcoholic with a glass in hand, moved his family out of their home into rental quarters so that he could sell it in order to fund his election, campaign and got only a tiny number of votes in return. He would have been on the streets picking up empty plastic bottles if it were not for Voreqe sharing his votes with him in order to bring him into parliament. He has sold his soul to the devil in order to save his skin, a turn coat and a traitor. It’s just amazing how an institution like the military that places high value on loyalty, honour and respect can produce the most lying, sleazy and treacherous characters like Naupoto, Rabuka and Nakivalurua. Should one blame their old school, QVS for the unenviable character of its alumni? Maybe the treachery of Brutus in knifing Julius Ceaser or the feigned madness of Macbeth in the competition for power in the Court of Denmark are what these QVS dudes learn when they perform their annual Shakespearean plays, not the higher principles of an embattled Julius Ceaser, for these dudes turned out to be Cassius/like characters: lean and hungry men, not yo be trusted and easily bought.
The question you raise, GD abt the conflict between their sworn oath on the bible to defend the Constitution and their sudden about turn to dump it at a bat of an eyelid is one that journalists as supposed members of the fourth estate should be asking of them, but Fiji journalists are even more tame than that infamous tame Australian Constitutionsl academic Graham Leong has trundled out from obscurity to be their mouth piece to justify changing the Constitution. Our journalists don’t deserve press freedom laws that have been restored to them. Then there is the NFP members of the Coalition, Pio Tikoduadua is a Catholic who attends all its functions and he too swore on the holy bible to uphold the Constitution? Biman Prasad would have swore his oath on the Gita?
The problem is with this self-serving Coalition government they are trying to do things back to front, if they had any common sense one would expect that first the long-promised Truth and Reconciliation Commission is first established, testimony is taken, tears are shed, there is a peace-making ceremony then the nation turns collectively to establish a new Constitution if one is needed to cement the new social contract, but No, These characters prefer to do it backwards.: get a Constitution that first retains their immunity from prosecutions for their past acts of treachery then bring in the T&R Commission. There is no more honesty and integrity left, each man and woman is for themselves. It is easy to say, God help us, but as De Caprio lamented in the movie “Blood Diamond,” “God left this country long ago.”
George says
School dropouts who joined military are rulers of the country.
99 percent of them are kaana loto’s.
Guru Singh says
They can start by reviewing the immunity provisions, great place to start right at that point.
Graham Davis says
Hahaha. Now I’d like to see that!
Aussie says
You question the mandate of Rambo and co to make changes to the Constitution. What mandate did Baini/Khaiyum have to bring the 2013 Constitution into law, Graham?
Graham Davis says
We returned to parliamentary rule in 2014. Not that you’d notice. Because if this is their idea of democracy – to be the same as Frank and Aiyaz but not stand for equal opportunity for all – God help us.
Viti Lailai. A collection of little tribes in which the biggest tribe lords it over the rest. Is that progress?
Rajiv Sharma says
GD, Their idea of equal opportunity was somewhat of a farce. They preached that yet government with an iron fist and curtailed freedom , you know that very well as they ruled by law and not within the law.
They targeted and persecuted their opponents and that is not equal opportunity.
You know damn well that Frank and ASK preached equality but ruled with a heavy hand and ruled by law instead of following the rule of the law.
You are disingenuous.
Graham Davis says
Hang on, Rajiv. Your lot promised to be better. So we voted for change and what did we get? Just more of the same but worse. And you have the audacity to call me disingenuous? You are an apologist and an appeaser – defending the indefensible, excusing the inexcusable and forgiving the unforgivable. Just like Biman and the rest of the NFP.
Aussie says
Returned to parliamentary rule in 2014 under an imposed Constitution. That’s my point. The supreme law of the land not passed by the supreme lawmaking body- Parliament. But MPs must go back to Parliament and the people- none of whom were consulted- to change it. What utter nonsense!! Your defence of an imposed Constitution bothers me- and I guess a lot of others too. But you’re right that the govt must specify what parts it needs to change.
Anonymous says
They seem to be taking the path that is provided in the Constitution in seeking to amend so they are not doing anything against the oath they took.
