Biman Prasad, the NFP leader, has been very quiet about the party’s attitude to the Coalition’s current push to fast-track changes to the 2013 Constitution with a wafer-thin electoral mandate of one vote on the floor of the parliament. But we now know a great deal about the NFP’s position from reading between the lines of an astonishing article in today’s Fiji Times by one of its principal luminaries, Richard Naidu, who declares himself “no fan” of the 2013 Constitution even though it granted Fiji’s minorities equal rights for the first time.
I say astonishing because at no point in a lengthy article over two pages of the paper does Richard Naidu – using the soapbox he has always had at the Fiji Times – declare his position on the core things that really matter to Fiji’s minorities – the common and equal citizenry (everyone equal), the common identity (everyone “Fijian”) and the secular state ( no one religion favoured by the state).
This is a man who as Chair of the government’s Fiscal Review Committee, recommended a seven- year tax holiday for one of his clients. This is a man who is chronically selective in the subjects he chooses for his Fiji Times articles – routinely ignoring some of the nation’s biggest stories and pushing agendas that suit him. Changing the Constitution is now one of the agendas he has chosen to push. And without any reference whatsoever to the core issue – whether an attempt is being made by Sitiveni Rabuka and those around him to alter the equal opportunity provisions of the 2013 Constitution and take Fiji back to the era in which indigenous votes had more value than those of other communities.
Yes, Fiji, not a word about the critical need to protect the rights of Fiji’s minorities – just a lengthy apologia for the Coalition’s plan to alter the Constitution because, among other things, he doesn’t like it. Worse, Naidu’s article amounts to a green light from a prominent lawyer for the Coalition to go to the Supreme Court and try to obtain a ruling that bypasses the current constitutional requirement that it can only be changed with a 75 per cent vote of MPs in the parliament and a 75 per cent vote of registered voters.
Acknowledging that it may now be possible – with the collapse of the FijiFirst opposition – for the Coalition to get 75 per cent in the parliament, Richard Naidu concedes that it will be much harder to get 75 per cent of voters to agree. So what course of action does he propose to break the impasse? Precisely the same course of action being proposed by the likes of Sitiveni Rabuka, Siromi Turaga and other indigenous hardliners – take it all to the Supreme Court to get a ruling that overturns the present requirement.
Once again, those of us who looked to the NFP to keep the bastards honest are being betrayed. We now have the first indication from Richard Naidu – as an NFP stalwart – that he, and they, would support going to the Supreme Court to get the 75 per cent threshold overturned. And with what electoral mandate are they doing so? None.
The NFP did not campaign for the 2022 election on a platform to change the 2013 Constitution. Had it done so, it would have faced serious questions from a great many of its supporters about precisely what changes it envisaged. Because we know from the history of the 1987 coups and two subsequent constitutions that the rights of the iTaukei were specifically designated as “paramount” to those of other communities. And that changed with the 2013 Constitution, which whatever its other flaws, produced a common and equal citizenry and a common identity for the first time. (The secular state is in the 1997 Constitution).
It beggars belief that the NFP and one of its public “intellectuals”, Richard Naidu, are now willing to join the rest of the Coalition in taking the 2013 Constitution back to the drawing boards without insisting that the common and equal citizenry and common identity provisions are non-negotiable. In other words, that Fiji’s minorities will not tolerate having these rights removed.
We have already witnessed the NFP’s appeasement of the Coalition’s racist policies, including workplace ethnic cleansing in the civil service and offices of state. We have seen it appease the erosion of the rule of law with multiple violations of the Constitution in relation to illegal appointments and proper constitutional process. We have seen it accept personal conduct in the government that is indefensible plus gross self-indulgence in the form of salary and benefit increases and shameless partying. But we will not tolerate the NFP siding with its Coalition partners in a conspiracy against Fiji’s minorities – those who put them there to protect their interests only to be betrayed.
