They were voted in by the less than 500 votes. They were meant to perform public service to look after the poor, children, elderly, disabled, disadvantaged, economy and the country to name a few.
They showed their hand by looking after themselves. They got dealt with brutally for their self service. MPS are meant to sacrifice themselves for the service of the nation and that remains true today in every democratic country as it was in the 69s 70s and 80s.
Wish them and their families best of luck. Some lessons will be learnt before they embark on bettering themselves and their future.
That simply means that Fiji First is the only honourable party in parliament and in Fiji.
All the others and the parties are a bunch of crooks.
It is a no brainer.
These 16 would have had total votes of around 10,000 with a voting population of around half a million
Half would have been ministers or in useless committee’s if FFP would have been in power
The constitution should have been that a member is once fired than seat becomes empty until next election
Tax payers saving would have been diverted to hospitals
All this is the byproduct of the 2013 constitution drafted by few idiots
Who cares about the number of votes and who got them. The voters of Fiji are all idiots anyway. They will continue to vote for and elect idiots in future. It is in their DNA. Why else would they vote for a dckhead from 37 years ago? Nothing will be learnt from this episode. You cannot change the DNA of idiots and my observation is the vast majority of Fijians are idiots. So nothing will ever change in Fiji – I can bet my life on it.
You can take a flying leap with your attitude. The vast majority of Fijians I know are highly educated and intelligent. When you refer to idiocy being in their DNA one can only assume you are referring to itaukei. I take such offence to that-especially because I’ve married into the most loving and intelligent itaukei family of which my father in law (RIP) was a learned man of such high morals and dignity. One can only aspire to be 1/4 of the person he was.
You can sling off at the itaukei all you want. They could care less. For the Vanua is theirs. It’s that simple.
With people like Tinai in Fiji and hundreds of thousands more like her on the ground, why do the people of Fiji wonder why things are the way they are?
The most concerning thing in my view is that people like these teach their “churen” these things and perpetuate the downward spriral. How will things change then? A change in mindset is required. And that is easier said than done. One cannot change one’s DNA, just like Rabuka says he has but we all know that is not possible. One cannot change a donkey into a horse – not possible
Stop racial profiling Tinai. Idiots in Fiji are both Fiji Indians and itaukei. Not to mention part Chinese and half European. Have a look at the state of families? Divorce, drugs, infidelity, lack of respect for elders…
Firstly, @Heathcliffe -this whole page seems to profile racially of late. And please don’t tell me when DNA is mentioned you are referring the people of Fiji -all people-and not just the itaukei. I don’t buy your argument.
Both the itaukei and in particular the itaukei of Naitasiri have been constantly slung mud at.
Divorce, drugs, infidelity, lack of respect for elders -lives in all countries in 2024. Fiji was the last outpost of moral decency but the decay has set in.
It has less likely set in to the average itaukei family because of staunch Christian conservatism. But they are no better or worse than all peoples of Fiji.
And if you want me to be truly honest -why don’t you all back off and leave and let the true owners of Fiji-the itaukei-sort their Vanua out THEIR way!!!
There. I’ve said it.
For far too long the “vulagi” and co have looked down on the itaukei. The “Fikis”.
One should remember that the itaukei can be absolutely cunning and manipulative when pushed. And one can’t beat them!
Racial profiling-not really. The itaukei are the true owners of Fiji and if you don’t like it -off you go.
We will be okay without running water, electricity and social media.
The land has enough to provide for all.
Yes that is rightsays
My posts have nothing to do with race or ethnicity. Your assumptions, imagination and pretentions are your problem.
My views are about the idiots in Fiji, irrespective of race, ethinicity and colour or gender. There are just too many idiots in Fiji and that is what makes it a special and unique place.
And it will never change, just like Rabuka. He can pray, fast and apologise all he wants.
@ yes that is right. Your reference to the many as idiots includes you? Because of your arrogance and pretentious know it all take that the people of Fiji, the majority will not change? Wrong. Fiji is special because it is home, and it is unique for the diversity of community and, the immense struggles and sacrifice of the itaukei, accommodating the ‘vulagi/s’.