And if 75% of the electorate also support it, assuming 75% of the MPs do, there should be no question then the Constitution is amended as provided.
Graham Davis says
I repeat. We have a right to know what is proposed in the way of change. And I also repeat: Fijian voters did not give them a mandate to change the constitution at the last election.
Peter Pan says
Rajiv Sharma snd GD please take note.
No sooner than Rabuka and Baiman Prasad’s stitch up Coalition Government introduced its reform of the Constitution agenda the fragmentation of the nation into ethnic grouping started. The pro indigenous group, the Soqosoqo Vakamarama I Taukei held its first indigenous women’s Forum a few days ago with FNU Vice Chancellor, Unaisi Nabobo Baba as guest speaker where she condemned patriarchy and male leadership and forgetting the high number of women in the previous parliament implied that a conspiracy of sorts was responsible for a reduced number in this current parliament.
At this Forum it was revealed that she and Anthony Reagan have strategised for more meetings of women and youth be held throughout the country cascading down to grassroots level.
Vice Chancellor Nabobo-Baba revealed the goal is to ensure a 50-50 quota for men and women in the new Constitution and reserved seats for youth.
So public funds of the FNU are to be directed at pushing this divisive agenda. Recordings of Nabobo-Baba’s emotional address in broken English/Fijian are widely posted on the internet. According to Baba, Regan will be helping to fund raise with donors to pay for this.
It’s so sad that all this went on while public attention was being distracted by the visit to Fiji of the gracious President of India Smt. Droupadi Murmu who oraised Fiji’s multicultural society suggesting the world has a lot to learn fm Fiji.
Really? With this 5th columnist activity of the Soqosoqo Vaka marama aided and abetted by an Australian consultant one wonders about the timing of all this. This is Rabukaism at its best, the use of proxies to fulfill his hidden agenda.
Back to stone age says
Rajiv Sharma:
Amendments/changes to governance documents – like the US constitutions as you say are not a new occurrence and not unprecedented.
The intention and need of doing so is generally on the basis of making the document a better one – as understood by fair and principled sound minded people.
It is not done to allow miscarriage of justice, go against fair play principles or to take the nation backwards!
Heathcliffe says
I suspect they want to change the constitution so that the GCC will become a permanent part of Fijis parliament. But it’s up to Siti the snake to argue the case.
vuvale vulagi says
This is alla big ruse to bring in as many indeginous people as possible to join the gravy train.
This is a government by stealth:
Change constituion by extra-judicial means -check
Throw political opponents in jail- check
Push ethno-nationalist agenda at all times – check
Throw out indo-fijians from civil service – check
Reintroduce senate (*watch this space)
Senate appointees be only itaukei and appointments by gcc (*)
Gcc to be unelected parallel govenment (*)
Gcc to suck up as much gravy as possible (*)
Only itaukei to be head of goverment (*)
Only itaukei chief to be head of state (*)
Police comm itaukei only (*)
Police force must recruit 20% from other races- (ha! ha! ha!)
Militarily head itaukei only (*)
Military must recruit 20% from other races – (ha! ha! ha!)
All disciplined and undisciplined forces must include 20% gender balance – (ha! ha! ha!)
This government NEVER lies-(ha! ha! ha!)
Rajiv Sharma says
Let me ask you this question .
Are you OK with Australia having the same electoral system that Fiji has for electing MP’s to Parliament?
A simple yes or no please.
Are you OK with an electoral system in Australia with a single constituency?
Are you OK with an electoral system that can see someone riding the coat tails of his/her leader and getting 400 votes and riding his/her way to Parliament and eventually becoming a Minister?
Are you OK with an electrical system that has no provisions for a by- election that tests the ruling party’s electoral support?
Please , a simple YES or NO.
Graham Davis says
Now I get to be interrogated on my own blog site. Go play with the traffic.
Please, a simple YES or NO. Are your lot going to wind back to clock to the 1997 Constitution that gave “Fijians” – iTaukei – paramountcy? And a simple YES or NO.
What happens in Australia is totally irrelevant.
