It’s a sign of how far standards of conduct have fallen under the Coalition that this is what occurred at the ODPP’s Conference at week’s end – the Deputy DPP, John Rabuku, “singing” while his ostensible boss, the Acting DPP, Nancy Tikoisuva, lolls drunkenly beside him with a stack of liquor bottles in front of her.
It really is like the last days of Rome in Fiji at the top right now – the collapse of all decorum in the offices of state and people in trusted positions like Rabuku and Tikoisuva behaving as if there is no tomorrow.
We’ve already reported that John Rabuku invited the FICAC Commissioner, Barbara Malimali, to the ODPP’s Conference when he is supposed to be investigating her for abuse of office as chair of the Electoral Commission. Fortunately for him, Malimali isn’t in this video, as far as Grubsheet can see. But among the faces at this taxpayer- funded bacchanalia is that of the Permanent Secretary for Justice, Selina Kuruleca.
Nancy Tikoisuva’s drunken antics warrant her being sacked as Acting DPP. But it isn’t going to happen. Because this sort of conduct is par for the course for the pigs at the trough of the “New Order”. If it isn’t Jack Daniels and “brutal” sex in Room 233 at the taxpayer’s expense, it is excesses like this.
You have paid for this soiree, Fiji. So enjoy the clip and wonder how the hell these people ever got to where they are as senior officers of state in charge of the prosecution arm of the criminal justice system. Unbelievable.
Click on the link below…
The Acting Director of Public Prosecutions in more sober times. She has now brought disgrace to the office and must go.
But like her drunken counterpart at FICAC, Barbara Malimali *, and wannabe singer John Rabuku, Nancy Tikoisuva is a protected species under the Coalition and its stooge at the Judicial Services Commission – the rogue Acting Chief Justice Salesi Temo.
Both are a disgrace to the criminal justice system and a national embarrassment.
*A reminder of Barbara Malimali’s drunken antics in Tuvalu.
Shame on you Nancy! says
Embarrassing!!! Wtf is wrong with you guys, Nancy?! Is this how you run a constitutional office? And please don’t tell us you’re entitled to have fun. Wonder what the Minister for Justice thinks about this video! The lot of you need to be removed.
Sad Observer Scared for Fiji says
Oh dear the embarrassment. Though given Fijis current state I think the only person who will be held accountable is the videographer.
Heathcliffe says
The wine is expensive in Fiji. All paid for by the taxpayer. No wonder the elites are prepared to use ordinary folks to create coups and win power.
This is truly disgusting behaviour by a bunch of rolled gold effwits.
Haters says
A bunch of iTaukei elites living it up at the expense of the mainly Indofijian taxpayers. Not a single indofijian or any other ethnicity in their circle.
Where will the money to enjoy come from when you’ve disenchanted the majority Indofijian taxpayers and they leave the country?
Taukei Liberation Front says
Come on GD. This is Fiji. Its a small country for heavens sake. This is not PNG or Redfern in Sydney. People in Fiji enjoy each others company, despite their differences. Whats wrong with enemies having a piss up together?
You claim to be a Fijian but you dont understand how things happen in Fiji. Shows how you did not pay attention to how true Fijians behave socially. Oh, I forgot….you were a V….? Lol
Graham Davis says
And you are an FW. But there you go. One of them.
Anonymous 2 says
We are Fiji. If you dont like the way we behave then bugger off.
Why are you and the rest of the uncircumcised world wasting your time about whats going on in Fiji when you dont even pay tax to Fiji?
If you cant see the moral or ethical problem with that, then you and your fellow ‘boci’s have a serious problem.
Cheers bro
Graham Davis says
Hey, f**kwit. Boo!
Anonymous 2 says
Vinaka bro GD. I know where your heart lies. God bless.
Anonymous says
Dear Anonymous 2
So you think being circumcised gives you the right to be superior than anyone else? Or being uncircumcised bars people from commenting of what is happening in Fiji?
