Grubsheet has come under withering attack for its previous posting that exposed the apparent links between the so-called Fiji Democracy and Freedom Movement in Australia and indigenous extremists who staged the 2000 George Speight coup. Tempers in the diaspora of the disaffected who oppose the Bainimarama regime have been sorely frayed since we published a photograph of two supposedly independent academics at the Australian National University – Dr Jon Fraenkel and Professor Brij Lal – with Simione Kaitani, one of the coup perpetrators who’s been granted permanent Australian residency.
All three attended a rally in Queanbeyan -outside Canberra – on Saturday at which the key speaker was Ratu Tevita Uluilakeba Mara, the renegade Fiji military officer and son of the founder of modern Fiji, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara. Grubsheet – quite legitimately, in our view – raised questions about the relationship between Kaitani and Fraenkel and Lal, academics on the public payroll who regularly employ the mana that comes with their positions to act as commentators on Fiji in the mainstream Australian media.
Frankel and Lal spoke at this “pro-democracy” rally and declared themselves authors of a ten point plan to return Fiji to democracy that will be presented to the next gathering of Pacific Forum leaders later in the year. This alone makes them protagonists in the Fiji saga, not dispassionate commentators. But the real issue for us was their willingness to be photographed with someone in Kaitani who was a key player in the 2000 coup. He was described as “one of the mob” by no less a figure than the deposed elected Prime Minister, Mahendra Chaudhry, who was held hostage with his cabinet in the parliamentary complex for 56 days.
Four days after we posed a series of questions to Fraenkel and Lal seeking an explanation, there’s still been no response. That silence is deafening. But there’s been a chorus of indignation from Kaitani and his supporters, who’ve unleashed a tirade against Grubsheet on anti-regime blogs, along with a rambling and decidedly unconvincing statement from Kaitani himself that readers can peruse at their leisure on our previous posting.
In this statement, Kaitani claims, absurdly, to have been “a victim of the 2000 coup” not a perpetrator, in that his parliamentary career in opposition was cut short. He also claims that he joined George Speight at the parliamentary complex for altruistic reasons, to provide a moderate and steadying hand. This is an extraordinary proposition given that the duly elected prime minister, Chaudhry, was beaten so badly during the siege that he subsequently required medical treatment in Australia.
The truth is that the 56-day ordeal for Chaudhry and the nation was – according to several accounts – an orgy of after-hours drunkenness and sex, as well as a wanton armed assault by indigenous extremists on the citadel of local democracy. It was only brought to an end when the Speight gang was eventually tricked into surrendering by the then military commander and subsequent coup leader, Frank Bainimarama.
Kaitani vehemently denies that he was involved in the planning of the coup and only became involved on the day it happened. There is no way to establish this beyond reasonable doubt. Just as there was no way – in the absence of concrete evidence – to convict him on a charge of treason when he subsequently faced trial for taking an illegal oath as a minister in George Speight’s government.
Kaitani makes much in his statement of this acquittal in 2005, seemingly convinced that it exonerates him from blame for the events of 2000 and therefore justifies the decision by the Australian Government to grant refuge to him and his family for allegedly being persecuted for his political views. This is arrant nonsense.
During the course of the illegal occupation, Kaitani freely acknowledges that he became “spokesman for the coup” and contemporary footage shows him giving interviews to the international media. In his statement, he claims he was only spokesman for one day and had been obliged to take the position by a person or persons he doesn’t identify. He also claims, bizarrely, that being awarded this position led to him being verbally abused by the leader of the Nationalist Party, Iliesa Duvuloco.
Duvuloco has consistently refused to rule out that he was the mastermind of the 2000 coup – a claim made to Grubsheet in a Nine Network report in 2006 by one of the other conspirators, Maciu Navakasuasua. If that’s true, then it beggars belief that Kaitani was made coup spokesman over Duvuloco’s objections.
It also beggars belief – especially given George Speight’s fondness for the cameras – that the role of spokesman would have been handed to a “concerned outsider”, as Kaitani portrays himself in his statement. The more likely explanation was that Kaitani was at the core of the conspiracy – “one of the mob”, as Chaudhry casts him – who believed passionately in the notion of indigenous supremacy and was willing to help enforce it through the barrel of the gun.
Whatever Kaitani says now, the camera very rarely, if ever, lies. For at least five years, television footage of him at the centre of events at the parliamentary complex has been in the public domain, which makes it all the more remarkable that Jon Fraenkel and Brij Lal – who’ve done academic studies on the events of 2000 – should choose to be photographed with him at a public event. So let’s just go with what we’ve got in balancing the visual evidence against Kaitani’s remarkably hollow explanation.
