It has been 15 months since Christopher Pryde famously left Gunu House after being suspended for alleged misbehaviour carrying the “Keep Calm and Carry On” sign that had been on his office wall. Since then he has kept calm and said nothing as the Judicial Services Commission – led by Acting Chief Justice Salesi Temo – has defied the Constitution and failed to set a date for the judicial tribunal hearing that must be held to determine the case against him.
But now Christopher Pryde has gone nuclear after the JSC has defied the Constitution again by cutting off his income and depriving him of the ability to pay his lawyers to defend hm. This whole sorry debacle has been taken to an entirely new level and in a manner that has thrown a regional spotlight on the chronic illegal behaviour of the new order in Fiji. Because Christopher Pryde – a New Zealander -has sent an extraordinary letter to the New Zealand Foreign Minister, Winston Peters, asking him for assistance to fight his case.
The full letter is below – entitled “An appeal for assistance to fight a grave injustice in Fiji” – in which Christopher Pryde says cutting off his salary at the four-year mark of his current seven-year contract has “left him unable to effectively defend himself against totally unwarranted charges that have now been outstanding for 15 months, with no date set for a hearing, as the Fijian Constitution stipulates”.
The DPP says “the sudden cessation of his salary at the eleventh hour whilst he is in the middle of instructing legal counsel in Fiji to defend himself against charges brought by the Fijian government is a denial of natural justice that has left him with little choice” but to seek the NZ Foreign Minister’s assistance. He asks the NZ government, as a NZ citizen, to raise his case urgently with the Fijian government on his behalf. And he asks for assistance to enable him to continue to employ legal counsel to pursue his constitutional right to a tribunal hearing.
Christopher Pryde lays out in astonishing detail a whole raft of matters that are not on the public record, including the circumstances of his suspension after he was photographed at a Japanese Embassy function in conversation with the ousted Attorney General, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum.
1/ The DPP accuses Sayed-Khaiyum’s successor, Siromi Turaga, of lying and entrapment. He says he was called to a meeting in Turaga’s office at which the AG told him that provided he wrote a letter of apology explaining the circumstances of the encounter with Khaiyum, it would be the end of the matter. But instead Siromi Turaga used that letter as the basis for a formal complaint to the Judicial Services Commission that resulted in Christopher Pryde’s suspension. The Grinning Assassin true to form.
2/ After a delay of nearly a year, a Tribunal was established in March 2024 to hear the charge but to this day, no hearing date has been set. A full year after his suspension over the Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum encounter, in April 2024, the DPP says a fresh charge of misbehaviour was laid against him for having received superannuation payments that had allegedly not been approved by the Judicial Services Commission.
3/ At first, this related to superannuation payments from 2019 until the time of Pryde’s suspension in April 2023. But the DPP says that when his salary was suspended two days ago on July 9, the charge was altered to include superannuation payments going back to 2012 when he was first appointed. This covers a 10-year period in which the current government was not in power. So how the Coalition can object to whatever contractual arrangement Christopher Pryde had with the previous government is just one of a number of breathtaking aspects to this saga.
4/ This is now a wider diplomatic issue as well as an internal legal issue in Fiji. So why has the DPP sought the assistance of New Zealand? Evidently because he has no recourse in Fiji beyond applying for a judicial review of the JSC’s decision which could take months. And he no longer has the means to put food on the table, let alone pay for expensive lawyers to fight his case, whenever that might be, if ever.
5/ As well as asking the NZ Government for assistance to meet his own challenge, Christopher Pryde says his case “is a warning to other New Zealanders who may be considering taking up positions in Fiji”. It also has “implications for New Zealand’s Pacific Reset if people sent from NZ are going…to have false allegations made against them “and “the goalposts for dealing with these allegations are continuously shifted”.
6/ In an explosive allegation, the DPP says the charges against him “are politically and perhaps racially motivated”. Quote: “The reason I am raising this possibility is because one of my assistant DPPs (Elizabeth Rice) was dismissed after my own suspension and is submitting in legal proceedings for unfair dismissal that she was informed by the (former) Acting DPP, John Rabuku, that it was because she was “white”. Unquote. This takes local concerns about the campaign of workplace ethnic cleansing in the civil service and offices of state to an entirely new level and makes it an issue of international concern.
What happens next? Well, for a start, the Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka, in his simultaneous role as Foreign Minister, has been dragged into this morass. He is going to have to explain to Winston Peters, his opposite number in New Zealand, why Christopher Pryde’s salary has been unlawfully terminated and why a date for the hearing into the allegations against him is still to be set. Why is Winston Peters bound to become involved? Because Christopher Pryde is a NZ citizen and this is a saga of such magnitude that the NZ media cannot ignore it, not only because of the government’s unlawful conduct but the suggestion of racism in Fiji.