I bet you most people commenting here have paid more taxes in Fiji than you ever will in your lifetime.
You are a bigot, a racist and an embarrassment to Fijian people. People like you give us indigenous people a bad name.
You are probably a good Christian person who goes to church every Sunday, sing hymns, clap your hands and jump up and down and think you are a good person.
You are not. You don’t belong in todays civilised world where we respect other people.
Thats right, the Christian church which is not a Fijian concept. Its a vulagi church. Should the church bugger off as well?
People like you will never progress because of your narrow-minded thinking.
Go get yourself an education to give you some knowledge and acceptable values.
Brutal says
No one’s stopping you guys from enjoying. Might be the only chance that they’re getting. Its free after all and at the expense of the’s acting like a bunch of whores which is the shocking part.. all that money spent on booze could really have liberated a couple of itaukeis if that’s what you genuinely want..yeah right.
Ashamed says
My goodness how I cringe ! Indeed GD the brutal sex wasn’t enough to sack the two Ministers because fish rots from the head! Rabuka definitely has his hands in the parties of the Minister for Women. I mean where in the world do we have a Minister for any govt Ministry nominate the Prime Minister of the country to act in her capacity when she travels abroad for more @ official duties” but someone she can treat as her “boy to do her job for her whilst she’s away”.
Then we have these lot ! I had a lot of respect for Nancy but this video looks irks. Selina Kuruleca corrupt and a case of investigations now with FICAC we have her spreading the low morale values to similar birds of the same feather!
I honestly wonder whether the pain for us the ordinary citizens can get any worse! What a shame ! 🥹
Anonymous says
The brutal sex was between two consenting adults …for f**k’s sake !
Who are you and your fellow bajaru and ‘ben chod’ like GD to cast aspersions on why they as adults are doing what they did in the privacy of Room 223 or elsewhere?
Grow up…please
Graham Davis says
The People’s Alliance – in a judgment co-signed by the Prime Minister – found that as well as illicit sex, there had been drug taking and stripped the Minister for Women and Children of the role of deputy leader of the party.
So it isn’t as innocuous as you have tried to spin it. The two people involved also lied to the PM and the nation about what had happened. And this “brutal” encounter occurred on an official parliamentary visit with the wife of the Education Minister sleeping in an adjoining room.
Anywhere else in the world, they would have been sacked. But this is Fiji where such conduct is acceptable to “grown-ups” like you.
Dejected says
What I’d like to know is who the videographer with the fake accent and bawling singing is. She should audition for MIC. It’s right up their alley with the right set of judges too.
Slacker says
Many Fijians like to put on a fake accent. As for MIC, it is a minority league thing compared to America. A lot of things in Fiji are minority leagues. The quality is pathetic. MIC, IDC, BOG, Fiji Fact, the auto show held in Navua, Kula Film Awards, Hibiscus Festival, etc. It is like wherever those things started at, it has remained the same. Just look at the quality of product commercials on Fijian television and compare them with American ones. There’s a big difference. There’s even a big difference between the promos made for TV shows for Fijian TV channels and US TV networks. Just watch 90s Cartoon Network promos on YouTube and you’ll see the difference. The number one excuse Fijians come up with to explain the poor quality of their ads and promos is that Fiji has a lack of resources. I’ve never seen any Fijian channels have bumpers for their shows. Correct me if I’m wrong.
A little birdy told me that a search for more mic’s was conducted not long after that video was recorded.
Elena says
Gone are the days when civil servants would show up at cocktails clutching a glass of orange juice wrapped in tissue paper so no one knew what s/he was drinking,
The correct etiquette for civil servants was they’d do one circuit of the room, meeting the main players, then after a short while they depart to be fresh for the following morning.
The revellery shown by this gaggle of legal practitioners of the high office of the DPP with goofy Kuruleca egging them on, breaches every protocol and custom for civil service behaviour.
Basically they are all drunks. It has compromised their roles and conflicts with the best civil service norms.