There he is at Speight’s right hand – though he claims he wasn’t Speight’s “right hand man”. There he is as “coup spokesman”, someone speaking on behalf of the conspirators even as he makes the improbable claim that he wasn’t really one of their number. And there he is calling for a round of applause from the indigenous mob for the coup front man, the swaggering George Speight.
Now comes a fresh photograph of Kaitani from the Fiji Times in the opening days of the seige – one the whole country got to see at the time – to again give the lie to his claim to have been a bit player. It’s courtesy of Thakur Ranjit Singh, a New Zealand resident who was once the publisher of the Fiji Post and is himself, a regular commentator on Fijian affairs.
It shows a triumphant Simione Kaitani centre stage at the parliamentary complex, flanked by one of the armed men who kept the military and police at bay. Does he look like someone of no real consequence, such a wilting violet that he had to be forced at gunpoint to have his picture taken? Not to Grubsheet’s eyes nor, we suspect, the eyes of anyone in Fiji who walks around with them open.
Even if it’s true – as Kaitani claims – that he wasn’t part of the planning for the coup and only became involved on the day it happened, here’s a fascinating fact that throws a whole new light on his denials. Neither, it’s claimed, was George Speight. According to Maciu Navakasusua – among the core conspirators – Speight was only dragged in at the last minute when the man who was meant to carry it out suddenly got cold feet.
Navakasuasua told Grubsheet five years ago that the original front man was the late Savenaca Draunidalo, who like Simione Kaitani, went on to hold ministerial office in the Qarase Government that Frank Bainimarama removed in 2006. He said Draunidalo was waiting at the Holiday Inn for a signal from those whose task it was to take the Government hostage. But when he began to get reports of the widespread looting that had broken out during a simultaneous street march headed by Iliesa Duvuloco, he had second thoughts and vanished. It was only then – says Navakasusua – that the decision was made that George Speight would be the public face of the coup.
With such throws of the dice is history often decided. Speight now languishes in a fetid prison cell outside Suva – reportedly harbouring the most bitter of regrets about the mess he got himself into – while Simione Kaitani breathes the fresh air of freedom in Australia. And has his picture taken with people who should know better and evidently think they don’t need to explain anything to anybody.
This article has subsequently appeared in the Fiji Sun. Auckland University of Technology Associate Professor David Robie also comments on this saga on his Cafe Pacific blog.
Asenaca says
There is so much on Simi Kaitani still to come out. Some of it is mentioned on other blogs. The rest will start flowing now that he’s released this ridiculous statement. I think most people were prepared to let sleeping dogs lie so long as he left Fiji and kept his mouth shut. But they’ve now had enough of all the BS coming from this guy.
He was so extreme that even those in the parliament in 2000 were shocked. Some overheard him saying that he wanted to eliminate Indians from Fiji altogether. He was certainly one of those calling the shots and George Speight always treated him with respect. Remember that saying – every picture tells a story? Time for people to open their eyes and look at them!
Ears to the ground.. says
Kaitani was in Qarase & Bale’s inner circle, which explains why some of CMV members could not understand why Qarase was suicidal in his pursuit of policies that CMV were willing to delay, negotiate or drop.
A case of one stealing the wind out of anothers sail.
Well they certainly reaped the wind…..that blew them away.
Swadesh Singh says
It is sad that countries like Australia and NZ choose to approve the cowardly acts of these racist crimnals of Fiji by giving them sanctuary their midst. But it must be noted that the leaders of these nations are racists themselves and their treatment for example of the indigenous, blacks and Asians in their respective nations is evidence.
Also they seem to hate Indians because they were never so keen to rid Fiji of Rabuka or Qarase who were ruling after an illegal overthrowing of a democratically elected government. Their governments were passing rasist laws against Indians but it was ok, because Australia & NZ were doing the same for decades.
I hope these governments know that many Indians who were victims of these cowardly acts in Fiji have fled to Australia & NZ. So they need to be careful who and what they choose to sanction in relation to Fiji.
Indians and majority of Fijians now in Fiji support Frank and his team. Frank’s group has done more for the nation, its Indigenous and all its citizens in just a few years than what other chiefly governments have achieved in over a hundred years. He has done more for his citizens despite the lack of support and back stabbings then what Australia has done for the Abroginies and NZ has done for the Maories.
