There is something deeply unsettling about the news on the front page of Good Friday’s Fiji Times that the state is moving so quickly to try to crucify Frank Bainimarama and Sitiveni Qiliho after the “screams of joy” and tears of relief that accompanied the lenient sentences they received yesterday from Magistrate Seini Puamau.
Soon after the sentencing and the outrageous court outburst by the Assistant DPP, Laisani Tabuakoro, that the sentences of an absolute discharge for the ousted prime minister and a $1500 fine for the suspended Police Commissioner were “disgraceful”(see previous posting), her boss, the illegal DPP, John Rabuku, lodged an appeal in the High Court.
That in itself raised eyebrows in legal circles because the normal practice would have been for any DPP to carefully consider the Magistrate’s judgment, not leap into action the same afternoon. Yet that level of concern has since sent eyebrows through the roof with the disclosure by the Fiji Times that the Acting Chief Justice, Salesi Temo, has set down the hearing for John Rabuku’s appeal next Wednesday. Yes, incredibly, in just five day’s time.
It is Easter, for God’s sake, when even the Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka, tells the Times that he hopes Frank Bainimarama will now be able to relax with his family worry-free (see accompanying story). No such luck. Justice Temo is fast-tracking the appeal with such astonishing haste that it turns the old saying about the wheels of justice turning slowly completely on its head.
As if it isn’t bad enough that the illegal Acting DPP has rushed to try to overturn yesterday’s sentencing, we now have an Acting Chief Justice who gives the two parties and their legal counsel just five days to prepare before they have to appear before him when most Fijians are commemorating the most solemn date on the Christian calendar – Good Friday – and then Christ’s resurrection on Easter Sunday, plus the holidays on either side.
Why the rush? Is it that Salesi Temo doesn’t believe in the Easter Bunny or attaches any importance to Christian “holy days”? Is he under pressure from the man who engineered his appointment – the suddenly invisible “caught in the bigamy allegation headlights” Attorney General, Siromi Turaga? Or does Justice Temo share the opinion of John Rabuku and his histrionic Assistant DPP that the sentences handed down by Seini Puamau are “disgraceful”? These are all legitimate questions under the circumstances, even the Easter Bunny one. Because the Easter plans of a great many people are suddenly in tatters.
There is an added element that is also disturbing – why the Fiji Times is the only media outlet in Fiji this Good Friday morning that is reporting next Wednesday’s appeal hearing. Rather than a general media release, the Fiji Times has clearly been given a front page exclusive. Who gave it to them? Justice Temo? Siromi Turaga? John Rabuku? Laisani Tabuakoro?
Whoever it was, it just adds to the mounting public concern about the proper administration of the criminal justice system – prosecutors making gratuitous outbursts in the court, an illegally-appointed Acting DPP hurtling into action and the even more unsettling spectacle of the Acting Chief Justice hurtling into the process of reviewing these sentences, with the news that he is doing so in just one media outlet that is the main cheerleader for the “new order”.
Whatever the legal arguments – and the details are effectively sub judice now the appeal has been scheduled – we all have a right to wonder what on earth is going on. And to be very concerned that the joyous scenes outside the courthouse yesterday have suddenly turned to dismay and anger a day later as the full force of the state comes crashing down on Seini Puamau and those she sentenced.
It isn’t just the disconnect between these startling developments and the Prime Minister’s comments in today’s Fiji Times about Frank Bainimarama now being able to relax with his family over Easter, having received an absolute discharge. We suddenly have evidence of distinct rumblings within the RFMF that cast serious doubt on the official assurances that all is well.
At 8.40 am yesterday morning Sydney time, Grubsheet received an email from a member of the RFMF who has been a reliable source in the past with explosive allegations against the Commander, Major General Ro Jone Kalouniwai. It came out of the blue and was obviously timed in the widespread expectation that Frank Bainimarama and Sitiveni Qiliho would receive jail sentences.