They should all be disciplined.
Guru Singh says
Must be celebrating the hard earned climate change fund, paid for by the taxpayers of the “developed” nations.
Lucky country says
If people are wandering why the country is going to the dogs, that is because we have donkeys in charge. The kaila gang is in charge of our legal system. Fijians are so lucky to have these people running the show.
Just look at how proud they are in setting the highest standards.
I think they are trying to pretend they are white, if you look closely. But it is not working as far as I can see.
Monkeys and donkeys says
Or is it the case that when you employ monkeys, you end up with donkeys. Or is it the other way round?
Bula fiji says
And they blame others for loosing their culture. Singing, dancing, dressing and drinking vulagi style. All paid for by taxpayers. Hopefully the poor itaukeis see this and maybe these types of behavior will drive home some sense. Look at that kuru girl. Kicked out from one ministry and saved by this ministry. She is trying too hard to fit in it’s almost cringe.
Don’t forget Rabuka had his party at GPH, the GCC theirs, this lot, the Baku gang and some others I can’t recall.
Meanwhile the poor and average are looking on from the sidelines.
JiaojiSavou for PM! says
Deservedly. The poor and average looking on from the sidelines, deservedly.
The poor and average voted for this change, mind. The poor and average in truth love these types of conduct from the higher ups. They roar with laughter and applaud the ‘performers.’
Fed-up says
“With out you..what do I do with me?” Hmmm…let’s see. Maybe you all can F off to under the rock from which you all came after 2026? How about that for starters?
Shameful! Absolutely disappointing!
Fijian observer says
The lack of wisdom or self awareness demonstrated by this group in this reported incident is appalling.
Indeed individuals are entitled to have a good time but you would think that this would be organized in private, safe spaces , away from the public eye..where they can retreat to their private residences or rooms away from gaping eyes and fake friends they choose to party with, who then leak inappropriate photos and images of public office holders like this .
In an age where everyone has cameras on their mobiles and social media access which can live feed footage and information, you would think that any level-headed individual would be more mindful and calculated about their behaviour and particularly more so when you are a public official or civil servant in a public setting.
I cringed reading this update and watching the video linked with this post. I felt both embarrassed for all those photographed and videoed and also ashamed for the offices of state that they represent.
Talk about sabotage ! By whoever it was that captured this party and fed it around the place.
To the public officials exposed in this footage, all I can say is you brought this on yourself . Ok so you had a good time … but where are your peers/ friends / colleagues who should have proactively managed this risk and advised you to take the party somewhere private. Where are your gatekeepers who should have made sure phones were put away to prevent such silliness being publicized .
This is not only about you as individuals it is about the office and roles you represent and the responsibilities and behaviors expected. As a public official whether you like it or not you are always watched. It comes with the territory of public service.
At so many different levels this expose demonstrates the failures of checks and balances for the officials at both professional and personal levels.
To this crew caught on camera please have a good hard look at yourselves and your trusted inner circle.
All work and no play makes anyone dull but on the same note if you are going to play – play smart.
This is sloppy, disgraceful and unacceptable behaviour particularly so if it happened at an official government event funded by taxpayers.
But this is destined to happen when leaders get pushed into positions by accident / agenda and not steadily groomed or career pathwayed into leadership. As a result we create half cooked, mediocre, unbalanced and questionable characters and behaviours that undermine the trust, image and integrity of public officials and public office.
Leadership is not just about being qualified. It’s about having the right personal attributes and character to handle the weight of responsibility and accountability.
( this is embarrassing)
& I hope there is some level of remorse or public apology from these officials.
The Prime Minister better get his house in order – his coalition and his executive office holders of state are starting to look more rogue with each passing day.
It’s distasteful and disappointing.
Pride becomes a fall and this government seems to be in a constant state of free fall.
What a shame.
Let’s see how the Public Service Commission handles the individuals in this reported incident.
