Doubtless like many people, Grubsheet has had to reach for the sick-bag after one of the most cringemaking and totally undeserved instances of arse-licking in the sorry history of arse-licking in Fiji.
I’m not even going to try to paraphrase the vomit-inducing comments by the General Secretary of the Fiji Teachers Union, Muniappa Gounder, about the reinstatement of Aseri Radrodro as Education Minister. I simply couldn’t bear to have to repeat them. Suffice it to say that the Chief Toady in our schools has his tongue so far up Aseri Radrodro’s rear end that he is tickling his throat.
So the chief union representative of the teaching “profession” in Fiji thinks a domestic violence abuser who almost killed the Prime Minister’s daughter and had “brutal” illicit sex with Lynda Tabuya in Room 233 is an appropriate role model for Fijian young people. No wonder the education system is in crisis.
What on earth does Aseri Radrodro bring to that system? The ability to show children how to beat a woman and the precise entry point to the body to shove an object for maximum humiliation? Or how to get away with betraying your wife by leaving her sleeping in your hotel room and slinking off to have sex with a drunk and drug-fuelled fellow minister on an official parliamentary visit? Yes, all things Fijian children should know.
I could scarcely read the following drivel without choking on my madrai. But then I did a bit of research on Muniappa Gounder and found that he inherited the position of FTU General Secretary in April last year from Agni Deo Singh, the NFP politician who is the current Minister for Employment, Productivity and Industrial Relations in the Coalition government.
Agni Deo Singh controlled the FTU as general secretary for 23 years and still controls it through the appointments he engineered. So guess what, Fiji? We can be sure that this is a crude attempt by the NFP to bolster Aseri Radrodro’s credentials and try to make his re-appointment more palatable in its own interests and the interests of its Coalition partners. So much for keeping the bastards honest.
One more reason for every Mum and Dad in Fiji to drive a nail into the coffin of the NFP as soon as a new election is called. We have been betrayed by its leader, “Baimann” Prasad, and the likes of Agni Deo Singh and the sooner they and their union lackeys like the FTU General Secretary are propelled into the political wilderness, the better off Fijian children will be.
An utter disgrace.
“Moony- appa” Gounder. The miserable, enabling creep responsible for this rubbish.
Vomit inducing for anyone with half a brain and half a moral compass.
And all politically manipulated by Agni Deo Singh and the other betrayers in the NFP.
The announcement of Gounder’s appointment last April. You know, Fiji, where to direct your ire.
Sad Observer Scared for Fiji says
No amount of spin doctoring can make this decision non-vomit worthy.
Heathcliffe says
In Oz, we call Moony appa a rolled gold arse licker.
Perpetual sceptic says
Not sure what exactly Goundar is saying, I am sure it’s all that Gen AI spat out.
Diversity gone to bed says
Why are all FTU candidates all Indo-fijians and mostly men? What is this shit show, Fiji? No diversity left in Fiji?
GD, this particular lot, especially the assistant General secretary Mr Lingam was singing praises for Biman and Rabuka well before the election. They seem to be more of a political movement now than doing anything for teachers.
Peter says
There are 2 teachers unions, one called FTU for everyone and one called FTA for Kaiviti only.
All in a name says
I am taking that one is a union and the other an association. How clever with the names (Or NOT)
More baffled says
Still why FTU has indo-Fijians only?
Peter says
FTU has majority Indian, but has all other races in it except for Kaiviti who decided to go their own way and allows noone except Kaiviti to join. The reason for the Indian office bearers is that their voting bloc is larger than other ethnicities .
On the same note why is FTA only Kaiviti?
Ordinary Joe says
You’ll find the other group under the umbrella of Fijian Teachers Association. This ftuc group has historically largely vulagi led by people from across the ditch in the main. Both groups tend to know which side their bread is buttered. Ftu are usually the ethnos and ftuc the vulagi. Get w the program
Peter says
FTU is a member of FTUC just like all the orher unions are. FTA on the other hand doubles up firstly as SVT,then SDL, then SODELPA. Perhaps now affiliated to PAP
Delulu says
Bidet ❌️ Toad’s tongue ✅️
Vomit committee says
Mr Muniappa
Is all OK?
How sick of you all to even think Aseri is role model material! Will you allow your daughter near him?