When that didn’t happen, I put the email in question to one side. But as the joyous scenes yesterday turn to the sobering morning-after reality and anger sets in, I am publishing it as a demonstration that there are already tensions behind the scenes with the potential to have explosive consequences. Make up your own mind what it means, Fiji, but as always, you have a right to know.
QUOTE: “The Commander’ interview on straight talk: absolute crap.
I and many other RFMF personnelle (sic) were there and saw with our own eyes and heard with our own ears when he sat next to former commander Bainimarama and assured him that he would not allow the mutineers and 2000 coup culprits to be released. He said he would remove the Government if he had to. Turns out that was the sweet lie of the serpent to delay action. Now he has become the biggest Liumuri, going and claiming on straight talk that he was asked to remove people and didn’t act as if he is some kind of hero. He must be exposed for the snake he is: bought by the highest bidder.” UNQUOTE.
Happy Easter.
NOTE: Some comments are being amended for legal reasons. My regrets.
And finally for some Easter light relief, a new official portrait of the Acting Chief Justice. Interchangeable with the illegal Acting DPP and everyone else in this pantomime.
Ashamed says
Happy Easter Friday GD.
It becomes very obvious that the illegal Acting DPP had a prepared appeal ready. Hence the swift reaction to save face for DPP. Those actions by the DPP would have been sanctioned by the Chief Justice Temo as well as AG Siromi Turaga!
When the earlier ruling of a Not Guilty was passed down by Puamau on the two, Rabuka had lashed out widely in a communication to his Cabinet demanding that AG do his job and spend less time talking! So obviously from the onset, Rabuka has his hands on this matter to stifle the former PM and former Commander!
The position of Government is now clear that they wish to prosecute and throw Bainimarama into prison, effectively removing him from the next election.
There is a viral video being shared by one of Lynda Tabuya’s close friends and allies Frank Hamagushi on Facebook showing some old scums of the streets of Suva shouting obscenities against a joyful Bainimarama outside of court yesterday, telling him se bera ni oti. 10 tale meaning it’s not over, another 10 prosecutions coming, followed by swears!
Now who has given out those figures to these men who are by the way linked to Litia Qionibaravi (her campaign manager in 2018) as they screamed at Bainimarama?
The political assasination is real and there is no way we should respect the kind of justice system we have in Fiji if we are now in the business of eliminating political competitors by plonking them into jail!
Worse GD is the fact that the Police themselves are the ones complaining against the former PM and being the witnesses in court !! Note that the next case Bainimarama has been charged with alongside Qilio is again on a supposed termination of two Police Officers and again former Police Acting Commisioner Tudravu is a witness in the case !
Look at the stats of Elections and we will all know the Fiji Police Force voted for Rabuka. That is why Rabuka currently has bodyguards from the Police rather than preferring soldiers as he was one .
The state of lawlessness in the nation and missing drugs from the Police Station, not to mention the public confirmations of current Acting Police Commissioner that there are rogue and corrupt officers in the Police Force are an indication of how tainted the Fiji Police I is today with the rot going straight to Rabuka’s advisers and their cronies who are now fighting tooth and nail to throw Bainimarama in prison and safeguard their own corruption and any threat of being exposed !!
We are in interesting times GD and the now defunct Commander is a lost cause anyway. You will also know some comments I’ve earlier made about Kalouniwai’s pathetic history as a hypocrite due to his own marital status.
I rest my case. Thank you GD as always for holding these idiots to account and exposing them for the Fijian population to swallow. It’s the devils we created and voted for after all !
Rajiv Sharma says
Donald Trump is selling “God Bless America” bible for $59.99 USD
Maybe people of Fiji should buy one for Easter and get away from all this court room drama..
Why always lecture the Fiji Times on what they should cover and what they should not cover on their front page or buried inside the paper?
Maybe some in-depth analysis on the judgement itself and possible reasons behind the judgement instead of your lead story being the outburst from the prosecutor, yes she is probably in contempt of court and let the court decide if she is.
As you have said , this is your narrative and you are entitled to that and not compulsory reading, I get it ; but just saying .
