Strange old world, isn’t it? One man is charged with killing his partner in a domestic violence incident and if convicted, will spend much of the rest of his life behind bars. The other bashed his wife to within an inch of her life but her father, the Prime Minister, managed to find her in the nick of time and save her. And now her attacker, Aseri Radrodro, is the “Honourable” Minister for Education.
One man receives the condemnation of Lynda Tabuya – the Minister for Bonking and Weed – but she has “brutal” sex with the other. And both the Minister and the entire women’s rights movement say nothing at all about a domestic violence abuser presiding over the futures of the nation’s young people.
Fiji is one hell of a f**ked up place when one woman dies at the hands of her partner and the book is thrown at him but another woman survives with life-long injuries and her abuser escapes scot free and gets to occupy one of the highest offices in the land.
Shame on Lynda Tabuya for her double standards as Minister for Women and Children and for professing her love for Aseri Radrodro in the leaked text messages from Room 233. And shame on her and the likes of Shamima Ali for turning a blind eye to a domestic violence abuser presiding over the destiny of the nation’s young people.
You are both beneath contempt and your wilful negligence and double standards will not be forgotten.
Silent Shamima the shameless.
Only in Fiji. The hand that bashed and almost killed holds the Bible and is sworn in as Education Minister.
…and the father of the woman he almost killed shakes the hand that almost took her life. Grotesque.
Neel says
Keep barking you bastard. No one cares.
Graham Davis says
Hugs and kisses to you too, “Dr” Neel. Fancy a bit of biff do we? Well you’ve voted for the right crowd.
Dan Kumar says
Sounds like you have been listed for a domestic violence case also, relax plenty of sandsoap in Naboro
Shamima Cares says
Shameless Shamima cares for all cases of domestic violence except for “Honourable” Aseri’s !!!—Ali-x4r85f/
Shameless Shamima says
Interesting how Shamima continues to choose men as contributors to family violence when her mate Tabuya is one as a woman. And a Minister too.
And so is she. Both alike.
Making Fiji Great Again says
Obviously you do, hence you’re responding.
GD is doing a tremendous job and is compulsory daily reading for a lot of us.
As for your use of the word “bastard”, his pedigree is impeccable.
What about yours?
It's a no brainer says
Actually Neel, plenty of people care. Only you don’t it seems. But your rude comment is useful, as it shows that resorting to aggression when told something you don’t like is acceptable behavior in your eyes. And acceptable to those in the Coalition who allowed a domestic gorilla to be in a position of power. It is exactly this lack of self control amongst some men which results in the abuse, control, violence and death of women and girls in Fiji.
If you actually don’t care, then stop reading. Your outburst makes us think that “Neel” is a pen name for “Aseri”
Ordinary Joe says
Sock cockers like ‘ Neel’ believe that when they stick their collective heads in the sand, no one else will see or care for anything. Typical bully mind set that perpetuate domestic violence that we should all be ashamed of. One does not need be a victim to understand this. However, if sockers like this idiot took time to speak with a victim, perhaps—and I’m holding me breath—perhaps a demonstrable fckwit as ‘neel’ might learn how acute the and long-term the suffering can be. It is a lonely road getting back to a sense of normal and the victims don’t heal, they carry the scars forever. Have some compassion. Be kind. Hate less. Or better still, find a way out of your misery.
Scary clown says
We hope your family or others near you take note of your foolishness because you are yourself for sure a DV abuser. If not you’d not be so crude and uncouth to disrespect all DV victims in one idiotic fell sweep.
Raymond says
A real screwed up government and leader of what was once a paradise of the South Pacific
Whoa! says
It’s very sad as people who support these bunch of hypocrite politicians are either high on weed themselves or have been brainwashed into believing these racist idiots, self serving rapists, druggist, treasonist are their saviors.
So blinded by hatred for the minority races or their own prejudices, people who vote for such politicians are no different from their supporters.
I was taught you don’t get anything in life easy, you have to work hard to achieve your dreams! I look at the GCC report and I wonder do iTaukei homes teach their children something else? You wait, everything will fall in your lap because God is good?
I keep wondering if Fiji will ever become a high class, modern state of the art country which holds values such as integrity, inclusion, equality and justice above all else. Everyday since December 25, 2022, I have been proven wrong. If this is change, we need a time travel machine to delete this period and the people who are the ‘change’. More like cha ching! for the so called honorable leaders!
Everyone needs to wake up from their deep, delusional slumber and take action!
Running away doesn’t fix any problems especially if you are a Fijian at heart. Yeah this statement is soft, so what! I feel what I feel.
Sad Observer Scared for Fiji says
The Coalition need not worry about anyone bringing disrepute to the legal system in Fiji, as they are doing a good enough job of that themselves.
Anonymous says
The convicts, the ones who got away, the zionists, the racists and all the monkeys and donkeys are out to play under this incompetent government….maybe we should call it a circus.