Having been subjected to a personal stitch-up in the courts under FijiFirst, Richard Naidu should know more than anyone that we cannot rely on the integrity of the courts under the existing leadership of an Acting Chief Justice who has violated the Constitution on multiple occasions. The biggest fear of Fiji’s minorities will be a stitch-up to satisfy the demands of the iTaukei for more rights than other citizens and, among other things, the loss of the common identity amid an active campaign to depict non- iTaukei as vulagi – visitors in their own country.
Read on, Fiji, and if you are a member of one of the minorities, grab hold of your eyebrows. Because instead of insisting on preserving the rights of every Fijian above all else in any review of the 2013 Constitution, Richard Naidu doesn’t even mention it.
“Well at least we can now talk about changing the Constitution”, he says. Bulitavu for you, Richard. Well at least we now also know that the NFP is very good at appeasing its Coalition partners but isn’t so good at standing up for Fiji’s minorities against those intent on changing the Constitution to entrench indigenous rights over the rights of everyone else.
That is the great threat – albeit so far unspoken – and it is time this secret agenda is dragged out of the shadows into the open. And if you can’t see that, you learnt nothing from almost winding up in the lovo pit dug for you in front of the parliament 37 years ago by people pursuing the same agenda.
It’s on…
And total gobbledygook from the Prime Minister designed to confuse and deceive. Can anyone else decipher what this all means? Because I can’t. The Snake is slithering all over the place to camouflage his real intentions.
Tell me one incident where the itaukei’s rights have been threatened under the 2013 Constitution. Where is the fear of losing anything when the itaukei population is 75% and the minorities are 25 % or even less probably due to the mass migration not only of the Indo Fijians but itaukei’s as well.
The itaukei’s always feared that the minorities will steal their land which is fully protected by TLTB that even a Itaukei can’t sell any land. And we must thank Ratu Sukuna for that. Show me one case where a minority stole Fijian Land.
Having cleared that, where is the current problem to change the constitution ? To me there is none. We are all God’s children whether you are White, Black, Yellow or brown
therefore, we should have equal status as god’s chosen right. There’s no enemty among the Fijian people we have lived in peace and harmony till today.
If the share of economy is the current problem and is not evenly distributed than the blame should go to the colonial rulers who used the divide and rule tactic and the reason why the itaukei didn’t have the chance to join hands with the minorities, to uplift their standard of living as the indians.
So i pray to our brothers and sisters, lets take Fiji forward and become a true hub of the pacific.
God bless our country and its people.
Unsilent_Minority says
Kudos to you for dropping some truth bombs.
Pita says
As many years back I heard from someone great “Kaindia are the worst enemy of kaindia”. No truer word has ever been spoken in those many years back with my time in Fiji.
Changing the Connstitution, supreme law of Fiji is like changing your underwear now. Has any kaindia come forward to challenge this? No, for always sitting back and waiting for the inevitable, why? Because Kaindia know any change to the constitution means a free pass abroad for a better life.
If and when the Constitution is changes and I-Taukei supremacy is made the Bible, exodus will begin. Similar to 1987 and after 2000 coups. This is no less than a legal coup. Supreme court should not have a right to change the Constitution as it is the written law of the land. But we cannot blame anyone, if a statistical data is collected about Indians in Fiji. Only 30% may now be living there.
Get ready Fiji, a good riddance to unwanted minorities. A 100% I-Taukei owned country, imagine the prosperity, economical growth and tourism a new Constitution will drive. Some might think like this, but without Kaindia, Fiji will become a nation like Zimbabwe.
Blame game says
Indians may sit back. This is a historicall y forced reality.
Legitimate reasons. They know nothing they say will be noticed.
It is difficult to participate when constantly told they dont belong
here. They are continuously shoved aside. Bulldozed. Steam rolled. Treated as enemy. Vulagi.
Our neighboring developed countries make it as difficult as possible for Fiji Indians to emigrate. Make them take “english” language tests when the medium of instruction in Fiji schools is english.