The DPP’s letter to Winston Peters has been copied to the NZ High Commissioner in Suva and the Law Societies of New Zealand and Fiji. And with several NZ judges in the system in Fiji and other Kiwis in the police and other institutions – plus a large NZ business presence in Fiji – this has all the makings of a public relations disaster.
It also raises fresh questions about the judgment of the Chair of the Judicial Services Commission – the Acting CJ Salesi Temo – who is a serial violator of the Constitution and has done it again. And it raises questions about whether the new Attorney General, Graham Leung, had any involvement is this decision. Leung has taken office stressing the importance of the law being followed but it has not. And the Prime Minister also stressed in his recent “ Day in the Life” video the importance of the law being followed and it has not. So this goes to the heart of the Coalition’s integrity and credibility. In Fiji, New Zealand and beyond.
Christopher Pryde might have left his office 15 months ago determined to “keep calm and carry on”. But by cutting off his salary unlawfully, he appears to have had no choice but to press the nuclear button. And the resulting explosion is going to have all sorts of ramifications, not least the damage to Fiji’s international reputation by a government that is demonstrably outside the law and demonstrably out of control.
Read on…
Joe says
” again by cutting off his income and depriving him of the ability to pay his lawyers to defend him”
Did nothing for 15 months and fed on Fijian tax payers money.
Now he doesn’t have any.
We fijian people are not idiots as many of them think.
It is also an internal matter and NZ will not interfere with sovereignty of any country.
Graham Davis says
Joe, I’m guessing that Christopher Pryde prosecuted you for something. What was it? Domestic violence? Growing weed? A little petty theft?
1/ You can’t work when you are suspended (unless you are a trapeze artist in a circus) And he has been suspended for 15 months waiting patiently to clear his name. He had a right to expect the law would take its course.
2/ Beggar nations aren’t sovereign nations. Fiji is totally dependent on countries like NZ for aid, tourists, trade, remittances and brain power. So it is not good policy to mess with their citizens by dealing with them unlawfully. Because if their taxpayers tell their governments to stop paying the beggars, you can’t eat “sovereignty”. Unless you’d prefer to be Chinese.
Ergo. Who’s the idiot? Got a mirror handy?
Joe says
Your comments are out of line.
The same begger nation fed you when you were leaking FFP
This is the same Pride that returned files back ,when there was few clear cut cases.
Again and again you looking at all Fijians as criminals and corrupted.
I have a better job than you Mr. free rider.
Studied and graduated in Australia .
Now I am serving my people.
I am not sitting in a room and commenting on events that is none of my business.
Graham Davis says
It’s beggar, not begger. Clearly you didn’t graduate in English. As a Fijian born, Fijian citizen, I have as much right to comment on events than you. So bugger off.
Joe says
Oh,so from political commentary, now you have gone into degrading people about how they spell words.
Not my mother language and these days auto correct does it’s job.
Who cares if words are not spelt right.
We are not writing to white house anyway.
Graham Davis says
“The auto correct does it’s job?” Did you get the Chinese version by mistake? Should be its job. But as you say, it doesn’t matter. Mothay vokadoah.
Moti Lal says
New Zealand needs Fiji more than Fiji needs New Zealand.
Same as Australia.
Graham Davis says
What pills are you on? I want some.
Moti Lal says
And which tablets you take mate?
Why is US,Australia and NZ so concerned about China’s presence in the Pacific ?Especially hub of the Pacific, which is Fiji.
You are too young to read between the lines my friend.
Graham Davis says
I take special tablets formulated to make me immune from idiots. How else do you think I can survive dealing with people like you?
Anonymous says
Then become a slave to China. Go on.
Fiji Watcher says
Australia needs Fiji, I don’t think so! If tourism slows or stops, your Fiji is in serious trouble. Australians and New Zealanders have a host of other destinations they could go to. Never antagonize those on whose $ you need.
Vulagi visitor says
Joe obviously likes to live in a Third World country with Third World standards. Racist and backward standards. He probably was not born when Rabuka did what he did but he is one who voted for a dickhead to run the country and “move it forward”. Just imagine the thought of a dinosaur from 37 years ago that will move the country forward. Tells you a lot about Joe. He is obvioulsy proud to be an idiot and he just does not realise it. And therein lies the problem in all of Fiji.
Joe says
Vinaka Vulagi
I love my Fiji
Call third or anything
Tony S says
Totally agree Graham, Fiji is a sovereign nation & no interference from overseas, not sure uf we’re born then Joe but look at ’87, Maori tribal elders & leaders, other Pacific island leaders coming to support the thugs who had committed Treason , again in 2000 ‘Spit’ coup, so now Fiji is a sovereign country yeah ?
