Our story yesterday on the attack by two Chinese diplomats on a Taiwanese official in Suva was confirmed this afternoon by the Taiwanese Foreign Ministry in Taipei and has gone global.
Here are the links to a selection of stories:
The Washington Post :
The Guardian:
ABC Australia:
The Times of India:
The Bangkok Post:
Asahi Shimbun (Japan):
The Australian:
There has been no official statement from Beijing but the Chinese Embassy in Suva is maintaining that it was their diplomats who were attacked and that reports on social media (Grubsheet) “are totally inconsistent with the facts”. Here’s the local statement:
As I said in our previous story, the Suva embassy would have us believe that two Chinese diplomats went to a Taiwanese reception and were assaulted by a person who ended up in hospital with a head wound. Yes, that makes sense. He obviously assaulted their fists with his head.
As of this evening Fiji time, Grubsheet’s online security protection had blocked 186 “malicious log-in attempts” today, up from a handful even during some of our most controversial postings over the past two months. So that if one of these eventually succeeds and the website goes down, we’ll know where the finger of blame can be pointed. The Chinese are masters of cyber warfare and Grubsheet is a very small target in the overall scheme of things – a minuscule dot in the vastness of cyberspace.
Broofstoyefski says
Of course the hopeless police will believe the two Commies who attempted to somehow “sabotage” the Taiwanese event. However stories like this is bound to catch fire very quickly and it’s happening.
I won’t be surprised if FFP itself doesn’t make a statement either.
Koicalevu says
I have a feeling the PLA – Unit 61398 will be paying close attention to your site in the coming days.
Broofstoyefski says
Exactly, any despotic communistic regime would target whistleblowers like grubby, especially with the recent attempted “hacks.”
Rajiv Sharma says
Congrats on breaking this story.
Steve says
Thank you for reporting the fact and reveal what happened to the world.
Atoese Tuimalealiifano says
Koicalevu aka ? Pardon my ignorance. What is PLA?
Broofstoyefski says
China’s military cyber intelligence unit, PLA just means “People’s Liberation Army.”
Avs says
Nice!! People need to see the bullying that China is participating in around the world. Well done!!
chairmao commie dude not says
Beijing has intensified its efforts to block symbols of Taiwan’s soft power and de facto independence, denouncing the island’s flag, or events like the national day celebration as illegitimate.
“Talk about squeezing Taiwan’s international space,” Margaret Lewis, a law professor at Seton Hall University in New Jersey who studies China and Taiwan, said in an interview. “It’s sad to see even a celebratory reception at a hotel in Fiji is declared a space by the Chinese government that cannot have freedom of assembly.”