The only people who do not support Frank are the greedy, selfish and racist individuals, businesses and nations like Australia and NZ.
Frank…You have done well…keep up the good work…Watch your back.
Avatar says
Simi Kaitani has obviously got his mates in the pro-democracy movement to rub himself down in copious quantities of coconut oil in a vain attempt to wriggle, wormlike, out of the well known fact that he was the right-hand man in George Speight’s coup of 2000.
The pro-democracy movement in Queanbeyan was a gathering that confirmed a few things.
First: that the remnants of the Fijian ethno-nationalist “Taukei Movement” of 1987 with its ideological commitment to the three “isms’ of radical Fijian ethno-nationalism i.e. tribalism; racism and militarism, are alive and well in places where diasporic ethno-nationalists have chosen to escape – US, NZ, Australia etc
Second: that these diasporic ethno-nationalists, aided and abetted by so called ‘dispassionate’ academics in the hallways of various academic institutions such as the ANU, are all adherents of the ‘paramountcy model’ as enshrined in the 1997 Consitution.
Third; That these pro-democary movements are led by frustrated ex military officers (JB, Mara etc) and their syncophants, who are not exactly the paragons of virtue that they wanna us all believe.
Fourth: That the 10 point plan out forward by Brij Lal, Jin Fraekel and JB, is a recipe for another coup. Their proposal to bring back the Great Council of Chiefs/Thieves (a British colonial construct) will only lead the creation of an ethnic Fijian elite that will be more concerned about entrenching their own economic welfare over the poor landowners e.g the way that that the Bukatatanoa Reef in Oneata was taken away to be the personal property of the Mara’s.
Fifth: that the pro-democracy movement encourages violence and murder etc. An attendee and a Church Pastor at the Queanbeyan meeting had canvassed the idea in an anti VB website, that businessmen in Fiji fund the assassination of Bainimaramara and his group. He later collapsed and died at the meeting. What does that say about the Power of the Lord?
Graham Davis says
Avatar, are you saying that one of the attendees at the Queanbeyan rally died during the meeting? More details please. And can anyone else confirm this?
Avatar says
Look at the photo of that meet. The big guy at the front of the photo….by the name of J.Tui ..from Yasawa …a Pastor…he put out a call for businessman in Fiji to fund the assassination of Frank….he curled up his toes during that meeting and pushed thru to a better world…..God rest his soul…..
as the Lone Ranger used to sign off in his comic strips….
“So Long Buddy”
Avatar says
“LIFE IS A FIGHT….we fall, and we rise, we go down we get up again, never-ever stay down. FAILURES are school of learning, its not in the fall that defines our characters, but in the way we rise-up after the fall .” {Ali}
Au Cavutu Tiko Mai Na Koro Vaka Turaga – YASAWA-IRARA [Yasawa Lomanikoro]
Na Noqu Mataqali – NALEVUKAYA.
Noqu Yavusa – YASAWA.
Hobbies- I love Sports, Reading, Sharing the word of God, Watching Rugby Union, League, Boxing and Training.
Likes – Helping the underdog, the under privileged, a strong commitment to fair play and truth.
Dislikes – Injustice, liars, manipulation & exploitation of the under privileged by those in power.
I love my God, my church, my people and my country.
Educational Background – Draiba Fijian School, Mahatma Ghandi Memorial High School, Fiji.
Diploma degrees in Biblical Studies at Day Star Bible Training Center in co-ordination with Rheema, USA. Aboriginal Studies – Universities Of New England, Armadale, Australia.
Professional Background- Corrective Services at HM Prison, Suva (3 years), Naboro Prison Farm (2 years).Senior Youth Worker with Juvenile Justice Center, Sydney, (15 years).
Currently involved with local community work, Police Voluntary Worker, Merrylands, Parramatta & Blacktown Police. A Candidate Member of The Christian Democratic Party, NSW.
I would like to say, on behalf of the Freedom Fighters, “Vinaka Vakalevu” to the admins of Matavuvale for providing us with a platform to voice our opinion and to get in touch with our loved ones world-wide. We are privileged to freely express our thoughts and how we feel about the conduct of the illegal and unelected government in our beloved Fiji.
Avatar says
RIP ….
Graham Davis says
Thanks for this Avatar. The Matavuvale website says Pastor Jone Tui died in Canberra hospital in the early hours on Sunday morning after being taken ill with shortness of breath and nausea at the Queanbeyan gathering. It also said he’d fasted and prayed for the previous 48 hours “for the protection of Roko Ului” and other campaigners.