Myriad health tests. Better not have NCDs like HBP-diabetes – heart conditions. Must have post-secondary higher education.
Different criteria for others. No pita, you live a privileged reality. The Indians suffer from the scourge of emigration. Families torn apart. Unable to attend family events.
Besides, who are you to begrudge any one who desires to better their and the family’s life?
Take a closer look, you will see itaukei are leaving in equal if not slightly higher numbers from the own land and waters. There’s that word again: land. People go work in foreign land farms when their own lands and water resources are untapped and sit idle.
Economic migrants. money before hard work. No harm in that.
Pita says
Blame game
Privilege life? I grew up with Indian families and played with Indian children who till this day are like my brothers and sisters. I keep a touch with them every now and then.
What wrong have I stated? This is the truth that Indian’s do not wish to be part of any legal or issues dealing with politics or Fiji. As they know family and children upbringing is everything.
Indians have never been bulldozed or steam rolled. Dirty politicians, NFP and Indians have sold the Indians for money like the Whiteman once did. This is is the harsh truth. I have spent my entire life in a farming community before shipping to overseas with my fellow Indian friends, for a better lifestyle NO, so that me and my family are safe and earn what they work hard for.
Go and talk to I-Taukei people, even they don’t feel protected within their kind. So many backstabbing, money and power hungry I-Taukei robbing and steam rolling the I-Taukei population. I am not blaming the Indians. But have reflected as to why Indians in Fiji are migrating. Everyone should be called a Fijian. It is an English word “Fijian”.
I love my fellow Indians and other minorities. Not all I-Taukei people are bad as people might think about us.
Chief’s have always brain washed my people and so have church pastors. The elite I-Taukei don’t give a damn about common citizens surviving on a minimum wage rate.
Fiji will only move forward the day Chiefs are removed. The world has moved away from Kings ruling and now Fiji needs to do the same. Protecting the culture is one thing. Large chunk of young I-Taukei population don’t even want to stay in villages anymore due to harsh rules and regulations and 3rd world brain dead chiefs. I left with my family due to this.
I am old now, but will always cherish my Indian mates.
Blame game says
Vinaka Pita for your heart felt candor in sharing your personal experiences and life journey. We have a lot to learn from each other. And I mean that in a wider sense too.
The 2 lost souls says
2 lonely Indians stood inside the hall when the election victory was declared. The country knows one was Biman and the other Richard. They didn’t know whether to smile or cry. The victory should have brought them immense joy but it showed faces of misery. They knew exactly that 3 years on from that day their future will be determined by the votes that Indians will place against NFP. That day is not far.
These two men have done their best to rob every Indian off one thing and that is equal citizenship.
These 2 men sold their souls and that of thousands of Fiji Indians for power.
Richard thinks Fiji Indians are a fool.
No, they are not.
They will be beggars on the street. Not for money but for respect that they will never get from their own.
Unwise leaders says
I don’t care what Richard thinks and what Richard writes. He can have the whole FT propaganda newspaper if he wants and keep writing his so called expert opinion.
All I care about is what is right by the Constitution. Not the if, but, and, etc.
Stick to the rules on the Constitution and see where Fiji goes.
NFP has lied to its voter base. They are the chutney that no samosa needs next election.
Vili Wadali says
Why should we respect a constitution that was drawn up in smoke- filled back room by a few bandits who were concerned about their longevity and future wealth? We the public were not consulted. Cant see you see this? Geez…
Fred says
It is said you’ll only know the value of a good reputation when you lose it
Martin Luther King says
Fiji has been taken back to the bad old days of the 1890s to the 1960s, when it was said that “the only good Indian was a dead one.” Indians at that time fought a just fight against this extreme prejudice of institutionalised racism and produced many great leaders to give voice to that struggle. At one point the Indian population had grown to the majority because of sickness among the itaukei, but the Indian population now mainly through migration has dwindled to 30 odd per cent and it is projected to drop further into the 20s in the next decade or so. The indo Fijians along with other non itaukei communities form the “minority group” for whom, as you out it, the core thing that really matter is – the common and equal citizenry (everyone equal), the common identity (everyone “Fijian”) and the secular state ( no one religion favoured by the state). Not only are these core principles our constitutional right but it remains our mast-head around which we rally and justify our continuing existence in this country. Remove or modify those principles and we become like turtles struggling on the beach without a shell.