Happy Easter
Graham Davis says
Rajiv, it is perfectly legitimate for me to target the Fiji Times for its chronic bias, selective reporting and in this instance, to wonder how it obtained information about next Wednesday’s appeal that other media outlets weren’t given.
For your information, I am advised that dissecting the Puamau judgment in any detail – what you term “in depth analysis” – is no longer possible now that there is a High Court appeal. To that extent, I intend to at least try to stay within the law.
Dumbo says
@Rajiv your inane response betrays signs of dementia setting in.
Joshua says
As someone who has had a pacemaker for nearly 20 years i am advized by my doctor to walk a minimum of 3km or 8,000 steps a day.
I also lead a very active life, working out 2-3 times a week benching up ti 80kgs X 3 sets.
I always pass my 6-monthly medical with flying colours.
I couldn’t help but laugh when I read the Magistrates comments about Mr Bainimarama and his pacemaker and how prison time may be bad for it and him.
On the contrary, the extra weight he is carrying is more damaging to his health.
I am sure if the Magistrate had obtained a second opinion under cross examination from a heart specialist she would of heard a different story.
As for pace maker batteries needing to be charged in a prison cell?
These gadgets are built to last. Their batteries are built to go for a minimum of 10-years.
Pita says
Your age? Seems like you got a pacemaker at an very early age through unhealthy lifestyle. Bainimarama will be 70years old, that prolong military service wears and tears most of the joints and bone.
Benching 80kg is one thing. My uncle had a bypass and he is a carpenter. He is able to lift wet timber with ease. 10×1 6×2 and builts houses for a living. He is 60.
I think rather than arguing about his weight at 70 you should worry about your pacemaker, those things are not guaranteed to be okay for 10years. I have seen people crumble to death with pacemaker.
Joshua says
I am a proud 72 years of age, older than Bai and certainly fitter .
What u talk’n abt service in the military damaging his body, this guy was in the Navy, not the army, never crawled around in the mud, running obstacle courses, etc he stood on the bridge for most of his service life; went only once to the Middle East but sent back before his full term for excessive alcohol consumption.
I could go on, but won’t. Wake up man, from yr slumber.
Pita says
Wake up? You need to wake up you old arrogant fool, I bet you are one of Sodelpa and PAP nitwit. You like to dwell in the past. Certainly you are a 72 year old keyboard warrior?
Why don’t you ask your master Rabuka for his crimes? Why wasn’t he jailed? He has blood on his hands and will end up in hell. I take no one’s side. Bai has done some good things for Fiji and some of them were bad.
But do you ever talk shit about Buka? He robbed the NFB, due to his coup the country is like dogshit.
You need a fact check old man. I am also old and retired. But I don’t wear a pacemaker because I had a healthy lifestyle. Now go along and do your 80kg bench press on your couch. Too much lasulasu.
Fit as fat says
Joshua: good for you. Stay fit n healthy, eat wholesome meals, etc. The great thing about life is nobody will get out of here alive.
What you looking at? says
Yes it is astonishing the speed with which all involved in this case are moving to “nail” the former PM and the COMPOL. There is obviously prejudice and bias and no consideration for due process. As a start, the Acting Chief Justice should recuse himself from this case as clearly his position in this case in untenable.
I also suggest that the defence counsel lodge a complaint about the illegal Acting DPP who is clearly not in a position to bring this case as his very appointment to the position is highly questionable.
But the saddest thing is the “high standards” being set by this mob in the judiciary. These are the standards of a true Banana Republic. What is even more amazing is that that is exactly what the people of Fiji want!!!! Why else would they vote for a crackpot from 37 years ago?
Steve says
Rabuka feels for Bainimarama?
Rabuka is behind all these appeals and Prosecutions. Not Siromi, Not Rabuku or Temo. Rabuka is the main culprit, he has the power.
