The chronically pro-Coalition Fiji Times has suddenly changed tack by putting the FijiFirst Opposition Leader, Inia Seruiratu, on its front page calling on the Prime Minister to stand down those of his ministers who are currently being investigated by FICAC or the police.
It is probably just an aberration as even Fred Wesley and his troops realise that the country as a whole has had enough of the government’s shenanigans on top of many people having no water in their taps. But it is worth noting nonetheless because there has been a distinct change in the political temperature and a big chill has frozen the Prime Minister’s personal standing.
Fred and the rest of the mainstream media – aside from the Fiji Sun (see below) – haven’t yet brought themselves to report Grubsheet’s exclusive yesterday about the Chair of the PAP’s Disciplinary Committee, Alefina Vuki, resigning from the Committee and the Party in protest at the PM retaining the Minister for Bonking and Weed, Lynda Tabuya, when the Committee found the sex and drug allegations against her proven and she was stripped of the Party’s deputy leadership. But the latest image that Lynda Tabuya has posted of herself semi-naked on social media has sent public dismay soaring to unscaled heights about how the hell she has been allowed to remain in the women and children’s portfolio.
Add to that the conga line of ministers before FICAC or under police investigation and anger about much of Suva being without water and we have a very potent political mix. Certainly today’s Fiji Times front page tells us there is no chance of an early election – which is said to have been the PAP’s plan to rid itself of its Coalition partners. Even Fred Wesley is now making Inia Seruiratu look like a credible alternative leader. And as the months pass, more and more people are starting to think that as long as Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum is out of the way, FijiFirst has to be better than a Coalition that is unravelling with every passing week.
Seruiratu has copped a lot of criticism for not being more assertive in pursuing the government but perhaps it has been smart politics to stand back and allow the Coalition to destroy itself. Voters the world over have notoriously short memories and Fijians especially so. And after 16 months, who remembers the great sense of optimism that accompanied the Coalition victory? Even people like Richard “I have the means” Naidu are openly expressing despair.
For a long time, Grubsheet copped a beating for criticising the new order along the lines of “give them a chance”. But more and more people every week are realising that the Coalition has had its chance and blown it. Today’s front page in itself is evidence of that disillusionment – at the very least a warning shot across the bows of the government from its principal media cheerleader that the patience of the Fijian people is wearing perilously thin.
It isn’t going to happen, of course, but just imagine if the Prime Minister were to heed Inia Seruiratu’s call to stand down those ministers currently under investigation. The Coalition would be without two Deputy Prime Ministers – Biman Prasad and Manoa Kamikamica – wouldn’t have an Attorney General (Siromi Turaga) or the Minister for Bonking and Weed (“Show us your tatts Tabuya”). I’m sure there are others but it has got to the stage that even Grubsheet has trouble keeping count.
Mind you, it probably wouldn’t matter if they were suspended until their names are cleared. Rumours abound that the Prime Minister called one cabinet meeting and no-one turned up. And then another at which only Sakiasi Ditoka – the Minister for Rural, Maritime Development and Disaster Management – poked his head through the door.
Where were the others? Who knows? Undoubtedly overseas or in the case of Lynda Tabuya, at the beach. The best that can be said is that at least the Minister for Disaster Management is around. Because it is his own Prime Minister and his own government that need him most.
POSTSCRIPT: Ever wonder what happened to the Tebbutt-Fiji Times poll that was reintroduced with such fanfare last July but that we haven’t seen since? Anyone want to leak one to Grubsheet?
Where’s Lynda? At the beach. And still refusing to turn around and show us those turtle tattoos.
And where’s the PM? At the gym. O, vinaka. The country’s in the very best of hands.
The Fiji Sun carries a small story on Alefina Vuki’s resignation today (Thursday) but of course, nothing in the Fiji Times and other media outlets. Amazing the number of stories Grubsheet breaks from 3,200 kilometres away in Sydney that Fijian media outlets should be covering but don’t. The same goes for Victor Lal at Fijileaks, 16,200 kilometres away in Oxford.
To follow is what happens now to the dwindling band of prominent Coalition supporters like Imrana Jalal when they raise their heads on social media – in this instance, the Manila-based ADB staffer and women’s rights advocate trying to argue that Lynda Tabuya has done nothing wrong.
Posted by Grubsheet without comment except to point out that Aseri Radrodro‘s wife, Sainiana – who has evidently reverted to her maiden name Waqainabete – takes grave exception to Imrana Jalal’s comments and extracts a personal apology from the “Great Lady”.