Ordinary Joesays
WTH? Hospitality? Come on! Outright hatred, raping, pillaging, targeted home invasions, generational racism, are acts of kindness?? Get outta here! It took you a while to finally “came out” of the closet of racism and bigotry.
You maybe a palangi living here-don’t forget the white fella is the original racist. They still are so. No one group is doing any one else a favor so stop perpetuating the myth about kindness/generosity/hospitality. Not with the unsurprising venom you spew. Bigots will hate on and on. Kindness? What are you going on about? I’ve yet to experience true unconditional kindness. Real unconditional love of neighbor. We humans are idiots. We are a divided people—many thanks to the current clowns trying to govern. There is no need to express fake injury and fake outrage and at the same time insult the “others.”
One should know that the hate-filled desires however loudly proclaimed by one group telling everyone else to shut up or get out (the core premise of the tone used) by any other group and their ilk is worthless – for those that choose to remain are Fijians at heart. No matter what the ‘vanua’ thinks. One can say it is out mutual destiny. Call it fate. We all bleed red. Love of neighbor is a very noble practice. Question for all is: who is my neighbor?
Peace and love to all.
Ordinary Joesays
Spot on! We’ve not learnt from our history and the majority voters will obstinately continue to refuse a better future. And complain loudly about their self-inflicted pity party. Electing the same demonstrable idiots based on blind hatred to others. What a crowd.
Hey while I am no ffp fan, by doing so they have shown credibility. Well done FFP. Time for the axe to drop on rest of the crooks – SODELPA and PAP included. Baiman had you been consistent and righteous from start people would have respected you but regardless of your party’s position on the matter people can see through you that it is a political stunt and your actions since coming in Govt speaks volumes that you never stood for those who put you there except for elite few Labasians and your business friends with deep pockets.
Now see the power of the people folks…Rabuka needs to go – he’s the biggest culprit
A just and a much warranted decision to terminate these 16 FFP members who selfishly and very greedily voted for their own pay rises at the expense of the poor.
Regardless of what people say, at least the FFP stood by their party principles and values and made a swift decision.
Meanwhile, the thieves of the Coalition, including the Speaker and President quietly hoping that this pay rise goes through. These f@#kers will never change. Selfish swines.
Bad to worse, worse to catastrophic, now from catastrophic to reset beckons. All the members who voted for the bill against party and government orders must now be terminated to allow for a reset. Further worsening of the catastrophe cannot be avoided, and the leaders will have to accept that, with their demonstrated know-how, they will not be able to deal with the escalating situation and retain any public confidence. Embracing failure is the hallmark of successful leaders. History has shown that stubborn, ineffective leaders ruin their communities and countries, while those who embrace failure and adapt inspire growth and renewed confidence.
We expect the due process of law and party rules to be honored so we can reset and learn from this experience. Our form of democracy rolls on…we need to learn, evolve and give democracy a chance!
These poor f*uckers voted for a massive increase in their pay. Now they all will get f*ck all.
Haha. But I hope something like this happens to all those on the government side as well.
None of them deserve to be in parliament. Get rid of them all I say, including the prostitute of parliament and the crackpot of parliament.
In politics the penalty for disunity, disloyalty or dissent is political death. The actions of FijiFirst party are no different to political parties in other parts of the world when it comes to members who ignore Party directions. Equally the party, whose members were the architects of the current Constitution, could not ignore the provisions in the Constitution relating to MPs failing to follow the directions of the party. To do so would have turned them in a rabble. The fact that the Fiji First leader was prepared to remove former military commanders should not be lost on anybody!
Conversely the PAP Leader does nothing in relation to its members whose conduct is less than the standard most people apply in either professional or personal matters. I would suggest that had the Minister for Bonking and Weed been part of a Fiji First Government she would have been sacked on the spot by the former PM and expelled from the party immediately for her conduct.