It will be an interesting week ahead , that’s for sure 🙂 as we all wait to see how this matter is handled according to the processes and procedures for discipline as well as outlined in the code of conduct and ethics for public office holders. (Assuming of course that there is one and that it is followed through operationally)
Graham Davis says
You’ve nailed it, “Fijian Observer”. Wise, judicious and everything these individuals are not. Vinaka!
Donna says
Fijians who voted for the coalition can look at their empty pockets and enjoy the shitshow that the coalition puts up every single day.
Unfortunately like the government, many Fijians are also too blind to see the train approaching ahead.
Idiots everywhere says
They are trying to act like vulagi and that is why the whole thing looks stupid. Why are they pretending to be vulagi when they clearly are not!!! They are drinking vulagi drinks which they cannot handle and is not suitable. They are pretending to be lawyers for which they are not suited either.
That is the real reason they look out of place.
Forget the standards, there is a more fundamental problem here.
Proud dumbos says
The reality is, this is iTaukei land, they are in charge, they have wrested power from the vulagi and it is now for them to behave as they wish in their own land after 16 long years. They can now set their own standards in their own land and the vulagi can get stuffed.
Tell me that is not the mentality you see amongst these proud dickheads.
Is there another explanation, anyone?
Idiots everywhere says
To be perfectly honest, I believe that John and Nancy now have the ideal characteristics, experience and qualifications to be appointed judges.
Just speaking from recent past experience of other appointments.
This would make the iTaukei even prouder and confirm Fiji’s status as a leading and proud Third World Banana Republic.
It will be a great achievement, just like Malimali.
Inquiry needed says
I want the PM and the relevant Minister to get evidence of how each of them went home.
Did any one of these monkeys drive home? If the PM and the relevant Minister is serious an inquiry must be held and people must be compelled to come as witnesses to give evidence. The public needs to know where each of these people live and how they went home. Please do not tell me they have official cars with drivers!!!!
Graham Davis says
Of course they do.
Lucky country says
You mean their drivers will wait for them whilst they have a piss-up? Is that counted as official duty?
run the country down says
The drivers will claim their meal allowance and overtime for being sober waiting for the drunkard masters.
Nick says
This gauri was forced to resign after court found his appointment illegal but came back as Deputy DPP to enjoy taxpayer funded perks and merry making whilst compromising the integrity and standards of the ODPP. He should be terminated as he doesn’t deserve to be part of the judiciary. This includes Nancy. Both are supporters of the PAP and have been planted by them to ensure law and order is compromised, aided by most disgraceful Salesi Temo. God save Fiji. No wonder everything is beginning to slowly fall apart.
No Self Restraint in Fiji says
This over indulgence is prevalent in fiji.
Overeating, drinking kava and alcohol and major self indulgence. I see little willpower or self restraint.
That’s why almost everyone is obese or drunk.
They are going to take everything they can get. The vulagi I know are professional and aware and don’t have a problem with self restraint.
Holding back has to be practiced to have a strong mind and mental toughness.
Unsilent_Minority says
Graham, a number of factors led to the fall of Rome. It all stemmed from WEAK LEADERSHIP.
Fjord Sailor says
Easy to see from this absolutely disgusting shitshow why these Fijian wannabe elites want the vulagis out of Fiji, and why they’re so keen to ensure all the top roles are given to Fijians.
If every monkey danced the same dance, there is no-one to complain or keep them in check. This video should go viral and given to international media to show the world what the true state of affairs are in Fiji, where the criminals bed and fratenise with corrupt lawmakers and appointments are made based on ethnicity and who you know/slept with.
Anonymous# says
PS just-us is a known drunk in the cocktail circles with a reputation as a loud mouth and uncouth behavior. She’s been carried out (literally) from a few such places. A claimed psychotherapist who needs to see a shrink. Complete disgrace as an alcohol feuled kaicolo. Vakamadua dina.
How will the PSC handle the situation? By doing nothing. Zero.