I would like Fiji secondary and primary school students to cast a say or vote if they believe Lynda and Aseri are fit to lead them. I know what the young people of Fiji will say.
These lot hold no credibility in FTU. Disgusting humans. Glad you put a light on them Graham. No wonder we have such horrible teaching and moral standards in Fiji. Just look at that committee list. Long list of stupid lasa-i-tuba lot too.
SoDisappointing says
So concerning indeed, the FTU as an institution has been disgraced by the GS. And this organisation is exclusively Indo-Fijian. Whatever little credibility you had is now gone FTU. This sycophantic behavior, ingratiating yourselves through arse-licking tactics (masipolo) will no doubt damage our education system which has been respectfully and diligently evolved and has been sacrosanct. You have to resign GS in the interest of FTU and our education system. There is no other way.
Scrutiny on death says
I would like to know where is the report on the incident that Agni Deo was conducting on the Communications Fiji Ltd event last year where a young woman died. It is over 6 months now. Where are the findings Agni?
Naraine says
Agni Deo singh ate that report and took a dump already. He aint bothered about poor Fijians…he and his mates are all sorted under the current leadership.
He’s now only focused on eating as much as possible. The minimum wage drama has also bben started to make him look busy.
I bet after all the spending on several committees and consultation…if there is a change, it will be what Fiji First government had already put in place.
Anyway, the poor girl is lost in the pages, so is her father who died of grief, snd so are many more because Agni deo singh is more interested in self filling rather than actually being a rep for the people.
Green Army thug says
Fiji has become a nation of rule breakers, run by gang leaders, for the interest of gang leaders.
Blame yourself, no one else says
I think Muniappa Goundar looks like a scary piece of shit. How can people like this be in charge of the education of our kids. He, together with his lackeys like Agni Deo Singh and Rajesh Ishwar Lingam should go and visit the unfinished Ram Temple in Ayodhya and ask for forgiveness.
The names of all the office bearers tells us a lot about this “diverse and representative” nature of this organisation. Are they all “Sanatanis” or “Arya Samajis”?
How is this even allowed in the first place?
The children of Fiji are truly blessed and then they all wonder why they are where they are!!!
“The Chief Toady in our schools has his tongue so far up Aseri Radrodro’s rear end that he is tickling his throat”. I love it.
Muniappa should show us all how long his tongue is. On second thoughts, I do not wish to see a tongue covered in the brown stuff.
Anatomist says
Wrong there GS.
He didnt just lick the ass, he reached into the rectum and up the colon as well.
New standards of NFP i guess.
Tinai says
Kaila! Your pictures. Lol
Bibbawarra. Boy says
Professional ball-greaser!
It's a no brainer says
Sadly, because of main stream media, the people believe anything they are told. It’s just so sad. I used to hate ASK so much I would have to mute the news so I couldn’t hear his voice in the end. I think I hate AR more.
Lorraine says
Actually GD the secondary school system is so degraded and corrupted no right minded parent would want to send their daughters to boarding school or they’ll come out victims of predators in higher classes. The antics of the Minister are just a normal reflection of what happens within the school system. Fiji is well and truly stuffed.
Anonymous says
Muniappa Goundar’s speech sounds like something that is AI generated. Is there any way to check this?
The English teacher says
Yes and looks like overuse of ” big ” words.
It’s almost the type of English used in places say like Equatorial Guinea or Togo !!
Meaning failed states or banana republics – the very slippery path Fiji seems to be on by choice! How ironic.
Anonymous says
“Money Appa” sounds more like P Bala (PB) when PB sang praises of ASK in the previous Gov. He probably is eyeing for PS Education job or hush paisa or greasing the ball to prepare for nexr GE ticket under PA/NFP
SoSad says
Splendid response GD. MN is on the FNU Council also. He is running such a serious institution without due credibility and now this filth. What can we expect? Much more AL which seems to be the order of the day! Where else can such skunks be without AL? Making most of what they can exploiting the circumstances under the pretense of being a chieftain! Incompetence breeds incompetence, wisdom sorely missing to nurture excellence. What a poignant, sad state of affairs.
Rajesh Nand says
Grubsheet, do you recall what George Speight said to the media about Fiji Indians? Sadly, he was correct.