The antics of the Minister for Bonking and Weed in relation to the decision of the NFP members to not vote in favour of the ridiculous salary and allowances rises is another example of the current Government’s inability to be cohesive and united.
What will happen next?
Short memory has been shown in this post and from you Graham on your past articles. Bainimarama promoted his brother in law to be Commissioner of Prisons after being convicted of manslaughter. Manslaughter vs Minister of Bonking. Which is worse? Taking a life or enjoying your life bonking as much as you can?
Good job FF.
This is what you call leadership.
Fall in line or get out.
This is what FF voters expected and we are pleased.
Rabuka better get up and start acting. The government is a mess.
Any word from Richard Naidu? He had a lot to say previously. 16 years, 16 years and 16 years. Those were the key words for 2022. Cum 2024 its one word, brutal.
Somebody explain how as a country we are better off now. This was the level of degraded muppets FB and ASK fought to silence for those 16 years.
We are well and truly all brutally f$$k’d like our Leaders. We are paying for this orgy. Not only in dollars but in decay. VAT is up but I don’t see any value for the increase. Where’s anything new 2023 and 2024. There’s no vision no unity.
F all you smart educated people who knew very well the events of 1987 and 2000 who voted for this toxic band of monkeys.
This is a excellent lesson on quickly things can change without much warning.
I just hope the same happens to those in the 3 wheeler government lead by a crackpot and a prostitute.
So the 16 becomes the halal lamb sacrificed
Now the new 16 will get lamb chops to eat as pay rise has been gazetted and is the new pay structure,no sweat
Lewa Selai gets 200k as nominated leader for opposition
Mama mia
None of the sacked 17 have a strong backing from the voting public going by the number of votes they received. However, they will be replaced by another 17 who received even a lesser number of votes!!
Going purely by performance, very few, if any, deserve to be members of parliament.
Will the speaker now declare the 17 seats vacant and instruct the SOE to fill the vacant seats from list of failed FFP candidates some of whom received less then 200 votes??
There you go Graham, the so called one man, one vote constitution at work.
Aiyaz still pulling the strings and cannot let go and retire from politics after a checkered 16 year run.
A dilemma for the Speaker, does he terminate the 17 or wait for the legal challenge by the 17 to legally determine if the directive by Koya and FFP is legit.
That’s what happens when you have an imposed Constitution that has the termination provision for not voting along the party directive , unintended consequences.
I guess Ketan Lal becomes the a senior MP and moves from the back row to the front row to take seat beside Koya who I assume will be the LOP ( another Koya from the same Apple tree becomes the LOP)
Laugh Fiji Laugh, the supreme law of the land has spoken, it’s not a joke but a flawed situation from a flawed constitution.
The next failed 17 FFP candidate , please get those suits dry cleaned and ready for the budget session sitting in July and please get a quick refresher course on Economics 101.
Very clear the FFP is owned and operated by Aiyaz, and everyone serves at his pleasure.
Thats is what happens when a party does not have a grassroots structure and purely set up as a central command.
Why has NFP survived for over 75 years is because it’s a grassroots party with branches across the country and a grassroots structure that supports the entire ecosystem.
The beginning of the end of FFP ??, wonder how will Aiyaz control the party if and when he goes behind bars.
If you can remember, anyone who went against or were slightest threat to FFP,were removed straight away
No questions asked or explanation accepted
Even military officers were jailed,fired and one ran away to Tonga
Government officials were fired for going against any directive set out by ASK
Head of Statistics was removed within a day
Solicitor general was removed and many more
These 16 was a threat to FFP ,because somewhere it is cooking that FFP will comeback and rule
I may be wrong but in Fiji ,anything is possible
Throw some money around and one will see how fast things can change
Money was the agenda for disaster of these 16 going home anyway
My way or highway
“Fact of the matter” as he used to say all the time
Government of Eden. Eve in Fiji enticed all the stupid man with apples galore. She really has something over man. Currently standing tall in my view are the few women in government who declined to be bought, the FFP lot who said nahi, the Military commander who hasn’t really said anything but at least there are no signs of a coup, ASK and maybe Pio.