F*ckwits everywhere says
I say it once again. This is Fiji. The laws which apply here are based on who and what someone wants at someone’s whim and varies depending on the circumstances, who is involved and does not need to be consistently applied. It will be applied on who is involved and the circumstances at the time and what the final outcome one wants.
Of course, a predetermined outcome is what one should be working towards. And who determines the pre-determined outcome. Well it all depends on which master(s) one is working for or with at the time.
These are very high standards which are being maintained by very highly qualified and experienced f*uckwits who run the Fiji government and the judiciary. A fundamental qualification is that the person(s) must be Bible-bashing and God-fearing dickheads who are racists and do the things the right way for the advancement of the first nations people as a cover while their only objective is to advnace their own agenda.
Basically Fiji is not only a Banana Republic but a failed state run by dinosaurs and propped up by Australia and NZ.
Vulagi visitor says
May I add, these bible-bashing idiots are now not sure whether they are Christians or Jews. And these vulagis religions presents a huge dilemma for Fijians. The whole country is twisted and stuffed. Guess how many more Joes are there in Fiji. And that is Fiji’s biggest problem – not the politicians. Why, because it is idiots like Joe who elect these politicians. So we need to fix the problem at the root. And that is a big challenge.
Quixote says
Amen brother
Fool me once says
Winston Peter’s will be easy meat for Rabuka. He’ll swallow any bait offered to him by taukei leaders just as he did when the late Fiji Police Commissioner, Anthony Hughes recommended he arrest Frank Bainimarama while Voreqe was on a visit to NZ.
Peter’s thought he knew better that he could persuade Bai to return to barracks by offering him a deal to build a thousand low cost houses for the Fiji Govt. A few billion dollars later of lost opportunities and corruption Hiughs was proven right and Peter’s very wrong.
Peter’s suffers fm foot-in-mouth disease. Nothing will happen, mark my words.
Graham Davis says
And mark my words. You need to learn where to put your apostrophes.
Vulagi visitor says
Good one GD.
A lot of people in Fiji do not seem to know the difference between “his” and “he is”. But this is Fiji and it does not matter!
Sa rauta mada, we do things the Fiji style and the Fiji way – the right way!!!! Haha.
Wake up Fiji says
Firstly, as a Fijian living in NZ and having worked under NZ govt and as a citizen of NZ now I can say that Pryde has done the right thing. Good on him.
I feel for Pryde. He was removed from his position trapped by the former AG Siromi. It was more of a case of “being white” and not fitting the current status quo of ethnic cleansing in Fiji.
Secondly, Pryde is right in stating that the confidence of New Zealanders wanting to invest or work in Fiji must ring an alarm bell. It is not a safe place. And New Zealanders should keep out. This is worrying given NZ is one of the large exporters and vice versa with Fiji.
Thirdly, and lastly, we knew this will become a Fiji and NZ issue soon. And here we are. Peters will not hold back nor mince his words. He has a NZ citizen stuck in another country and mistreated by the Government at the highest level. This is an ugly look for Fiji that can suddenly turn bitter. Peter’s has been in politics long enough to remember how Fijians treated New Zealanders in the High Commission and other places before. He will not leave his NZ citizen to dry out alone.
Fiji, the President of Fiji, and the government of Fiji better start acting. They cannot hold a NZ citizen back and treat him in such form.
The biggest risk here for Fiji is the huge fall in investor confidence. An island state making too many decisions that is doing it harm.
Vili Wadali says
Rabuka is not obliged to justify the decisions of the Fiji govt to a politician of a foreign (vulagi) government.
Graham Davis says
Well ignore it then. At least New Zealanders and Australians working in Fiji will know where they stand. Unable to rely on the rule of law.
Roy says
Luxon doesn’t want any tax payers money wasted.
Cost cutting is happening left, right and centre in New Zealand.
No more wastage.
Graham Davis says
Are things so tight that Winston can’t call up Siti to persuade him to change his mind because of the cost of the phone call? Isa.
Chang says
Won’t be a phone call mate.
Sensitive issue.
A group of ” high profile ” delegates will be sent to Fiji.
Five star accommodation, ofcourse whiskey, food ,
A bit of spending time on beaches.
Return and claim allowances and benefits
Now you guess GD in terms of dollar value ?
Tony S says
BTW Graham, I totally see your ire in Chris’s dilemma. What we also should not forget is these racial policies and ethnic cleansing has been occurring to Indo Fijians fie decades, converted to 3rd class citizens in their own country, yes OWN country where they were born and forefathers shed sweat , blood and lives to make Fiji better for everyone. That is the White Elephant in this Saga, yet another incidence of Selective Memory Loss. God Bless Fiji, or whatever is left of it.