Sonny says
Kadavu Mermaid that got washed up in beaches of Viti Levu is now a centre fold. If Fiji and the P.M. thinks he is going to be the next Rambo movie…can’t wait to see season 2.
Chairwoman - Council of Vulagi Chiefs says
Their love knew no bounds. If it wasn’t the boardroom it would be behind closed doors of the office. On overseas trips they would miss each other so much that they would form coalitions with other’s. Scene in room 233 projected in 3D.
Then came the twist. They had a love child. “Inia”. Will Inia take revenge or will he protect.
Opening on May 14th. Simultaneously releasing at Globe Cinema Lautoka, Roxy Nadi, Diamond Labasa, Century Suva City and Neelam Cinema Samabula.
Starring: I gave myself the authority Rambo, Ashwariya kadavu Lopez, Azuri, Inia, and in a negative role Kai.
Get your tickets early.
Graham Davis says
LOL. Very droll. 🙂
Chairwoman - Council of Vulagi Chiefs says
Both those bodies (boci’s) should be severely wrapped up.
Lard and wrinkles aren’t pretty, so definitely another embarrassing foreign policy blunder.
V4Vendetta says
The Kadavu Kalavo….that’s a more “honorable” and fitting title for lunatic Lynda.
Eid Mubarak says
Eid Mubarak Graham.
Eid Mubarak to all daily readers here too.
Just here to say that I read Grubsheet everyday.
Don’t even go near Fiji Times.
Over the years the newspaper has lost all credibility it held. So rest in peace, Fred.
I would pay to read Grubsheet if I had to.
Graham writes what no one in Fiji can. That says it all.
The so called journalists in Fiji have gained so much of their so called freedom doing nothing now.
Fijians have a voice.
It’s through Grubsheet.
Graham Davis says
Very kind of you. Eid Mubarak to you and yours and to all Fijian Muslims!
Jaguar says
Rabuka is too busy playing Nero with his fiddle (harmonica) while his government burns.
I don’t expect much from the snakes at the vipers den at Knolly’s after they connived and bought their way into government via the SODELPA management board.
Adi says
Alefina Vuki’s story is on Page 2 of the Fiji Sun
Graham Davis says
Sorry, it was so small that I missed it. Duly attached to the latest posting.
Anonymous says
LT’s Instagram post with the bikini photos is really the limit. She clearly is taunting those who have called her out by baring all, save for a strategically placed sulu to hide the turtle tattoos on her back. This is one of Fiji’s leaders? Being saved by the skin of her teeth by a weak old man and now taunting and teasing? Terrible. You will also notice that IJ posted something admonishing women that post bikini photos online, around the same time as LT’s Instagram bikini photo shoot.
Taina Hazelman says
Aww Graham I love your sense of humour in the midst of a disastrous situation. As they say ‘only in Fiji’.
Graham Davis says
Taina, what’s that line about laughter being the best medicine? The alternative is to slash one’s wrists but where will that get us? It is bound to get a lot worse before it gets better. If it ever does. 🙁
Shameful trio of Jalal, Ali, Tabuya says
Home wreckers like Imrana Jalal and Shamima Ali will never understand the plight of other women and their families. For Jalal to even mentioned what she did and take Tabuya’s side shows the low level of determination these women have in values based principles and uplifting families. They should not be in any NGO that looks after the wellbeing of women with broken families where men have cheated on their wife and abused them. Abuse comes in many form and adultery is one of the most common issues in Fiji.
I am ashamed to know that these women are held in high regard in Fiji. And so is Tabuya.
It is wrong at all levels and I am sure that these women know that their days are numbered.
I hope the donor agencies are taking note.
Born in kadavu. Made in USA says
Shades of Marilyn Monroe??? Happy birthday Mr President. This may yet come true if Rabuka is given the presidential role in future
!! For now happy birthday Mr prime minister will suffice.
What you looking at? says
I reckon that in order to solve the LT problem, we all should just make her the PM – problem solved. That way she can then be more comfortable and dance on the beach completely naked. I reckon we should give her that priviledge.
No I do not want to see her naked, fatsos are not my type, but I believe that is what she wants to do and get away with it, just so that she can have the satisfaction.
I mean if she has agreed to be videoed having sex, I reckon she is an ideal candidate to be our first porn PM. When else will we get that opportunity?
Ashamed says
The wretched woman and the rest of the corrupt Ministers should be side lined but the weak and immoral PM will never do that .
Every grog bowl in Fiji is talking about now this coalition government has failed everyone who hoped removing Khaiyum would be best for Fiji. They will be in for a shock at the next polls !