Moreover, the expanded Bill of rights in the 2013 Constitution that identifies our right to the basic ingredients of life such as the right to housing, a job, freedom from hunger, right to education, health, peace of mind and freedom of choice are embody all what we aspire for.
In any country governed under the rule of law the Courts are who we turn to when these values and guarantees are brought under question, but like u say GD through the actions of some in this Coalition Government both the government and the Courts can no longer be trusted.
Biman and Richie Naidu have been blinded by their thirst for power and money to see what we minorities see and feel. The 2013 Constitution is not perfect by any means, but no Constitution ever is. Anyone with a genuine desire to serve can see by reading the Constitution that there is so much required of government in this 2013 Constitution such as the provision of decent and affordable housing for its citizens, decent jobs for all, decent health services, education, freedom from crime, and so on that should keep any government busy for the next 20-30 years. Why squander resources and energy now on changing the Constitution when there is so much lacking that needs to be fixed by government?
But there is a strong push within the Coalition Government, I must say coming from the Tovata element (Vanua Levu, Lau) to force a change.
The dye has been cast. Fiji minorities need to come together to raise our collective voice, to deliver a loud, “No,” to change this Constitution. And like in the early days of our history we look to our Indian community, that has the numbers, to provide the voice for our struggle. We must all start working together: Kai loma, Europeans, pacific islanders, Chinese, others to work with our Indo Fijian brothers and sisters to protect those things we hold dear.
Bukabitu says
I thought all the morons who are now wanting to change the constitution are the same ones who swore an oath to protect and defend the same constitution.
Idiots everywhere says
No truer words have been spoken Bukabitu. Buy the idiots in Fiji are all oblivious. From the government to the person on the street. Fiji is full of idiots, they are everywhere and then they all wonder why Fiji is where it is.
Vili Wadali says
They swore an Oath on a document that was illegitjmatly conceived and promulgated. So you cant hold them to an illegal Oath.
They hsve the right to change their minds and will do so as the Constitution does need amending.
As it is virtually impossible to change it is not a living document. Either they amend it through the Supreme Court or through a revolution. Which one do you choose?
Graham Davis says
Crikey. And what would happen if Fiji’s minorities were to decide to launch a “revolution” to protect their own interests? May I remind you that there is still a container of weapons that was diverted to Fiji from the Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka in 1987 that has not been accounted for.
Where are those weapons? What state are they in? I am not trying to foment “revolution”. But history tells us that people suppressed will fight to assert their rights. Just ask Richard Naidu. He knows a lot more about 1987 than is on the public record. And which has been the subject of information provided to the CID in recent months.
He has used the blunt force of a threat of defamation proceedings against Grubsheet to keep a wrap on what happened 37 years ago. But rest assured that it is a major impediment to him entering politics. Much the same shadow that stalks Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum.
Incidentally, I’m still waiting for the writ he threatened when I raised this on social media, along with the Fiji Water issue. But Richard “I have the means” Naidu knows the truth. He just uses his wealth and position to intimidate anyone who raises the issue.
He thought he could intimidate me. Big mistake. I have swum in bigger shark-infested waters than he has over the years and it is like water off a duck’s back. He sues me at his own peril.
Vili Wadali says
Other than the Indians I cant see other reps from the minority community in parliament. Fiji is a multiracual country but it has a bi-racial parliament. Something is not right here.
The minority community will join the revolution to throw out the 2013 Constitution so that they too can get a seat at the table. That will be the deal. They will not enter into a civil war as you imagine it will be. Vinaka
Fiji Nuush says
Fiji badly needs a SECOND INDEPENDENCE.