Some in our community like Baiman, Agni Deo, this Muniappa fit those description
Samuel Chand says
Ooh Graham, I just saw a facebook post about him
They called him Muttiappa
Mutti means piss in Hindi
English teacher! says
Maybe the use of superlatives and heaping underserved praise on the new minister is a literary tool used by Mr Muniappa to subtly ridicule this person, the PM and the re-appointment??!!
Graham Davis says
If you believe that, you’ll believe anything. Fijians don’t do subtlety or irony. And you know that. Grossly irresponsible and misleading conduct even if it’s true. Which it is not. Let the man speak for himself if I have misrepresented his comments.
English and History teacher! says
“I beg to be executed for intruding on your valuable time with my request”. Literary style. I was only saying in jest and having fun!
Yes it’s blatant appeasement and ear tickling by the GS Goundar. Akin to those locals who join the side of an invading occupying army for self preservation. Rather than fight the invaders with the resistance patriots.
Fed up of i-taukei argi bhaji says
Fiji as a whole is so uncivilized.
After reading the new GCC report I am glad that I left Fiji when I did after 2000.
People have the entitled mentality.
I-taukei have to realise that they have as much potential as Maori in New Zealand. But no. They sit and wait and blame others.
Keep blaming.
You have your land.
Start planting or doing something.
Whoa! says
I’m disgusted by some of the comments people share here.
Discuss what the person has done, say what is wrong about it. Question his credibility to be GS and if he supports a rapist, an abuser, question why the committee is not inclusive.
Why do we target people based on their race, color, physical appearance???
You ALL are racist if you continue doing this, it’s a vicious cycle!!!
Be better!
Graham Davis says
Agree. Wholeheartedly.
Anonymous says
Agreed. However with the enablers of racism now in full power in Fiji, its become common talk to say racist stuff and open declare that you are a racist.
Take for example, many ministers liking the post by some dumb a$$ called Semi Tukana. As the saying goes ” monkey see monkey do”, thats what racist in Fiji are doing.
Fiji is no longer a place I want to raise my kids. I’d rather be somewhere else…hopefully soon.
Anonymous says
Well observed.
Dawasamu water says
Also Fijians are getting really bad at hiding how racist they actually are.
Just went through a post circulating on X and Facebook about some satanic stuff in the constitution. I couldn’t believe that some of my friends actually liked the post. Some people i work with and are extremely highly educated but obviously racist.
Ask yourself if you want to live in a country thats headed this way in the last 18 months. In the next 4 years dont be surprised if there are separate courts, separate schools, police, job descriptions for the different ethnicities in Fiji.
Get out of Fiji if you can. There is literally jungle law in Fiji now.
Water authority says
Ditto Dawasamu Water.
What lies beneath the mask of some otherwise ordinary folk never ceases to surprise.
And of the type of people you refer to, in addition to being racist – they are even more so likely to be great adopters of any far fetched conspiracy theory circulating!
Must be something in Fiji’s water!
What you looking at? says
I understand that there is also a Fijian Teachers Association, which is a rival association representing the iTaukei teachers. Fijian at that time referred to iTaukei. How this was even allowed in the first place and how this has been allowed to continue even now tells us about the basic racism prevalent in Fiji. No one has spoken about this in the decades, no one except me that is. I think many do not even know this race based unionism even exists. Both these organsations must be disbanded. But with the undercurrent of the present racist agenda of this government, I doubt this will happen any time soon.
Because at the moment, there is talk to introducing a race based Constitution. We all are told by the GCC and by the government that the ITaukei need special treatment because they are special people.
Nfp voter says
I see theres other NFP oldies also defending this certain reinstament with tooth and nail. A certain nfp boy whose name rhymes with “chuttar” meaning @$$ is all in on twitter explaing the prime Ministers noble decision.
I have started to lose faith in humans. I voted for NFP…bloody pigs all of them turning out to be.
Diaspora 1978 says
Mmmmm so the only ‘vulagi’s’ left in good old Fiji are those who ‘enable’ itaukeis.
“you are only as good as your team’s lowest common denominator’
Broofstoyefski says
Dumbest speech I’ve ever heard from Muniappa
Dejected says
Someone please enlighten me, is this Lingam the same chap who terrorises Fijians daily with his sycophantic letters to the Fiji Times, either rephrasing the previous day’s news, or thanking the reporters and the editor?
I hope not because if it is, then he is a sorry model for a teacher.