Brahsman Indian says
The d’hondt electoral system in Fiji’s Constitution was not borrowed from Australia. You should do your comparative analysis with the country from which it was borrowed, and RABUKA and his Cristian zealot supporters, and that includes Gavoka have reminded us several times that they stand with that country.
So why would they want to change a system that’s taken from one who has the mandate from God’?
ROTFI’s Patriot says
Hey Rajiv, a simple Yes and No on whether you’ve read Nilesh Lal-Dialogue Fiji’s take on the electoral system?
Stop being a puppet. There are pros and cons of all policies. There are benefits as well of a single constituency in a country like Fiji where the population is fragmented across geographies. It’s not perfect but certainly better than any previous ones that were along ethnic lines!!
Graham Davis says
I will be publishing Nilesh Lal’s response to Professor Anthony James Regan in full tomorrow as part of an article on the proposed changes to the Constitution. In the meantime we await the puppet Viliame Naupoto’s statement in the parliament today.
vuvale vulagi says
The nfp chamcha rs is batsh1t crazy. Blinded by his own ignorance to boot. This chamcha reminde of what my elders always said: don’t throw a rock on a pile of shite, lest you be covered in shite yourself.
Pita says
Mr. Rajiv
Saint Giles is where you need to be right now. I don’t feel you are an Indian but an I-Taukei hiding behind a fake Indian name.
People like you are the many reasons why so many have lost faith in politics. You talk nonsense and mostly utter rubbish on this coloum.
Either you are high on drugs or just another someone who has nothig good to do but keeping a tab on GD to insult him
Lost it says
Saint Giles is where you need to be right now. I don’t feel you are an Indian but an I-Taukei hiding behind a fake Indian name.…
Vinaka Pita.
Except, even St. Giles can’t help her. She is a fanatic part of a small group of extremist baimaan supporters (like, sapo) bitten by a rabid dog.
Warm Smiling Snakes says
What the ministers who received the Indian President on her recent visit should have said was this:
Your aircraft must have a few hundred empty seats. Take some of the people of your heritage back to India on your return. And facilitate more of this exodus. ( Because that is what our covert agenda is, constitutionally and in real practical intent. Our land, and only ours and we reign supreme no other race)) But keep building us a hospital, sugar mill etc and the money coming in.
What are you smoking as there is so much available in FIJI which was never heard of
some 20 years ago except the weed which was uprooted by police once in a while
Anyway looks like you are from the lost tribe of Israel on the next trip board it and live in Israel happily.
If Fijians move out of Fiji altogether you will go back to your primitive lives. No more tax will be paid, the free houses you will grab will fall down on you due to lack of maintenance (no money available ) The roads will have grass all over hiding the tar seal ,
The government will collapse, the new GCC building will have rats and dogs having a party, there will be no more export or import in the country due to no paisa. The country side will have new forest all over , cars ,bus, will be stranded where they are as no gas will be available.
The danger would be china will take over Fiji for non payment of loan like they did in the Sri Lanka forcible took over their port and a island in pacific where they built a huge
port for what ? China need Fiji badly for naval operations
The only thing you can do is take a begging bowl and and ask Australia or New Zealand
for dinau. Or simply ask them to take over FIJI before the Chinese do
God Bless have a great week end bro
JJR says
I hope there is an open and honest debate regarding what is wrong with the constitution but more importantly what is right with it and should be preserved. It is mostly a very good constitution. . It looks like its being used as a scapegoat for the mess that Fiji is in . If the government controls the narrative in the debate we could see changes that allow criminals and thugs to be employed by the government in the civil service for example , it is currently illegal for them to do so as decided in a recent supreme court ruling. If the current government gets its way I suspect the new constitution will probably be far worse than the old one
Fark Grubshit says
Military cant do shit to him because their boss is a pussy worried more about keeping his job and not ending up like former Commissioner of Police and Corrections. Plus as the former CRFMF he has done more for them than K Boy in charge right now. Every dog has its day and by the looks of it his getting out of the tainted Bai shadow that has overshadowed quite a number of people. If the Constitution has flaws and it needs to be changed or reviewed, the right thing to do is go on with it.