And we all should know the reasons rid the nation of:
Racism, Militarism, Communalism, Ethnonationalism, Nepotism, Provincialism, and the list goes on.
The first indendence in 1970 was to free us from British colonialism.
The second independence would free us from all the military madness since 1987.
A new consitution with all the necessary pre-requisites for a decent society where equal rights are guaranteed to all without regard to race, religion and all the other eff up’s caused by Rabuka the thug 37years ago and continuing, should supplement a second independence.
Problem is that the political party’s and/or their leadership are of the conservative generation who don’t even know what a second independence would entail.
All still running around in circles like dogs chasing their own tails!!
Adcdxyz+ says
Excellent points well made, mlk.
The broad range of issues articulated can be of great value to the younger generation.
The internet and phone addicted generation are bereft of curiosity to learn the importance of civics and related knowledge.
People fail to realize that real basic rights are at stake in Fiji based and driven by pure racism and hate for minorities.
From 1890 to 1960, and post indenpendence, to now, all claims of “acceptance/inclusiveness” of Indo people have been faked. The Indo community have been used and discarded and always considered as expendable. They (Indians) have never been accepted in Fiji.
Ever mistrusted and labeled as greedy, they’ve managed to succeed against heavy odds. By simple yet back-breaking hard work, perseverence, plain persistence, repeatedly turning the other cheek as they sought progress. Always, always focusing on education and preparing for rainy days.
Then came the envy and hate for the hard earned success. Ever victimized and targetted with violent robbery, home invasions, bullying, taunting, racial abuse, “go back”, tape, and beatings. All carried out by the do-nothing, stand-around devout Sunday christian natives.
The Indo community has largely been left to fend for itself and denied equal and fair treatment since their forced arrival as slaves to create fields and plant cane. Other Indos followed to provide services not ever available in this primitive part of the world.
The British knew enough to create animosity and division between the natives and the arriving slave community. The British had to avoid any mixed uprising against the colonial masters at all costs.
In the wanning days of british rule in fiji, in stepped the kailoma as ‘new masters’ to subjugate, taunt, mimic accents, and laugh at the indos, simply to advance and protect kailoma interests. The kailoma ended up with large estates converted to freehold right under the natives noses while the natives were watching closely that the cunning Indos did not “steal any land.”
The Chinese and other immigrant groups all worked against Indos to “keep them in their place.” My enemies enemy is my best friend was the modus operandi. They smartly inter-married natives while the hated Indos went about minding their own business.
The point is, no, Indos were never accepted by any group of people in Fiji. Indo community were always seen as greedy and ambitious and “smelled different”. Ask Speight.
The roti curry people, the ‘no power’ cheap food. Irony that, roti curry is the most popular meal among the natives and Others.
And now we prepare to be third class citizens again. Dehumanize the indo and create diversions for the natives to not know their own dire situation. As long as the natives have an enemy, all is good.
If things are not going according to plan, resuscitate the Indo boogeyman.
The government has never been short of a good old Indo Judas to achieve the required level of scaremongering. All hail baimaan prasad and dick naidu!
Vili Wadali says
You making out you are the victim. Who controls the econony in Fiji?
Not all the same says
Who controls the economy in Fiji?
I assume you mean Indians.
Delve further into the components of Fiji Indians and you will see a subgroup, a small group. Disproportionate in number but with a far bigger share of the pie and hands on the remote control of influence. And note that not everyone that came from India during the Indenture Labour system (and after) came to work on farms to do the hard back breaking work.
Lala says
Yes the Gujaratis….
Abcdxyz+ says
Vili-spot on. You’re a genius. That was the exact point- victimized as a community.
Not sure you were born stupid or
developed your special brand of stupidity by ‘education’. More likely genetic.
The Indo have long been and continue to be victimized. As rhe 2000 coup clearly demonstrated the targeting arson and looting of Indo business. Yes, Indos have been victims of hate, jealousy, racism, religious bigotry, vilified and often terrorized.