The terminated greedy lot will now have bread and tea like the rest of us.
Tinai seems to be Fiji’s own Pauline Hanson. I was born in Fiji Tinai so why am I a vulagi? All human beings have the same DNA. You love to read between the lines of taukei vs non Taukei? Why? No point starting your own political party Tinai? Alliance, SVT, SDL been there are done that. Yes, pre colonial Fiji harmonious until Rabuka Mara and Ganilau wrecked it. Fijians of all races worked hard. And guess what, most of them live in NZ and Australia. Even itaukeis to use your words living in droves. So keep your grubby land. Nobody needs it.
Tinai says
The roller coaster that never stops.
Sonu says
Aab ayaga majah
Gabbar Aiayaz
Ali says
Now will have fun and entertainment
Show time
Chairwoman - Council of Vulagi Chiefs says
They were voted in by the less than 500 votes. They were meant to perform public service to look after the poor, children, elderly, disabled, disadvantaged, economy and the country to name a few.
They showed their hand by looking after themselves. They got dealt with brutally for their self service. MPS are meant to sacrifice themselves for the service of the nation and that remains true today in every democratic country as it was in the 69s 70s and 80s.
Wish them and their families best of luck. Some lessons will be learnt before they embark on bettering themselves and their future.
Big Bill says
Worst kept secret. This was to be expected. ASK is pulling the strings from behind the scenes and FB, from behind bars.
That simply means that Fiji First is the only honourable party in parliament and in Fiji.
All the others and the parties are a bunch of crooks.
It is a no brainer.
Vinod says
These 16 would have had total votes of around 10,000 with a voting population of around half a million
Half would have been ministers or in useless committee’s if FFP would have been in power
The constitution should have been that a member is once fired than seat becomes empty until next election
Tax payers saving would have been diverted to hospitals
All this is the byproduct of the 2013 constitution drafted by few idiots
Yes that is right says
Who cares about the number of votes and who got them. The voters of Fiji are all idiots anyway. They will continue to vote for and elect idiots in future. It is in their DNA. Why else would they vote for a dckhead from 37 years ago? Nothing will be learnt from this episode. You cannot change the DNA of idiots and my observation is the vast majority of Fijians are idiots. So nothing will ever change in Fiji – I can bet my life on it.
Tinai says
You can take a flying leap with your attitude. The vast majority of Fijians I know are highly educated and intelligent. When you refer to idiocy being in their DNA one can only assume you are referring to itaukei. I take such offence to that-especially because I’ve married into the most loving and intelligent itaukei family of which my father in law (RIP) was a learned man of such high morals and dignity. One can only aspire to be 1/4 of the person he was.
You can sling off at the itaukei all you want. They could care less. For the Vanua is theirs. It’s that simple.
Yes that is right says
With people like Tinai in Fiji and hundreds of thousands more like her on the ground, why do the people of Fiji wonder why things are the way they are?
The most concerning thing in my view is that people like these teach their “churen” these things and perpetuate the downward spriral. How will things change then? A change in mindset is required. And that is easier said than done. One cannot change one’s DNA, just like Rabuka says he has but we all know that is not possible. One cannot change a donkey into a horse – not possible
Anonymous says
How rude. The itaukei have no desire to change their DNA. Change their behaviour-yes. Behaviour learned from the “vulagi”. “Churn”?
In our home they are called children and children grandchildren and respect their elders accordingly.
Please get a dictionary to use your English language correctly.
As for hundreds of thousands like me?
You can only wish!!
Tinai says
Ps don’t mistake kindness or hospitality for stupidity.
Your post shows arrogance and disrespect for other human beings that a different point of view to you.
