Golly gosh, Golly Ghai, boy, do we enjoy our exalted status in Fiji. Given the level of vituperation from the anti-regime lobby against some other perceived supporters of the Bainimarama Government, Grubsheet gets off entirely scot-free. We get cheery hellos in the street, people fall over themselves to buy us drinks and dusky maidens keep wanting to take us home to meet their mothers. It’s all given us a terribly big head, and who can blame us when we get showered with fan mail like the following. This person outdoes even our biggest fans. We can’t generously share the limelight because he or she insists on remaining anonymous. But honestly. This adulation verges on the embarrassing. Well, almost. Seriously, is anyone else anywhere in the world half as popular as we are? Aw shucks.
Anonymous said…
Graham Davis
If you reading this let me tell you that I as a Kai Viti totally detest you and your type. I detest and look at you and the regime with total repugnance/ revulsion every minute because of the following:
– overthrow of govt I elected;
– treatment of my chiefs, lotu and vanua;
– behaviour totally foreign to the respect and culture of we the Kai Viti;
– lack of humility;
– disrespectful words ie viavialevu
– arrogance ie dokadoka;
– lack of morals;
– lack of justice and fairness (kilavata syndrome and veivakaduiduitaki);
– zero concern for environment;
– zero respect for our history;
– zero respect for UN Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples;
– treating us as if we stupid and lacking independant thought;
– zero consultations in anything and everything;
– drunkard immoral behaviour;
– no respect for Jesus Christ;
– supporting immoral acts and degradation of our youths with 5am closing of nightclubs;
– Bollywoodisation of our media and culture;
– theft of our identity;
– no respect for the Queen and Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna;
– corruption of judiciary and young men and woman in security forces;
– brainwashing the nation into a state of inability to distinguish right from wrong;
– forcing on us a leadership which is the worst ever in our nation (a bunch of wannabees, pretenders, fraudsters and criminals);
– bringing into Fiji those pretending to be Fijians like you (via $3000 fee dual citizenship) but really just exploiters with no regard for us and our cultures and peoples;
and the list goes on.
Kai Viti and yes hundreds of thousands feel exactly the same as I do.
January 10, 2013 2:04 PM
Hey, buddy boy, keep taking the tablets!
Ho hum says
This sterling example of Fijian citizenry probably had no problem with the overthrow of the Chaudhery government in 2000. Without intending to have that effect, the missive is pure Bollywood dialogue. Prem Chopra villain style.
Komai says
Yes, obviously the poster was in there with the ‘crowd’ in the parliamentary complex in 2000.
How else can you explain his/her angst?
Vincent says
Whaahahah!!!!, another Bambooooo gun, only hot air!!
Riverside says
This is a very sad comment by a very sad person who is filled with hatred and lives in a very dark world. This person does not seem to really understand where he/she stands.and what exactly he/she wants for our beautiful and peace-loving nation.
This person does not seem to really grasp all that the current Govt has done, is doing and where it wants to take our nation.
I can only pray that light shines into his/her heart and hope he/she will understand one day how wrong he/she is.
I pray the good Lord that this person be enlightened quickly and come out of the darkness that is consuming him/her.
Janey says
Well his hour was just around the corner if the Ghai draft had been accepted. He would have looked forward to a restoration of a the good old days of racial supremacy, elite authority and religious fundamentalism.
Jack says
Comments from someone who still lives in the past and wetdreaming that the good old days will return.
Jim says
Phwoar … this is just too funny by half. Anonymous needs to take their head out of the sand and join the 21st century. Sorry last time I checked we’re in the 21st century, anonymous your ethnocentric diatribe is beyond belief in this day and age.
You are nothing more rather then a ‘HYBRID’ kai ‘VITI’ who came in a boat and try to lay claim on the island. The TRUE kai VITI came from above and their heart reveals more about them.
“Those who know Not that they are One,
Act not as One.
Those who act not as One,
Create not Love, but suffering and disharmony.
What you create, you receive.
The Fruits of Your acts will follow your days.
Bill Carson says
Love thy neighbour as thyself. Cast out the hatred that is consuming you.
Sudsidise your chiefs from your own earnings !!
Devil's disciple says
To Anonymous:
So much hatred in you.
You sound like the disciple of devil rather than a man of christ.
You are spewing pure evil.
You sound like you would be at home with the Hitler kill squad/
Or the Rwandan hacking gangs.
Take a good, hard look at yourself.
Pray really hard for deliverance the next time you in Church.
Tomasi says
why the **** this bimbo keeps reading grubsheet if he or she or him find grubsheet so hard to digest? ( Eds note: Altered to remove obscenity)
Peni Loma says
Yes @ Janey your comment was the best -that Anonymous was wet dreaming that Ghai draft be accepted leading to the restoration of the good old days of racial supremacy, elite authority and religious fundamentalism.
Keep the Great council of Chiefs and the Church out of politics.(for a start)
Yes Graham, I would get embarrassed too if someone said all that about me.
Pity the list did not go on like Anonymous promised.
I think that Anonymous is a friend of George Speight.He had a similar list.
Question-who are the hundreds of thousands that Anonymous says agree with him or her?
Fijian at heart says
We must add Marc Edge to the Glee Club. He has not been taking his tablets either as can be seen by his latest ravings in the anti-world. No wonder USP got rid of him.
The Romeo says
Marc Edge is still smarting after his romantic overtures at USP were spurned, as we read earlier in this blog. Hell hath no fury like a (in this case man) scorned. Everyone keep out of Mad Marc’s way!
Faraway says
Marc Edge is really losing it…………..Oh dear!
Please enough Edge …………… accept you lost and Graham won!
You’re wrong and Graham is right ……………..PLEASE ENOUGH!!!
We are tired of your sour comments in various anti blogs.
Why you digging your hole deeper ………….. you won’t be able to come out!!!
It’s really dark in there Edge!
H….e…l…l….o ……………. y..o..u …… t..h..e..r..e…?
kwaicolo says
Thanks Graham for the good work, keep it up!!!