“Who controls the economy?”
The real question you should ask is: Why? Why?
Think. Why not the itaukei? Why? Now they get interst free loans. Itaukei have always had special privileges and special advantages others can only dream of.
Just so we are clear, information freely avaible online describes the economy this way: Broadly speaking, an economy is an interrelated system of human labor, exchange, and consumption. An economy forms naturally from aggregated human action–a spontaneous order, much like language. Individuals trade with each other to improve their standards of living. Improved standards of living are made possible when labor is more productive. Productivity is driven by specialization, technological innovation, and working capital. The only sustainable way for an economy to grow is through increased productivity.
Notice silly vili, there’s no mention of race, ethnicity, or hate. As it is said: it’s the economy, stupid.
Racist Christian Bigots says
Who gives a f*ck about the constitution apart from a few politicians just so that they can pull the wool over the eyes of people like Vili Wadali. What will changing the constitution do for anyone in Fiji? What has all the changed constitutions of the past done for Fijians?
What has 1987 and 2000 done for Fijians? Why are they still suffering from stupidity. How many Vili Wadalis are there in Fiji?
And why do they still continue to wonder why they are where they are 37 years later?
What has the dickhead PM done for them in the last 37 years and what is he doing for them now except for farting hot air every time he opens his mouth? What has changed? They love the lingering bad smell from 37 years ago. They cannot get enough of it. What has the GCC done for Fijians, now or in the past?
Racist Christians bigots everywhere. Racist beggar state. Say it loud and be proud!!!!
Vili Wadali says
Hey bro. Go take two panadols and go to bed. You will feel better in the morning. All the best bro.
Idiots everywhere says
So what has the dickhead dinosaur done for your people Vili, since 1987?
And why you all still complaining and blaming the vulagi?
Whose fault is it all? Please tell us.
Pita says
Vili, since when did the I-Taukei not victimize anyone? The major downfall is Chief’s and idiot I-Taukei parents. Contributing towards growing the I-Taukei population so that population increases but has zero value towards moral values and upbringing.
I-Taukei people complain alot, go and see what is happening, I-Taukei kids today are detached more than ever. Parents are not doing their job so how will I-Taukei run the economy or anything in Fiji?
As a fellow I-Taukei, my advise to you is to go and ask I-Taukei way of parenting in Fiji then come back and cry here over here.
Fiji Watcher says
As I said in an earlier article on the Constitution the Government are in all probability already drafting a replacement for the current one.Then their mouthpieces like Richard Naidu will then come out and be praising this revolutionary document as the way forward.
At the same time the former members of Fiji First who have turned their backs on those who elected them will become disciples of this new Constitution, and trade their support for whatever they get for themselves.
The people of Fiji, particularly the minorities will be told they will be no worse off! Believe that and you believe in the tooth fairy!
The smart ones (allegedly close to 100,000) know better and have already left Fiji and I believe the exodus will continue, if not accelerate.
Vulagi Mufasa says
B-Man and sidekick are in a trap set by Rambo. No more independent actions or big consequences.
Cranky Richard says
Richard Naidu’s poorly written article isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. The poor guy still holds a bad heart towards the last administration.
Get over it Richard! It may improve your marathon running abilities!
Sad Observer Scared for Fiji says
If they had nothing to hide, they wouldn’t be hiding it.
The silence on which parts of the Constitution they wish to change is deafening.
Let’s go back to the dark ages where corrupt chiefs can sell land for their own riches, family violence and sexual abuse of children is swept under the carpet, and the grand children and great grand children are left with no land or culture because of short-term gratification of the few. Let’s let the bereft of forethought ruin Fiji.
Putting the tit into Titanic says
Why doesn’t Richard use his platform and his self proclaimed intellect to write about something useful like what a conflict of interest is?
By jumping on this bandwagon he’s just wasting more words telling people why rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic seems like a good idea to him.