This will have been a big blow to the anti-regime forces and our thoughts should be with them and especially Jone Tui’s family. Whatever his political views, his biography shows that his has been a life of service to others and he deserves our respect.
Yes, in the Fijian context, this is bound to be seen by many as a bad omen but the proper thing to do is to not make political capital out of this tragic event.
Mark Manning says
Well said Graham.
Jone Tui was a fighter for a return to Democracy for Fiji and all Fijians.
One should not speak ill of the dead and you have honoured that here, despite our differing views and opinions.
varanitabua says
He was a racist just like you Manning
Ears to the ground.. says
In the Fijian context???????
We all subscribe to a universal God and universla truths.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom!
The Lord is not mocked……and so forth and so on.
The message is chrystal clear …… a non violent democracymovement, this is not negotiable if Fiji wants to come out of its darkness from which it is presently trapped for many years.
Since the day Sitiveni announced from the Civic Center in 1987 that God was with him was the day the God of this world has ruled in Fiji.
God is not mocked!! believe it.
Graham Davis says
“Ears to the ground”, this apparent obsession of yours that God is behind the Fijian nationalist movement – implicit in your comment about Sitiveni Rabuka – is totally misguided. If you are a believer, you will know that Christ preached equality for all. So someone could just as easily claim that God is on the side those in Fiji striving for multiracialism and a bigger slice of the cake for other races. You’d do well to save your tub-thumping fundamentalism for your fellow fundamentalists than brandish it here, where it isn’t at all persuasive. Fortunately for you, Sunday is the perfect day to get it all off your chest.
Ears to the ground.. says
God of this World?
Wilson Tamanikaira says
Bula Graham, again its disappointing to see how low your reputation has dropped and the question I must ask is,”why throw away your reputation by making accusations that are unfounded and untrue”. In fact, I am beginning to question your credibility altogether.
The title, “A camera doesn’t lie” is of course typical of journalist “sensationalism”. As pro gun lobbyists argue,,” it is not the gun which is the problem, but the idiot behind it”.Your apparent “investigative” work is at best laughable and should be aptly categorized as a case of pure journalistic trash.
By singling out Kaitani, you attempt to build a case based on, 1) photographs (purportedly of his coup involvement) and 2) the story of one, Maciu Navakasuasua
1. The problem with the photographs is that the courts in Fiji has already exonerated Kaitani based on the exact same charges leveled against him despite similar photographic evidence presented before it.We must respect the courts decision for that.
2. The story of Maciu Navakasuasua is at best questionable because of his credibility problems.Firstly, he was convicted based on his part in the 2000 coup and secondly, he has been labelled a liar by the courts in Fiji in his attempt as a defense witness to get other noted coup accomplices, Jo Nata and Timoci Silatolu off the hook.
Navakasuasua does not exactly have a credible background. He is a notorious career criminal with a long history of recidivism.He has been known to keep company with other noted criminals such as Saqasaqa. Maciu is also the “bomber” behind those terrorist activities that terrorized Suva residences after the elections of1999..He was arrested for his part in the bus depot bombing and the threats to blow up electrical case transmission equipment outside Walu Bay including buildings through the city precinct. His acts of terrorism here were totally unrelated to the Speight coup because his case was already in the courts on the 19 May,2000.
Navakasuasua parades himself as a former CRW soldier and as an “expert” in explosives but in reality he is neither. He has never served in the army and his short stint as an employee of the Vatukoula Gold Mines enabled him to steal the required gelignite, detonators and ignition devices in order to carry out his acts of terrorism throughout Suva. Is this a man who words have any credibility???
Simione Kaitani may not be the most popular MP amongst coup apologists but he does have a valid point. Bainimarama is also rightly liable for treason in his part in the illegal removal of Ratu K Mara from office on the 19th May,2000 off Dakuiibeqa.This case is still the subject of Police investigations and charges await him. It does not take much imagination to conclude that by conducting this misguided coup, he has committed one crime in an attempt to get away from another. For that he will face justice if he lives to experience the day.May God have mercy on his soul.
My advice here is to be careful when we choose to justify the illegal actions of a dictator by making incorrect and unfounded statements about people.
Graham Davis says
Wilson, your insults are getting very tedious so please confine yourself to arguing the case or I will delete you from the discussion altogether. I don’t want to do that because you have taken the trouble to outline some of your ideas. But peppering them with personal observations about me and your alleged relationship with my father will guarantee your exclusion if you persist.