Margaret says
The independence of the Acting CJ is highly questionable. It will be a miscarriage of justice if he continues to sit in this case. Blind Freddy can see that. But this is Fiji. This is a unique country where the “Lost Tribe from Jerusalem”, the chosen people live. That is especially relevant today until resurrection day on Monday.
And after that they go back to being a despot country.
Lothario says
Talking about the ‘wheels of justice’ the acting supervisor of elections Ana Mataiciwa was quick to report Biman ‘Lothario’ Prasad to FICAC but weeks later she is still sitting on Lynda ‘The Great Temptress’ Tabuya’s files. The grog-doped Fiji media as usual are sleeping on the job so it falls on GrubSheet to call out this double standard. What will we do without GrubSheet?!
Graham Davis says
I’m sorry but you are about to find out. Taking the whole of next week off in chilly NZ with lots of log fires and long walks. My esteemed Marama is insisting. My regrets.
GuyFawkes says
It would be interesting to hear the FIJI LAW SOCIETY’S stance in this witch-hunt.
Holy Ghost says
In a space of 24-hours Magistrate, Seini Puamau,made contradictory rulings.
On the one hand, she discharges Bainimarama citing, among other things, his medical report yet on the other hand,
she ignores not only a medical report but a police report presented by Kishore Kumar of Kishore Kumar Publications to show why he was unable to attend her previous Court.
She ruled Kumar’s medical report “was not enough” and remanded him in custody while sending his file off for assessment on whether he should undergo a sanity check at St Giles.
Earlier in the Bainimarama Qiliho case she rejected prosecution submissions that both be remanded in custody to avert risk of interference in due process.
Now we read from Grubsheet of an email from an army officer stating Bainimarama had conversed with the Commander RFMF extracting from him an assurance that he would do a coup if govt released from prison those behind the mutiny and the 1992 coup.
The last say is undoubtedly with public prosecutor, Losakini Tabuakoro who I’m sure would be shaking her head reprovingly saying, “I told you so. A snake will always be a snake.”
Kadavu waka says
Lynda tubuya is having a great time smiling amidst all this. For once her shit show isn’t the talk of the town.
I heard she’s being moved to transport ministry and will be guiding traffic from her Facebook page.
Sad Observer Scared for Fiji says
It’s pretty sad when your only chance of winning the next election is by placing the opposition behind bars, and you’re prepared to do this at any cost (rather than proper process). This generation would call it cringey. The Coalition in all of their impulsive, childish, vindictive behaviour (instead of policy driven) have actively put themselves in this demeaning position. Whilst I dearly want to see Fiji outgrow it’s coup culture, I can see why coups have become common when those who get into power lack the maturity to consistently focus on good governance instead of self-interest.
Unbelievable says
Not a drop of water, a basic necessity and right for all, in most parts of Suva with no definitive timelines for the issue to be fixed yet the lightening speed with which the appeal hearing date got fixed to Wednesday next week is very telling.
God bless Fiji!
Fiji Watcher says
What an amazing 24 hours!
First, we have a magistrate who carefully reviews the submissions of the DPP and defence in relation to the former PM and suspended Police Commissioner and in her judgements take note of the offences and submissions in the sentences brought down.
The sentences outrage the Asst DPP who acts like petulant child and shows disrespect to the court by her comments, which would constitute contempt of court. Magistrate decided to ignore her outburst. Do this DPP officer’s actions represent how the DPP now acts in cases before courts? One would hope not! Even a first-year law student knows how to act when before the court!
Then within hours the Acting DPP lodges an appeal to the High Court, which clearly suggests that unless the Magistrate gave a sentence reflective of their submission they would appeal. Taking no note of the judgement of the Magistrate and her reasons for the sentence handed down. Which some may allege the DPP never planned to accept the finding of the Magistrate and were going to the High Court, where they were successful earlier.