Heathcliffe says
Stop racial profiling Tinai. Idiots in Fiji are both Fiji Indians and itaukei. Not to mention part Chinese and half European. Have a look at the state of families? Divorce, drugs, infidelity, lack of respect for elders…
Tinai says
Firstly, @Heathcliffe -this whole page seems to profile racially of late. And please don’t tell me when DNA is mentioned you are referring the people of Fiji -all people-and not just the itaukei. I don’t buy your argument.
Both the itaukei and in particular the itaukei of Naitasiri have been constantly slung mud at.
Divorce, drugs, infidelity, lack of respect for elders -lives in all countries in 2024. Fiji was the last outpost of moral decency but the decay has set in.
It has less likely set in to the average itaukei family because of staunch Christian conservatism. But they are no better or worse than all peoples of Fiji.
And if you want me to be truly honest -why don’t you all back off and leave and let the true owners of Fiji-the itaukei-sort their Vanua out THEIR way!!!
There. I’ve said it.
For far too long the “vulagi” and co have looked down on the itaukei. The “Fikis”.
One should remember that the itaukei can be absolutely cunning and manipulative when pushed. And one can’t beat them!
Racial profiling-not really. The itaukei are the true owners of Fiji and if you don’t like it -off you go.
We will be okay without running water, electricity and social media.
The land has enough to provide for all.
Yes that is right says
My posts have nothing to do with race or ethnicity. Your assumptions, imagination and pretentions are your problem.
My views are about the idiots in Fiji, irrespective of race, ethinicity and colour or gender. There are just too many idiots in Fiji and that is what makes it a special and unique place.
And it will never change, just like Rabuka. He can pray, fast and apologise all he wants.
Anonymous says
@ yes that is right. Your reference to the many as idiots includes you? Because of your arrogance and pretentious know it all take that the people of Fiji, the majority will not change? Wrong. Fiji is special because it is home, and it is unique for the diversity of community and, the immense struggles and sacrifice of the itaukei, accommodating the ‘vulagi/s’.
Ordinary Joe says
WTH? Hospitality? Come on! Outright hatred, raping, pillaging, targeted home invasions, generational racism, are acts of kindness?? Get outta here! It took you a while to finally “came out” of the closet of racism and bigotry.
You maybe a palangi living here-don’t forget the white fella is the original racist. They still are so. No one group is doing any one else a favor so stop perpetuating the myth about kindness/generosity/hospitality. Not with the unsurprising venom you spew. Bigots will hate on and on. Kindness? What are you going on about? I’ve yet to experience true unconditional kindness. Real unconditional love of neighbor. We humans are idiots. We are a divided people—many thanks to the current clowns trying to govern. There is no need to express fake injury and fake outrage and at the same time insult the “others.”
One should know that the hate-filled desires however loudly proclaimed by one group telling everyone else to shut up or get out (the core premise of the tone used) by any other group and their ilk is worthless – for those that choose to remain are Fijians at heart. No matter what the ‘vanua’ thinks. One can say it is out mutual destiny. Call it fate. We all bleed red. Love of neighbor is a very noble practice. Question for all is: who is my neighbor?
Peace and love to all.
Ordinary Joe says
Spot on! We’ve not learnt from our history and the majority voters will obstinately continue to refuse a better future. And complain loudly about their self-inflicted pity party. Electing the same demonstrable idiots based on blind hatred to others. What a crowd.
Tevita says
Let’s see what Rabuka does to NFP
Time's Up says
Rabuka is a joke and waste of time…
under Lynda’s petticoat
Do The Right Thing says
Hey while I am no ffp fan, by doing so they have shown credibility. Well done FFP. Time for the axe to drop on rest of the crooks – SODELPA and PAP included. Baiman had you been consistent and righteous from start people would have respected you but regardless of your party’s position on the matter people can see through you that it is a political stunt and your actions since coming in Govt speaks volumes that you never stood for those who put you there except for elite few Labasians and your business friends with deep pockets.
Now see the power of the people folks…Rabuka needs to go – he’s the biggest culprit
Krusty The Clown says
A just and a much warranted decision to terminate these 16 FFP members who selfishly and very greedily voted for their own pay rises at the expense of the poor.