Jonathan Santiago Roa says
A broken up Fiji (since the formation of the coalition gov’t), tainted with malfeasance by the judicial office holders, treating this expat worker less favourably by denying him natural justice to clear his name. And, those around him such as Fiji’s (the law society) remain silent despite the injustices suffered by the expat workers. Let’s hope the embassies of India, Australia, NZ and the US together with the international trade union movements are keeping a watchfull eye on what’s going on in the Banana Republic of Fiji.
Pauline says
Winston Peters is a disgrace.
Plastic maori !
Self serving opportunist.
He will do nothing about this Pride thing.
Wait and see.
Pryde and Prejudice says
Winnie probably cannot do anything worthwhile directly in his official role. Certainly not spend NZ taxpayer money on Pride’s defense lawyers.
However as a shot across the bow – perhaps if he mentions that it may take longer for NZ govt to consider the Visa Free entry to NZ for Fiji citizens. Or mention to Fiji counterparts that NZ Biosecurity will be investigating and putting an indefinite ban on essential agricultural export produce into NZ due to a suspected fruit fly infestation….Foreign Affairs in Wgtn could be creative and Diplomatic.
No more test matches against the All Blacks..that should do it!
Sort your plastics out says
Plastic Māori?
Keep that for the Fijians in Fiji.
How fast did your PM move in the last 24 hours then?
Plastic Māori showed you how it’s done. It’s called diplomacy holds power.
NZ Taxpayer says
No offence GD but you are defending an absolute muppet!! Pryde has pretty much been on a 15 month fully paid holiday. As a ‘qualified’ lawyer, he would have known how to seek advice, investigate the matter himself and bring his own case of judicial review before the courts. He also has contacts in high places such as yourself to rally behind him. However he sat there absent much like when he was actually in the job. And now he appeals to WP to fight his battle for him?!? It’s an employment matter that working class people suffer from nearly everyday! He’s just trying to suck on the public tit so Nz tax payers can fund his fight for him. Please!! Cry me a river drop kick.
Graham Davis says
It is about the rule of law, you dope. There is the law or nothing. And you’ll be crying more than a river if the rule of law totally breaks down in Fiji.
They cut off Christopher Pryde’s legs unlawfully after keeping him waiting unlawfully for 15 months. It isn’t about holidays or “sucking on public tits”. It is about lawful conduct and the right of independent officers of state to have the opportunity to defend themselves from unlawful political interference.
The fact that all this is seemingly beyond your ability to understand is your problem, not mine. Ignorance is bliss, goes the old saying. Byee!
Grow up! says
Don’t be silly.
As a NZ taxpayer you should know about employment rules. He is a migrant worker to Fiji. He is on a special visa and with strict conditions for his role too.
One cannot work for anyone else during that term.
And he cannot just go and ask for a case to be heard. Those things, as in NZ too, are decisions made by the Courts or DPPs office. It is not an individuals decision. Where have you seen otherwise in NZ?
Gosh! The level of intelligence is mind boggling sometimes.
Lawless country says
GD, I am taking that anyone who is suspended with pay is not allowed to work anyway. Especially in such positions and since his work visa must state these conditions quite well as an expatriate?
This is what other expatriates need to be careful about now. They are in a country of complete lawlessness. I won’t be going to Fiji anytime soon. That’s for sure.
Worried vulagi says
There are so many UN and other agencies based in Fiji as the hub of the Pacific. This is absolutely terrifying if the law is under ongoing saga. I would be very worried if I was an expatriate working in Fiji right now.
And if you are white it will be worse.
I was offered 3 contracts to work in Fiji this year. I refused to take any on. And this was one of the reasons. It is an unsafe country fuelled by drugs, no confidence in Police and the justice system overall.
I won’t be surprised if NZ and Australia put a red flag on Fiji as a tourist destination.
Rabuka’s compromised position says
The President and PM of Fiji should hang their heads in shame.
PM of Fiji is also the Minister for Foreign Affairs.
He has no idea how much of conflict and political tension his conflicting roles can create when something like this happens.
What will Rabuka do now? He has to answer to NZ as he represents Fijis Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
That letter by Pryde is spot on.
This is an outright abuse.
Don’t travel to Fiji as an expatriate.
Don’t use a Fijian passport if you hold dual citizenship.
There is no safety for any foreign worker in this country.
Rajiv Sharma says
Food for thought:
The rule of law and rule by law, the latter was an obsession of Aiyaz when he did not like the law.
8 Million ga says
Is there any update regarding police complaint against fomer AG Siromi for Bigamy?
Feel sad for DPP Pryde, should have never trusted the former AG, He is a politician through and through.