Fjord Sailor says
Graham, lest you forget Orwell’s Animal Farm “all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.”
As long as you’re a minister in Fiji, you can kill, engage in drug use, have extra marital affairs and do everything illegal under the sun, you will never be held accountable.
Is it any wonder why half the country queues up to register their interest to contest the country’s general elections? Full and free chow!!!
Anonymous says
It is truly disgusting that we have these two still in their position as ministers in the government. I have lost all faith in this government. Keep up your good work Grubsheet.
Broofstoyefski says
If only Rambo put his foot down instead of giving in to SODELPA’s whining, and Lynda is a “c0mpleet eejit” (typo intended to avoid the “defamation” thing). And that man who killed his partner deserves to be behind bars with a life sentence.
Coalition may be “okay” in power but their internal affairs leave alot to be desired, and they’re currently a bit of a laughing stock.
What you looking at? says
Just imagine the character of a father who will suck up to man who anally raped and almost killed his daughter just so that he can cling to a few more months or years of glory.
I am more worried about what the daughter thinks and feels. I am worried about what the wife of this man thinks.
In Fiji, such a man has the ideal qualities to lead the nation!
This is a true level of forgiveness by people who have an identity crisis. They no longer know whether they are Christians or the are Israelites.
The people and the ‘churen’ of Fiji are either truly blessed, or they are truly f*cked.
Joan of Arc says
The Fijian race are a conquered people, docile and easily misled by their corrupt leaders.
They all want to go to the heaven promised to them by a foreign God.
Shameful trio says
Did it ever occur to the Parliamentarian kutta and kutiya that lasa-i-tuba and misuse of drugs are the contributing factors to family violence in Fiji?
Lynda is still adamant that she is wise and telling us about it all. Shut the heck up Lynda. You are our national shame. A shame that large that even smaller Pacific leaders are laughing at Fiji because of you.
Shamima is just as bad as the Coalition. She has no right and place to tell others as she sides and chooses when to speak up. Completely useless. She needs to stand down.
There is no difference between the killer, Shamima, Aseri and Lynda. They all are marvelous makers of the harm in our society. 2 lives gone.
Power of one vote or one abuser says
This young man is taken to trial. So he should be. Let the justice system decide his faith.
Now can Aseri be taken to trial too? He must. What saved him? Will Fiji Police elaborate?
This is why Fiji Police and Fiji Government is so corrupt. There is no trust in the systems.
And it equally reflects on Rabuka and what kind of values he upholds just so he can stay in power.
It is the power of one vote and one abuser. A simple tag line that will stay with every victim and at risk woman in Fiji. This is the change i-taukei mostly voted for. Let’s keep praying.
V4Vendetta says
So many Fijian women of Indian descent were tortured, beaten and raped by Rabuka and his f@#king cowards. I guess this is what “their God” told them to do
Our God works in mysterious ways…and unfortunately for Rabuka, his daughter had to pay for the sins of her rapist and murderer father. Karma is a BITCH….can’t wait for Karma to settle Rabuka’s remaining debts.
Elle says
Exactly! Why can’t the media in Fiji, the Fiji Times, The Fiji Sun publish stories like this. Challenge the government!
Out of control harm says
2 lives taken. A young mother and a child in her womb.
Very sad indeed.
I also read about child sex crimes today. Was talking to a major NGO and they relayed that the government is doing nothing to support them. Just shows the country has so many problems and the government is asleep or dealing with its Minister’s first.
Half A Century Bod lol says
That half century bod bikini photo though. hahaha..Sa nanuma o Bu..Needs three bulagi cawakis planted in the right places to complete the cheap shot..hee-haw! lol something useful for the people of Fiji, boys and gal..if you fail in the good governance department as an MP, zip it. Sa rogoca?! Empty words. Stop making a fool out of yourselves, think of your poor families..thug world.
Alexandra Forwood says
One corrupt government replaces another corrupt government. It is unfortunate that ngo, government and individuals only protect who they want to protect.
Screwed leadership says
For having Marijuana this young man was jailed for 22 months last year. 22 months.
And here we have a woman minister and an education minister walking free like self deserving heroes. The law is not fair to these young people. When is Fiji Police ever going to do its job right? The country and its leaders are so not worthy of any praise.
It's a shit show. says
Reading the comments on Fiji’s prominent (gossip) pages this morning:
1. She was having an affair.
2 She was pregnant from another man.
3. She was living with another man when he was released from prison.
It shows that the society is hell bent on blaming a woman.
The MaiTV article didn’t help either. They said they wanted to report with ‘accuracy’ about the father of the girl forgiving the killer. They even quoted the father describing his daughter as doing wrong things. Media journalists in Fiji are so pathetic. They have no empathy, sensitivity and consideration for the vulnerability of the subject and other women at risk of further harm everyday.
What do we expect better?
Shamima can light another candle for her leaders who set such good example in Parliament.