Not to be outdone the Acting Chief Justice (CJ) decided he would hear the appeal next Wednesday, less than a week after the hearing the Magistrate’s court! An unheard-of timeframe for an appeal to the High Court and one which would not occur anywhere else in the world. This at a time of Easter, one of the holiest periods in the Christian calendar and with only one working day available, Tuesday, for the defence to prepare for the appeal. The timeframe one could allege is designed to advantage the DPP and disadvantage the defence. There is also the issue that the Acting CJ heard the original appeal by the DPP against the same Magistrate in the same earlier case where she found for the defendants. Is that usual? Or is this an example of how justice is dispensed in Fiji?
Are there other forces at work in the background, given the speed with which the ADPP and the A/CJ have moved?
When the earlier ruling of a Not Guilty was passed down on the two, Rabuka is alleged to have lashed out widely demanding that AG do his job. So obviously from the onset he has had his hands on this matter.
Spectre says
Fiji stands at a critical juncture, teetering on the brink of crisis unless decisive action is taken by our leaders. It is imperative that we grant full independence to the judiciary, ensuring that only the most qualified individuals are entrusted with upholding justice.
The time has come to unequivocally reject all forms of corruption, beginning with the very leaders who have thus far failed our nation. We find ourselves besieged by ominous forces, and mere surface-level reforms cannot remedy the deep-seated animosities, egos, and disregard for our institutions. What is needed is nothing short of a seismic shift in leadership—a passing of the torch to a new generation. Failure to enact such change will inevitably lead us down a path of anarchy, the demise of democracy, and the collapse of our moral, ethical, and economic foundations. Consider the bleak prospect awaiting our children in such a scenario; it is a lamentable and disheartening thought indeed. The country is currently hounded and haunted by evil forces and dreaded spectres that needs to be corrected urgently before we implode!
Wankers for brains says
What else should Fijians expect when they put a recycled crackpot from 37 years ago who raped the country. They reward him so that he can bask in more glory. This rapist was expected to fix Fiji’s problems!!!!! A rapist dumbo who has done f/all in the last 37 years except bring grief to the whole nation many many times, including bankrupting the national bank and they give him the chance to do it all over again. I mean, the heads of Fijians must be full of shit. If not, what else is it full of???? Fijians deserve to be belted as they asked for it. Now go an pray and fast, it is Easter, after all!!!!
Ashamed says
Best way to gauge Rabuka! When he left Govt or was booted out at the polls in 1999, where did he go? Was he able to find employment again? Why not ? He claims he had to sell collected bottles for a living because his former PM pension was stopped by Bainimarama. What a laugh ! The unemployable guy was unemployed because he had nothing of value to any other Employer to make him attractive as a worker !
That’s what Fijians wanted ! Someone who has no idea how to work by himself or even create and develop a business for his own livelihood ! Talk is cheap Rambo! You are a nut ! And Fijians who voted and wanted you to lead Fiji and equally nuts who deserve a monkey leading them !
Nick says
Illegal gauri acting DPP and Salesi Temo are hell bent on sending Bainimarama and Qiliho to jail when twice magistrate court has acquitted them. Clear evidence of interference by Siromi in convicting Bainimarama. It’s about time the man in green gives them a visit to set the record straight.
Fucked Law Society. Wake up! says
Fiji’s Law Society is a laughing joke everywhere. What on earth are these clueless lot doing!
Can they stand up and defend their profession or are they all ok to let it go to ruins?
What a day in Fiji’s history in 24 hours. Rabuku like a little kid throwing tantrums.
Things are cooking real bad and this doesn’t look good for the country.
One set of investors said today that they are not investing. They are tired of the 18 months of uncertainty and it doesn’t look any better. There was a multi million dollar investment. Gone. Khalas.
37 years on Fijians are only coming to slowly realise who Rabuka is.
Siromi is a cow says
Investigate Siromi of interference.
The thief of an AG with an illegally appointed Rabuku.
James K says
Siromi should stop interfering with the justice proceedings. This is becoming very concerning. Worried that Fiji is heading down a very wrong pathway.
Richard Naidu was given the same verdict. Siromi favored the decision and wrote to the Judge. Now we have another story for the same sentencing. The corruption by the Coalition is another level.