I repeat: Simione Kaitani wasn’t “exonerated” for his part in the 2000 coup, as you insist on claiming. He was pronounced not guilty in a court of law – on the basis of lack of evidence – of taking an illegal oath as a minister in George Speight’s government. It is there for everyone to see that Kaitani played a prominent part in the 56 day siege of the parliament. And we have the evidence provided by Mahendra Chaudhry that he wasn’t just there but was “one of the mob”, giving speeches stirring up the crowd and generally espousing the indigenous cause. Your position on this is absurd and I can only conclude is motivated by an intention to deceive.
As for Maciu Navakasuasua, I would like you to point out in detail precisely what he said in his interview with me in 2006 that is wrong in fact. You are very quick to label anyone who doesn’t fit your view of what is right and wrong as someone running a personal agenda. Branding him a “notorious career criminal” is a very convenient way to smear him without addressing the extensive allegations he made at the time, that haven’t been seriously contested since.
Charles Singh says
Please stop wasting your time with Wilson, an extremists passing himself off as a moderate. You cannot reason with such peoeple; they are not interested in fairness or equality. They want all out dominance, and at any cost.
Wislon has gone to great lengths to defend fellow extremist, Kaitaini. He is not fooling those who witnessed Kaitani’s antics in parliament first hand, and know what he is all about – a consumate opportunist who fully backed the coup and attempted to embolden and incite those Fijians in parliament. Kaitani’s presence in parliament provided Speight and his cohorts moral support. For Kaitani the success of the coup meant a cushy ministerial post. Now we hear he has secured an Australian PR for himself and his family while the foot soldiers who were egged on by him to do the dirty and dangerous job continue to languish in Fiji. How very neat and shrewd. Well done Kaitani! You and your family must be very proud.
Avowed champion of democracy, Australia, has become a sanctuary for the executers and supporters of the racist 2000 coup, including the likes of Kaitani, who were inciting vioelnce against Indians, Who says crime doesn’t pay? The law can sometimes be ass, as you well know, Wilson.
Learned Wilson is full of criticism for Bainimarama. But where was he during the 2000 coup? I never heard him lamenting the loss of democracy back then. Wislon is a Kaitaini/Speight supporter. He is not interested in democracy, but in Fijian supremacy. He cannot utter a word against Speight or his coup.
Ever the opportunist (like his bro Kaitani), Wison’s call for democracy is a charade. It is a ploy to bring back Qarase and the racist SDL into power. This is a shameful and cynical use and abuse of democracy, somethig the Qarase Govt was quite adept at.
Wislon’s hatred for Indo-Fijians is simmering just below the surface. Just read his response to Swadesh Singh’s comments.
No use wasting your breath on closet haters like Wislon.
Wilson Tamanikaira says
Charles Singh,
I think Graham has enough intelligence to justify his own position. What is yours other than being a plain anti Fijian racist who is calling on Indian leaders to repatriate Indians to India or Australia?
Furthermore, why make incorrect assumptions about my being an extremist and parading as a “moderate” Fijian? Can I not be an upstanding Fijian in my own country without being labelled with a racist tag?
If you have half a brain, you will realize that my issue with Graham is not about Kaitani but responsible and ethical journalism.If being anti coup and pro- rule of law equates to being anti Bainimarama” to you, then you are half way there to understanding what I am talking about.
I defend the 2000 coup from a position of outcomes.That is,Speight was correctly found to have committed a crime regardless of the nobleness of his cause.It is from this fact by which I base my argument against Bainimarama,in that a precedence in law has been set and he must face justice.His cause may be noble but one thing is certain,like George, he has erred in taking the law into his own hands and thus perpetuating the real problem besetting our country.
Crimes of treason are no laughing matter because they negatively and deeply interrupt our basic human rights and in particular social harmony. It is a crime against humanity. Justifiably, treason is then, the most serious charge in the penal code and traitors are liable for the death sentence.
We live in an age of information fluency driven by advances in technology. Therefore,dictators like Bainimarama,their regimes and their apologists are severely handicapped in their ability to hoodwink the population. Get with the program, you cannot get away with murder these days.
By compromising with Rabuka in giving him immunity we compromised the security of future generations. We did not compromise in 2000 and we must not compromise with Bainimarama.It is our individual responsibility to work tirelessly to bring him and all those who gave material support for this misguided coup to justice.
Repeat after me..”I Charles Singh, from this moment forth.. promise to relinquish my racist thoughts and love for anarchy. I will be like Wilson, respecting the rule of law and defending the freedoms of all individuals. I will not be easily misled by dictators who violate my principles on on behalf of their innocent victims, seek justice no matter how long it takes.