Leung: The wet-behind -the-years, are polite, well presented young professionals who bring dignity and class as responsible young lawyers. They don’t bring this level of disgrace to their fellow lawyers, are much preferred compared to your lot. These drunks are certainly not dry.
Quick question to the Cat in a Hat AG: were you there, did you attend this function?
Anonymous# says
Correction: The wet-behind -the-ears.
Laisani - The Disaster says
The person recording is Assistant DPP Laisani Tabuakuro. Shameful. She sent the video to a bunch of her friends.
Hypocrisy says
Now you can see why some of Fiji’s finest defence counsels are tuning rings around these drunken louts. Shame on JSC for appointing this drunkard to the position of ADPP. Will JSC suspend Tikoisuva and sack the liquid-fueled singer. Remember Christopher Pryde was immediately suspended for being seen to be talking to the former AG. What standards will the JSC apply here. I am sure nothing will happen to them since their puppet master and the third member of the ODPP is sitting at the head of the JSC. Sheer hypocrisy.
Shameful says
This is the extent of John’s work in ODPP. Oh, and lets not forget he was Qiliho’s lawyer and later when he was appointed Acting DPP he sanctioned the appeal against Qiliho and Frank’s acquittal.
Ashamed says
Today anyone who gets some formal qualification thinks they can lead! That’s why we have idiots everywhere and bush bunnies as Ministers! No decorum no everything else
Findian says
And there was Graham Leung belittling the young lawyers on being wet behind the ears. What does he have to say about these clowns.
Then kuruleca had the audacity to write on social media that people should be allowed to enjoy themselves. Her response was as crude as she is. I think that comment of hers has now been deleted.
Get Up Fiji says
This is absolutely disturbing and disgusting. This Coalition, as well now know, have totally lost the plot.
What they have done is basically given license to all sorts of chaos and corruption by law, to behave as stupidly and corrupt as they have done in this video.
Little wonder why the police force have no order and law in their ranks. They are taking their cue from their leaders.
Zimbabwe of the South Pacific. Give me everything the vulagis have but don’t interfere with our country. Are they that addicted to alcohol that they stack their tables with drinks like the nightclubs?
For these stupid idiots depicted in the video, who call themselves leaders, the following definition of I taukei applies to you.
I taukei = kai veikau
I taukei = kai colo
I taukei = kaisi
Your behaviour in this video is not enjoyment but gluttonous overindulgence. All at the tax payer’s expense.
Rotten to the core you all are!!!!
Anonymous says
That’s the only thing I can say.
Selina ‘Ulukau’ Kuruleqa says
Absolutely! “…gluttonous overindulgence at tax payer’s expense.
Classless and Rotten to the core!”
Somebody tell the idiot and ulukau Selina Kuruleca. She was passionately defending this despicable behavior on social media. This is the type of imbeciles we have in government leadership positions. The country is doomed.
Kava farmer says
The coalition and its crooks are behaving like a wild bull that has entered a pea field.
Doesn’t know what to do after seeing so much food, in this case drunk with power and money, so they are running around rampant.
How low can this government fall? We have to stop asking this question as people are taking it up as a challenge in Fiji.
Terrified says
If being of “sober habits” is a selection criteria for jobs in the Office of Director of Public Prosecutions, John Rabuku, Nancy Tikoisuva and others in the group, including Kuruleca as PS fir Justice, certainly do not qualify and should have their appointments reviewed.
Tarek says
Make hay while the sun shines….thats the motto of the coalition and its cronies.
Loot the public coffers as much as you can. PM has dementia, Bimaan is a coward, all others are just basking in the sun now.
What will remain of Fiji come 2026….my gues is NOT MUCH
Paula Raqeukai says
Isa o Viti – very sad indeed!
I am sure they will be watching and reading all these comments and regret what they did.
I hope they learned their lessons, as leaders of our justice system they should set decent examples in the public EYE even when they are enjoying social relaxation events such as this…SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!