Is there any woman in Fiji who believes she has been wronged by Grubsheet who is prepared to make a withering public attack that can get me what Victor Lal has got – the LEAD item on CFL-Fiji Village? Because it just isn’t fair that he is getting this kind of celebrity treatment and I’m not.
I’m surely just as bad as he is at covering stories the Fijian mainstream media won’t touch because it doesn’t suit their own purposes. So why target him and not me? It isn’t right.
For more than a decade, the mainstream media has ignored Victor Lal’s Fijileaks altogether. So why the sudden interest now? Why would Vijay Narayan and his sorry underlings at “Poo-Poo” Parkinson’s highly profitable network report anything about Victor at all, let alone make him their lead story?
They have taken an obscure letter to the Fiji Times from Kirti Patel – someone most people have never heard of – and turned it into the biggest news in Fiji today. What possible motive could they have for doing so?
Well, for what it’s worth, here’s what Grubsheet thinks: This is all part of a conspiracy on the part of the mainstream media to damage the credibility of Victor Lal and Fijileaks at the very time that his sensational revelations about Lynda Tabuya’s drug-fuelled sex romp with Aseri Radrodro are before the PAP’s disciplinary committee and her political future lies in the balance.
The Fiji Times ran Kirti Patel’s letter to the editor yesterday, the Fiji Sun simultaneously gave prominence to an attack on Grubsheet – which has reported Victor Lal’s original allegations – and now Victor Lal is lead story on CFL-Fiji Village as if he is the most popular (or most wanted) man in Fiji.
It is all so pathetically transparent and so unfair. Not to him but to me! Why should thousands of Fijians be driven to his website and not to mine? Come on, CFL. There must be some passably attractive woman in Suva who can dump on me? Get off your arses, damn it, and find her!
The sole bit of new information in this story that wasn’t in yesterday’s Fiji Times letter is speculation that Kirti Patel is deciding whether to sue Victor Lal. Good luck. He lives in the university city of Oxford in the UK and would therefore have to be sued in Britain. So Kirti’s indignation about whatever he reported better be matched by very deep pockets.
CFL-Fiji Village presumably knows this but why let an inconvenient fact get in the way of a good story, eh fellas? Pass the Yellow Bucket, Alice.
POSTSCRIPT: A Grubsheet gold star to the person who can tell us who has their arm around Victor’s shoulders? Is it Kirti? Is she a spurned former lover? Is it Biman Prasad? He was once reputed to be one of Victor’s main sources during the Bainimarama years.
Odd that they should choose such a photo that is merely adding to the intense speculation about why Victor is suddenly the “main boy” on CFL-Fiji Village News. Where’s my photo? I’ve got plenty of nice ones with someone’s hands around my throat. Perhaps I should send one in and prompt them to give me the same free plug?
Joji says
Kirti who? Why are NFP candidates so dumb?
Wall Singh Matilda says
They’re in good dumb company ,the entire lot of them in the ruling side. Never in Fiji’s history has the combined IQ of an elected government been so low…..ever !!! Fornicators,party mongers and lack of any tangiable plan or ideas to progress this bankrupt nation. From one group of low IQ to another group of lower IQ.
Reminds me of the movie DUMB AND DUMBER !!
Tinai says
Wahhhh! ????. Sorry I can’t help. You’re the best. By all means post your photo though. Perhaps on your stomach with your leg bent upwards? ????
Graham Davis says
Sorry, I’ve only got pics of me lying on the ground with someone attractive straddling me with her hands around my throat. Though I guess some people might find that arousing. 🙂
Truth seeker says
Oh come on Graham. You had your turn yesterday in the Fiji Sun. Don’t be greedy!
Paula Raqeukai says
Sa dina ….interesting time ahead!
Fjord Sailor says
All someone needs to do is get their hands on either of their mobile devices and check the messaging apps and the photo galleries.
I’m sure if people found Lynda and Aseri’s stuff interesting, this would shake the Taj Mahal to its core if that stuff ever came out.
All this stuff tells me one thing: this lot in power are all a bunch of nymphomaniacs.
Ronalyn KERMODE says
Well, I guess we could have a beauty contest but even then, you wouldn’t win – see, you the wrong colour!!!????
Dharam Singh says
Biman’s Mrs going to have her hands around his throat upon his return to Fiji from India ????
Jim says
We need you back on Facebook and Twitter asap