Regardless of what people say, at least the FFP stood by their party principles and values and made a swift decision.
Meanwhile, the thieves of the Coalition, including the Speaker and President quietly hoping that this pay rise goes through. These f@#kers will never change. Selfish swines.
F@#k Rabuka
F@#k Baimaan
F@#k Kadavu Kalavo
F@#k Kamikamica
F@#k Vosarogo
FijiFutures says
Bad to worse, worse to catastrophic, now from catastrophic to reset beckons. All the members who voted for the bill against party and government orders must now be terminated to allow for a reset. Further worsening of the catastrophe cannot be avoided, and the leaders will have to accept that, with their demonstrated know-how, they will not be able to deal with the escalating situation and retain any public confidence. Embracing failure is the hallmark of successful leaders. History has shown that stubborn, ineffective leaders ruin their communities and countries, while those who embrace failure and adapt inspire growth and renewed confidence.
We expect the due process of law and party rules to be honored so we can reset and learn from this experience. Our form of democracy rolls on…we need to learn, evolve and give democracy a chance!
These poor f*uckers voted for a massive increase in their pay. Now they all will get f*ck all.
Haha. But I hope something like this happens to all those on the government side as well.
None of them deserve to be in parliament. Get rid of them all I say, including the prostitute of parliament and the crackpot of parliament.
Fiji Watcher says
In politics the penalty for disunity, disloyalty or dissent is political death. The actions of FijiFirst party are no different to political parties in other parts of the world when it comes to members who ignore Party directions. Equally the party, whose members were the architects of the current Constitution, could not ignore the provisions in the Constitution relating to MPs failing to follow the directions of the party. To do so would have turned them in a rabble. The fact that the Fiji First leader was prepared to remove former military commanders should not be lost on anybody!
Conversely the PAP Leader does nothing in relation to its members whose conduct is less than the standard most people apply in either professional or personal matters. I would suggest that had the Minister for Bonking and Weed been part of a Fiji First Government she would have been sacked on the spot by the former PM and expelled from the party immediately for her conduct.
The antics of the Minister for Bonking and Weed in relation to the decision of the NFP members to not vote in favour of the ridiculous salary and allowances rises is another example of the current Government’s inability to be cohesive and united.
What will happen next?
mroko says
Short memory has been shown in this post and from you Graham on your past articles. Bainimarama promoted his brother in law to be Commissioner of Prisons after being convicted of manslaughter. Manslaughter vs Minister of Bonking. Which is worse? Taking a life or enjoying your life bonking as much as you can?
Leadership example. says
Good job FF.
This is what you call leadership.
Fall in line or get out.
This is what FF voters expected and we are pleased.
Rabuka better get up and start acting. The government is a mess.
I_dont_have_the_means says
Any word from Richard Naidu? He had a lot to say previously. 16 years, 16 years and 16 years. Those were the key words for 2022. Cum 2024 its one word, brutal.
Somebody explain how as a country we are better off now. This was the level of degraded muppets FB and ASK fought to silence for those 16 years.
We are well and truly all brutally f$$k’d like our Leaders. We are paying for this orgy. Not only in dollars but in decay. VAT is up but I don’t see any value for the increase. Where’s anything new 2023 and 2024. There’s no vision no unity.
F all you smart educated people who knew very well the events of 1987 and 2000 who voted for this toxic band of monkeys.
The Youth
Chairwoman - Council of Vulagi Chiefs says
I am lost about this “process” for pay rise.
The pay rise is gazetted now whilst PM and Minister for Sex and Drugs welcome people’s views.
Can the minister for Sex and Drugs please write another long letter to the public explaining what is the “process” after the gazette. When is desert?
Yes, No, Yes, Maybe, No, Yess!!!!!!
Hussain says
This is another trump card move by ASK,wait and see how things will unfold for coalition government and Fiji
Excellent lesson says
This is a excellent lesson on quickly things can change without much warning.
I just hope the same happens to those in the 3 wheeler government lead by a crackpot and a prostitute.