Graham Davis says
Ah Wilson, the giveaway line – the “nobleness of George Speight’s cause”.Can you please explain precisely what you mean by this? It’s the slip that’s showing under this flashy garment you wear of the moderate, righteous crusader for democracy.
The Speight coup was for the most ignoble of causes, a despicable lunge for power by a group of cunning, self serving wannabes.I suspect that what you don’t like is that the 2000 coup failed and the 2006 coup has – thus far, at least – succeeded. The former was carried out in the name of indigenous supremacy and that latter in the name of equality for all Fiji citizens. That’s what you can’t stand.
Being a loser.
Jon Orton says
There are several people standing around here watching a man in a field continue his argument with a dead sheep
Wilson Tamanikaira says
Bula Graham,
I understand that Kaitani may not have been exonerated from your “hallucinatory” media trial but he definitely has from within the jurisdiction of criminal law and courts of Fiji Ever heard of the principle,”Innocent until proven guilty?” . If “no”, then that is hardly surprising given your apparent lack of respect for issues like, the rule of law in regards to your perception about this misguided coup.
Your summations of the coup of 2000 can at best be classed as,”conspiracy theories”. In “conspiracy theories”,elements of truths and untruths are used to construct just that,”a conspiracy”. Self interest dictates the level of orientation between fact or fiction
On the issue of Navakasuasua,there is no doubt that his story was elevated to the status of “credible evidence” because its sole intention was to further fuel the military propaganda prior and post 2006 coup.
Your interview with Navakasuasua lacked credibility because 1) You did not research into his colourful criminal background, 2) Was there a conflict of interest? 3) Was he really a significant coup player in the scheme of things and 4) was there a differentiating between hearsay and fact?
Do you really believe Navakasuasua as being the “recruiter” of Speight and also his “consoling ear” in regards to regretting his role in the coup? Come on Graham, ” looks like a con,behaved like con,talks like a con” is a con. “You’ve been conned.
Mark Manning says
Graham, if you put as much time into convicting and exposing Frank Bainimarama as you do with Simi. then perhaps your comments and articles would be worthy of some sort of Journalistic note worthiness.
Graham Davis says
I am no longer interested in your self serving, insulting and patently one sided observations. It’s like being savaged by a dead sheep.
Mark Manning says
Good Graham and perhaps now, you can understand that we feel the same way about the diatribe that you keep writing !
Graham Davis says
Mark, I know you’re famous elsewhere but welcome to Grubsheet. I don’t know how we’ve got on without you. Strange how a British-born Sydney nurse with no prior links to Fiji should be so passionate about the indigenous cause. But then, we live in the strangest times.
Perhaps you might consider writing more here than your customary one-line put-downs that are such a huge drawcard elsewhere. I, for one, would love to hear a more considered exposition of your views on Fiji than the declamatory versions you’ve ventured on other sites thus far.
Mark Manning says
Grubsheet should change its name to crapsheet !
Graham Davis says
Thank you Mark, a very erudite contribution to the debate.
Fark Fanning says
and you should adopt my christian name !!!
Fark Fanning says
Graham you’re a legend.
Always a pleasure to read your measured and well argued posts !!
varanitabua says
Mark Manning you sure spreading yourself thin-by writing all over the place no wonder much of the stuff you write is shit any way. Those of us who are trying to get Fiji to go forward have a concern and what Graham has done is call a “spade a spade”. Graham exposure of the ‘evils’ that now parade around Australia calling for democracy -well where the hell were they when Rabuka dismantled democracy in 1987! The likes of Kaitani are supporting democracy now -really? This guy will jumps into bed with anyone to feather his own nest-scarry ! Mark you fully supported you new mate Jone Baledrokadroka but Jone hasn’t come clean on everything that happened in the camp? Best you can do Mark is worry about the Indigenous Aussies and leave Fiji to those of us who know something about her and her peoples-you just cloudy the water with your stupidity, but since you on a learning curve best i can say is, “qai mai” we are more than willing to educate you maybe by the time we finished you won’t know what hit you! After all Fijians are reknowed for their welcome and smiling faces but don’t let Graham deceive you Mark he is a full blooded Fijian and is familiar with the art of “killing you softly” in granddas lingo ‘vaka lala nomu qavokavoka”
varanitabua says
Manning ask Simi your mate about how he came to know about Draunidalo been part of Speight plan well before others did? Surely not from the coconut wireless. says
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