Keen observers of politics in Fiji are intrigued by a mysterious element of the Fiji Sun/Western Force poll this week that showed a collapse in support for the Prime Minister, Frank Bainimarama, and showed that for the first time, most Fijians expect him to lose the 2022 election. One of the questions was: “Who would you like to see as next Prime Minister?” But there’s something very strange about the list published in the Fiji Sun, that appears to have been doctored from the original document.
Here it is and take a close look at it. Frank Bainimarama is still at the top of the list, followed by Sitiveni Rabuka, Aseri Radrodro, Mahendra Chaudhry, Savenace (sic) Narube, Biman Prasad and then someone called “Others”. The typeface is clearly different from that of the other names. So there seems little doubt that the original has been tampered with.
Surely “Others” would come at the end of a list like this. In other words after Lynda Tabuya, Ro Teimumu Kepa and Lenora Qereqeretabua. That would be standard practice the world over. But here is “Others” sandwiched between Biman Prasad and Lynda Tabuya. Which is very odd to say the least.
Could it be that “Others” is actually Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum – the Attorney General and “Minister for Everything”? The AG doesn’t appear anywhere else on the list and it is very odd that he would be excluded as the de-facto number two in FijiFirst. Call me suspicious but let me outline one plausible scenario.
We know that in the lead-up to the last election, the AG used his control over the Fiji Sun to suppress opinion polls that showed the opposition closing in on FijiFirst – one of many errors of judgment that took the government to the brink of defeat. Did he instruct the Fiji Sun to cover over “Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum” with “Others” to save him from the humiliation of an opinion poll that would spell disaster for his hopes of succeeding Frank Bainimarama? It sure looks like it.
Western Force produces the opinion poll. But horror of horrors, it shows the AG coming in at number seven on the list of preferred prime ministers. And in an even greater horror, coming in behind his arch enemy, Biman Prasad, over whom he obsesses.
Call me suspicious again but when the AG has form in suppressing a Fiji Sun poll, the old journo in me smells a rat. So here’s a direct question for the AG: Did you instruct the Fiji Sun to alter the poll results to replace “Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum” with “Others”? And here’s two others for the Fiji Sun: “Did you receive an instruction from the AG to make the alteration and more pertinently, did you do it? Or did you do it on your volition to save your editorial master from embarrassment?”
Whatever the truth – and don’t expect to get it from either party in this highly improper relationship of theirs – “Others” is in very big trouble if only four per cent of Fijians prefer him as Prime Minister. The sun is setting on a less than brilliant political career. But you’ll read it last in the Fiji Sun.
Mark Manning says
I wouldn’t believe any figures from Fiji’s renegade Government.
Rajend Naidu says
My take is that ” Fiji’s renegade Government ” has been engaged in so much dubious, crooked dealings that no one in their right mind should believe anything they say.
Marica Vuo says
This brings into question all past Polls and the level of tampering the AG has committed. By any measure this is a HUGE drop in popularity when in October 2018 his popularity was an impressive 82% now he has plummeted to an all time low of just 4%. There need to be questions asked and answers given. It is a well know fact that the AG controls his popularity in the Fiji Sun even going so far as to push his stories onto page 1.
I believe it time for another Sasamaki with the AG and minister for everything out the door first.
Victor Elbourn says
This has gone too far and the Minister for Everything has gotten away with it for far too long, Frank needs to look into this as it drags Fiji First into the AGs personal agenda. FICAC should be made aware and an immediate investigation carried out. The Fiji Sun need to stand trial and answer these questions. The rot has set in for sure.
Alf Simpson says
Whats the mystery?
Of the 1000 surveyed 41 chose or preferred someone other than the 9 names provided. Would it have been preferable if they had said “None of the Above” ? There could have been 41 other names or maybe 41 voting for ASK. I may have missed something but I can’t see any reason for any conspiracy theories.
Graham Davis says
Alf, you’re generally a smart guy. If the others made the “preferred list”, where is wonder boy? And how do you explain the obviously doctored document? Or that “Others” is in the middle of the list and not at the end as it would be in any other circumstances?
Alf Simpson says
Graham. In return I won’t pass comment on how smart you are as I’m more interested in hearing about the rest of your experiences with the FFP. I have no idea why wonder boy is not listed and frankly maybe its the one thing the Pollsters got right. Why “Others” appear where it does I guess its because “41” falls between the persons who received “54” and “19”? Just wish you’d get back to talking about your “inner sanctum” experiences. Cheers.
Mathais Dukragen says
I guess its an opportune time for ASK to re-read his “Sunset Clause” and reminisce now on “what could he have done differently” and prepare for the inevitable.
Graham Davis says
Mathias, Sorry but I have had to excise part of your comment because it is potentially defamatory.
Tony yayo says
I wouldn’t believe anything coming out of the Fiji Sun!
Bull says
Me too!
Broofstoyefski says
Of course it’s tampered with since the control freak AG is trying to save face by putting in an alternative “pseudonym” there to hide his humiliation and embarrassment.
Regardless of that, nothing seems to be going right for Aiyarse with the amount of “woke” people who aren’t as stupid as him and that “toilet paper print” he’s running.
Rajend Naidu says
Keen observers of politics in Fiji have been keeping a keen eye on the political intrigue of the megalomaniacs running the country since the 2006 military coup which brought them to power. We know a good deal about their dirty politics and corruption but it might still only be the tip of the iceberg. No doubt we will get to know more when they are out of power. That has always been the case with all rogue rulers.
Ajax says
The first thing the incoming government should do is close the airports to all departures. That way they will flush out the rats that are trying to desert the sinking ship
Tom says
There is an interesting article written by Jone Baledrokadroka “The Unintended Consequences of Fiji’s International Peacekeeping”. It provides another optic Fiji’s political landscape.
Ajax says
With respect you cant blame Fijis coup culture on Fiji’s peacekeeping experience. There were other more significant political factors at play that JB misses. It was rather a shallow analysis.
Tom says
Of course there are many other factors at play and JB’s article may be one of those contributing factors.
Ajax says
One of those ‘contributing factors’ is the delusions and pretensions of the man who started it all, Rabuka. He told us that God came visit him while he was weeding his cassava patch at QEB and told him to coup Bavadra.
By the way, God was wearing a green bula shirt with black sulu and matching black sandals. Isa Viti.
Chiku says
Was Rabuka really the man who ” started it all “? I thought it started way back in 1977 when the Alliance lost the election and there was a coup by the then Governor General ( an Alliance man ) to reinstall Alliance in power. The Alliance was meant to stay in power permanently. When it lost again there was a coup again in 1987. What a coincidence!
Rabuka carried out the coup, yes, but who were the bastards behind him?
They are the ones who started it all.
pat says
This business of continuously referring to Rabuka as being the root of all thats gone wrong in and with this country is a bit silly.
It’s about the here and the now, the issues at hand. This is exactly how the present govt goes off on a tangent and diverts attention from there own failings, blame Rabuka.
No use blaming our colonisers either, the present govt is to resposible for the present situation, the people that voted them in a second time should shoulder more blame than Rabuka
They have had 14 long yrs at the peoples expense to sort whoevers failings came before.
Graham Davis says
Attention “Jo”. Your comment has been deleted. No email address, no right to comment, in line with the policy I enunciated last week after the attack of the trolls.