Patro says
So the 16 becomes the halal lamb sacrificed
Now the new 16 will get lamb chops to eat as pay rise has been gazetted and is the new pay structure,no sweat
Lewa Selai gets 200k as nominated leader for opposition
Mama mia
Keep watching says
The country is plagued and held ransom by one person. The Kadavu bit$h.
She will bring Fiji to its knees.
Making Fiji Great Again says
None of the sacked 17 have a strong backing from the voting public going by the number of votes they received. However, they will be replaced by another 17 who received even a lesser number of votes!!
Going purely by performance, very few, if any, deserve to be members of parliament.
Rajiv Sharma says
Will the speaker now declare the 17 seats vacant and instruct the SOE to fill the vacant seats from list of failed FFP candidates some of whom received less then 200 votes??
There you go Graham, the so called one man, one vote constitution at work.
Aiyaz still pulling the strings and cannot let go and retire from politics after a checkered 16 year run.
A dilemma for the Speaker, does he terminate the 17 or wait for the legal challenge by the 17 to legally determine if the directive by Koya and FFP is legit.
That’s what happens when you have an imposed Constitution that has the termination provision for not voting along the party directive , unintended consequences.
I guess Ketan Lal becomes the a senior MP and moves from the back row to the front row to take seat beside Koya who I assume will be the LOP ( another Koya from the same Apple tree becomes the LOP)
Laugh Fiji Laugh, the supreme law of the land has spoken, it’s not a joke but a flawed situation from a flawed constitution.
The next failed 17 FFP candidate , please get those suits dry cleaned and ready for the budget session sitting in July and please get a quick refresher course on Economics 101.
Rajiv Sharma says
Very clear the FFP is owned and operated by Aiyaz, and everyone serves at his pleasure.
Thats is what happens when a party does not have a grassroots structure and purely set up as a central command.
Why has NFP survived for over 75 years is because it’s a grassroots party with branches across the country and a grassroots structure that supports the entire ecosystem.
The beginning of the end of FFP ??, wonder how will Aiyaz control the party if and when he goes behind bars.
Joe says
If you can remember, anyone who went against or were slightest threat to FFP,were removed straight away
No questions asked or explanation accepted
Even military officers were jailed,fired and one ran away to Tonga
Government officials were fired for going against any directive set out by ASK
Head of Statistics was removed within a day
Solicitor general was removed and many more
These 16 was a threat to FFP ,because somewhere it is cooking that FFP will comeback and rule
I may be wrong but in Fiji ,anything is possible
Throw some money around and one will see how fast things can change
Money was the agenda for disaster of these 16 going home anyway
My way or highway
“Fact of the matter” as he used to say all the time
Only me says
Government of Eden. Eve in Fiji enticed all the stupid man with apples galore. She really has something over man. Currently standing tall in my view are the few women in government who declined to be bought, the FFP lot who said nahi, the Military commander who hasn’t really said anything but at least there are no signs of a coup, ASK and maybe Pio.
The terminated greedy lot will now have bread and tea like the rest of us.
Anonymous says
Tinai seems to be Fiji’s own Pauline Hanson. I was born in Fiji Tinai so why am I a vulagi? All human beings have the same DNA. You love to read between the lines of taukei vs non Taukei? Why? No point starting your own political party Tinai? Alliance, SVT, SDL been there are done that. Yes, pre colonial Fiji harmonious until Rabuka Mara and Ganilau wrecked it. Fijians of all races worked hard. And guess what, most of them live in NZ and Australia. Even itaukeis to use your words living in droves. So keep your grubby land. Nobody needs it.
Tinai says
Vinaka Anonymous!!
Am doing just that! And I beg to differ. We do need and want our land.
As for Pauline Hanson-do I agree with her? If it is to protect the itaukei -yes.
She’s a rather nice person actually.
Human beings do share 99 percent of the same DNA with a difference of 1 percent.
That makes you approximately my 50th cousin-so let’s agree to disagree!